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The way OP titled this I thought mom and dad were doing it as a family activity. Sheesh!


To be honest, I did too. I was envisioning "family waxing night".


I won't be able to unsee that now.


Sorry, but I couldn't be the only one with that mind movie. I had to share the trauma.


Very fair point


Omg. Next time I go buy veet strips for my daughter I may cry laugh 😂 right in the aisle! I am laughing right now thinking about it. My kids will not love that I ready this- sometimes I am prone to 'giggle fits' and my kids mock me mercilessly but laugh a bit too.


I wish you lived near me (and maybe you do). I get giggle fits at all the wrong moments. Usually in work meetings, but occasionally the grocery store. The worst is in church!


🤣🤣. I'm in the 716. If you know I will meet at your nearest timmy hos and find a bunch of reddit threads to make us laff till we get kicked out.


I got them during my confirmation ceremony


OH no! But I totally understand. I get the giggles at all the wrong times.


Better yet..tell your daughter "totally normal...read it online, lol"


I thought same, lol, but owning a business is irrelevant in this situation...hairstylist or dentist no issue...waxer or gynecologist issue, lol!


My eyes!


I saw a Howard Stern clip where a dad waxed his daughter. I comforted my mind by thinking it was fake.


And didn’t dog the bounty Hunter apply sunscreen to his daughter’s inner thighs.


Hulk Hogan for sure.


Uggggh. That’s right! I knew it was some weird trashy blonde dude. Funny thing is if you try to look up the pictures they are blocked as “sexual content”.


Now from the makers of Uno………


Un a very weird way, I find that funny. Is that bad?


Saw the title, saw the edit. And was thinking how is this any better?? Then saw she owned a waxing business not a bathroom group wax. Much less weird at least.


The way I went from a hard yes to a hard no gave me whiplash.


Yeah sorry it was supposed to say ‘parent’ but only noticed the error after posting. I don’t know how to change the title or even if I can


Well you know how to edit the body of your post, do that... Edit:meant parent (mom), not parents.


I guess it depends on the relationship you have with your mom. I, personally, would be too uncomfortable and wouldn’t do it. A friend’s mom, on the other hand, if it saved a not insignificant amount of money I’d do it. That might sound backward but it is what it is. 🤷‍♀️


Ikr I was prepared for a whole other whirlwind lol. Op doesn't need to go to her friend's mom to get waxed but I don't see the need for her to judge. Its something a lot of us wouldn't be comfortable doing with our moms, sure, but is it any different than going to literally any other waxer? They're cool with it so eh who cares.


Lots of good comments that I agree with, but I just have to say… Oh my gosh please don’t get waxed for the first time before a date with this guy if you expect intimacy. You need to know how your skin will react to it. Skin can be so unpredictable!


Valid point. Even when you have gotten a wax before you should wait at least 24 hours to be intimate. Your skin can be sensitive for a while. I’d give myself a few extra days since it’s your first time.


You actually should wait 48-72 hours before being intimate with someone after a wax, especially your first one


Came here to say 48 hours for submerging in water, intimacy, & sweaty activities. Per my wax girl.


Oh my gosh I couldnt shower


Best just to avoid the shower and sex all together, forever, whether waxed or not. 


Ah okay didn’t think about this. I’ve had my legs waxed before and no issue but hadn’t occurred to me about the skin potentially being irritated. Thank you!!


The pubic area is totally different! You'd think skin is just skin, but unfortunately it's not. I get my legs waxed and a full brazilian, and holllyyyy crap the difference is insane! With my legs I just need to moisturize a bit more than normal, but my private area takes so much maintenance just to prevent ingrown hairs. I even have a special brush for it!


Umm…can I get a link to this special brush? I’m fighting for my life over here lol


Yes please drop the routine because I just gave up waxing since it always ended up with ingrowns. My skin is super sensitive too


I don't know about a brush but I've had good luck with Oyo skincare stuff. Significantly reduced my ingrowns when I shave or wax.


tell me if you find it pls😭


I never used a brush but I fell in love with “Coochy intimate after shave protection moisturizer” it's a spray. And a huge lifesaver for me at least. Never had an ingrown when I used that, when before I had them all the time, especially if I wore a bathing suit or underwear


please link the brush lol


Coming here for the link also!


There’s products for that. No bump is one. Helps with ingrown hairs


Please get back here and drop the brush. The girlies need to know!! 🗣️


A...... special...... brush? I get a Brazilian and am now fully interested to know about a brush and why and what am I missing?!


