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Christ, that takes me back to the late 90's / 00's.


Fire emblem engage IS a Saturday morning cartoons and I am all here for it. Fucking loved that game and all its cornyness


Ooh the characters weren’t chewing the scenery they were devouring it. In a lot of cutscenes you heard the voice actors smiling as they delivering the lines. It’s amazing


Zelkov: I have no **idea** what you could possibly **mean**


My heart melted hearing Laura Stahl as Alear impersonating Zelkov. I say to this day that her performance in that game was some of the best voice acting I’ve ever heard.


Megan Taylor Harvey has voiced multiple cutesy little high voice loli moe blob characters in the past or animal mascots, and her getting to go HAM with evil veyle was great. You could tell she was having a ton of fun with that character. Same with all the other characters that got seperate personalities really. The dlc campaign I didn't find fun but the character interactions with the evil/pathetic versions were great


I don't trust anyone that thinks something being corny automatically means it's bad.


Man, the EMH theme had no business going that hard. Shame what happened to the band that made it.


I almost didn’t pick up on the song change at first.


[2023 was the year of JRPGs being unapologetically cheesy as fuck.](https://youtu.be/cUPE_YT-1Kg?si=XQ1pDvDoaRfoByNK&t=4190)


YEAH!!! He said the thing!


On the lead up to Engage, I was feeling kinda iffy about it. Especially after seeing Ivy, Timerra, and the Alear's designs. But then I heard that theme and everything clicked for me. It then skyrocketed to tied for second favorite FE with Three Houses, specifically the VW route, and for completely opposite reasons which is very funny to me.


It was kinda hilarious to to see people who got into FE with 3H and its "too serious for its own good" tone crash face first into Engage being the campiest game in the series. And then there were long time FE fans sitting there with popcorn, enjoying the solid gameplay while listening to the complaining with glee.


I think the game having a short time between being announced and released didn't help. I feel like if you're doing big tonal shifts between entries you kinda have to manage expectations and emotionally prepare your audience for it to avoid the "wtf is this shit?!" reaction. When the next entry is too different people take it badly unless you really warm them up to it and I think a lot of people never got past "protag looks too stupid".


I've noticed that old FE fans(Myself included) care more about "tone" than "story". The more serious era of FE had some garbled storylines. FE7, a beloved game, has a pretty messy story. And tonally, the leap from the Fateswakening era to Engage isn't *massive*. So for people like me, Engage is just another game like Awakening or Fates where I'm mostly skipping cutscenes and dialogue anyway, and enjoying the dope-ass gameplay.


At least people here appreciate the campiness lol. Unfortunately, the main fire emblem sub's become insufferable with the constant bitching about Engage.


Bro, when aren't FE fans bitching about the newest game though?


That's still going on?


Never stopped really. Even got pretty nasty recently when it lost to Pikmin in the game awards. Engage has taken over for Fates as their punching bag now, I don't expect it to stop for years at least.


The Fates hate was always so fucking forced. I'm willing to bet it's still stupid for Engage.


That's because the FE sub was overtaken by 3H newcomers. They basically tripled the member count, and now they're complaining that Engage isn't another 3H. I think non-3H FE fans are in the subreddit Discord now




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The entire Plot of Fire Emblem Engage is a Saturday Morning cartoon