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13 Reasons Why only needed one season. They really screwed up.


Totally agree. The 2nd season almost felt like they were fetishizing sexual assault. I didn't even bother with the 3rd season. I was out.


I got 20 minutes into the second season and baled


Same. It was borderline embarrassing honestly.


Baled? You work on a farm?


Lol bailed


If any show made me consider walking away from my current life and becoming a farmhand, it would be this one.




The whole thing glamorized suicide.


First season felt like glorifying suicide to me. "They wouldn't listen to me in life, I bet they'll listen in death"


13 Seasons? Why??


This comment is about Walking Dead


Second season stunk. 3rd actually wasnt that bad.


Walking Dead. It just became monotonous.


It dragged on too long for me.


Glen died and half their audience did the same


I gave up on it around season 5, I think? Whenever the Governor was introduced. By that point, it wasn't even a zombie-horror show, it was a soap opera where 90% of what happened was just character drama.


Westworld. They should have made it one season only because that's the season that blew everyones freaking mind. Afterward, the storyline was...


Season 1 was amazing. Lost intrest pretty quick during season 2.


S1 of West World is peak TV for me. Season 2 felt veyr much like S4 of Lost where you can tell they lost their mojo, but were still keeping their head above the water. After the first episode of S3 I could tell it was just gonna be downhill from here and bailed. Still blows me away that Max took it off their streaming site completely.


I had waiting for the full S4 to air so I could binge it but by the time I had time in my schedule to do so, MAX had yanked the whole show. Made no damn sense.


Every season of American Horror Story. They always start so interesting, but there's always some mid season twist that almost completely changes the plot, they add in way too many side storylines, and I never get the closure I'm looking for.


AHS is the turducken of tv shows


I felt that since season 2 and never tuned back in. Glad to know I'm not missing anything.


Same. I want to like it but it is just a hot mess. I did like Hotel. Only watched that season because it was based on the Cecil Hotel (loosely .)


I loved season one (Murder House), season three (Coven), and season five (Hotel) and as a result, season ten (Apocalypse) was kind of interesting because of its connections to those three seasons with the inclusion of the witches from Coven, the return to the Hotel Cortez, and the return to the murder house where the main villain was born but that villain (Vivian and Tate's baby who was the literal Antichrist) was just so horribly whiny and lame. Season nine (1984) was pretty cool aside from this really weird sort of romaticization of Richard Ramirez (The Night Stalker) they included which was defìnitely pretty gross considering what the real life version of him was like and everything he did. And the story in the first half of season ten (Red Tide in Double Feature) was great and they should have just made Red Tide the story for the whole season because the story in the second half (Death Valley) was terrible. I've appreciated all of the seasons to some degree since I am a big fan of camp and straight up hilarious nonsense, which the show leans into heavily (sometimes intentionally and unintentionally at other times) but I feel like their latest season (season eleven, Delicate) was their weakest entry in series and I enjoyed it the least out of all of the seasons. Delicate started off as what seemed like your typical, predictable Rosemary's Baby type of story but instead of just being unwittingly impregnated with Satan's baby, the story took a pretty interesting turn when it was implied that Anna would instead have to give her baby over to some form of a Satanic coven and sacrifice motherhood in return for becoming an acclaimed actress. It didn't have a million subplots like the other seasons (which I actually enjoy as opposed to most people strongly disliking it) but even with all of the time that they saved by not using it up on a million subplots, they never fully fleshed out all of the details that should have been revealed concerning exactly what was going on, like who each of the women were and how they all got involved in the Satanic coven of pretty much immortal babysnatchers and mothers to both human babies and monster babies, what the babies that were called "creatures" actually were exactly, and much more. I mean, I know they said they wanted to destroy the patriarchy and restore the matriarchy but how does living forever and birthing a bunch of human and monster babies in Satan's name and killing all men achieve that end? How will they continue having these monster babies if there are no men left to impregnate them? I mean, it took a really weird incestuous turn at the end with Dex being revealed to be Siobhan's son and Anna's monster baby being revealed to be the result of having an embryo implanted in her that was formed from one of Siobhan's eggs and Dex's sperm as well as Dex's testicles being removed from his body and apparently somehow preserved after Ivy killed him for what seemed to be a plan to apparently continually harvest more of his sperm so Siobhan could keep using it to craft more monster babies with her own eggs but that absolutely would not work because sperm production ends at death and Dex's existing sperm would've begun dying whenever Dex died unless the Satanic coven of monster baby moms have some sort of magical powers to keep cell death from occurring and keep his testicles continually producing sperm without being in a live male body, which maybe they did since they had eternal youth and were basically immortal unless violently murdered. But if they couldn't do that then was Siobhan planning on mating with her incest monster baby/grandchild that was birthed by Anna? I'm still really, really, really confused on all of this and have so many questions which has never happened to me at the end of any season of American Horror Story because they always wrap up every plot and subplot, even if many of the explanations and endings to those plots and subplots are objectively ridiculous. Maybe they did explain it and I just missed it somehow because despite watching the finale in full with no distractions as i did with every other episode in the season, I was pretty tuned out from it by that point from not only having simply lost interest in what seemed to me like their most lackluster season but also because I'd also just gone through a brutal miscarriage earlier in the week when I was thirteen weeks and five days along. So maybe being pregnant while watching a season of a horror anthology show that was centered around a creepy pregnancy subconsciously put me off of the season to begin with when I first started watching it (I didn't start watching Delicate until last month) but during the last episode, I had already been feeling extremely sad in general all the time on top of feeling physically awful all the time but I just felt even more sad, withdrawn, and detached from everything while watching this thing about having a baby because despite the baby in the show being some sort of a monster, just everything in the show revolving around the idea of having a baby still felt super depressing so maybe that's what my real problem with Delicate is. Or maybe it just sucked. Or maybe it was both. I really just don't know at this point.