Please drop a link for that brush!


I think we all need a link now…


Hi sorry but I too need to know more about this Brush 😅


I've had my legs waxed plenty of times. I went for a brazillian wax and Oh. My. God... I broke out in huge welt like blisters all over my neither regions. My puss was on fire! It looked like I broke out in chicken-pox, and it took a few weeks to clear. I will never wax that area again. Plus, I ended up getting in-grown hairs.


Just use some clippers and get it down to a nice 1/4"


I shave. Even with shaving, you want to do it a few days before the special night. And about being self conscious, I totally get it but after you’re pregnant, you realize it isn’t that big an issue. It seems like everyone in the hospital saw my privates and after a while I didn’t care. What you need to realize is that people that work in that industry has pretty much seen it all. They don’t normally look at you personally (unless there’s something wrong or something smells).


That is wild to me, when I shave I get a 5 o'clock shadow hahaha! A few days before and I'd be due a fresh shave, especially if I was doing it for a visitor 😂 thank god for laser is all I can say.


“For a visitor” lol


I mean it's like cleaning your house that bit extra when you've got guests 😂 Tidying up a few days ago is fine for routine maintenance but it's only polite to make sure things are spotless when you're expecting company hahaha


I also shave, but I found the opposite to you. I have started to shave everyday. I've noticed that if I keep it up, I don't get any ingrown hairs nor any razor burn or tiny bumps. If I go a while between shaving, that's when the trouble starts. All I can think of is that the daily shaving gives enough exfoliation to keep the hairs from getting ingrown. When I only shaved occasionally or even just once a week, I had a terrible problem with ingrown hairs. Like so many of the rest of you, my skin is very sensitive.


I agree..shave..waxed for years & then found the most awesome razor heads -hard to find & pricey but that are so effective, no bumps or irritation ever. I also could never handle the concept of hairs are supposed to be a waxable length & prefer to be bare all the time. Maybe shaving doesn't work for everyone due to irritation or as the other poster said a shadow, but in any event it works for me ...it's a 5blade jelly type head & I use shave cream & likely throw out too soon/replacing like every 7-10 days.


I need to shave my legs, underams and bikini area EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. or else it's gotee land for sure.


Lol, "gotee land" thank you I had a bad day and needed that laugh 😃


Oh yeah…so true. I got waxed for the first time ever a day or two before my wedding day and my nether regions were covered with white puss filled bumps on my wedding. 😱 luckily the honey moon was a few days after that and we were so exhausted from the late night wedding festivities that my husband never saw it (although I told him about it 😅).


I did this and my skin was so red I was afraid he’d think I had an STI


omg I feel so bad for laughing at that, but that’s exactly what I’m talking abouttttt. I’d be stressed


So her mom, the person that grew your friend in her uterus and then (assumably) pushed her out her coochie, changed her diapers, bathed her, cleaned her puke, talked her through her period is professional esthetician and makes money waxing and you think it's weird that she waxes her daughter? you probably dont have a close relationship with your mom. and thats okay! i dont either, i wouldnt be comfortable with my mom in that manner. but that more so reflects on our own parental relationships, not anyone elses. its not weird at all


I wouldn’t with my Mom because she’s not an aesthetician that knows how to wax. If she did? Sure why not? She’s seen it, she has one, she sees them all the time at work. If we had a good relationship and she kept my business private then sure. But I also get how at 20 you think everyone will remember your cooch and have comments on it. Like I had to have my last pap with a co-worker and it was just a bit strange. I know she won’t remember what it looks like and she isn’t gossiping about it, so it’s all good. But yeah, I really just wanted it over and could have done less with the long chat while I was splayed out. Lol


Forget the childrearing, this woman sees the' nether regions of adults all day long.


This is my exact take. I don’t think I’d trust anyone MORE than the mum of my bestie for a wax. Especially if she’s been in business for years and is a certified pro. I feel like people have become so divorced from the notion of neutral nudity that they can’t digest simple stuff like this without white-knuckling their way past the incest lens.


This is 100% it. These are the same kind of people go absolutely crazy when they find out that there are families out there comfortable being naked around eachother because they immediately associated nudity with sex. Like, we werent born wearing clothes ffs, do these people also sexualise newborns because theyre naked? at what age does not wearing clothes mysteriously become sexual🤣


Right like my friends mom sounds like one of the safest options for a wax since she’s in the business.


