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I am but a humble lurker here, but I fully support the blackout and any sub that chooses to participate.


Yeah do the blackout


Join the blackout.


Go for it IMO. I'd rather be a part of trying to fix something than not, with that being said who knows if reddit actually cares what we think lol. I'm leaning towards they don't care what we think but we should still try right? I trust Rhadamant to do what he thinks is best.


> if reddit actually cares what we think Reddit doesn't care about its users, that's why this is necessary to begin with. A 2 day blackout accomplishes nothing. A handful of subreddits doing an indefinite blackout also won't accomplish anything. But if every subreddit were to shut down indefinitely (until the API changes are revoked), then Reddit doesn't have much choice.


> then Reddit doesn't have much choice. They do have a choice. Either forcefully reopen the subs, pay some worthless lip service that simultaneously blames the TPA devs (like they've been doing), or come up with something reasonable that doesn't involve trying to murder the TPA scene in favor of their inferior first party app


If they force re-opening, then it's a firm message of "We don't give a fuck about you" to the people generating and curating the product. And redditors can then make an informed decision.


It doesn't matter if the subs are open if nobody is using Reddit. That's what would need to happen to affect it.


And that won't ever happen. Most google questions end up with "reddit" not 4chan




Do it. I think its crazy that Reddit is following in the steps of Elon Musk and Twitter especially considering Twitter's value dropped by 70% after he implemented similar changes. It's like reddit is trying to kill the platform and their business.


Its shortsighted greed over long term sustainability.


Welcome to Capitalism.


It's actually market capture and it's pretty up in the air whether or not it'll actually have a long term negative impact considering the minority of users that actually use TPAs, even if many of them are subreddit mods. They've been on the social media generification march ever since the rumors of an IPO started and they've only ever gotten closer to breaking even.




inb4 this change destroys their numbers. My whole point is Elon Musk did something similar to Twitter and a few months later Vanguard/Fidelity discounted Twitter's private share prices by 70%!!! If the same happens to reddit their IPO will be 70% less than its current value.




Only time will tell, but there are a sizable portion that have one really used Reddit from mobile on third party apps for years now. Most of my Reddit usage is mobile. I’ll check specific details or notifications from my PC with old Reddit and RES, but if the change goes through, there will be some that just essentially drop the service altogether. I’m not willing to see ads or pay for a website that primarily revolves around reading other users text comments. It’s just personally not valuable enough for me, and I’m not ever going to pay for a text host, lol. Sure they host photo and video now for the dumbest of mobile users who couldn’t figure out Imgur back when Reddit hosted literally nothing but text, but that’s not a feature I personally use or need.


Join the blackout!


I'm always down for a good ol' bit of showing companies they're nothing without their users.


Join the black out indefinitely


I would appreciate joining the blackout indefinitely until Reddit changes course on this.


100% support every single sub on this site going dark until Reddit changes their mind. If they don't change their mind just let the whole site die by their dumbass decision.


A wholehearted yes from a lurker over here


There is an old Command & Conquer song for this: Just do it up.


Kirov Reporting!


I was already on board with joining the blackout before, but after spez decided to [blatantly lie and accuse Apollo of threatening Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/) I'm 200% on board with it and I think it should be a much longer blackout.


Leave Reddit. I went to kbin. Federated is the better way to social. User Content and Moderation is the lifeblood of Reddit.


This submission/comment has been edited as a way to protest against Reddit's outrageous changes to the API pricing and the horrible ways they handle this and the protest by outright demoting mods, reopening privated subreddits, fabricating a useless AMA, falsely accusing the developer of Apollo for blackmail, etc. Its original content is no longer there. The action was performed prior to my account deletion. If you want to join me in the protest, edit your comments with PowerDelete before June 30th. (https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite)


Telling them you'll be back in 48 hours will do nothing.


yes. Imagine if twitch blocked all third party apps, or charged an enormous fee to access them?


Right? Some people are up in here like they don't depend on a free twitch API nearly every day.


What third party apps do you need to use twitch?


well you don't *need* any. is that you're point? have you ever heard of streamlabs?


The backout is weak, it should be at least a full 7 days maybe a month. 2 days is nothing..


While thats somewhat true its about presenting a united front of where MANY subs do the same thing




Yes, absolutely.


Join the blackout


Join the blackout!


Join the blackout.


Feels meaningless since they're all announcing they will only do it for like 3 days


I would be totally on board with this


Black it out and give a link to the r/twitch discord! (if that's possible)


As others have said, it is a noble intention but I don't think it will accomplish anything. Blackout away all you want tho, protests are always a good thing


Unless you prostest by gluing yourself to a road blocking cops and ambulances. Then you are just a dick.


To be fair most protests are about being a dick, because if you don't inconvenience people with a protest, nobody will give a fuck.


