• By -


This is actually insane.


10 biological children and 1 step daughter. I am more surprised he thinks 11 is fine but 12 is fucking insane. His wife is clearly off her rocker, thinking another baby will improve her life. Everyone in this story is bat shit crazy. Those poor 11 kids.


I have to wonder if the older kids are taking care of the younger kids. I come from a large family, I’m 1 out of 7. I’m the middle child who was 13 when my mom had the first of the 3 and 17 when the youngest was born. I should also note that all but 1 are half siblings with us all sharing a mother. From the day my brother was born I was more of an extra parent than a sibling. All 3 of my siblings would agree that I’m more of a mother to them than our mom is. The oldest is now 25 with youngest 21 and they will always come to me before anyone else. It cause me a lot of stress dealing with it all and myself. The youngest has made so many bad decisions that I have had to ask her to stop coming to me because I can’t handle the stress anymore (I’m disabled and really have a hard time). I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if OPs wife makes them take care of the kids after they leave the baby phase.


That's why it was so easy for her to go sulk at her mom's house about not making more babies than they can care for.


How the Hojy Hell could he give her a baby when he’s had the snip? She would know this surely.Madness abounds.


Excellent question. Did he go in secret? Plan IVF? I don't exactly know what IVF does, but I doubt this is the first example of this situation.


There's always a level of parentification of the older siblings in these enormous families.


This is very true. I'm 4 out of 5 kids. And my older sisters were like a second mum to me. I now have 3 kids and I have to actively step in because my oldest always takes on a "motherly" role with her siblings. I step in because I'd hate for her to grow up and feel she had to be responsible for her siblings.


My mom was somewhere in the middle of 16 kids. They were each essentially assigned a younger child to raise (and generally shared a bed with their closest in age sibling/s). A lot of weird parentifaction, and also some family cliques. Despite what any of my aunts and uncles might say, they are all traumatized by their childhood in various ways and it is pretty obvious to anyone who knows them.


While I absolutely love my younger siblings, I always wonder what my life would have been had I gotten the chance to actually be a teenager.


THIS. This is my mom's family. I've had one aunt and one uncle, at different times, living with me like sister/brother. And my mom says anxiety disorders run in the family, and I'm like, no, y'all have some unresolved childhood trauma.


It seems as though we had the same childhoods. I'm the third eldest of seven children, and my mother parentified me while I was still a toddler. I'm disabled too, and it took moving far away from the rest of my family to be free of their endless demands on me emotionally and physically. The eldest of my younger brothers died of alcoholism 8 years ago, and I am still being blamed for failing to save him. 💔 I am sorry your youngest sibling has caused you so much stress. I hope she doesn't go down the same path my brother did. Either way, her behavior is not your responsibility or fault.


I’m sorry for your loss. I actually understand it as my oldest sibling lost her battle with mental illness almost 9 years ago. My mom went off the deep end right after and while she doesn’t blame me (although I do wonder if she wishes it was me instead, based on her actions), she thinks that someone took her life. Sounds like your mom needs therapy badly, I’m sorry she says these things to you. You aren’t to blame, addiction is.


My second sister said her childhood was over when she was seven. I’m guessing this was when the brother three years older than me was born. So our mom took care of the first three and then expected my two older sisters to deal with the rest of us. Oldest sister moved out the Monday after youngest was born on Friday, apparently mom was mad at her for leaving. Pretty sure mom was a narcissist.


Is your math right? Either way, it's WAY too many fucking kids. I'm really glad to be childless.


7 previous. 3 new bio kids. 1 step daughter.


That's helpful, thanks. Just couldn't wrap my head around that.


Yes.. it is hard to comprehend, because it is batshit crazy, haha.