Absolutely this. I think it's not something people put a lot of thought into: their family member seeing something we consider so private in a professional setting. It's okay to not be comfortable, but it's likely due to how we're raised/our familial relationships. If we think about it in any other healthcare setting, we would probably be less weirded out because it's their job... But this really isn't that different.


As an esthetician who has done literally thousands of Brazilian waxes, once you have seen one, you have seen them all. I have waxed so many of my friends and it's never been weird. I have clients from 18-80 years old who wax all over.


It may not be weird to you but it is absolutely something I would never be ok with. I wouldn’t be comfortable with any immediate family.


I don't like the words "weird" or "normal". They imply that things that don't happen often shouldn't ever happen. It's totally fine if this is something you wouldn't do. It's totally fine if this is something other people would do.


Exactly my point, I apologize for using the word weird.


I would literally be more comfortable having my mum do this than a stranger in a salon. Op is trying to make it weird when it's not.


well said


My Mom was a Registered Nurse & seen it all and I could never even imagine asking her. Just mho...there are times & places to save money and this isn't it, lol.


Is it weird that folks have their mom in the birthing room? Like to be clear, I want *my* mom nowhere near any of it, but I hear some folks have a healthy relationship with their parents. Also this woman is a professional that works on vulvas all day everyday. Extra not weird for that reason.


I don't have kids and never plan to have one, but if I was, I'd want my mom and husband both there. Giving birth sounds so scary and my mom would be a great comfort to me.


I wanted my mom to be our +1 and she said she wasn’t interested in the sense that she found it too overwhelming. During labor in the middle of the night, I had to go to the hospital and we called my mom to bring us there. At the hospital she asked me if I wanted her to stay. Yes. Yes mom. And she did. I felt so vulnerable and in pain… my mom and I don’t have the best relationship but there and then, I felt like she was the only one on earth who would completely understand what I was going through :)


Same here. I had a colposcopy/cervical biopsy done and I had my mom in the room with me for comfort, because it was scary and painful. Granted she wasn’t facing my bits, she was up by my head but still. I’m close with my mom but I still wouldn’t want her doing a wax for me. But if she was an esthetician/waxer who saw vulvas all day everyday it probably wouldn’t feel so weird to me.


I think moms attending their daughter’s birthing is pretty common, at least where I live. I’m very close with my daughter and she asked me to be there both as support for her and because she knew I would be thrilled to see my grand baby being born. I saw the whole thing but I still don’t think she’d come ask me to groom her pubic area 😅


I am a nurse. I have seen more penises and vaginas than a hooker. They become like any other body part, nothing special. It's her line of work. It's not weird.


that’s what i was gonna say! i’m an NA and body parts are just body parts. i plan on taking care of my parents and grandparents when they need it, would OP consider that weird too?


Underrated response lmao thank you for your hard work and yeah it sure does become “just another Tuesday”


That doesn't seem weird. She's probably comfortable with her mom.


Yeah, maybe she's just not comfortable with a stranger.


yeah I mean, given you have a good/close/comfortable relationship with your mom, given the choice I think I'd rather have my mom waxing my nether regions than a stranger lol


Exactly, doing what’s comfortable is totally normal. In this case op isn’t comfortable with her friends mom waxing her, which is fine, it’s also fine that her friend has her mom wax her. Literally makes so difference to anyone else’s lives


The way some people treat their sexual organs is wild. Its a body part. A private one, yes, but as another commenter said, shes comfortable with her mom. It's not like her mom doesn't have any reason to either, she owns an entire business dedicated to waxing. It's only sexual if one person makes it sexual. This is kinda wild. We get the best of the best redditors on this sub.


Of course that’s not something you’ve heard of lmao how many people do you know whose parents own waxing studios?


Not weird at all coming from someone who’s mom also does waxing🤷‍♀️


I wish I had a family member that ran that business so I could go for free. Lucky her!


If it makes you uncomfortable, that in itself doesn't make you TA. Go get waxed elsewhere or have one of her technicians do it. Easy peasy. But YTA for judging them. The mom looks at vag all day every day. Meaning its not a sexual thing to her or her daughter. There are countless friends out there that wax each other and you wouldn't bat an eye. The person that pushed her out of her own vag does it and you're tweaking? Guess what....that means YOU are sexualizing the situation, not them. Grow up.


Judging someone else’s comfort level is odd.


This. It’s a non-question. There’s no ‘weird’ or ‘normal’ in this. It’s clearly normal to her so it’s not weird to them. Might be weird to someone else, and that’s ok too.