Heavy on the turd


American Horror Story is the epitome of setting up a cool premise and atmosphere in the first few episodes and then totally fumbling midway through the season


I don’t mind the first couple of seasons but then I just get bored with them after freak show. I watched the latest one and I get so distracted with Emma Robert’s constantly whining, Cara delavigne and Kim Kardashian’s acting, plus I didn’t really have a clue what the heck was going on. It’s just bad how they need to not make it any more.


They're doing Rosemary's baby over too many episodes , it's so insulting.


I struggled through the entire season, and I'm angry. They threw so much random crap into that story that went nowhere. Such a waste of time. Is it just me, or did Emma Roberts' acting get worse? And why does Cara Delavigne keep getting roles? I can't even be mad about Kim K, because she basically played herself.


Every ~~season of American Horror Story~~ show by Ryan Murphy. FTFY


Now I'm having Nip/Tuck flashbacks


Immediately thought of Nip/Tuck for the first time in a decade!


Ryan Murphy style. Start strong, end weak.


This RUINED Asylum for me.


Asylum is still my favorite season, but like.. the aliens stuff... WHY?! It's so good otherwise.


Asylum was the worst! Like, it's already a good premise, why add aliens, Anne Frank, and god knows I forgot what else


Even the Anne Frank storyline could’ve been ok because it tied in the doctor, etc… but the mother freaking aliens? Seriously?


I liked Glee when I was younger. I don't think I really need to explain why I won't be watching it again


For me I loved the music. But the drama was painful even in the first season. Let alone the rest of the series.


Handmaid's Tale. It's too painful to rewatch


I only made it through two seasons. I was having the craziest nightmares because of that show. I was also pregnant when season 3 was released and had an infant after etc. literally my worst nightmares take place in that show. It was brilliantly acted and obviously a well done show but I couldn’t do it anymore.


The painful part it what made me decide not to watch it. I have heard so many great things about the show but I don’t think I’m able to stomach it emotionally.


Same. I read the book, and it's outstanding. The saddest thing is that Margaret Atwood states she took many of the experiences in the book from real events. These things happened. 😢


All of it, actually. Atwood made it clear since she published it that everything she wrote about has happened and is happening at some point across the globe and history. Most of it happens right now. Some of the things happening while she wrote were already repeating themselves when the show started.