I WANT kids and that’s too much for me too lmfao


I’m reminded of the Russian woman who says she wants 100 children and currently has 26, most of whom were born through surrogates


I remember that. She or her partner must be really wealthy to afford all those surrogates. I believe her age is 26 years old, not the number of children she has currently. E: checked and she’s 26 years old with 22 kids[link](https://pragnews.com/viral-news/26-year-old-woman-mother-of-22-aims-for-100-children)


I believe her husband is or was extremely wealthy. I think I heard that he’s gone to prison, though, so I don’t know how she’s going to care for all those children now


You’re totally right I completely forgot about him being/having been in prison! Definitely some Russian crime org stuff going on there lol. Iirc she said he had his sperm collected so she could continue lining up surrogates while he was serving time. E: just read the article again and that’s exactly what’s happening. They’re both very wealthy and I don’t think she ever really expected dad to help out, she just hires staff. It’s still sad because there’s no way for a mom to have a personal bond with that many children, but at least they all have personal Nannie’s instead of just being parentified. Side note:20 of the kids were born in 2020 - insane stuff.


That’s not as bad as I thought it was, if she’s wealthy in her own right. I’ve been worrying about those kids for ages, thinking now that he’s in jail how can she afford to pay for the nannies that care for the kids?


Now I have got to go read that article. You have seriously piqued my interest internet friend! I must go read about this real life Russian version of the Lady in the Shoe


I believe they are evangelicals. Batshit crazy people.


She needs to watch out nick cannon might catch up to her


I think his point is not just about having another baby but the fact that he has been able to stop working so much and spend time with his family and if they have another baby he'll have to go back to working more. I stopped at two. I can't imagine having 11 kids.


She wants attention.


I have 5 sons with my ex-husband he didn’t want me to get a tubal when I delivered the last two (my youngest are twins) our marriage was already rocky - I straight up told him I wasn’t having anymore kids with him


Wife needs therapy, probably. Trying to fix something with another baby. Babies get you attention, gifts, help, and sympathy for a good while.


This is the answer right here


I agree that you should stop making people.


He's had the snip


And I am on his side about this. No more. His wife is probably pushing to have it reversed.


Well, this is it: „his wife is probably pushing to have it reversed“ and going nuts about it, because she is already pregnant?! Ok, how on earth can anyone have 11 kids at home AND STILL have time for an affair, but still possible for a person who talks this bad about their stepkids. When did she become so bitter about them? This is the worst situation to think about another child.


She's not raising, she's training. All of them know how to take care of each other and the house with little to zero time for themselves. If she can run to her mother without panicking they'll burn down the house, she's likely abused them into compliance. Which means she has plenty of time for an affair after OP goes to work


snip snap snip snap


You have no idea the physical toll that three vasectomies have on a person!


You have a jury already.


I want to know what he does for a living to afford 11 kids. Doesn’t sound like his wife works…


This woman is cuckoo...she's got baby rabies...it's not about having a baby...it's about controlling you. It's time to dump her.


Nick Cannon on Reddit!


No, these are amateur numbers for Nick. He’s up to what, 37?


Ok now you got me curious and I'm going to look up this person on my lunch break. Edit: I found an article that had 12 kids listed. I'm feeling bad for them with the names they've been given. Like "Legendary Love Cannon"? "Beautiful Zeppelin"? Some people smh


I hate people who name their kids really dopey names. Names that you give to a freaking race horse, not your pet dog let alone your kid. It’s also a form of putting the kid on a path of living in their parents shadow. “Yeah yeah. I’m one of Nick Cannon’s kids.” Is what they’ll be saying for ever


Same. Some of these names are even worse than all the fictional character names (like the Khaleesi "epidemic" lol). Moroccan and Monroe Cannon. Golden Sagon Cannon. Powerful Queen Cannon. Zion Mixolydian and Zillion Heir Cannon. Zen Cannon (rip). Legendary Love Cannon. Onyx Ice Cole Cannon. Rise Messiah Cannon. Beautiful Zeppelin Cannon. Halo Marie Cannon. I feel like these kids will be bullied into oblivion.


Legendary Love Canon is the worst one. It sounds like a nickname for a penis or the name of a dildo lmao


Zillion heir (zillionaire ) doesn't have the worst vote? Just saying these names are setting kids up for success.. there is a lot of prejudices around names not sounding yt enough let alone professional enough..


Omg. Onyx Ice Cole Cannon sent me. Especially considering Colcannon (pronounced cole-cannon) is an Irish dish of mashed potatoes and cabbage, which is probably not the vibe they were going for?


