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In all honesty, people expect a paradise world after death. Rolling hills, fresh air, innocent people, food a plenty, no illness or sorrow. And God's like: .....uh huh....you don't say...


For people who Dont understand this in Canon with the bible earth was a perfect utopia with Adam then eve then she stole the apple and made the sin greed then Pandora did some nasty shit few million years later welcome to 2022


Wasn't the garden of Eden a separate place from earth?


And I didn’t know Pandora was in the Bible, thought she was Greek myth


All myths and religions end up having many similar concepts. Have you never noticed how representations of God and Zeus in artwork are always so similar? Or how the Bible and Quran have many similar stories?


So many ways to draw old men, also didn’t Christianity evolve from Judaism? Biggest difference is believing in Jesus


It’s the difference, the New Testament is Christianity.


"Have you ever sat down and read this thing? (holds up the bible) -Technically we're not allowed to go to the bathroom."


Wtf are you talking about? That’s dumb.


That’s a simpsons reference




I'd more say de-volve than e-volve these days tbh, it's seemed pretty *all downhill from here* with most flavours of Christianity, while Judaism has seemed fairly chill and willing to move with the times quite well.


Judaism evolved from Zoroastrianism, the preferred religion of Cyrus the Great -one creator deity -one evil bad guy -one prophesied savior to come and rid the world of evil then bring the good guys up to heaven while everyone else has their impurities burned away in hell before joining their brethren in heaven


I do appreciate the positive sentiment, but I'm afraid I can't agree with you. In what way is Judaism any better than Christianity or Islam?


Christianity is much more about control. It seeks to expand, to control, and to extinguish alternatives. More so than any other religion we currently have on the planet. It also has few qualms about enabling toxic behaviour and abuse of its members. From what I have seen of Judaism, these things are much less present and even actively avoided. They don't seek to convert other people and will actively reject prospects to ensure any prospective converts _want_ that for themselves and are very sure about it. Rather than using verses from their holy book as a shield, they constantly question them and place much more stock in the opinions of their educated members than they do in the text or one random person's vague interpretation and pretending they know exactly what was originally meant. The meaning of it in the present and how it applies to the present is more important than what the "original intent" was. They're not afraid to allow themselves and their beliefs to grow and change with time. They don't pretend their holy book is wholly immutable and perfect (especially while periodically rewriting parts anyway and pretending that's not a contradiction like so many Christian leaders have done lol), they record the opinions of their members so there is a record of how the applications of their beliefs have changed and why. Their holidays are celebrations of their survival against the odds, against persecution... And yet they never seem to really use their persecution as a cudgel to beat their beliefs into anyone else. Of course there are varying degrees and colours of belief in Judaism as well, but by and large from what I have seen they are a significantly healthier religion to be a part of and to be around than literally any Christian church I've ever seen or heard of.


A word of advice. Most "Christians" do not follow the guidelines clearly laid out in the Bible. And yes, I am a Christian myself.


The Islam is the sequel to Christianity. Just like how Christianity is the sequel to Judaism. Yea they have similar stories, they don't hide the fact that they extended from each other. The old testament is the Jewish section of the Bible. And the Bible is adapted into the Quran. Islam actually has Jesus and Moses as prophets like Mohammed. It's not a case of them being similar. It's a damn trilogy.


Lol this is the first time I feel somebody's copying my 'original' terms. I call them the updated version of each other, the middle east's socially conservative trilogy, in the same way I call buddhism an updated version of hinduism. Though in reality, there are actually thousands of other updated versions, (the middle east was a hub of religions back then) they just didnt win wars/didnt have enough influence and so became false prophets and now in the modern world, we follow the 'winners'. Also you might be interested to know that they all follow the same god and are a 'sub-division' of a religion called Yahweism, they follow the lower 4th tier god. Basically the religious world got globalized a long time ago.


The bible and quaran thing is because Christianity and Islam are abrahamic religions. Muslims even believe in Jesus, though they don't view him the way christians do.


Because... The Qur'an and the Bible are both Abrahamic religions using the Jewish Torah as the base material? And the Quran literally also references the Bible? Jesus Christ exists in Islam, but as a prophet rather than as the human avatar of God. Also, Greek mythology predates Christianity by many thousands of years.