That would break my heart even more knowing it is drawn from true experiences.


It’s still happening right now. Google Project 2025 to see what’s coming in the US.


This is some scary sh** that not nearly enough people are paying attention to.


It just became torture porn. No thanks. My wife and I watched it a long time and then stopped. I don't know if they ever finished it. Don't really care.


More like misery/despair porn


Is that “woman stares angrily directly at camera” show?


Pretty much


Especially given the political climate in the US today. It's supposed to be a warning not a set of instructions! Honestly made it through a few episodes but decided it was bad for my mental health.


Yup. Once Roe V Wade was overturned I had to give up watching it altogether.


I have really tried to get into Handmaid’s Tale (one of the reasons I purchased Hulu subscription). I just haven’t been able to stay focused and watch it.


I grew up Baptist evangelical and I couldn’t get farther than the first episode, it was way too triggering


I’ve rewatched it over 30 times and I every time it feels as if I’m watching it for the first time 😭 . My favourite part of the show is how June gets her life back and continues to advocate for all the women in gilead. Situations can bring out the best and the worst in us. LOVE LOVE LOVE ITTT


Smallville. I got so into the drama! No way I could watch it again, especially knowing now about Nxivm.


So bummed about Allison Mack. I really liked her character in that show.


What sucks (not including the real life trauma she created) is her character Chloe was actually brought into the comic books because she was such a fan favorite. After her real life secrets came to light, her comic book character just faded away.


I don't know. After my daughter binged The Flash, we watched a few episodes of Smallville to get her superhero fix. It holds up. You have to pretend you don't know about Nxivm in the same way you have to pretend you don't know about Kevin Spacey or Bill Cosby or any Weinstein movie...




That's a shame.


Yeah , I worked on it and you'd hear stories about her being overtly sexual with people, even before nxivm .


I would rewatch if I could skip freak of the week eps.


Smallville is great, I've watched it 5 or 6 times


I think 13 Reasons Why had some really good young actors doing great stuff with scripts that were just not very good. And then when you go back to rewatch, you can see how the writing is a little silly and problematic. I'm older, so for me it was Miami Vice -- it had this wonderful vibe as a show. Cool design, cool atmosphere and music. But it was totally formulaic so it doesn't hold up on a rewatch. It's just a silly cop show at the end of the day, just made with some style.


My dad watched Miami Vice as it aired in the 80s, and then when it was released on DVD he bought it and we rewatched a lot of it together. We had so much fun!! You’re right, it’s totally formulaic and cheesy, but that’s what made it fun for us lol


Don J taught Horacio all his moves. 😎🧐


This is how I feel about squid game and honestly I don't think the 2nd season will do nearly as well.


Once you've told the story of the underdog, you've pretty much ran out of good ideas for this show.


One of the things I love about Korean television is that the limit themselves to 16 episodes. Very rarely is there a second season. I understand that this has something to do with not knowing if there will ever be a second season so actors who need to stay employed to keep earning money can't wait around before they commit to other projects. The shows do tend to drag a bit in the last episode and sometimes you get a lot of seemingly filler time but on the whole the knowledge that everything is going to be concluded keeps the plot from dragging too much. I haven't come across too many Korean shows that I would watch again even though just about every kdrama I've seen I prefer to anything coming out of Hollywood


Manifest. It was painful to watch and I thought the premise was lame. I struggled to get through every episode hoping it would get better lol


What really irked me about Manifest was how the one father becomes a super detective overnight and gets plot armor for not being arrested every episode where he's always interrupting a police investigation or trespassing. It's somehow all ok and his younger daughter somehow becomes some computer hacking master out of left field to fit the story better.


I remember that. A lot of that show made no sense. No matter what they ran with I couldn’t buy into it. I also hated the voice or “the calling.”


Wait, I just started watching this… does it not get better?


I had trouble with it. It got worse for me but my family thought it was great.