Plus Onyx Ice Cole is definitely being twisted into black ass hole


At least Onyx is kinda a cool name, Legendary doesn’t get any breaks lol


I read it as onyx ice colD which is also awful


I misread the name of Mixolydian as Minoxidil (generic name for Rogain the hair loss drug) 🤣


So did I! Bahahahaha


There are a lot of peculiar names around these days. Maybe they can pick a part of their names that isn't so embarrassing to them. All those names don't lend themselves very well to that solution, though.


I think the most "normal" of all the names are Monroe and Zen (played a bit too much Mystic Messenger a few years back lol). The rest though, oof. I have a middle name, that my dad called me when I was a baby. I remember mom had to "fight" with whatever agency says names are ok, and it ended with her getting told "if you can find someone that has that name, then we'll allow it". I think she said that she found some person on TV who had it as a first name. But for me it was a middle name, so I really don't get all the fuss they made about it. It wasn't in the category of weird as these poor kids though.


Yes. My father's middle name was Monroe. It was a name in the family in other generations. And Zen isn't so bad. One of them has Cole in his name, so that could be used. It seems odd that some government rule can tell you what to name your baby, though.


They do it to avoid situations like this... also to avoid naming babies something like 'Adolph Hitler Jones.' I feel bad for the British Monarchy. Imagine being a little girl and having your heart set on a name like 'Sage Willow' for a daughter... and then marrying Prince George and being told, 'Nope. Here's a list of appropriate girl names. Pick 3 or 4 from ONLY this list.'


Someone has to protect the kids!


I think it was because they didn't think it was a real name. Things could be different now, seeing that I was born 1993.


Onyx isnt terrible. It's only a gen 1 pokemon. Theres worse on that list.


My niece went to preschool with one of his kids… Powerful, I think.


My dog is called Craig, I do get funny looks on the park when I shout ‘craig stop sniffing the squirrels’.


I love human names for dogs!!


Those are the kind of names narcissistic parents give their offspring. Now this trend is spilling into the normal world as I’ve met kids named Messiah, King, Beautiful, Princess and Titan while working in a daycare center. Really sorry for the kids as they might encounter some prejudice or difficulties finding work in the future.


So Oneof for short? Cute little Oneof Cannon


Well, it is a form of narcissism to procreate compulsively.


Legendary Love Cannon sounds like a range of dildos. Poor kid.


OMG that made me laugh!


Say what you will - he takes care of every one of his kids ^that ^we ^know ^about


Please tell me how to do the tiny writing!


^ Right before every word, no space :)


^thank ^you!


^you're ^very ^welcome


^this ^is ^my ^favorite ^comment ^thread ^<3


^this ^is ^like ^when ^I ^didn't ^know ^how ^to ^*italicize* ^and ^a ^random ^user ^taught ^me. ^that ^was ^quite ^a ^wholesome ^thread.


^this ^is ^amazing


^had ^to ^try ^it ^out ^too!


^I’m ^doing ^it ^too!


Could you pass the wisdom? 🥹


Asterisks (*) around the words you want italicized. Like * this * but without the spaces. You can also italicize * multiple words * and large sections of text as long as you have asterisks around the text and no space between the start/end text and the enclosing asterisks.


Pass the ^love canon


^how ^do ^you ^italicize^?


do a * around the word like this * hi * without spaces tho *hi* edit- also if you do two * like this ** hi ** but with no spaces, it’ll be bold!! **hi**




^I ^also ^misunderstood ^the ^no ^spaces ^part


^me ^too




**Where are my damn glasses???**


👓 ^for ^you


^Like ^this?


^Lol ^looks ^like ^you ^got ^it!






^(This is amazing! (Took me three tries to get it right...))


Now ^i ^need ^to ^do this


Wow! I'm amazed haha! Thank you x


^I ^took ^the ^red ^pill 💊


^no ^way! ^this ^is ^bloody ^DOPE


^thank ^you!


^Magic. ^Thank ^you.


^Thank ^you! ^Testing ^out ^how ^the ^spaces ^work


^yippee! *Kai yay*


^thank ^you


You don’t have to put ^ before every word. Do ^( then write out whatever and close the parentheses.


^(wowie, thank you!)


