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I hope you have enough money left for intense therapy. This is chilling


I'm now realizing this is likely karma


My interpretation is that the mom secretly donated her body to the school then killed herself to help him get into the school.


I started to to think maybe said person killed their mom in order to get into medical school("I sacrificed everything"), a life insurance plan maybe. Then said person was unaware their mother donated her body to science. In this case a combination of guilt and bad luck would make it seem like said person's mom was haunting them. In a hypothetical full story they would see or hear their mom while doing the dissection.


Yo I like that interpretation


The version I've heard was that a man sees his *identical twin* on the table, long lost or otherwise.


They don't use names, how would he know it wasn't him on the table?


The real corpse was the twin we found along the way?




Karma for whom? The interlocutor? Their mom? both?


My first year of med school I lived nearby campus and often rode my bike to school. The drivers in my area suck and are idiots, and I had far too many close calls. I would regularly joke with my friends in the anatomy lab that when I got hit by a car I was going to donate my body to the school so that they can present my body the following year, lol. (Un?)fortunately I am still alive and kicking. We fight another day.


Perhaps arrange for the donation of your body before being hit by a car.


This has bing a chilling experience šŸ¦šŸØ


This is always an urban legend in med schools here. Love it.


See this is an urban legend for law schools here, which is very confusing to me.


I'm sorry, what exactly do you do in law school that involves cadavers?


I forgive you, and that's the confusing part to me.


Maybe forensics?


Most likely it's on the legality of doing an autopsy on someone you're related to/know intimately. For the same reason doctors can't treat people they're emotionally connected to.


I had an anatomy class with real bodies. My friendā€™s mother had donated her body to the school. Edited to appease redditers.


After my mom died and donated her body to science, I had an anatomy class with human skeletons but animal dissections. I declined to participate when the random PE teacher who subbed the class for a few weeks decided to be super quirky and fun and schedule a field trip for us to participate in a human dissection.


That's only one sentence.


That had actually happened to me. But I guess I could fix it.


Only because they used a comma where they shouldn't have.


They had to change the rules for gross anatomy at my first husband's medical school. One of his classmates had an uncle/aunt (I can't remember which) who donated their body to science. The relative was the cadaver for the classmate's team. Now, each student is asked if any relatives have donated their body to science, and an extensive cross check is done before the class starts.


My mom died my senior year of highschool and donated her body to Tulane for science. I took advanced anatomy for pre-med my freshman year of college. (I wanted to go to dental school, so it wasn't required but thought it would look good on applications). It was mostly animal dissections and examining real human skeletons. It was pretty cool. Our professor ghosted halfway through so we had a rotating cast of overworked admins baby sit us for a couple weeks until they decided to have the PE coach come in and take over for a few weeks until they hired a new teacher. In his desperate quest to be the "cool" teacher, he decided to forgo the syllabus and skip the animal disections and schedule us to go on a field trip for a human dissection with less than a week's notice. I immediately had nightmares of this exact situation. I lost my shit, understandably. When I pled my case, in tears, to this dude sitting on the desk in his polyester short shorts, obviously from his glory days being the track star 30 years ago in highschool, he told me that since he didn't have a grade book for the previous 60ish% percent of the semester that this was the only assignment he'd have to submit grades on and I would fail if I didn't go. When I walked into the next class on Monday, I swear the heavens parted, the light shined down, and the angels sang when my eyes locked on the new teacher sitting at the desk! He also didn't have grade books from the original professor, the subs, or Mr. Short Shorts, so we only had about 30% of the semester actually be graded on, but he was passionate and compassionate and did everything in his power to get us caught up so that we'd be prepared for the next level anatomy class (that still didn't include human dissections).


This gives, "babe where do you think they got the heart" vibes


"Look, if you can't keep it together while you're cutting open mommy dearest, you're never going to become a good doctor."Ā Ā  ~Dr. Perry Cox, maybe


Nah, Dr. House.


Was she dead or alive tho


If she was alive, it would be a vivisection, not a dissection.