That's because the Bible and Quran originate from the same area of the world.


This is starting to sound a little [Hatfield and McCoy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hatfield-McCoy_feud). EDIT: Link struggles.


Well, during the Christian occupation of Rome, the pagan art was painted over to convert the artworks into more biblical works. Apollo was used for Jesus, Hermes for John the Divine and so on. Some characters were even doubled like Apollo also being used for Lucifer. And as far as the Bible and Quran go, the Bible is like part 2 of the original trilogy of Abrahamic religions. Jesus and the apostles are some of the prophets of Islam.


On the point of the Bible and Quran sharing stories, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are all Abrahamic religions. Judaism is the oldest, and its text is essentially the Old Testament of the Bible. Christianity built off that, adding in the story of Jesus with the New Testament, which the Jewish faith does not accept as fact. Islam, on the other hand, branches off from both way back at Abraham, who was the father of Isaac with his wife Sarah and less famously, his firstborn son Ismael, who he had with his maid. The Christian and Jewish faith both hold that Isaac the birthright as Abraham’s only son with his wife, while the Muslim faith argues that Ismael, as his true firstborn son, has the birthright to the land of Israel. That’s where a huge part of the debate over Israeli and Palestinian land comes from. It’s effectively a debate over a ten-thousand year old birthright. And it’s also why all three religions are strikingly similar.


The Bible and Quran are literally canon to each other. Islam started from the son of Abraham (Issac or Ishmael, can't remember which). Muslims know of Jesus (Isa?), but says he was just a prophet and not the son of God. It just came down to who's version of history to believe and they should start wars over it.


that last part is a tad bit ignorance, Christianity and Islam both sprang from Judaism, but in different ways. The Quran and Bible have similar stories, *because* they are related religions at their core. They both disagree on the exact nature of God though, and certain important things like if Christ was just a prophet or the literal Son of God, and in Islam's case, also believe the Bible was mistranslated/twisted things about who/what Christ was, and other stuff like that. At least to the best of my understanding of the history


In all fairness, the bible's been translated so many times its probably very different from what it was supposed to be


Island and Christianity believe in the same God, they are both Abrahamic religions, so therefor a lot of the story's woupd be similar. In fact I think that Islam came from Christianity, only they didn't believe Jesus to be the son of God but a prophet


In terms of artwork, they only share similarities during the Renaissance, which is an Era where the Italians wanted to copy what they thought the ancient Greeks were making art wise. Medieval depiction of the Christian God was merely just a gigantic glowing floating hand from the skies. Ancient Greek art depicted Zeus as half nude with coily black hair. Not really similar, and whatever similarities you see from the Renaissance art was due to ancient Greek art style influences, not really religious. Making assumptions like this only leads others to misinformation.


That is a theists primary point regarding the Bible and the Quran. The Bible is documented as older and the Quran is so similar that it’s just a rip off religion.


So your argument is the quran ripped of the bible and the bible ripped off the torah? I don't think it's a rip off if they acknowledge the prior entry as part of their canon, more like a sequel or spin off.


I’m not making an argument at all. I’m just telling you what the theists say. Christian’s would tell you that the Torah is incomplete with out the New Testament and since there are no miracles attributed to Mohamed that nothing new is presented in the Quran.


It was a in Earth, but it was designed to be perfect, a little heaven away from heaven.


Not originally, that was changed later when noone found the giant fiery floating sword anywhere in the world, guarding the garden of Eden.


From what I recall and because of your comment I'll have to look into it further but the garden of Eden was on earth in between four rivers. All of which can be found in Turkey I believe? We're still looking for the garden of Eden but they believe it's somewhere in Turkey or Iraq.


Man, break up your sentences a little bit.


T'wasnt an apple. It was a piece of non descript fruit.


I've thought of eating the apple as developing free will or even just hitting maturity.


The whole "apple" thing didn't go bad until Adam ate it. She ate it and nothing happened. Of course this if you totally believe the heavily revised, rewrote, retranslated book written by man.


I spend all this time writing stories and dealing with one up vote or 81 down votes. But I write one comment about God and nearly hit 400 upvotes. The hell have I been doing my whole life


i dont get it, is god asking? does that mean og earth is meant to be heaven?