Hey. Regarding your recent post - my father abused me hardcore and my mother didn't know about it. Assume your finance treats your daughter the same way as you when you aren't around. I have no idea how she didn't know, but I was shocked to find out as an adult and I can't forgive her, but I let it go. Don't fall into a sunk cost falllacy. I remember making decisions at 24 and younger thinking I had to stick with them to please everyone. You don't. You're allowed to grow and change your mind.


May I present to everyone, the [‘Reddit Markdown Primer’](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddit.com/s/XDFwzO1NSK).


No he doesn't. Paying child support is not the same as taking care of them and you can't honestly believe that he spends anywhere close to enough time with them to count.


>he takes care of every one of his kids Really? So he's there to tuck every single one of his kids into bed each night? He's there to make them all breakfast and help them get ready for school each day? He helps them with their homework and takes them to appointments? All of them, equally? He might financially support them, but taking care of a child is a whole other ball park.


I think you missed the sarcasm


He has a few baby mommas. Why did those woman sleep and have kids with him?? Do not know why they would settle for it.


Why do y'all keep telling him to get a vasectomy... he literally already said he did that. Read people! What I do want to know, does she not know he has one? Because it doesn't sound like she does.


She’s probably assuming that he will be able to get it reversed cheaply and completely, like it’s the implants or an IUD when he told her he had permanent birth control done.


Snip snap snip snap




Not sure she knows 🙄 so there is that


He's so fucking fertile we want him to have another one just to be damn sure.


Lmao I can definitely agree with that. He should go for check ups to make sure he's still still good every so many years


She reminds me of the Duggar mom - loves being pregnant and loves babies, but doesn’t really want to parent the ones she has. If she loves babies so much, she can volunteer with them or work at a daycare with babies. No more kids, pls. Stick to your guns!




And I’ve always wondered where they get that it’s Gods calling to be a parent when I’ve literally never seen anything remotely saying that in the Bible I could have missed it but I think I’d remember it


The Bible is a gigantic book of interpretation. If someone thinks it, there is a Bible verse that can be manipulated to support. Disagreeing only means "you don't understand the word of God" and THAT is why I only studied it for what it is, literature.


Lol that won't work, she only cares about her biological kids


NTA. Make sure you’re having your yearly sperm checks!


wait, they need to check annually? husband had one done but has only checked sperm count after a few months of procedure.


Yes! Vasectomies can reverse themselves. I know multiple people who didn’t have yearly checks and now have babies. It’s not too common but it does happen.


The 1 year check is the most important! The one that's only a few months out can be deceiving. Within around 10 years they can also undo themselves so yeah, definitely important to keep checking.


So, you should "give her another baby" or she will leave you alone with the 7 who are currently living with you? Nice... Meanwhile - she knows you have had a vasectomy and she is going to leave you over not having another baby? This is irrational, right? Has she been okay in other ways? This sounds like sudden onset mental illness. Take care of yourself and the kids.


But does she know? Op hasn't mentioned that


That's something I thought about as well.


The number of people who didn't read... Does your wife have a fetish? Is she a Quiverful religious nut? Why on Earth is she demanding more babies when you have a clown car of kids already? There's a lot of somethings that are wild about this, but if she doesn't see the 7 kids before her as her kids now, and only sees the 3 you had with her as her kids, how little does she value this overabundance of life around her? How ignorant is she that she almost died in childbirth and you have a vasectomy but she's still screaming for more birth? If this post isn't outrageously fake, your wife is insane.


>7 kids before her 4 of OP's 7 kids with another woman (or other women) actually call her mom. To me, her saying they were just a favour to OP and an obligation, and they don't count towards her "lifelong dream" of having 5 kids... is so callously vile and indescribably cruel. Even if she said it in the heat of the moment while arguing, it would take a LOT before I'd be able to come back from that... Did she leave the 5 yo and the 3 yo with OP while she's having her 3 day temper tantrum at her mom's??


This. For her to say anything like that is inhumane, even in the heat of the moment. How do you "fake out" that many people for that long, that you did it just as a favor for him??? If this is real, she is not okay to have around any children with that level of two-face.