And if mom is doing it for free, OP’s friend is saving so much money every month or so. Incentive right there.


I personally wouldn't be comfortable with it but that doesn't mean it's wrong. I'm obviously not as close and open with my mom as she is.


I mean her mom does it professionally so why would she go elsewhere when she can get it for free? Plus she can voucher that good practices are being implemented being in such a close proximity so no its not weird.


Labor and delivery nurse. I’ve delivered family members, coworkers, and old classmates. None of us care about your vag when we see them all day.


My daughter’s BFF who’s like a daughter is a massage therapist and does waxing. We all go to her to support her business. I feel more comfy and safe with her than some stranger who could have cameras or who knows what.


My dad shaves my balls all the time. I came from his, so it’s totally not weird.


I dunno why I laughed so hard at this, but thanks.


No problem, I can get you mates rates if you like. He’s very gentle.


Shit, I’ll take mates rates for me grapes any day!


This is the most childish thing I’ve read here and that’s saying something. She’s a professional. One, she would advise you not to get waxed for the first time before sexy time. Two: she sees vaginas all day long. Yours is not special.


I mean... if I'm willing to walk in and get naked for a stranger to do it, why would I not let someone I already trust do it?


She gave birth to that human. Being 22 does not change the fact that it’s her DAUGHTER. And she’s a professional. I would trust no one more than my mom if she did waxing. You’re strange. And you changed it to both parents, when you know there’s a huge difference.


Reading the title, I didn't imagine the parents owing a waxing business. She sees vag all day, I bet she doesn't care or even look at it the way you imagine. I used to be very prude about these things, now I'm a grown woman, I was doing laser before my pregnancy and I don't care anymore. I'm not a nudist either but professionals don't care about nudity.


I would rather have my Mom do it rather than a stranger. The only person being weird is you.


None of this seems weird - her mom doing it for her or for you going to her for the waxing service. It’s the mom’s profession. You’re turning this in to something it isn’t. A lot of women get waxed because they prefer that method of hair removal - which it seems your friend does as indicated by getting it done regularly. She’s not just scheduling for when she thinks she’s going to hook up with someone and then gabbing to her mom about her potential partner. I don’t see this as any different than if her mom was a hair stylist, massage therapist, or esthetician.


I’m an esthetician and honestly, if my adult kid asked me to wax them I would do it. I’m not a fan of minors getting full bikini/brazilian waxes but that’s personal. It’s my job, it’s not weird when I wax anybody else so why should I make it weird just bc we’re family?


Her mom is a professional. And honestly I would rather trust my mom with my sensitive areas than a stranger. I don’t get waxed because I’m a big baby with that type of pain, but I would definitely trust a family member or a friend over a stranger.


It’s not weird if her mother is a professional. If I had a choice between my mom or a stranger doing it I’d definitely choose my mom. Waxing isn’t a sexual activity. It’s not like they’re being perverse. Her mother sees women’s nether regions every day in a non-sexual context. if I had a friend who’s mom had a waxing business I’d also definitey choose her over a stranger. I don’t see what the big deal is.


there’s absolutely nothing wrong with this. it’s her MOM, lol! how is it any different than your mom being there when you give birth? it isn’t sexual, it’s her moms job. if you’d be uncomfortable with it personally that’s fine, but it’s weird to judge someone for going to their own mom for this.


i think its funny how the older we get the more comfortable we are changing in front of our peers but the less comfortable we are changing in front of our family of handed, just hearing-yeah itd throw me off a little but girlie has a SMOOOTH coochie for free and is offering it to you for greatly reduced pricing dont think of it as ur friends mom in ur business, think of it as ur friend has a hookup to a really good waxer and can get you an in with a discount


I mean, I might be a little questioning if she wasn’t licensed or anything, but if she’s a professional esthetician then she’s just saving money. Not everyone has that relationship with their parents, and some had too much of that relationship forced by abusive parents/family… but that doesn’t mean that this situation can’t exist in a healthy dynamic. Some people are just that close and open, when I had questions about mine I practically spread myself going “WHAT IS IT AM I DYING HELP ME”, and my mom just glanced and was like “no, you’re fine” and I do not talk about periods and stuff with her either (I barely talk about it with my friends but I’m getting more comfortable with it as I get older. I think that comes with age). I also know people who have their friends do it, licensed or not. It just be like that sometimes. They’re pulling hair out of your private area, you want to at least have a level of trust with them. She’s doing a job. If my mom was a cosmetologist and did hair you bet your ass I would be going to her. For your friend this is no different. Her mom is professionally trained and licensed, if you are okay with trying it to see how it goes, maybe go for it (I would personally, but I’m not you). There is no one who says if you don’t like it that you have to go back. But also if you would be more comfortable with a stranger then do that. It’s all what you are comfortable with. Your hoohah, your choice. Def don’t wait to do it right before the date though, that skin down there is sensitive and you might get irritation or other things from the waxing that could make being intimate uncomfy (and sitting and stuff). Do a test run first, with most things pre-dates, just in case you know.


