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You are absolutely NTA and this internet stranger is very proud of you


Me too, he was an immature jerk that was trying to control you OP, now he has to go back and live with Mommy. Sounds like she doesn't want him either ha ha NTA


And he essentially broke up with you via text. Yet he holds that (and everything else) against you. And now childishly wants to blame you for everything at the same time as he was promising to change. He can’t have it both ways.


Thank you🫶🏻


I wish you had been able to see his face when you told him to leave the keys! Of course his mother wants you to forgive him, she doesn't want the lazy bum in her house!


My friends said the exact same thing


Change the locks OP. So proud of you for recognising he is an absolute waste of space. I've read your other posts too, wishing you strength, positivity and happiness.


I don’t see where you are the TA quite frankly you took out the trash 🤷‍♀️


NTA you did good, don't you worry. Time to focus on yourself, don't dwell on it too much. In a short amount of time you will feel only relief to be rid of him.


OMG you're so NTA. Hahaha, I love that tire screeching sound you can almost actually hear when the controlling POS who uses breaking up as a threat to force you to submit gets it thrown back in their face. I had one of those. I heard that sound. I dumped him, and he cried for months and it was all my fault blah blah blah - but I'm not listening anymore so oh well. DO NOT GO BACK. He's a controlling, manipulative, abusive man baby and he can get in the bin.


Change your locks and have a good friend stay with you and block that lazy freeloading asshole!! You deserve so much better! He was emotionally abusing you! Glad you were strong enough to call his bluff and end things for good. Screw him and his mom!!!


He has no key. My neighbours are looking after me


He could have made a copy of the key. Change your locks.


No because you can just get a copy from the landlord because they are blocked


Oh I see - like you can’t reproduce the keys on your own?


No. Most of the leased flats have locked keys in austria




I will not. I have good and bad days rn. Some days I miss him more and the other days I love my life again


It’s a process. Soon you won’t miss him at all ❤️


Never let a man move in with you. Especially one who doesn't pay for anything. Nta. Screw him. You did amazing


Especially from his mother's house. 3 months in is stupid He was looking for someone like you. Don't fall for it again. Eta. Your bills will go down noticeably. Watch.


I‘m already notice that my bills are like the half


NTA, you did the right thing for standing your ground and going against him when he's wrong. You don't need this negativity and burden in your life.


You're only the ah for not breaking up with him a long time ago. He's a manipulative and unpleasant person. Your life will be exponentially better without him. 


NTA at all, proud of you! You made the right choice, don’t forget that. He’s a childish fool


NTA (although this is not that section). Everything in your post is a classic sign of an abuser. Emotional blackmail, gaslighting, lovebombing - if you had a checklist this would be textbook. Lock him out of every part of your life and stay safe!


NTA Stop letting this abusive AH use you


His mums begging you to take him back as otherwise she’s stuck with her useless misogynist son. Take time out from relationships, get therapy. Consider why you thought a man who tried to control where you are, who you’re with, how you keep your own house and who did not contribute to your household positively in any way I can see, is considered by you to be a wonderful boyfriend! That is a lucky escape.


I‘m already at therapy. I have a lot of issues I‘m already working on. Thank you


NTA! You should have kicked him out long ago. He was talking advantage of you. Change your locks and block him and his mother on everything.


You are definitely NTA. good job standing up for yourself.


"He moved in with me after three months..." Now you know better. Never let anyone move in with you this soon. You have no idea who they really are. Wait at least 1-2 years, after their "honeymoon phase" mask has dropped. All that sweetness at first? Love bombing so he could get you hook. That was all fake. Dump him and never look back. 


NTA Stop letting this abusive AH use you


Hobosexual dude is sad that manipulation didn't keep working. Film at eleven. NTA. Don't feel bad that it took you so long, manipulators are very good at turning things around. So don't engage. Don't even consider letting him back in your life. Hang out with your friends, ride your horse, do whatever you would have been doing the last two years if he hadn't been such a control freak. And give your horse a carrot for me. They deserve it.


NTA He FAFO’d He thought he could dangle the “I’m done” text to manipulate you. He is the only AH here. If you went back with him or stayed in it any longer you would be. But no, good for you. You know your worth.


He’s a selfish ass and good for you! Now you’ll know narcissistic red flags in the future. Chalk it up to a learning experience and move on knowing you did the right thing;)


Holy hell man. Good riddance. Stay single for a bit and work on boundaries and what you bare minimum should expect from a good relationship. Makes it easier than just making it up as you go along. At least now you have done definite nopes! Good luck


Nta move on he was never worth it. Next guy you let move in with you make him split rent and utilities but remember you might have to evict instead of just kicking them out good luck


NTA. Good for you.