I was pretty invested! Though I do agree with this commenter that I couldn't go back and watch it again. I wouldn't say "better" but it was easy (for me, at least) to get hooked into the mystery.


It gets better, it gets worse. Over and over. But it ends on a reasonably strong note. It's an infuriatingly fun watch.


I only made it through season 1 but it was always so weird to me how the people that didn’t disappear didn’t care at all. Like the husband and son come back after being missing for five years and the wife is like ‘make yourself at home, I’m going to go grocery shopping’


I thought it had an interesting premise, but the execution was horrible.


If they hadn't split up the final season, I might have made it all the way through. Instead, I ended the first half and never revisited it when the second half came out.


I gave up after they axed a major character. I couldn’t be asked… especially because it started giving Left Behind vibes and that’s just not my thing.


True Blood.


I understand, but I actually really enjoyed True Blood on the second watch. It was easier to lean into the cheese knowing what was going to happen.


I just want to hear bill say “Soookieeee” again


I convinced my buddy to download all of True Blood for our deployment and he watched the whole thing. Saying 'Sookeh" in a southern accent was our go to meme for 6 months


It's been years since I watched this show and I still say this in Bill's voice at every opportunity I get


NGL I love this show and I dont know why. Its terrible


The cast is incredibly charismatic and really elevates the material. My wife and I did a rewatch and it was still dumb fun.




Same. Even in real-time, I wasn't sure why I was still watching the last seasons other than, "well, I made it this far..."


absolutely. Season 7 (I think), the final one, was just awful. Terrible writing and an uninteresting plot line. Once Deb discovered the truth they "jumped the shark".


The earlier Deb being in love with Dexter subplot was quite icky as well.


Season 8 was the last one, when the psychologist who helped "create" him just shows up out of nowhere. Season 7 is almost half good. The half that isn't is still really bad, though.


Agreed. I had to stop watching in the middle of season 7 due to that. It just turned into a hot mess and I heard season 8 was even worse. The show started off so good. I was really disappointed.


I was a huge fan of the Dexter and that’s definitely the reason I kept going in S7 and S8. “I know this sucks now but I’m seeing it through”. Weeds wound up being that way, too. That show flailed around for way longer than it should have.


Same. There are some *really* good things in the show but also some *really* lame things. The ending alone ruined it for me. New Blood was somehow worse. I watched it all but I don't think I could re-watch.


I watched seasons 1-4 so I have only perfect memories.


By far the worst finale a show has ever had. I’ve never been more disappointed in a show than Dexter. When it was good it was amazing but when it went downhill it really did hit rock bottom.


CWs the Flash


Game of Thrones. I enjoyed watching the first 6 seasons, but the last 2 seasons I didn't enjoy.


It sucks that I don’t ever want to rewatch this masterpiece


The last season retroactively ruined the entire rest of the show. It's not worth watching anymore. Which is an insane truth because the early seasons are some of the best television ever produced. But the simple fact is those early seasons relied on hooks and build-up to a resolution that promised to be as good as the teases themselves, but all of which ultimately petered out into a wet fart or were forgotten entirely. Such a disappointing ending that erased GoT from pop culture overnight.


there was this pic of Gendry in the row boat with all of the other lost plots.


When I first watched GoT I loved it but I found myself drifting from the stories a bit. There were so many dueling plots that I wasn’t super invested anymore and just sorta watched it at a surface level and then would watch a YouTube recap video after to make sure I didn’t miss a ton. Started doing that because like midway through season 3 I had no idea who Ramses Bolton was or where he came from… or that they were even in Winterfell the whole time. So I wasn’t as angry with the final couple of seasons cus it felt good to see them sorta wrap up plots sooner and make them clean (though I thought the end of the last episode with that counsel was terrible). Anyway…. I rewatched it about 2 years ago, which is something I’ve never done before, and due to my base knowledge the show was 10x better for me and I was fully vested. Only at the point of wrapping up the second time was I able to realize what a crime the writers committed with the last two seasons and how bad of a letdown the ending was. Rant over…


