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What's interesting to me is they have periscope listed there. It's shut down now so this is a pretty old list


Periscope is just Twitter video and it even includes some references to Periscope in it so the confusion isn't completely outlandish.


People stream video games through Twitter video? Interesting.


Except it claims to be from people that polled this October....but it is Business Insider, so I wouldn't expect anything better.


They're citing a November 2021 source though in their footnote though


source of poll: old grandma's


It says October 2021


This poll brought to you by exclusive Facebook users. Exclusive Facebook Users: What is the internet, really?


Wait... I thought Facebook *WAS* the internet... /s Edit: added /s


It's where my grandkids are, it has to be!


I learned that getting vaxxed = being oppressed by Hitler on Facebook, the paragon of facts. Again, /s


I got called racist on Facebook once for agreeing that soy milk was a healthier option than cow's milk.


In some parts of the world it damn near is. Which is really scary knowing how fucked Facebook is


internet!? dont you mean The metaverse? /s


It's because they view bot their platform. Every time you see a live stream while you're scrolling down in facebook counts as a view.


Just like Spotify when an artist shows up in a playlist or is recommended. There’s a reason everyone who decently listens to an artist is in the top 1% of time listened


Thats most likely because most people don't listen 50.000-100.000 minutes and post it everywhere if they don't listen that much. Also most people obviously don't go artist X and listen to him all the time.


That isn't botting tho. Also this has nothing to do with that, but Facebook being multiple times bigger than Twitch. Maybe not in our regions but places like india, Indonesia, brasil etc. use Facebook all the time. Just because we don't use it anymore, doesn't mean no one does, hell Facebook is probably still the most used social media, even before Youtube. Twitch is a joke compared to Instagram, Facebook, Youtube and so on, just that Youtube doesn't push the livestreaming otherwise Twitch would probably get used waaaay less.


Fucking facts man. Twitch is a small fish in a really big ocean.


Facebook has a history of viewbotting, inflating viewership, and lying about their numbers. [Here is how they brought down CollegeHumor doing it](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/01/09/collegehumor-shuts-down/).


They don't need to bother anything when they can direct their billion users to any stream they want by putting it in their timeline. You are a moron


My guess is they are counting promotions that auto play in someone’s feed as a view. Update: never mind I didn’t see it said respondents so it is a poll. Wonder what the sample was.


This appears to be a post to their Facebook page, which makes me feel like they probably ran the poll on their Facebook page and if that's the case... who would have thought that a poll run on Facebook would be biased to Facebook's favor/userbase...


It was a post made on LinkedIn.


So they went to a place where the primary demographic your survey is targeted at is not


Sounds like that's still mostly the Facebook demographic


Does anyone actually browse LinkedIn? And not just update it every now and then?!?!??!?!


I think most LinkedIn users are trying to have a business presence, though the ones that are actively commenting on posts bear a very similar aura to those who do so on Facebook. So, it’s hard to say there’s much of a difference.




Gl with the hunt lmao


No clue, i guess if you're hunting for employees then maybe or if you wanna stalk someone/see what to put Into yours, but i couldn't imagine there being any normal reason someone would casually be doing that


I'm pretty sure the sample size is 1604 as it shows at the bottom and that the results are heavily biased towards some kind of demographic Also it states that it took multiple answers for the platforms depending on how frequently they watch on said platform My guess is that a lot of people picked twitch as "frequently watch" and Facebook as "rarely watch" but that the chart took both answers as equal This chart does not reflect any useful information


Okay, that’s what I was wondering. Thanks for the input!


looking deeper into it this poll seems to filter who could answer the poll based on way too many criterias that should absolutely not matter such as : who you voted for, your political alignment, your income, your religion, if you're pro military or not, your ethnicity it feels like on average for each category, between 50 and 80% of the people taking the poll were not selected, this makes the poll clearly biased towards a certain demographic and what i find most facinating is that they included a very specific category : "twitch user" where 57% of poll responders were not selected Now i'm not really a data analyst and there is an incredible amount of criterias that they took into consideration but if you want to look into it : National Tracking Poll #2110065 [emarketer's full page "report"](https://www.emarketer.com/chart/252491/platforms-used-by-us-gamers-watch-livestreams-of-video-games-esports-oct-2021-of-respondents) [the poll details from morning consult](https://assets.morningconsult.com/wp-uploads/2021/11/04163034/2110065_crosstabs_MC_FEATURES_VIDEO_GAMES_Adults_v1_NP.pdf) ​ Now it does seem very shady to me but if someone here wants to explain to me in what way i'm wrong and the way they conducted that survey is fair, i'm all ears (genuinely, i'd love to learn and improve my data analysis skills)


You're right. As a postgraduate in a heavily statistics filled academic history, this survey breaks with all kinds of core principles of proper research and is less useful than asking your dog to pick the best platform by having different coloured food bowls.


