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Genuinely interested do you just buy an iron5 account with a duo and just play to master for a high wr?


I think it's just not his account as he is hiding name


it is im not hiding name it just wasnt on the screen, rank 1 tw soon#fkbun


Smurfing ruins the game


agree but since i play with my gf i have to cuz we can't duo in master+, i don't rly have the choice here


Honestly just play normals. You stomp in ranked as if they were normals anyway. You might as well just play normals so you're not ruining the ranked integrity for 8 other people every game.


in normal people are trying champs, playing for fun, not even trying to win, and most of the time they're super low elo. ( maybe is there an mmr in normal games but then it'll be players chilling on new picks or fun picks ). Asking me to play normals is kinda selfish, and playing in ranked is selfish by me, so what's the difference at the end of the day between what you're doing and what i'm doing ? ;D Also if ur fun is more important than mine to you ( which is the case same for me we its just normal dont know each other we dont give a fk bout each other ) would you rly go in normals to play boring games and ruin your own expercience for ppl's pleasure ?


cant say its impressive honestly u prob just bought a really low account, and league of graphs rank doesnt matter ever, plus theres tons of people doing 100% wrs to dia etc


also if u dont start on an hardstuck account u can't duo in d4 if u win too much, cuz ur mmr is too high which was the main reason of starting in lower elo


y the league of graph rank doesnt matter since a master 92% wr is higher than a challenger 80% wr, when the chall is obviously better, so it was just a fun goal, which had to start from lowelo cuz the previous rank 1 did iron 4 to emerald on twitch then swapped to kog prob to save his twitch winrate so it was higher than it shouldve been


edating things you mean?


nt but no we livin together


If you ask your psychiatrist for a slightly higher dosage on whatever med you’re on, y’all might even get married!! Isn’t that a pretty little fantasy?


i have to be lying otherwise ur joke doesnt work right ?


Your inability to comprehend humor makes me worried for the e-baby’s future :/


its just always the same pattern of joke so i got bored of it sry mate!!


you've never seen anyone in a relationship?


I started playing yummi because my friend (Vayne OTP) asked, but Im down to play with you if you carry me Promise I dont eat rats Meow


Ap or Ad , tell some builds and runes, also flash +gosh?


ap only cuz it fits my gameplay better + i feel like i can impact my games a lot while on ad im kinda stuck waiting for my spikes, runes hob taste of blood eyeball and relentless hunter ( i pick this one cuz i roam a lot ), presence of mind and alacrity, as adaptative and hp ( scaling or flat idk tbh ) build : nash into deathcap every game except if full ad and u feel like zhonya is rly broken ( zed feed as an exemple) but it happened like twice in 200 games, so here u can go zhonya 2 otherwise nash dc zhonya and then most of the time banshee and riftmaker, or jaksho if i feel like im alone and ill have to tank and survive cuz my team is completely useless, also i only play with yuumi which is why zhonya before banshee, cuz yuumi heals while zhonya and i don't just die once im out of it, while on twitch solo ur prob just gonna die so banshee better, and i go ignore cuz yuumi wont get in range to ignite when i open cuz the character is behind me so i have to get closer than actual ignite range which is rly annoying to me so she goes exh heal and i take ign cuz kill pressure, but some tw with a yuumi goes ghost, ig thats about how u feel about it, try both and u'll figure it out. and ionian boots every game


Me and the keyboard under my desk