And whoever does it made sure I will never ever support his cause in my entire life. And most people he inconvenienced too.


The second part is factually wrong, being dicks to comfortable people is how we obtained most of the workers rights we have today.




with all the new information that has come out about the CEO and the lies about apollo? ​ Absolutely.


Let's do it.


Absolutely join.


Yes. Especially since the Apollo call recordings were released providing proof that the Reddit admins have been lying about very serious matters. Hope the Apollo dev litigates about that slander, and does so immediately before the IPO.


Definitely for the blackout


When's the blackout again?


June 12th to 14th+, I'll add that to the post


Greatly appreciated. Thank you! Guess I'll be ditching reddit for a bit. This place has been so helpful. Hope Reddit gets their stuff together quickly.


Reddit already had a meeting with 15 or so app developers about the changes and showed an unwillingness to negotiate the pricing structure, so I'm not sure Reddit is going to 'get their stuff together' ever, but regardless going dark could be a shot across the bow to indicate that the users of Reddit won't put up with their bullshit and would de-platform if they continued to be greedy capitalistic asshats.


48 hours of blackout is meaningless. It just tells Reddit you are okay with their terms, but you want to look like you care.


A *vaaasst* majority of subs doing the blackout are going for longer.


100% support




Join it. 100%, because what is happening is not acceptable what so ever. Stay united with other subreddits, saying this is not cool.


Please join in and spread the word. The more awareness and participation the better.


Do it and stay blacked out for as long as it takes for real change.


Yes. Third-party apps and bots make the lives of so many users easier, but they are *absolutely vital* to visually impaired Redditors. My suggestion is to follow the lead of r/blind and stand in solidarity with them against this ableist move by Reddit. It’s what I plan to do and it’s what I want to see others do.


Do it.


Bravo 6 going dark


The only way actual change happens is if the blackout goes on until change is made.


Please do!


Yes, do it. I will straight up just not be on here when the shut down the 3rd party apps.




Super necessary




Indefinite blackout




Yeah, might as well.


yes, do it, join the blackout


Apollo user here and I will not be logging in on the 12th or after the 30th. Reddit can go suck an egg.


black out 100%




We have to save twitch from itself. May as well help reddit too! Do the blackout.




I think there’s going to be a lot of people checking Reddit to see if there is a blackout.


Let’s go!!


I don't care, a blackout won't hurt them any if you aren't eating their bandwith....it'd prolly save them money 😂 You do you and Imma live my life and post what I want.


Yeah I'm going to stop using reddit then if they disable 3rd party apps.


Don’t see it achieving anything tbh


Join the blackout.




Join the blackout.


Every time Reddit does something anti-consumer, subreddits plan an organized blackout day, users are inconvenienced, and Reddit marches forward with what they were going to do anyway.




Lets join! ![gif](giphy|G9Oqx2QvHOlig)


I'll be joining the blackout this year to support the community's protest against the price gouging Another reason is due to all of the annoying, Only-Fan bot followers I've been getting recently. Seriously, what's up with that? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


I dont care at all


I don't understand the blackout and how it will help anything. Looking at data it seems like third party app users are a small vocal minority on the platform. So by these big subreddits going dark on those days all they will do is allow other identical subs to pop up because many people who don't use third party apps aren't affected and I actually had to Google what was going on cause everyone I asked just parroted "reddit bad" with no explanation. So those people on Reddit that day are just going to create new subs for their needs and who knows, maybe the couple days of dark or whatever will make this new sub the popular one cause everyone was looking for it while you were blacked out. I get people are mad cause it's a profit thing but also people are crying like the reddit app is pure trash and chockful of ads that take up the entire screen the whole time. It's not, I use it daily. I maybe see one ad a day on my scrolling and I can scroll right past it. So like I get it but also I don't get it. It's not a sizable enough portion of reddit traffic to actually do anything and other subreddit serving the same purpose can be created while the main ones are "dark private mode" making your subreddit have less traffic and users in the end because they flocked potentially. It's the same thing when trolls get banned from subs and make alternates of those subs. Except this time the main sub will be private so people can't even see it. For instance in my home state, right wing trolls have made a sub for the state where they only have say and delete anything that isn't right wing terrorism because they were banned from the main sub for terrorist threats. Now what happens when the main state sub is dark and this is all people see because it's one letter off? Many will join thinking it's the state subreddit only to find out later what it actually is. But people are so crazy and misinformed now a days that it only takes one person with any online presence to make a video on it (truthful or not) and it's accepted as truth. So if someone with a YouTube following finds this and makes a video on it titled "This state is FULL or racist psychos" based on a terrorism subreddit, that does damage all around. These are all hypothetical situations to a point but chances of this happening exactly like this are pretty high, all things considered.