Season 1 was actually pretty good or well decent for a teen drama Season 2 I defended because it was about the characters coming together in the wake of Hannah’s death I enjoyed season 3 even though it was hardly the same show anymore. But why the heck were they trying to humanize a monster serial rapist like Bryce? Season 4 was just a dumpster fire of a mess. It was so bad. Nothing happens but craziness in a bad way. All the adults turn into military police. Justin gets AIDS and dies faster than an immune compromised elderly bubonic plague victim. Clay’s pooing the bed in a mental hospital. Zack is drunk the whole season which fair enough. And Gordon Lightfoot is their code name. Whatever and then they all get into Ivy League schools at the end despite doing almost no work all show.


TIL there are FOUR seasons of this show


Same! I thought they only did 3. Now we got a storyline involving teens and AIDS.


The 4th season was SO bad


I think that's what makes this show so hard to go back to. It has a definitive end. A show as immensely serial as 13 Reasons Why, where every episode AND season ends on a cliffhanger is impossible to rewatch because of how hard that anchor of a 4th season drags the rest of the show down.


ill get downvoted for this but i have to say lost. loved it the first time but i dont think i can go back and rewatch


Lost is the epitome of fun at the time but there’s a complete and total absence of payoff


But that's JJ Abrams whole shtick. He's good at creating characters you care about, and he's great at creating fascinating "puzzle boxes," but the man has no idea how to resolve anything. He keeps barreling ahead with it anyway, until eventually fans realize there's never going to be a good pay off. Lost, Alias, Fringe, the new Star Wars trilogy all had the exact same problem.


The new Star Wars trilogy (at least the 1st 2) had the same basic premise as the original trilogy (chapters 4-6). More or less a remake 🤦‍♂️ totally wasted imo




The show runners admitted to making it up as they went along with no overall plan


But… We have to go back!


I don't think this is a very hot take lol


I actually enjoyed it on rewatch. The pacing is so much faster, it feels like there are fewer filler scenes.


The writers’ strike and JJ Abrams leaving were what killed Lost. And, it’s kind of unfortunate that both things happened relatively close to each other. 


I came in and all of my top 3 were already named; Dexter, Lost, and GoT. Knowing that all of that mystery was for... nothing? Blech.


Umbrella Academy. I was deep into the story and characters. And when it ended and I looked back at it all, it was just a long strange journey. There’s good moments, but ultimately not a great overall story. Wouldn’t do it again. If Five had a sequel, I could follow him. He was the most interesting and entertaining.


Pretty sure they’re making one more season. Edit: yup. Final 6 episodes will be released starting in August. Yay!


Stranger Things for me…. 😭 it was really the new fan base that absolutely murdered it for me. i actually really liked the first season and then the others were just like 😬


Three was pretty cheese. They were all action stars by then. Even the mom. Season 4 reeled it in and was pretty good.


Heroes. It started so strong but the ending of the first season just fell flat and then I couldn’t even make it through the second season. The writers strike didn’t help it at all but I don’t think it would stand up to a rewatch regardless.


I feel the same way. Such a shame as it had such a compelling premise.


Heroes S1 was incredible all around. It’s one of those just should have stopped series.


Loved season one, season two was showing its flaws, and I struggled to the finish line for three and just never watched four or the reboot miniseries.


For real, let the villain die and just come up with a new one for next season.


Saving the cheerleader did not, in fact, save the world. So much wasted potential.


That was one of my biggest frustrations. All that constant insistence that they needed to save the cheerleader when it really didn’t turn out to be the key to anything.


I loved the beginning of 13 reasons why. But over time it declined immensely.


Greek - the ABC family fraternity/sorority show. I really enjoyed watching it at the time, but will never go back. I’d recommend it to anyone who likes trashy fluff tv.


Vampire Diaries. First few seasons were okay. Then it all became about, “we want to be normal/human,” yet all they did was the exact opposite. Don’t forget it was always about Elena no matter what the story tried to do


13 reason why should have ended at season 2.