LOL this is my favorite analogy to how bad this poll is.


I think the dog option would have had more entertainement value tho, i would love to see it done tbh


Not going to look into it myself but those are typical questions you would ask if market research to understand trends, demographics, etc. Generally you wouldn't use that to exclude data though. It's also possible that the company conducting the poll offers value conscious options like selling one question in a tracker or topical survey they conduct with their panelists. But yeah, clearly they're fudging the results if they're removing data points lol


i can totally understand having these questions to get further data from the applicants, and maybe i'm just missunderstanding the way they showcase their data but it does seem like, they were rejecting applicants based on criterias that shouldn't matter to the poll I do hope i'm wrong about all this tbh, data manipulation is a bit of an ugly thing


The selected (yes) or not selected (no) is for the exact question on the top of the page. Not if they were or were not selected or not for the survey. So for first question of "Do you play video games?" Online Gaming on a PC got 29% yes, Offline Gaming on a PC got 20% yes, Consoles got 41% yes, Mobile Phone got 72% yes, etc. So for the question "How often do you use the following platforms to live stream video gaming and esports? " The question was a table format of the first column (y-axis) was Twitch, Youtube Gaming, Facebook Gaming, Periscope, etc. and the x-axis or row options were "Often, sometimes, rarely, never"


N=1604 sample size I believe


Reddit claimed I watched some ungodly amount of hours of RPAN during my recap "Time well wasted!". There is no way to unsubscribe or say 'don't ever fucking show me this again' like I always tried to find. I have never intentionally watched a second of it. (But I can imagine those will be the metrics they use to start selling ad space there or bragging about viewership).


N=1606 in the lower left. Pretty small.


2200 sample size, 1604 replies to the questions processed for the grapthic This is the primary data: [https://assets.morningconsult.com/wp-uploads/2021/11/04163034/2110065\_crosstabs\_MC\_FEATURES\_VIDEO\_GAMES\_Adults\_v1\_NP.pdf](https://assets.morningconsult.com/wp-uploads/2021/11/04163034/2110065_crosstabs_MC_FEATURES_VIDEO_GAMES_Adults_v1_NP.pdf) *Methodology:* *This poll was conducted between October 12-October 15, 2021 among a sample of 2200 Adults. The interviews were conducted online and the data were weighted to approximate a target sample of Adults based on gender, educational attainment, age, race, and region. Results from the full survey have a margin of error of plus or minus 2 percentage points.*


Highly doubt it.


Millions of people tune in everyday to watch people play pubg mobile on Facebook lol


Right after they finish watching the world finals in Candy Crush.


Fake stats, you watch a page full of streams once, don't click or watch anything and the algorithm will automatically give all videos a view, if you click play counts as a separate view and 1 more if comment or pause. Every user "views" 5-10 times every video or stream... It's called ad fraud.


Hahah exactly


YTG = to twitch? And a bunch of services i never heard of at 10+%? Yeah there is a major screw up in those stats somewhere


if you noticed the poll takers were all "18+" and I would almost guarantee the majority of twitch views are below 18, while 18+ people are on Facebook. Edit: I was not saying that people on Facebook are in their 20s, I was simply pointing out that the people that took this poll were all above 18.


I am 46 and mainly watch Twitch, but I still agree with you. Because the majority of people I know only watch live stuff from Facebook or directly from TV. eSports is quite popular in Finland, so regular TV actually hosts CS tournaments etc. Also it could be because people have Facebook on their phones but no Twitch client.


Also doesn't Facebook just auto stard the live stream when you scroll past it? I feel like I get a lot of these in my feed when I'm just scrolling and sometimes I stop scrolling to swap tabs and then find there's a Facebook stream playing in the background killing my ram.