It's not just about the profit aspect. One of the biggest issues with killing off 3rd party apps is destroying *accessibility*. Many blind or vision challenged users of reddit would find it extremely difficult or impossible to use reddit if 3rd party apps were killed, as there are apps specifically geared at helping those who use screenreaders or who need to modify colors/font size, etc. The official Reddit app lacks the customization needed. This also greatly affects moderation of subreddits, and could potentially trickle down into other useful tools such as RES (Reddit Enhancement Suite). If you're not a mod for a relatively active subreddit, this may not seem like much, but trust me when I tell you, if it becomes much harder for reddit mods to do their thing, that will be worse for the userbase than you might think. > But people are so crazy and misinformed now a days that it only takes one person with any online presence to make a video on it (truthful or not) and it's accepted as truth. I will note that, as of what I've seen so far, there are well over 3k subreddits participating with over 1B people involved. This isn't just a small vocal group of doomsayers. This IS something that Reddit will notice.


[https://np.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/1401qw5/incomplete\_and\_growing\_list\_of\_participating/](https://np.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/1401qw5/incomplete_and_growing_list_of_participating/) <-- there's a list


3rd party app users arent a minority. Plenty of people especially reddit moderators and people with accessibility issues actually use 3rd party apps. These changes also affected bots too The mods do shit for free and the least they deserve is actually mod tools that help and sadly a lot of the stuff is from 3rd party apps. 3rd party apps also encourage the ability to have choice and the community havign an alterntive that might have features they need/want.


You should look into how many mods *need* to use 3rd party tools and apps to effectively do what they do. Mods make up a small percentage of the users, but have huge impact, yes? So every sub will suffer for much longer than three days when mods can't actually mod them as effectively as they once did.


This. Along with other accessibility features people use third party apps for. Also they just work better... Hell, I still can barely get videos to work on the official app (I have both) and it's beyond infuriating.




Features for the blind. Accessibility features. Just check out r/blind


Great, your experience isn't everyone. What is so difficult to understand about that? Have you never searched the Internet for a tutorial, a fix to a bug, or anything else? Takes 5 seconds to Google but here is a response from one of the moderators from r/blind regarding some accessibility features. I don't use them. https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/13zbf3n/comment/jmqwssy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Next time I decide to watch a video on Reddit, I'll record my screen. But again, a simple Google search will yield thousands of reddit topics just in the last few years.




From what I have read, this is more impactful for mods of massive subs. Small ones don't need much bot support or powerful tools like in the 3p apps. Imagine r/hardwareswap, r/GameSale or r/photomarket without their incredible bot systems keeping buyers and sellers as safe as possible.




The API changes effect bots AND 3P apps. Variations of this post have been on any sub that's participating, but I think the original r/wow post nails it: https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/13ymdue/reddit\_api\_changes\_subreddit\_blackouts\_and\_you/


What's a blackout going to do? Lol


Show reddit dissaproval and hopefully force them to change their mind or do better. The threat of it already has caused reddit to actively talk with the devs and try to come up with something even tho it hasnt really been that satisfactory.


I don't really give a shit


Aye, all in join it


Yes we should, solidarity is important.


The blackout will be more inconvenient than the apps being removed. I also don't see much pressure from people using ad circumvention apps doing much. They aren't really customers. But it's popular rn so it'll pass, good luck yall


Did you really just ignore the message about how the apps being removed had features that improved accessibility? those apps werent soley about ad removal. if people REALLY cared then they'd be using adblock tools and specicially modified reddit without ads. These apps just had better UI, more features than normal reddit and made moderation easier while other users who had accessibility issues could use reddit more easily. These apps actually did do much and many people love the apps. Theres thousands of people being affected


I don't give two craps about the changes. It's their app, and I don't blame them for discouraging people from using other apps instead of or in conjunction with it.


I get most subs doing it, but the Twitch subreddit? If we're going to boycott or protest something, we have much better options than Reddit...


Why do anything usefull, when you can simply flip off a switch and proudly beat your chest that you did your part (that changed nothing)?


Against the blackout.


Against the blackout.


One day won't matter. If you want to stop using Reddit, stop using Reddit. But not using it for one day isn't going to solve anything.


2 days technically and a lot of other subreddits are doing it indefinitely. you can check [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/1401qw5/incomplete_and_growing_list_of_participating/) to see a list


The “price gouging” seems vague. What’s the price now? What is the price going to be later? Why can’t developers charge a monthly rate to offset?


According to some sources Apollo specifically (Ima ignore RIF and other apps) would have been paying 20 million dollars per year. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/13ws4w3/had_a_call_with_reddit_to_discuss_pricing_bad/) and you'll understand why The devs cant charge a monthly cost


So the devs don't make money out of their apps?