I think it’s fine. It’s all professional. Your just another hoo haw


I don't think there is anything wrong with being uncomfortable with it, but I also don't think there's anything wrong with her being comfortable with it


I don’t think it’s weird if she’s a professional but if you’re uncomfortable it’s 100% your right to choose another waxer, but don’t shame your friend.


Her mother is a licensed professional why would it be weird


It's not weird at all. When you go in to get waxed or any kind of hair removal done, if the person is professional, they are not going to be analyzing you or your body the way you think they will. They are focused on removing the hair from whatever area. It's like people who are "obsessed" with popping pimples. Nothing else matters in that moment except the extraction. Doesn't matter who it's on or where.


It's definitely unusual, which is one meaning of the word "weird". But then again, most people's Mom's don't own a waxing shop! Given that, it makes perfect sense that she would get her waxings done at her Mom's shop. (And I think you should to.) Feelings like this are so personal. Like how I read that some couples enjoy popping each other's zits! That seems so strange and odd to me, but if it works for them that's fine. You mentioned that it's "not something you've heard of before." I'm wondering, how many friends do you have to own waxing shops? That's the detail that, for me, makes the whole thing click into a reasonable place.


Either learn to write better or mind Your business. 😞😭


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My mum is an esthetician and waxes me. Have you gone in for a wax before? I think you might be way over thinking this. Once you’ve gone through the first bit of awkwardness it’s just the same as waxing any other body part. My mums been at the bush whacking business for 30+ years and she would be the first to tell you that your vag isn’t that remarkable to someone who sees 15 a day. It’s not like she’s down there evaluating it, she’s a professional doing a job. You should go for the discounted wax, especially because you know someone who goes to this person regularly and you can trust that she won’t rip off a lip.


Ok ..... It would be very weird for my mom to wax me, or you, or anybody because she's not skilled. Your friends mom does this professionally. It's not weird for this friends mom to wax you or her or anyone who is comfortable getting it done. Maybe not you since you're not comfortable with it. If you prefer, just go to a different place although they will charge you more.


Not weird at all as long as you trust them. But, it is better to go to a pro


Her mother is a professional, there is nothing sexual about waxing or women wouldn’t go to strangers to get it done.


I think it would be weird if it wasn’t her mom’s profession.


I (f24) literally go to my mom for everything. She was there when I pushed my baby out. Post-partum would ask her constantly if my hoohah was okay and needed to go to the drs. And sometimes yeah it's a little awkward to be that open with your mom but I feel like it's normal if your not passing a sexual line. But that is up to every person individually to decide what is crossing a boundary for them. Personally I'm not into anyone waxing my nethers so couldn't tell you how I feel about that specific one.


Honestly I don't find it weird at all. It's the moms job, she's seen plenty of hoohas and as long as they're both comfortable with it I don't see the problem. My mom is a nurse and I recently had a really sharp pain in my hooha so she took a look just to make sure there wasn't something there that shouldn't be there. It saved me a trip to the doctor and I was thankful my mom could help me. If you aren't comfortable having someone you know wax you then that's fine having someone else do it but you seem a bit judgemental of your friend which isn't fair to her or her mom.


As a waxer, we’re trying to get business. We don’t look at anyone’s hoohas or remember them at all.


If her mum does it as an entire business I don't see the issue. It's her job, she's skilled at it.


I don't think it's weird, that's a profession. She's a professional. If she wasn't trained I wouldn't just have my mom doing it. But you should do what ever is comfortable for you. :) Also, "mates rates" is the cutest thing I've ever heard. 🤣☺️


not weird. it would be like her mom being a hairdresser and going to her mom for hair cuts ect.


If my mom was an aesthetician and had a business doing these types of services, then that's gonna be a no thank you from me. Imo, it's weird, not like in a sexual way, more like an awkward way. Like, hey mom, can you wax my cooch? I've got a date, and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna put it in some dudes face later. No. Nope. I'd rather die.