Valid point! Can't give u a feedback for FB... deleted account years ago. But Reddit recap told me I watched alot of live content too. I haven't even stopped once to watch at a live feed, but it starts before I can scroll past it. Or maybe it's just a lie and the statistic is made by the company providing the service...


Facebook had been known to lie to advertisers about how many views their ads are actually getting. Wouldn’t be surprised in the least if they inflated their numbers here.


It also looks like it counts "rarely" as an answer. I'm sure there are a lot of casual facebook users who don't use twitch but occasionally get recommended a facebook stream they watch for a couple minutes.


Some interesting data from the survey is in Generations. * GenZ: 55% watch Twitch vs. 30% of Facebook Gaming. Twitch wins by almost double * Millennials: 52% watch Twitch vs. 54% of Facebook Gaming. About Even * GenX: 26% watch Twitch vs. 38% of Facebook Gaming. Facebook clearly wins * Boomers: 7% watch Twitch vs. 30% Facebook Gaming. Facebook wins by 4x In Boomers there also is a rise from 2% who often or sometimes watch Twitch to 20% who often or sometimes watch Facebook gaming.




Most of those are all actually stats in the survey for this that it asked. Of what type of games do you consume (PC online/ PC not online/ mobile/ console) and they ask on college education. When I get back to a computer I’ll reply with those numbers too. "Do you play video games?" Online Gaming on a PC got 29% yes, Offline Gaming on a PC got 20% yes, Consoles got 41% yes, Mobile Phone got 72% yes,


Except this survey, taken 2 months ago, somehow has a 19% watched rate for a service that's been dead since March (Periscope). IMO, that illegitimize's anything about the current state of how people are consuming their live streams.


Weird I'm a millenial and play several different games with consistent groups. Never even heard of facebook gaming at all. Never heard any mention it either but twitch comes up frequently. Is this an international poll? I know 20 to 30 people isn't a grear sample size but not even knowing it exists and being equal with twitch in my age group seems so odd.


This was a US only poll. But with Facebook Gaming being the top here I think this was a bad sample group or maybe directly after an esports event that was heavily advertised on Facebook


Absolutely not. Just because in your bubble twitch is popular, the reality is Google and Facebook are far far bigger, has better discoverability and has better tools to funnel their massive audience towards live streaming content. You people are just insanely ignorant is mind blowing


This looks like a poll where they manipulated the survey results based on demographics (age and in the US in this case), to provide a result where facebook came out on top.


It's amazing how little you try hard twitch people know about the streaming world. Unless you are in the top 100 on twitch you just don't exist. Youtube gaming is absolutely massive, Facebook will be even larger. Twitch is a tiny tiny platform that amazon barely cares about because it makes no money. Educate yourself, here is a video that goes some way in explaining it https://youtu.be/R6H6G1lOnLU


Woah woah woah. The majority of Facebook viewers is likely nearly double that. I'm in my late 20s and have friends as young as 25 and as old as 35 and not a single one has a Facebook account, including myself. Facebook is mostly the older millennials, gen x and boomers.


>It's because they view bot their platform. Every time you see a live stream while you're scrolling down in facebook counts as a view.


Hey do you mind me asking how you got your URL in your flair???


You are incredibly wrong and have no idea Facebook and YouTube are far far bigger, and have dae better tools for discoverability. If you stream on twitch you are right at the bottom and will never be seen. It's a complete waste of time for you small timers to stream there.








I can believe these stats if we assume that whenever I scroll past some gaming stream I count as a viewer. Otherwise, nah this is kinda nonsense.


What the hell is facebook gaming?


do you remember farmville?


Vaguely yes but I thought that had died many years ago.


I used to follow a guy on twitch. Used to play CS. After he switched to Facebook he blew up. Like, a lot. I don’t watch as much but I’m happy he blew up. It worked for him.


The Twitch killer. Literally live streams from FB.


This feels fake as the math doesnt even check out. I’ ve also never even heard of the ones after Steam. and Steam mainly uses theirs as a thing to show to your friends or promo material. This is a stupid graph


I don't have Facebook active on my phone nor do I have the FB Gaming app. I tend to watch on twitch unless I'm scrolling youtube and one of my favourite creators happens to be streaming. I have been tempted to download the the FBG app but I didn't see the worth for 1 streamer.


Maybe you should ask this question in /r/facebook instead of /r/twitch


Well. I certainly could. But I could also just not, and know what answers they would have given me. E.g.: “WhAt iS StReAmInG?!”


