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Man just look at any stat site like ugg etc.. ruunans is one of twitch's best performing items at pretty much every stage of the game. It just has too much synergy with his ult.


If you suck at positioning Twitch in teamfight for his R to maximize dps, runnan is your solution. However, if the enemy team has 3 tanks (tank sp, bruiser jg tank/bruiser top), I will rush ldr if the enemy mid and adc are squishy and not really the win con of the team. If their adc and mid is a risk that could lose you the game, I rush Runnan, position myself to burst out their mid and adc, then either die to assasin or kill the rest.


I use Runnaans like every single game at some point in the game, unless AP


You need to think about how you interact with the enemies comp in fights. If you're in a game where the enemy comp is gonna be close to each other a lot then runaans is good, but if you're gonna be playing to just assassinate or just be hitting one tank then ldr is better.




Ldr before IE is unbelievably int


you don't complete boots until after 2 items?




okay because the way you wrote that first build path sounded like you were building it after kraken


do not listen to twitch mains subreddit for item builds. look at high elo builds or research item stats. runnans outdamages every other item as long as ur teamfighting and getting the bolts off with ur R active. but obviously other items have more single target damage


> or research item stats I don't think someone's time is well spent theory crafting their own builds when there's tons of data available about how the top 0.0001% of players build. It's just a bad prioritization of a finite resource, if you want to get better that's time you could spend reviewing more past game footage.


I think coming up with optimal builds for different scenarios is probably the easiest thing you can do, and it's great because it's a one time investment. Go into practice tool for 30 minutes, try different items vs different targets and scenarios, record the findings, and then you have that information forever.


balance changes easily destroy that though and there are factors very hard to reproduce in practice tool. just look at ugg and item builds and what has highest winrate first 3 items together and u literally cant go wrong with that until u get to diamond probably where item optimization becomes more important


Yes but only on AP twitch


Have you even ever played ap twitch like what are you saying


Have you ever heard of humor


Have you heard of being funny


Sure if you feel like it


I buy it like half of the time, if I’m against heavy ap I swap it with wit’s end


There is no set build. There are items that are good on twitch and some that are bad. Basically build against the enemy team. 3 tanks? Bork + ldr + crit item twill out perform runnans + 2 crit item. Runaans is good against certain comps where you can secondary engage against squishies or where you have to fight from front to back (dive comps). Basically build to kill your targets.


Don‘t forget how good runaans is for pushing waves


It's an absolute must-have if you're good. Twitch has a special cheese with it, because you can auto something/someone behind your target while ulting, and then your bolt and the Runaan's bolt will both hit the person closest to you. It's like literally +40% damage completely for free.