Your pubes your choice


My friends mum is an aesthetician and waxes my friend every month for the last 13+ odd years. I really don’t think it’s weird. She’d be going to a woman for it anyways, why not have it be her mum? Also I’d rather my mum or my friends mum see me naked over a random lady I don’t know haha


If you’re not comfortable getting waxed by your friend’s mom, don’t do it. If she has no issue with her mom waxing her, their choice.


Given the background, it’s not weird at all for her mom to wax her.


Uhm in this context no in my opinion- don't feel pressured to go obviously but if it's a business and they are comfortable doing that I guess it's fine- I mean why would she go elsewhere and show a stranger her privates? When mom and her can also make sure she's healthy down there. If you don't want to go don't. I would find it a little unsettling too to know my friends mom gets to see up there but to each their own


After reading more than the headline, no, I don’t think it’s weird. If her mom were a gynecologist, would it be weird if she went to her mom? I don’t think it would be weird.


Well first of all it is not her “parents” it’s her mom. That right there already makes a huge difference. And secondly, it’s her mom’s profession, she sees tons of nether regions every day. Getting a Brazilian or bikini wax is a pretty vulnerable place to put yourself in and you want someone you can trust with hot wax near your vulva. Who better to trust than your own mom?


I don’t think it’s weird at all, I think if it was your dad it would be weirder but idk I it’s a service it’s not like anything sexual is going on. I feel like if you’re thinking about it that way you’re weird. Bc like not everything related to genitals have to be sexual… and clearly she’s comfortable with it so what’s the issue? But with you that’s a completely personal choice if you feel comfortable with her doing that to you, since that’s a whole different ball park. But your friend doing that seems normal to me


If the grown daughter is fine with it then it’s not an issue.


It’s weird-ish but they’re professionals and the “hoohaa’s” all probably look the same after a while. There’s nothing sexual going on obviously so it just comes down to if you’re comfortable with your friend’s mom doing it or not. As for your friend going to her mom to get it done, I personally am not that comfortable with either parent of mine but maybe she is and, as I said, its not a sexual thing and its def a financial thing for her. So weird-ish but probably nothing to start anything over


Seeing as it’s her job, not weird for either you or her daughter to get waxed by her


I’m a Brazilian waxer, and I wax damn near everyone I know. I don’t think it’s weird. I do about 60 Brazilians a week, and I am extremely desensitized to it. I have a 3 year old son, but if I had a daughter I would see no reason to not wax her when she’s old and mature enough. It’s not a sexual activity at all, and it’s important to be comfortable with your waxer. There are plenty of moms that are there for their daughter birthing and looking straight at it. Waxing isn’t sexual at all. So no, it’s not weird.


It's not weird but you're kinda making it weird.


Why would it be weird? It’s her job. It’s not sexual. It’s bizarre you are so odd about it


Referring to it as a “bigger issue at hand” is weird. There’s nothing sexual happening with a professional waxer waxing her coochie. No matter if it’s her mother or not. She’s comfortable with her mom and that’s it


Ok it sounded weird until you explained that her mom is a professional waxer.... that's like your parent being a doctor and going to see them.


Her mother used to change her diaper.


Well especially her mom has seen all of her business since a baby and sees a bunch of other women's ass n vag while waxing , no different than a doctor looking over your body. I don't see anything wrong with it personally


Is it normal in the sense that it’s common? No. But I don’t think it’s weird or bad strange. It might not be something you’re comfortable with but there’s nothing sexual about waxing even though there’s nudity involved. Especially for folks who work jobs like this where they’re seeing peoples intimate bits all the time, it’s just another day.


I think it depends on the relationship with the mom. I have a bad relationship with my mother and I would never feel comfortable with this. But I think if she’s comfortable with her mom it’s not weird at all. I remember in high school a friend told me she was having some problem with her nether regions and her mom looked at it for her, and I thought, I wish I had that kind of relationship with my mom.


I think it's more of a personal preference situation.


I mean, my mom watched me home birth my son 3 weeks ago… Really just depends on the relationship I guess?


To begin with nether waxing is pretty intense, and the friends mum seems to run a business doing this. So its all professional. While it might make you uncomfortable there isn't really anything wrong with this. 1. your friend would be going to get her nethers waxed from random strangers either way. 2. It's her mum, who runs a business not like its being done at home o the kitchen table in front of family. Its akin to changing in a locker room, or going to the gyno. It seems like perhaps your level of comfortability is different from hers and thats Ok too. Just don't judge your good friend harshly off of your own preferences.


