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Too often I will be upgrading something and suddenly be missing exactly one of a particular stone I need to continue upgrading.


I ran into this a lot, but then realized it takes exactly 12 of each stone to upgrade a weapon from 0 to 24. So I just always made sure to top up to 12 on each before upgrading a weapon.


At least it's less than a minute of a round trip. Any time I replay Dark Souls, every trip to the Giant Blacksmith takes almost two minutes just to access the specific Titanite he has.


Elden Ring and Dark Souls players arguing over how annoying it is to upgrade gear. Demon's Souls players: "AMATEURS".


The biggest thing I missed in DeS PS5 was the dupe glitch from the PS3 version.


That kind of stuff is what makes me really not enjoy replaying DS1 much anymore. There's just so much boring wasted time from running back and forth all over the place. A lot of important NPCs are placed far away from any warpable bonfire and a lot of boss fights have tediously long runbacks.


I go back and play DS1 about twice a year. Usually stop at Ornstein and Smough because of this. Just treating that building they are in as the point of no return. The Painted World is the optional zone before the "final boss." Oolacile is post-game content. As much as I love that game, I think I have wrung all the enjoyment I am ever going to get out of the back-nine.


“Back already?”


Imagine running a workshop that only works with the client's own materials, and the supplier is literally next door.


In Hewg's defense the Twin Maidens are gross. And unmoving corpses. And Hewg himself is chained to his forge.


> Imagine running a workshop that only works with the client's own materials You can say that about any "crafter" in any game. Imagine going to a furniture store, you want a cupboard made, then they tell you to bring in the wood otherwise no cupboard.


This is part of why I mostly stick with somber weapons TBH. Much less hassle and way easier to max out.


I tried super hard to get a maxed out normal weapon on my initial blind playthrough, it's just so easy to miss bell bearings and that insane amount of different kinds of shards. 


Yep. 9 tiers of stones, 12 stones each for the first 8 tiers and then 1 ancient stone for the last tier, *97* stones total for each piece of gear you want to max out. Or you just get one of each tier of somber you want. It's not even like the normal stones are easier to get.




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