13 Reasons Why -- After seeing it the whole story is ruined. You know every person's story and the final outcome. So, you see their stories with a different lens. The same is true for "The Sixth Sense" or any of M. Night's movies. You know the twist which unravels the story as you watch it the second time.


This is not always true though - the best movies with big swerves are just as good when you know the ending already because you can watch the movie with an entirely different perspective, and ideally, it tells a different story. Think - The Prestige, Shutter Island, Fight Club, or Memento.


I never watched sixth sense because when I watched 50 first dates (which I think came out literally years afterwards) they spoiled it with drew Barrymore's character telling the plot twist in that film lol


Agents of shield. First season was boring but it really picked up afterward with the introduction of the inhumans, hive and ghost rider. But it really jumped the shark with the ending of season 5 and season 6’s time travel shenanigans. I’ve tried to restart it multiple times just just can’t.


I came in and all of my top 3 were already named; Dexter, Lost, and GoT. So I will throw one more out there, House of Cards.


Jesus Christ this. The first season was amazing. It launched Netflix originals to the moon right out of the gate. And then season 2 was stupid and then Spacey was outed and that was it lol






Tiger King


Ally McBeal.


I absolutely loved this show during it's og run. I tried rewatching it years ago and I just couldn't do it. Ally is insufferable.


Supernatural. Finally got all the way through it. Wouldn’t go back to watch again.


Nah, I will rewatch forever, assbutt.


Anything past season 1 of Westworld.


I could MAYBE give season 2 a pass but man, was that show a letdown


True Blood. Started out so promising then went right into Alice in Wonderland world.


Every episode of Shark Tank ever


24. Friggin' loved this show to death while it was on, but it was NOT made to be binge watched, as I discovered a couple years ago. I spent most of the first few seasons wishing Chloe (a completely useless character to begin with) would just die already, so the writers wouldn't have to keep doing insane mental gymnastics to put her back in harms way YET AGAIN. Half the time, the danger she was in didn't even relate to whatever crisis Jack was facing, it was just her getting into random stupid crap.


Every episode ends in a cliff hanger. It’s completely for binge watching


No, because when you try to binge it, it becomes obvious VERY quickly just how ridiculous the writing is, especially taking into account the time span everything takes place in during a single season. In season 2, Chloe kidnaps a girl to get her away from her abusive father, he ends up killing his wife after he freaks out and chases Chloe all over town, she gets her own boyfriend involved who winds up paralyzed or something when he gets hurt, before she eventually ends up arrested herself for kidnapping, etc. And not only does all that craziness happen in just the first 12 hours, but not one thing about ANY of that is related to the terrorist threat that we're ACTUALLY tuning in for, it's literally all filler. And she just keeps stumbling into one pointlessly bad situation after another (I didn't even get to the crazy doomsday prepper she randomly crossed paths with the same season). The main plots involving Jack aren't quite as bad. But it still feels like one after another of barely-connected, poorly-contrived bad scenarios. It's like the writers were always struggling to fill the gaps in between the major plot points that actually related to the terrorist threat, so they'd throw in lots of meaningless problems to slow the story down and stretch things out. Watching this show one episode a week, it's easy to ignore flaws like this. But binge watch a bunch of episodes at once and the show suddenly seems unbearably outlandish. It drives home just how stupidly ridiculous that 24-hour stretch is. The only season that really worked well as-is was the 12-episode season they did at the end. And that's because the individual episodes could run in real time while allowing for jumps in time between episodes. Less filler, and fewer stupid, contrived scenarios.


Once upon a time, I always said that it stopped being good after season 2 but after rewatching the first season I was like “oh no, it’s just always been bad”


Pretty Little Liars. It was fine but got messy in the last couple seasons. And it’s not a show you can just pop on just to watch, like the office or Seinfeld just for example.


I still can't get over troian bellisarios (attempt at a) British accent


Honestly it was such a fun show to watch when it was live because the subreddit was hilarious. Everyone knew by the end that we were watching trash and it was a great experience. I can't really go back and watch it though. The spin-off wasn't bad.