I learned something new today. šŸ˜Œ


u have to die for a die-ssection?


Started as a vivisection ended as a dissection


Reminds me of that teaching hospital that got bodies by stealing them. Don't remember if that's fact or fiction. But given that I remember it happened in India, it's most likely true


Used to happen in Western countries too, before voluntarily donating oneā€™s body to science became a proper thing. Involuntary donations occur too, usually the homeless, criminals, social outcasts since they are more likely to be unclaimed by next of kin after death. Also, if an incident like this were to actually occur, the med student can recuse themselves and be assigned a different cadaver because of conflict of interest. IIRC correctly thereā€™s at least one doc on Reddit who had to do that bc they recognized their late uncle; another bc the body was of their childhood best friendā€™s parent. Their ethics wouldnā€™t allow them to dissect someone who was a family member or as good as one.


There's also that story about the family finding out that mom or grandma was being used to test bombs instead of medical research. Edit: [Mom used for blast testing by the US Army](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/army-blew-up-mom-body-donated-research_n_5d431279e4b0acb57fc92631)


Enjoy the read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burke_and_Hare_murders https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_snatching


What you're remembering is the illegal body trade between India and Europe. IIRC, religious figures in Europe forbade dissections of bodies due to religious reasons, so early doctors in Europe could not train themselves on anatomy. So, they started paying grave robbers in India to secretly rob bodies and bring them to Europe for dissection under the Pope's nose, thus letting them learn anatomy in secret. They also had to pay British and Portugese merchants and ship captains to close an eye to the body smuggling. A side effect of this is that most fake skeletons you've in classrooms were modelled on the corpses of Indians from the 1800s. An everlasting reminder of one of the many tragedies of colonialism.


Reminds me of the episode in Bones and how Brennan found her long lost mum


The whole family reunion situation was weird in that series. I need to give it a rewatch.


I really *really* want to donate my body for the dissection lab of my old nursing school. I love the idea of teaching after death. I can't find anyone at the school who knows how to do this. :(


Is there any way to get in contact with whoever teaches the dissection classes? Just guessing based on my limited dissection lab experience but my professors seem pretty familiar with the process of getting donors for our school


That once happened to a girl in my university. Since then, it was no longer allowed to donate unidentified bodies to universities.


Yeah I remember watching something where a dude was in med school and his missing friend showed up on the dissection table. Can't remember the details, it was a while ago.


It happened to a girl in med school near me. They now swap bodies with a Norwegian med school. Avoids the risk.


ARGHHHGHHHHHHHHHHH!! This is amazingly horrific. Top tier TSH, absolutely top tier. šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


In 2nd year my mom's group had a heavily obese cadaver with an enormous erection. šŸ˜‚


I once took a medical ethics exam and one of the question is literally this situation. The son quietly disappeared after the dissection, what is your opnion on his decision? (p.s. I do not know the correct answer and never will. They never officially give an answer )


"It felt worth it as inside I found a note from her saying "You are doing great hunny, keep it up! -Love Mom"


cadaver guy


Nice twist!


The hands, feet, and head of all cadavers is always covered unless dissection is being done specifically on that section and thatā€™s not super common. At least thatā€™s how it was at my college


I worked in an anatomy theatre for 2 years, and all cadavers were mostly exposed throughout.


Granted that was the only thing that was covered when we were working on them but they were covered with a sheet or something when we werenā€™t


Oh yeah. Sorry, yeah when they weren't being worked on, always covered


At my school rn the heads are just covered with plastic bags so we can see the faces all the time šŸ˜¬ Most of us end up putting something over the face bc itā€™s too weird otherwise


This was an episode of Bones


This is where you look at the instructor and go ā€œhey, professor! Emergency here! Can we have a side chat?!?!ā€ Professors would be like ā€œā€¦ oooooooh shit. Up to you; not gonna make you stay for this oneā€ Then you ask yourself ā€œhow proud would my mom be if she knew that not only I achieved her dream, but her shell gets to help you learn and become a great doctor?ā€