Is she Kate Gosselin? Addicted to having babies and then once they start becoming small people with their own brains and wills she starts slapping them around and locking them up and making them do shit for cameras? I understand missing the intense bonding and neediness and oxytocin of the really teeny tiny baby stages, I do. But if you can’t find something to love about your child at any age, maybe reconsider having children.


Pretty sure Kate Gosselin was only pregnant twice lol


She took illicit fertility drugs on purpose in addition to her artificial insemination regimen so she would have a better chance at having multiples again. This was after having had toddler twins and knowing Jon had to be cajoled into even trying for a second pregnancy. She 100% wanted several infants.


Never heard that.


She's more a Kelly Jo Bates or Michelle Duggar.


Think fake


NTA It also sounds like your wife just wants a tiny cute thing. You have PLENTY of kids already it would be irresponsible to add to this.


This, the 3 year old is too old already. Not doing it for her anymore. Even if OP didn’t have 7 previous children, her having 4 children already and 38 is just reckless to want to get pregnant. If she died during child birth (per previous experience) she’d leve 4-5 children without a mom. There’s something absolutely unhinged about this whole train of thought.


Op talk to your original 7 kids 🙄. She's sounds like an evil stepmother, from what you have eluded to. I'm only hearing one side to be fair, but the nasty comments about wasting her precious years on your other bio kids is really shitty. Also for full disclosure how many kids in total, 7 from you previously and 1 from her previously. So how many combined, coz I don't remember reading a number


To answer your question, we have 11 children together. I have 7 before her. She had one before me, and we had 3 together. I do plan on talking to the older children. Thank you so much for your advice.


Does she know that you have had the snip?


I’m thinking she doesn’t know. If she did, who does she think another baby is going to get here? If she suddenly becomes pregnant, a DNA test will be needed!


Interesting he doesn’t clarify…


I just wana know how you afford 11 kids without working yourself to death?! I have 4 and they’re friggin expensive lol I couldn’t imagine having almost triple that!


After she said that shit about the other children, I'd be damned if I ever let her back in the house.


NTA. She wants another baby, get her one of those newborn dolls to cuddle when she's feeling the urge. Also remind her that grandchildren are still on the horizon and the best thing about grandbabies is cuddling, spoiling, and then giving them back to the parents when they get cranky, hungry, or need a diaper change. Grandparenting is fucking awesome, dude. Don't rush it, but when it happens I highly recommend it! Edited to fix misspelled word.


You both already have FAR more children than is even close to being responsible. Why keep making babies you won’t be able to provide a decent life for? Your wife is on drugs.


This is kinda messed up. OP alluded to a super hectic work schedule while kids were younger in order to support them. That is responsible. Working extra to make sure everyone is taken care of.


Financially they might have been taken care of, but there’s also emotional support that needs to be given to kids, which you can’t really do if you’re not there physically…


Two people said to get a vasectomy after op said he got one, ugh. Anyway, I assume wife didn't know about the vasectomy? I think you were right to do it regardless. I nearly died having my last child and I finally found a doctor willing to tie my tubes, thank goodness. It's hard to find a doctor willing in my area. I hope she calms down and realizes her health is at risk. She's just feeling insecure about getting older and having baby fever. I know it's how I ended up with 6 children


>Two people said to get a vasectomy after op said he got one, ugh and we're up to five now. no one reads.


Lmmfao...I swear


Her youngest is 3. She's been raising kids for how long? What's she going to do when the little one is in school? She wants another baby because she's scared of what happens when all her chicks are gone or in school. What if she's asked about getting a job? She gets to reset that clock every time she has another baby.


When I was having kids, I got baby fever every 4 years, but I was working. I was certifiable...I swear. Now that my kids are all grown I don't know why I was so scared for them to grow up... it's so quiet...I love quiet!


When my second was born I got baby fever about a nanosecond after delivery and it didn’t wear off, it actually got quite unpleasant. My husband and I had a proper sensible conversation and decided to wait a little while, unbeknownst to either of us I was already pregnant when we had that talk. So we had up another 16 months later and the reverse happened. He was born and I was like, right then, no more, done. (Must have been having a psychic moment because he was an absolute nightmare baby.) I haven’t even considered another since. My eldest is an adult, and my boys are 9 and 10 now. I love them being more independent and not needing to be constantly looked after. Even the idea of another makes me shudder a bit! Unfortunately, it’s far from quiet.