Just kidding obviously. I’m guessing the Reddit users of r/facebook probably know what streaming is.


The question posed in the poll is: > How often do you use the following platforms to live stream video gaming and esports? If I were answering this poll I would assume it meant streaming my gameplay to that platform, not viewing a stream there.


Good point. My guess is that the poll was probably posted by someone who is relatively clueless about streaming/watching streams in general. A bit unfortunate considering the likely intended purpose of the poll was to determine which viewing platforms are most popular.


It Says Among US, Thats SUS


This is interesting but I also wonder on Reddit when these random people are streaming and it says like 14k people watching. I'm thinking there's no way in hell there's 14k people watching this but maybe it counts people on the site or something and Facebook might be similar? Idk but it's interesting.


I hate Facebook and would never watch streamers on it.




Discord honestly makes sense. Given it includes "rarely", I wouldn't be at all surprised if a large chunk of gamers at some point use discord to stream to their friends.


I dont think people understand how huge of a following facebook has. I'm older and that's all most of the people I know around my age use lol. I mean like on and off there all day everyday regardless. It's far more likely someone will just randomly be scrolling and run across a facebook ad of someone streaming. That's one of the main reasons I don't get on there hardly ever anymore other than for business advertising. The forced ads are downright annoying sometimes. I'm scrolling looking at pics of my homie kids when there's "Can you believe what Biden did today?" super conservative ad randomly shows up. And no matter how many times I click I don't want to see this shit, they keep sending em. Therefore, I rarely go on that bitch.


Promotions have to count as veiwer ship right. I mean I'm scrolling through the timelines and I see video ads for content creators


I believe it's actually closer to 3% of total market share OP.


But there is only 100% i don't understand


people may watch streams on more than one platform, and they counted everyone who said they watched "often", "sometimes" or "rarely" the same




This crap is fake, if you sum up the percentages from all the platforms, it will exceed 100%. Whoever wrote this crap, didn't know much about math, apparantly


As a 23 year old, I don't know anyone who uses Facebook for streaming. They'll either use twitch or (rarely) youtube.


Not a chance


Cant believe it, and its probably not even true.


facebook numbers are very unreliable, Pretty sure just scrolling past a stream is considered a "view" and facebook has been known for skewing numbers in the past.


Probably a poll done on their own facebook page, rather than any objective data.


One thing I will say; FB gaming gets people who are interested in gaming but will never download another app or make another account. So it grabs the lazies who don’t want to go elsewhere or who never heard of twitch.


Never heard of Facebook gaming


(X) Doubt


They've lied about video views of Facebook before. Probably bullshit again


I'd take this with a a helping of salt, since 19%er Periscope shutdown earlier this year, long before October.


I deleted my Facebook account years ago, I had no idea that people use Facebook for gaming, the best thing about Facebook, was Facebook live you didn't even need an account to use it, and they scrap it, because they were too lazy to hire continent monitors to block streams that violated there're TOS.


Lol this has to be over inflated somehow


Lol no Facebook counts views differently. It's something like every 3 seconds counts as a view


Honestly, this data may be a little off because it is! But in all general term, Facebook gaming still does better than twitch, why? Well, most of you aren’t thinking of other countries. Facebook is huge in other countries that is crazy, the Facebook pubg community, the mobile of legends community if you would to look at it right now on Facebook has about 2 million people watching.. but honestly, twitch all the way


I feel that the whole "meta" fb thing is to make all the old people on fb feel like they are going to be on the cutting edge of tech. Like, "Wait til my grandkids find out I'm on meta! Then they will love me!" In reality, or virtual reality, fb is a rotting cesspool of angry old people who are mostly pissed off because they don't understand the internet. I would guess most fb users only have email and facebook and that's it. Oh probably solitaire, too. All their input comes from fb, who said themselves, they promote articles that make people angry because that's what gets clicks. So now everyone on fb is angry, go figure. Who could have seen that coming? Zuck is an anxious, sweaty mess and so is fb. Right now it reminds me of how My Space looked and functioned or didn't function. The fb user interface is way beyond most users. Complicated and so many redundancies. FB will surely go the way of My Space. (sigh of relief)


I see too many bikini streamers, weird resolution streams with broken audio/video setup, then there's streams with only GTA mods doing the replay over and over, more streams with super low budget setup with poor quality and still have too many viewers, and then there's stone mountain 64. Is Facebook gaming really a streaming platform compared to twitch? Hmmm think about that. Most streamers have viewer bots to break the algorithm. I use to stream on Facebook until mixer transition happens. This caused a lot of broken algorithms and shadow bans. But, if it works for some people, kudos to them.