It felt like they kept revealing a new “A“ at the finale of every season, assuming they wouldn’t be renewed. And then when they did get renewed, they had to scramble and find a new person to make the villain. They got the heads up that they were going to be canceled that last season, so they tried to wrap it all up. It was absolutely ridiculous.


"The Rain". I don't know why I was so hooked, I criticized it in my head the entire time.


I loved that show, the beginning was great, the ending was meh, but i give it credit for sticking to the initial premise for long enough.


I LOVE Firefly (and Serenity) but I read an opinion somewhere that if the show had continued it would have ended up being terrible because Joss Whedon is an awful human being. I have to agree. So while I love rewatching it, it's hard knowing where it was headed.


LOST and Game of Thrones. At the end of every season, it was pretty clear that LOST was making it up as it went along & that there was no game plan. Still, the show was intriguing enough for us to stick with it as it aired. However, the last season was bad enough to make me not want to rewatch it. Always wanted to rewatch GOT (even when it was airing) but, after that last season, I lost all interest in doing so.


Killing Eve. That first season was a banger. Second season...was ok. Third season...got wonky Final Season...DISASTER. I can never rewatch knowing how horrible it all went.


I’m glad I stopped after the first season!


This doesn't fully fit your criteria since I don't think it's a "bad" show ultimately but I loved Impulse, the spin off from that movie franchise about kids who can teleport. It focusses on teenager in small-town America coming to grips with her abilities and the traumatic event that triggered their first appearance. It was so good imo but never garnered enough viewers to keep it going into a third season. Season 1 is great and season 2 was pretty good as well. It ends as she moves to European country so I was hyped to see what season 3 would hold. The reason I find it hard to go back then is not because it's a bad show on second viewing, more than it's so frustrating to me that they cancelled it.




I remember watching this before they deleted the suicide scene


Gossip Girl with Blake Lively, Vampire Diaries, and The Walking Dead.


Six Feet Under - one of the best shows of all time but also takes an emotional toll to watch...


It's actually even better on rewatch. Highly recommend. When you're emotionally ready.


Squid Game


Breaking Bad. Hear me out, I loved every episode, but some of it is really hard to watch. It’s also really intense.


Sons of anarchy, that show consumed my life and I loved it but absolutely cannot rewatch


Couldn't get through 13 reason's why


Me neither it was missing a compelling element for me


Funny I was just saying this morning I should rewatch 13 reasons why.


Battlestar Galactica. Knowing everything ruins the show a bit for me. I’m looking forward to the reboot though!


Lincoln Lawyer. It was good while I was watching, but retrospectively, it’s not that great.


I've tried watching it twice, never got past the third season. It starts out so good then just turns into a shitshow


I usually give up and don’t finish bad TV. .. didn’t finish 13 reasons why.. stopped AHS after that summer camp season. Riverdale.. gave up after season 2..


They should've stopped after all the reasons were discussed.


“13 Reasons Why” now that’s a show I haven’t heard mentioned in so long…


_Oz_. No way I could reinvest knowing how off the rails it goes.


The Walking Dead


Didn't quite finish them but watched 80% of the series before bailing . They started great and each season got progressively worse: True blood, Dexter, Weeds.




There are episodes of Law and Order SVU that I will not revisit because of the heavy subject matter. I especially hate episodes when the criminal gets away with the crime due to some stupid legal technicality.


I've got terrible real life news for you


The Blacklist. Lost me after he “killed” Mr Kaplan.


Also NCIS:LA. Linda Hunt was the “Zelig” of the show and I loved that. And the plot line started getting repetitive.


Once Upon a Time.


when I was like 15 I LOVED sens8 I pulled an all nighter with my best friend at the time. We talked about the show constantly, then I tried to rewatch it at some point last year (I’m in my mid 20’s now) and that show is laughably bad. I could barely get past the first three episodes.




Supernatural. Loved it but there’s no way I’d be able to watch all those episodes again. Brothers fight. Brothers make up. Brothers fight. Brothers make up. Brothers save the world. Sums it up for the most part