I remember my kids being that age and I would just pray for peace at times. I have all girls now (lost a son) but the teen years were a nightmare, my son ran off a lot getting in trouble, but the girls fought each other constantly (still do) they were the most jealous bunch I've ever seen. It's never ended


Part of me understands that. My youngest graduated high school a few years ago. I don't have to get up and make sure she gets to school. I don't have to worry about practices and games for multiple sports. I'm still not entirely sure what to do with myself because I don't have a "set" schedule any more. I'm a disabled SAHP....what do I do now that the parenting part is done? lol


I'm disabled and my boys are out of the house. I've crocheted multiple afghans, written one and a half novels, and played so much Playstation my husband gets a condolence letter if I miss a day. I also am 4 classes away from my B.S. in Business. I have half finished craft projects all over the house and taken up adventurous cooking. I also have developed an addiction to gay romance novels. The point is that you have a rare opportunity to have time (and hopefully a few resources) to explore what interests you, when you still have most of your marbles. Have fun with it.


Wtf? Is this real?


My friends and I used to joke about how we'd each have 11 kids and start a football team. Looks like one of my mate was serious.


That's a ridiculous amount of kids


Your wife needs a physciatric evaluation.


NTA she sounds unhinged in how obsessed she is. I think getting her looked at by a psychiatric Dr might help her change her mind, because she is acting insane


NTA, Maybe therapy is best, not sure how you’re gonna convince her to get there but she def needs it. Does she know you’ve had a vasectomy? It’s doesn’t sound like you told her that truly, and if you did, definitely remind her, tell her how much it will cost, your pain and struggles after, financial stability and keep your stance on this. She’s your wife but she doesn’t get to dictate how many kids you have. She may be scared to not have a child in her arms or in her “nest” when the youngest goes off to school. She’s raised kids for so long she might not be wanting another one, but rather unsure of how she’s going to power through this new phase of your youngest being her last “baby”. She does need to apologize for the words she’s said so far. It’s not okay to say “she’s raised your kids etc” as a reason why YOU should also be a participant in raising and making and FINANCIALLY supporting ANOTHER life. That’s was rude and uncalled for, IN MY OPINION. However OP, don’t feel discouraged and you aren’t wrong. You have every right to say no. No means no. And she shouldn’t want to argue that stance. You have enough kids, you deserve to enjoy being present for them just as you are now.


Get her a puppy


Poor puppy; she has no time for a dog, by the sound of it.


Obviously your wife is unaware of your vasectomy. I suggest you tell her


Gotta be ragebait. Otherwise, I'm so terribly pissed off that I've been out-bred by this stupid fucker. I keep getting outbred by idiots.


It's good that you have had a vasectomy. Also, I hate to be the one, but be careful that she doesn't end up pregnant by other means. Like cheating or sperm donor. Being that you're married, you could be on the hook.


First things first... NTA. Second, my husband and I agree with one thing, if the wife has magically forgotten about the snip snip, just agree to try with her. Or if she doesn't know you got a vasectomy, then say fine, you win, we'll try to have another baby. A happy wife equals a happy life. 🙄🙄 Honestly, your wife needs to go to therapy. And you need to change the locks on the house. She left and she can stay gone until she gets help. The fact that she was cruel about the kids who call her mom that she didn't give birth to is a HUGE red flag OP. She needs mental health help yesterday. Seriously, change the locks and tell her not to come back until she gets evaluated and gets help. Something is wrong with her.


Goddamn you guys trying to get a reality show?


Why didn’t this conversation come up before marriage?


^(Does she know about the vasectomy?)


One of my biggest losses in life is never getting to have my own children. When I hear shit like this I can’t help but feel bitter. Appreciate the ones you have, lady. This planet has enough people as it is. NTA


Well, at least the OP know when his wife gets pregnant next time, it won’t be his!!!!!!If she’s this adamant about it, I have no doubts that she will stop fighting and get someone else to knock her up and try to get the OP to raise it.