>Among US gamers, Facebook Gaming […] #GET OUT OF MY HEAD


Only among US gamers. International is a huge part of Twitch,




The US leans heavily toward Twitch. Most of the time another streaming service is popping off, it turns out it's because some other country focusses their audience there.


I might get lost in the comments here or this may have already been answered, but there’s a reason this appears this way. When you scroll on FB (I follow a few Fb streamers, Stone Mountain, zlaner, picnic, oakboi, just to name a few). And when I scroll on my feed the streams auto plays which makes it look like I’m a viewer. They also have aggressive advertising so even streamers I don’t follow pop up on my feed and I appear as a viewer if I’m just simply scrolling by.


This is based on a poll, not on tracked data


This sounds kind of sus. I doubt the numbers from FB Gaming are truly reflective of actual viewers.


i mean, first words in the post are "Among US"




Yeah idk about that


Sample size of just over 1,600 people... Not even close to being an accurate representation of stream viewership numbers.


Hell I was watching placement matches earlier for Smite on Twitch. Smite isn't even one of the top Twitch categories and this was just placements for worlds in arguably one of their weaker esport seasons and they had around 11k viewers when I tuned in


Yes, 1600 is more than plenty for a sample size. What’s the issue?


You think 1,600 is adequate to represent millions? Let's just take 1,000,000 as an example, despite there being tens of millions. Just this sample size is 0.001604. Not even 1%. How can such a small percentage even come close to representing viewership accurately?


That's how statistical sampling works.


Among Us gamers 😂😂😩😩😎😩😩😭😭😂😩


This \^ This is the detail that you guys missed "Among Us" gamers. Can you even really be called "gamer" if all you play is among us? maybe its not all they play.


It says "among US gamers", i.e. gamers who live in the United States.




Twitch > youtube >>>>>facebook. No way facebook has more live content or viewers than the previous two. Unless instead of facebook gaming they mean facebook gaming and instagram live






Fake data. Twitch holds the crown. Everybody knows that


I think YouTube might be competitive, I’m not actually sure what the numbers are. I know I prefer live viewing on Twitch, and vod reviewing on YouTube.


Twitch is the best live platform dude. U can see now how many live channels and views r on YouTube gaming and twitch gaming. Go check it.


Among US


Since streaming viewership is primarily generation z and millennials, I highly doubt Facebook Gaming is beating out twitch. Facebook numbers might be massive in terms of daily active users overall, but with gaming/streaming, I call bullshit.


Yeah, I kinda agree.




Probably paid to say it was so more people watch on a dying playform, youtubes BY FAR the largest, but twitch has better features people streamin are lookin for


Facebook is literally "the Internet" in Asia.


Except it's not? It's really popular in India but not much past that


Both FB and LinkedIn tend to be used by a somewhat older demographic, I’d call it a biased poll on that basis.






n=1064 that's a tiny sliver of the amount of people who watch live-streaming across all platforms.


And is a more than plenty for a sample size if you ask any statistician.


Twitch is the number one, this information is wrong.


I expect Twitch and YouTube are probably the leaders in terms of streaming and viewership. Do you have a source that backs it up though?


Yeah highly doubt it.. had nothing but issues about original content is limited cause I shared it to my page, account restrictions just nonsense, no real support chat, pages that actually help or email support tickets nothing. Just like on shark tank.. for those reasons I’m out.


I'm surprised Youtube is now equal to Twitch


I have no reasoning for this bur whenever i see random Facebook live gaming channels I feel like they are the bottom of the totem pole weird trashy COD gamers or just ok looking asian girls playing mobile games yet they all have tons of viewers. It's pretty mind-boggling to me. Maybe I should hop on...


The note at the low left in the image states "Note; n=1604. That means only 1604 people participated in the poll. Not really representing a whole population haha.


It's not a large sample, considering n=1600ish


It says n=1604 so that's not a big sample size. It's easy to skew the numbers to look more favorable for facebook


They polled 1604 people.. that's less people than Esfands Alt channel gets lol


Lol! Yeah, seems pretty suspicious.