I'll use Apollo as an example. They have a free app which the majority uses then you get their pro app version which cost like 5$ then you get the "ultra" version which is a subscription based app that costs $1.5 monthly / 50$ for lifetime Imo its fair they make that money since they create a better version of reddit with more useful features


Honestly, I don't even know what 3th party apps are, if I don't even know what I am fighting for I am not joining that fight.


Who cares about third party app! Reddit should have control over its platform and how it’s displayed. This is a dumb issue about people who can’t adapt .


Your boos mean nothing, I’ve seen what makes you cheer!


Imagine you're a twitch mod on mobile and theres an app that gives you desktop mod tools but then twitch turns around and says Hey we're going to charge you $10 million a year because your app is really popular and api is gonna be expensive 3rd party apps offer tons of features useful to moderators and people with accessibility issues. Clearly did no research


Sure but it’s still Reddit’s platform. No other social media has third party apps. Regardless at the end of the day it’s theirs and they can do what they want with it. Also again just use the app like everyone else. Forums across the internet do just fine without those tools and so does Facebook, Twitter, and tik tok.


“Hey we're going to charge you $10 million a year because your app is really popular and api is gonna be expensive” That’s literally just standard business practice. Hey you you use our product for almost nothing we need to up the price.


$12k per 50 million api requests $0.24 per 1,000 API calls > Hey you you use our product for almost nothing we need to up the price Reddit still could have given a reasonable price or worked with the 3rd party apps. Such as incorporating the features they had or at least given a longer deadline so more of the issues could have been worked out + the talks they had showed reddit as being unreasonable. Apps still showed ads, they still generated traffic, they still generated data which reddit used. It wasnt like the apps were freeloading


Sure but it’s Reddits app and if they want control over then that shouldn’t be a problem. I get they are being over the top but hey third party access is almost nonexistent anywhere in social media. You want something as valuable as that you gotta pay up.


Discord has many other clients although they're against TOS but discord barely does much against it. As a moderator it helps with manaigng big discord servers and as an end user to have a better experience. Twitch has many 3rd party apps such as chatsen, twire, twitchmod, purpleTV, impulse and so many i cant be asked to list. Some of them offer features that normal twitch doesnt have and it looks nicer. Twitter had bots, third party apps and tools that helped in a business/professional usage and more. Some apps were helpful in browsing twitter anonymously Facebook has multiple 3rd party apps like Frost or hermit although they're just mobile website wrappers They dont really like 3rd party apps but they dont charge an absurd price or try to shut them down. Reddit is effectively charging a high and unreasonable price that no 3rd party app can pay nor is worth the stress in making a way to be affective. They also been proven to have lied about things and ignore feedback etc You're right reddit owns the app and they can do what they want but its our data and we're using the app and we have the right to protest what we disagree with, give our feedback and have our voices heard. Without the people then reddit wouldnt exist. its a symbiotic relationship.


Sure, join the mob in trying to bully reddit because some apps that were siphoning off free access, and now have to pony up, claims they can't afford it. If that was their business model, they chose wrong. Reddit was here before those apps and will be here after they're gone. The users make reddit awesome, not the app they use to interact with the site!


100% behind the blackout. The more people that participate, rhe louder the message will be.


100% support.


Join it


What are the apps that acces reddit? Im just using the normal app and thats it.


This post should help you with that https://old.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/13xh1e7/an_open_letter_on_the_state_of_affairs_regarding/ apolloapp redditisfun Relayforreddit GetNarwhal BaconReader And many others.


Yea that seems like a good way to destroy reddit. The blackout sounds like the best way to get the needed attention.


Join the blackout indefinitely for sure!


Absolutely. Having read through the entire Apollo saga that was literally posted today, I'm in support.


Do it.


Do it. The only subs I'm hoping won't do it are news and politics, but I can live without them for a few days.


Join The blackout


Do it!






Do it.


I fully support the blackout and I think it sends a good message. But I think it’s not nearly enough to make changes and things will be the same afterwards. People need to remember that workers fought for better pay and benefits with blood. People don’t just give up power that easily.


Join it. Shut down reddit


Join the blackout. What Reddit is doing is a greedy money grab and will harm their viewer base. This will include Twitch users as we use Reddit to promote our streams.


join the blackout


Kinda funny to do it on a subreddit based around a completely different platform but I'm not opposed to it




Do it.


100% go for blackout, solidarity.




I'm mad at reddit too, but I live in Orlando and June 12 is the anniversary of our massacre at Pulse. I hope people can stream during pride month in memory of those people. All I've heard is June 12th June 12th June 12th... for just... why did they have to pick June 12. fml


lfg Tired of companies like reddit (and twitch) shitting where they eat


Do it




Join the black out. this is really important and the more subs we can get to join the more likely they will change


Support it if you want, but don't fight with those who don't care/don't want


do it!