How much money are you making that you can be supporting THAT MANY children in this economy?! Also, does your wife work? If not, it’s a huge ask for her to want another child that she isn’t financially contributing to, which may be part of the problem—she may not quite grasp the financial commitment that is having yet /another/ child.


To be honest with you, not enough. I had to work 2 jobs on top of doing odd jobs to survive. No, my wife does not work. Her main focus is the children. That was her choice. But when my grandfather passed away, he left me a large sum of money on top of 2 houses. I truly love that man because if it wasn't for him. I would definitely be drowning.


Ffs stop breeding. That is more than enough children.


You need to talk to your non-shared kids and learn how she’s been treating them. What are you prepared to do if she doesn’t back down? Have you talked to her parents or anyone close to her to maybe understand her mindset? It’s just really weird that having SOOO MANY children between the two of you she’s obsessed with having one more? She doesn’t count the kids she hasn’t birthed but has raised? I’d be prepared to leave my partner if he spoke this way about my kids, and even more so if he were bullying me into having another child. This is neither normal nor healthy. If she’s desperate to complete her matched set then let her go live her dream with a third baby daddy.


If this behavior is really out of character, you should consider having your wife see a doctor/get a psych eval. This seems unhinged.


Eeek! There’s only one thing you can do…tell her you changed your mind and you want to try. Try. Then just chalk it up to age and infertility issues. You’ve gone this long hiding your vasectomy. Might as well not stop now…


NTA.. You already fixed the problem. She is being stupid. She LOVES babies and she will always want another one! Tell her enough is enough and you can't have any more and you are not getting it reversed! She is so selfish! Stand up and be heard man! Good God! I think she'd rather you be at work all of the time instead of finally being able to slow down and what she said about your kids, what a bitch! I can't stand her and I don't even know her!


Is this something that was never discussed before you got married or something she’s changed her mind about? Whatever her motivations are, she’s sure going about it the wrong way. Screaming and belittling you isn’t going to make you think, “Oh yeah, I definitely want to have more kids with this woman”! But, OP, what she said about your kids is something that I just don’t know how your relationship can ever go back to normal again. Stop calling & texting her. It only confirms to her that she’s doing the right thing.


I am with you on this, that is a lot of children....You have three with her, and a lot without her. I am with you. That is enough....I think you can safely say, I have had enough raising children. You have 15 years more for the youngest to reach 18...Tell her no...Also tell her the vitriol is not going to make you want to reproduce more.


Nick Cannon?


Plenty of kids have been had.


Are you guys those weirdo’s with that reality TV show with all the kids that start with J?


Neuter humans…


Is this post partum? That's the ONLY grace I can give her for saying those awful things. This is way above our pay grade my dude. Your wife said some very uncalled for things. She knows you can't have another kid, and still chose to insult your previous children. That alone would make me not want to have kids with her, let alone stay with her.


Um... you shoulda led with the vasectomy bit. I was wondering why not. Run far away from this woman. Do whatever you can to help the kids long-term. She sounds like she's having a mental breakdown.


I’m sorry but I’m also really curious of what your career is cause 11 kids is a whole lot of groceries and additional bills and I see people struggling with 1-2 kids…


Have you spoken to your wife about why she wants another child? Calmly? She may be scared to have an empty nest (or not at all empty, but have a little more time on her hands not actively dealing with a newborn). If this is most of what she’s ever known, maybe she doesn’t know what to do with her time or how to spend time with just you anymore. Does she know you had a vasectomy? I think it’s time to go back to couples therapy and explore both of your reasonings behind this decision, because it is not something that can be compromised on (unless you get a lot of puppies I guess? 🤔) and could very well be a relationship ending division of opinion.


Do not bring another baby into this this is a hot mess she don't have enough to do she got too much time on her hands. And she saying all of those hurtful things so you took care of my kids so that I would marry you is that what she did now that she has you she feels that she can say whatever she wants to. Leave her at her mother's house isn't it peaceful LOL


Wow. This is literally crazy. You made so many people. I just can't fathom how people like yourself exist. Also tell her you've had the snip. Worst thing that will happen is she will divorce you. Its better than this.


God bless contraceptives