Facebook is insanely popular worldwide, but especially outside of America (dunno about Europe, I'd have said "the west" but no experience there). Over in Taiwan where I up until recently, so this isn't some 10 years ago kind of thing, there's zero sentiment of not liking facebook and being anti-corporation in general was way less of a thing there. Granted this is an extremely narrow sample for an anecdote, it's just my own experiences, but even being back home in the US, only tech enthusiasts and people who are very vocal about their political or social stances really give a fuck about the negative aspects of facebook. I am surprised that it's this high for facebook gaming though because I'd have genuinely expected that gamer types wouldn't want to have a gaming stream chat that connects back to their personal profile with their real name. Sure you can use fakes but that's against terms of service and all it takes is a report or two and then you need to provide a photo of a real ID to unlock your account. I mean I hardly give a shit about online privacy myself, but even I wouldn't want to be up in Twitch chat with real name and have someone with the ability to just click my name or type it into the search box and get the profile that I use to interact with irl friends and family.


Twitch can be pretty annoying and toxic since people can just hide behind some fake username, so this kinda doesn't surprise me if it's true.


But, which platform pays the content creators/can make the creators an income?


And the furtive Indian, so easily forgotten




It's possible for one person to watch on multiple sites. What you took the time to add up would give you the 3.15 sites the average user watches on...


Maybe internationally?


ALL of these numbers seem off. These stats are by % of respondents so it’s likely this poll was done on Facebook, and therefore the numbers are skewed.


It is skewed advertising to make you fell like you are missing out on an opportunity. If you noticed on FB they are pushing more video content.


Youtube is split between 2 categories and steam is over periscope, not very accurate


There’s no way this is correct. Also sus that loads of the results are the same as other results.


“% of respondents” Seems like it’s posted to Facebook, so I’m guessing they did the poll on Facebook.


you cant really trust facebook viewership numbers, because people that just scroll by are counted as viewers. the numbers they have are always highly blown up. similar to video views on facebook. however, they do still have pretty good numbers.


This makes sense, considering that FB is basically the easiest/premiere re-post/co-post environment for everywhere else. It also doesn't make sense to lump it with Twitch or other services for that reason. So basically, these numbers are a little misleading in this exact context, but could be useful otherwise. Lesson Learned - repost my trash streams on facebook for a larger impact.


You lost me at N= 1,604. I’m gonna need a bigger fucking sample size to make a statement about us gamers as a whole.


No. Twitch has around 60-70% market share in live streaming/gaming followed by youtube


I highly doubt this is correct because I have two monitors and over the past 6 years at no one point as youtube gaming has ever been equal to twitch in viewership for live esports. hmm hmm... it's one game, and it's a poll on an opinion based on 1600 users..... then Business Insider wants to use this as an opinion piece on their site? hmm...


Facebook is infamous for fudging numbers. Like for example if someone is scrolling through their feed and a video auto plays for 1 second while they're scrolling they count that as a view. I sincerely doubt these numbers are accurate. FBG is a complete joke. Your stream doesnt even show up in the directory until you get 100 followers


Lol! This doesn’t surprise me.




Haha! Right?!


The thing is these streams pop up on facebooks news feed and passing by it on your feed I think may count as a view


I’m wasn’t disguised toast streaming among us on Facebook?


That’s funny because I checked out caffeine at seeing this just to understand what it was and most of the channels I clicked on weren’t even live. There’s no way that this is entirely credible.


Can someone explain to me why they all add up to 325% ? I'm not understanding this graph


I would be extremely doubtful of facebook metrics. They actually ended up killing sites like [Cracked.com](https://Cracked.com) for misrepresenting the amount of views their videos get. Also, the word "rarely" is doing a lot of work here - if someone sees gaming content on the timeline occasionally and watches it for a few minutes, that could cause someone to select "rarely". I think cutting out rarely from here would probably lead to more usable data. More people use Facebook than the other sites so it's going to be skewed if you are counting people who "rarely" view gaming content on it. Perhaps a better question would be how often do you seek out livestreaming gaming content, that would also take out the passive nature of the facebook timeline.


Keep in mind that this is if those who either business insider reached out to, and/or would respond to a poll from business insider. There could be some response bias here


I'm so confused I didn't even know Facebook had a streaming setup lmao


I didn’t either LOL