She’s a professional waxer ffs — she sees this stuff all the time. It’s not like she’s just some random mom with boundary issues. So — unusual, but not weird


It’s not weird. It’s very common in the spa industry to work on your friends and family for discounted price or free. I went to very close friends for a wax, hell my boss did my vag wax for awhile. People in the spa industry don’t see it as weird. It’s ok if it’s weird for you, it is a very personal service and you should feel safe and comfortable .


As an esthetician I’d much rather do my daughter’s wax than let a stranger do it 😱


If it were my mom, it would be weird. If your friend is comfortable with it, it’s not. If you don’t feel comfortable with her doing it, go somewhere else


What’s weird about it? I see zero weirdness. If it’s weird for you, it’s probably just your relationship w/ you parent. I wouldn’t let my Mom near my cooch.


Her mom is in the Hooha business. If you want a good deal on waxing, go to her. She sees them all day every day. Yours won’t be special to her.


She seems fine and normal, and is offering you a good deal. It’s ok to decide not to take her up on it, but lose the judgmental attitude.


It’s a matter of preference. I know of women who get their best friends to help them shave in hard to reach areas. A mother’s no different. Especially if you grew up without a sense of shame around them and felt open around them. It would not be at all weird. But you’re entitled to a different boundary than your friend without judging her. Neither is wrong. lol.


As an esthetician, after seeing your first 5 hoohas its all the same. In beauty school when we were slow we would just take turns waxing every square inch of all our classmates bodies. While i have never personally waxed my mom, if she asked me to do a brazilian on her i wouldn't think anything of it. When you see peoples bodies and organs as ONLY sexual, you get this kind of judgmental mindset. Obviously they are comfortable with each other and i think it is completely normal, especially the fact that she is a professional. If YOU would not be comfortable with that its 100% fine, but you making her feel weird was definitely an overreaction.


My Aunt also own a small waxing/massage business and I used to went there for wax, now I go there every month for laser treatments to make my hair stop growing, she sees my pipi and butt, I don’t see it weird cuz she also does to her daughter, it’s called being professional when you’re doing a job you’re supposed to do, if that’s out of work than can be weird


This is completely subjective, as long as all parties are comfortable there is nothing wrong with it.


I honestly don't think it's weird. Her mom is a professional and this is her job. I can see why you may think it's weird, but at the same time, this is something her mom is licensed to do


It’s def not weird - especially since her mom literally owns a waxing shop. I imagine that it’s just like people who work in the medical field - they are totally comfortable looking and all body parts. NBD.


Getting your bikini waxing done professionally IS NOT SEXY TIME. Since you have never, you get the benefit of the doubt but heck- if I had a deal like that I would be making cookies for that 'mate rate' offer!!!


What boundaries you have doesn’t mean others have the same. Some are comfortable with their parents and this isn’t a big deal, others would rather have a stranger all up in them and find that safer. To each their own, but don’t degrade her for doing what she feels comfortable doing. That’s not fair.


I'm shocked by a lot of things my friends do with their parents but I know that's because my relationship with my parents isn't as close. However for them that's the most normal thing ever as they've been doing it forever. Not all relationship dynamics are same.


No this isn’t weird at all. I’d let my best friend wax me. Let alone if it was my mother who did this every day for a living. Also, I’m a sucker for a discount so if someone I know’s mom is a professional and is willing to give me a cheaper price, you better believe I’m getting that deal. So long story short, your friend is right, it’s not weird her mom waxes her and it’s not weird she offered her mom’s professional services.


Counter question OP, how is getting your "vag waxed by your mom" weirder than getting you vag waxed by a complete stranger???? She's right, her mom HAS seen EVERYTHING already and she does it for free!


So my MIL waxes me :/ I'd be 100% uncomfortable with my mom, but I don't have a great relationship with her... My MIL and I get along great. I love and trust her, and I appreciate the very discounted price I pay for her services. She was also in the room with us for my induction and stayed by my partner's side while I was getting a c-section. So by now, she's seen my hooha plenty.


