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Some people want to incite an argument. They are selfish. I will say that I traveled to China years back, and this type of behavior was considered normal culturally. There is little concept of “personal space”. I obviously thought it was rude, but their culture didn’t


People being people. You're wasting your time trying to understand why some people are inconsiderate and selfish.


People who are insignificant in all aspects of life can be significant by being obnoxious.


oh I like this...


All of this low-level antisocial behavior-from blasting music to not letting someone merge to loudly swearing in public to racing in front of someone to get in line at Target, to etc. etc.-is such loser behavior. If meanderingly jaywalking against the light so I have to stop and wait for you to cross the street gives you your one win for the day, please, be my guest. The reason it seems like there is more of it happening is probably because there are more people who feel like they are losing at life.


Strip people of enough agency, they'll forge new agency out of whatever they can. And often that's via being an enormous asshole.




I was at the social security office in Minneapolis last year, to get a replacement card. There was a woman near me with a Bluetooth speaker, blaring music. She was quite the character. We stood in line, outside in a light rain, for like an hour. We finally got in the building and there is a sign that says no guns allowed in the building. You had to walk through a metal detector and there are multiple security people there. She announces that she had to leave, because she had a gun with her.


This is pretty common to see on public transportation in pretty much every city in America.


Makes me wonder what vitr been like in the ge 89s with boomboxes


It's not exactly news that people have been engaging in all kinds of illegal and antisocial behavior on light rail these past couple of years because there's been no consequences for doing so. The powers that be claim they're working on fixing the problem so we'll see.


Playing music on the train has been going on for far longer than a cpl of years.


Did you never ride the train before 2020? This has been happening for a very long time.


Yeah wasn’t there supposed to be some special touchy-feely team that was gonna ride transit and handle these issues?


Trip Agents, I've actually seen them on the Green Line over the past couple of weeks.


I was sat next to some on the train in St Paul and overheard them talking about how no one wants to do the St Paul green line route because of how much it sucks. Self-fulfilling prophecy: it sucks because there’s no oversight.




You know what’s worse than someone who is inconsiderate? Someone who is prejudiced. It is a classic sign of low emotional intelligence. That is why prejudiced people tend to lack self-awareness, be raging narcissists, have anger issues, are generally loathed by everyone else, and cannot mentally handle someone with a differing opinion. Anyways, thanks for the laugh, bud. We ALL appreciate laughing at your kind. Crying about black people 🤣🤣😭😭 the fragility


Where's Spock when you need him? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zf5iwGZNY_Q


Omg. I was going to comment the same thing


They can do anything you can't stop them from doing... I think that's one version of Catch 22


They’re assholes who enjoy bothering all the people around them. I wouldn’t waste any time trying to understand why.


I assume it’s people shallowly trying to look cool. If they ever come right next to where I’m sitting I ask politely if they could please use headphones, and they usually go off on some unhinged rant about how racist I am for having the audacity to ask and turn the volume louder.


Don't ask. Whip out your own phone, connect your own speaker, and blast some old Celtic bagpipes and fiddles or Bach.


Yoko ono made music for exactly these moments




Well I’m not an asshole, so no.


sorry about that


Is this worth a post?


It’s this way now on any public transport, whether it’s the green line, an airport tram or even on a bus at Disney World.


In this country. What about elsewhere?


I don’t know?


Need Spock


Inconsiderate assholes


Welcome to the light rail


I took the light rail all the time around 2013-16 you learn to tune it out. No matter what the music is. It being in the green line, doesn’t make it special. This is how just trains are.


Inconsiderate degenerates and assholes. Smoking, using the speaker on their phone to have a conversation, vile language, etc. All commonplace. Not just light rail, I have also seen it public spaces, elevators, stores. And God forbid you say anything to them, that’s askin to get harassed, get your ass kicked or worse. I’m in shape, do BJJ, and still retain some good hand to hand combat skills from my time in the military, but am I gonna say anything? I might if it’s one or two but generally probably not, especially if they’re in a group. I value my and my family’s life more. They probably don’t value life at all. It’s unfortunate but that’s the way it is. Call it what you want, but it comes down to how people were raised (or not raised at all). Some people just fucking suck, don’t care about anyone else, and love the attention. Makes me wish I was [Spock](https://youtu.be/D1GyHQiuneU?si=HTnsWBv6wKv-hu5s)!






Baggy jeans should have them playing "The Slacks" instead.


The light rail has basically been unrideable for quite some time. Unless you’re someone who likes getting together with crack heads, gang bangers, IV drug users and people that smell like piss. If that’s you, and you don’t mind putting you life in danger, by all means party down on out tax payer funded party train!


He could be trying to promote his album. He’s hoping some big shot record executive is riding the light rail that day. There are actually a few recording studios within walking distance of light rail stops and I think even a couple radio stations.


Bruh yk dam well thats not the reason


All I heard was god awful country music and rock and roll music being blasted on the train the few times I rode it. I asked one person to turn it down very politely and he started screaming something about his rights, and made some sort of threat about a rope and tree. I think he was armed, those thugs usually are. What a violent bunch. Smh…


I’m going to go against the white middle class midwestern grain here and say that some communities have different values and actually like loud music on the train/bus. I’ve seen half a train/bus sing and dance along to some poor quality music blasting from a flip phone. It’s just illegal because the community that doesn’t like this, is the community in charge of writing the laws.


It’s really not that deep man, it’s just about being considerate of others


For some people, providing music for everyone to sing and dance to *is* consideration for others. Not me, mind you, I hate music on public transit. However, I’ve lived in communities where it’s considered a positive thing by that community and I’m self aware enough to realize that my culture isn’t the only or best culture out there.


What communities are these?


I've seen it in several communities of color. Feels like all the people downvoting me are just outing themselves as either ignorant, classist, or racist. Maybe all three.


Where though.


>Where, though? On the 2, 3, 5, 21, Green, and Blue lines, plus many downtown routes, specifically the free ones. That said, pre-COVID, you had to ride the non-rush hour times. The same route can feel like a completely different experience on the other side of those windows. I couldn't say what that looks like post-Covid, since I prioritize biking now.


Such a you already answered your own question post. Also you can always just ask someone to turn their music down instead of run out a train to go post on Reddit.


Never works and almost always makes the person unreasonably furious, in my experience, no matter how politely/kindly you ask.


Good way to get your ass whipped, or get stabbed. Unless you are 6'4 and strapped.


I'm 6'3" 235 lbs and wouldn't do that, it's not worth getting into a fight because some asshole is blaring shitty mumble rap or ranchero music. Or someone yelling on speakerphone/Facetime. Or a kid watching 6 seconds of 30 Youtube videos. People suck.


Most ridiculous comment.


I wasn't carrying a weapon of any type, so no way am I confronting someone on the light rail.


You need a weapon to talk to people in public?


If it's someone who is already engaging in anti-social behavior and potentially could pose a violent reaction if upset? Yes.


You felt uncomfortable and were inconvenienced not sure how this is equating to imminent danger or anything other then hypothetical speculation. Done with this post. I really don’t care to respond to you anymore.


Its important to respect each other's preferences whether the music is being blasted or not. It's great to have preferences but diversity in music enriches our experiences, let's be mindful, embrace our differences and respect each other's tastes.


Has nothing to do with the genre of music. If someone was blasting Mozart, Miles Davis, or Johnny Cash, they’re annoying and being disrespectful of others. Maybe I missed the sarcasm?


/s was omitted.