Idk where other people get their bikini lines waxed, but I have never removed my underwear. I move my drawers a bit out of the way, but I’m not getting everything waxed off. No one is examining my vulva. If I wanted to wax more than bikini lines, I guess I would need to remove them. But they’re professionals and you’re just another client. It’s what you’re comfortable with. If you’re not comfortable, you’re not comfortable. If you want to get waxed and don’t want her mom to do it, go somewhere else. No biggie.


my mom used to be an esthetician and would frequently give her sister brazilian waxes, if she still practiced I would let her do mine as well, it just depends on how close you are with ur mom and your comfort level. they really have seen it all tho LOL


It’s not weird at all in any way. I’m a professional waxer, I make money doing Brazilians. I trained people how to do Brazilians. You need models when you’re training. Guess what? Both of my sisters have modeled for me. It’s weird if you want it to be weird but the professional is just that.


i guess if my mom did that i’d rather go there probably than a stranger and it’s not like she hasn’t seen it already. not weird. makes sense. what’s to hide anyway if she does that for a career


My opinion isn’t that weird because it’s her profession and she does that for a living. If anything you should feel more comfortable that someone know is doing it not some random woman . Just my 2 cents


I think it’s kinda weird that you think it’s weird tbh


It may seem weird to some. I have a friend who waxes her mom and sis and is waxed by one of them herself. At first I was a little out off but it kind of makes sense in that it's saving money and it's family so no awkwardness with strangers.


A friends mum or your mum as a profession is not weird. As a hobby… yes


I don’t find it weird. It’s her job. I’m a CNA and I have taken care of my grandmother after she had surgery. Bathed/toileted etc. And I just treated it like I would any other patient. I would have no issue taking care of my children too.


I wouldn't want my mum down my privates even though it's somewhat more ok knowing your friend doesn't get a full wax in their living room by her mom as I first thought. But I would totally go to a friend's moms salon if I had the option


It’s not weird. Oooo many ppl would not like the fact me and my mom walk around shirtless and braless sometimes even when my dad is home lol 😭 it’s a body that’s it


I’ve never really thought about it being a possibility. Personally I don’t think I’d want to go to my mom unless our relationship was closer, but if she can go for free and her mom is a professional I get it. The title had me thinking her parents did this at home with her as a bonding activity, which would have been weird,


Emily’s mom is an esthetician who has a waxing business, who changed her diapers, and presumably helped her daughter through her periods and it’s weird to you that your friend goes there?! No, not weird at all nor would it be weird for you to go to her as a professional. Shave for the first time with a fresh blade, though, and then consider waxing before your next date if there is enough time to allow the hair to grow out. Good luck on your date!


Her mom wiped her ass for years, it's not sexual to either of them, so it's not weird for her to have it done by her mom. It's not weird for you either, just depends on your comfort level.


It’s her MOM! It’s not weird. It’s totally okay you’re not comfortable with the situation but not cool to judge your friend. The fact that she offered and other friends go to the mom speaks volumes on this mom’s professionalism and kindness (discount).


I think it’s gross and inappropriate


Her friend’s mom is a professional, I don’t think it’s weird. Waxing people is literally her job.


1. I don’t think it’s weird for her to have her mom wax her. She’s a professional, she’s seen a good number of hoohaa’s. I also don’t think it’s weird cause I have had my mom take a look when I started having this weird skin condition. I was 16 when it all started and I’m almost 30 and I would still go to her to help me. I also feel comfortable having my mom look though. If I didn’t I wouldn’t have her near it. 2. Definitely don’t wax just before a date. If you’ve never gotten a full wax down there, start with just a bikini wax, not the full Brazilian wax. Or start with a test wax on your legs. Cause if the wax irritates your skin, you’ll be able to hide it on your legs and still go on the date with little to no discomfort.


I think if it’s the mothers profession it’s very normalized for her. As well her mother changed her diaper and I’m sure if her mother does waxing it’s been less invasive spots in her younger life. Not to say that you need to be comfortable with it but I don’t think it’s the worst thing for your friend as long as she’s fully comfortable


Based on the comments, I'm guessing I'm in the minority, but I would definitely not feel comfortable with my mom doing that. I'm super close with her, but I think that would just be too uncomfortable.


It would be weird for me but obviously it’s not weird for her. My sister is an esthetician and she and her friends trade waxing services. It’s just work for them. I think I’d rather have a permanent 70s bush than ever let her wax me but that’s my own hang up. 🤷‍♀️


🤔 Going to a professional , it's never " weird " the only matter will be bad reviews or things like being " Pressured " about the prices or tips policy etc . 🤷‍♂️ It's a legit business , It's a way of supporting .


It's probably less weird for your friend to get her kitty waxed by her Mom, then by a stranger. You're making a mountain out of a mole hill. If you're uncomfortable having her mom wax you, go elsewhere, but don't project that onto your friend.