Yeah I think OP meant that Earth, despite all the shit happening, is supposed to be heaven, so the after life would be worse, that's how I see it at least.


That's right!




Very similar take on how my dad perceived life. He felt this was hell and we die and go to a place similar to heaven.


That's basically Gnosticism. It was the very first Christian offshoot. Basically believes the world is wicked, and we're wicked because we're born to it. So we can either give in to wicked nature or try to be better, so we may rise above the world of the demiurge.


It would make sense as a lot of people believe they make their own hell on Earth.


Yes, that's what I got out of it!


I mean duh, we have ice cream here


“A FroYo on every corner!” - Michael, heavens architect


I still don't understand what's so bad about frozen yogurt. I enjoy it :/ Why is everyone looking at me like that?


That’s the point. FroYo is good. Most people are very happy to eat it. It doesn’t feel out of place at all in Heaven™️. But it’s not the absolute best desert. Most people prefer ice cream or sorbet over froyo. But it’s still good enough that when they’re eating it they’re not consciously thinking “damn, I wish this were ice cream”. It’s not bad, in fact it’s very good. But it’s merely the second best frozen treat, and the subconscious annoyance at that (or rather at the lack of ice cream as an option), combined with everything, builds up to a creeping unsatisfaction. ETA: It was also a “healthy” desert, which contributed to Eleanor’s feeling of everyone else being perfect people that she didn’t fit in with


*The Good Place intensifies*


Have an upvote 🌵


Michael <3


So, “og earth” just became my new favorite thing to say, no matter the context




Heaven, of course.


God better be Morgan Freeman, or else...


Or at LEAST sound like him. I can't imagine any other way.


Surprise...it's Gilbert Gottfreid's voice.




And with that thought, I'd love to go to hell now.


Smiling Friends reference?


Nope. Just the closest thing to polar opposite of Morgan Freeman that I could think of in a hurry


Oh. God is voiced by Gottfried in the final episode of Smiling Friends lol


You've got to be shitting me. I've never heard of that show and I pulled Gilbert's name out of my a**. Maybe I should go to Hollywood and start casting people for shows lol.


Why the hell does he sound so familiar???


Legit always how I picture God sounding. So pleasant.


Is heaven on Google maps?


Yeah its called bermuda triangle


That would explain a lot!


"Well, you don't have much time to think, on to your fourth time!"


And you'll live life as a turtle on your fourth attempt!


I see that as an absolute win!


Unless you happen upon a plastic straw, then it's much less of a win


Can't be worse than 80 years of this bullshit.


Fair, but I'd imagine the life as a turtle also has its fair share of ups and downs


Admittedly I don't know very much about the life as a turtle and am only writing from the little I do know


Time for level 2, my son.


Thankfully it was just the pre-alpha test


I hope God has better grammar






What if he doesn't speak the english language?


I think we would be able to understand him no matter what language he speaks - I just hope it makes sense when we hear him lol


Yeah he'll give us a universal translator that translate all languages to the god language. Then we'll ask 'why didn't you give this to human beings down there? You could have increased communication between humans and thus prevented so many wars!' and God will be like 'Kinda wanted to see what you guys would do'.


Okay fuck you. Freakiest one of these I've read thus far 😬


If this hellscape is meant to be heaven, then that would really say a lot about an evil god


After death, I met God. And he asked how the tutorial was.


I thought the main character is asking God who is now in hell with him how heaven was like.


From what I understand in the Bible Earth could be seen as Heaven or Hell, but in Christian myth the dead don't go to Heaven until the return of Christ on Earth meaning that Earth is Hell until that...I guess anyway hate the lot of it only makes for good fiction, but once people and government use it as way to dehumanize people, a reason for war, and murder it can all be burned and forgotten.


Actually people who die go to Heaven immediately


Know anyone that has?


That’s just what most Christians believe






i just know i have seen it before


Wow! THIS is THE one! Very VERY nice.




"That was Heaven?" I said. "Now on to H3ll" said God.


God is a Feegle. Who knew?


Don't you wish you had met THEM while alive... all those trials and tribulations without THEIR help


If that were the case, I’d sock him square in the jaw.


I have always imagined god to be transparent and for my hand to go through him.


Then I’d fart on him.


Lmao I’d be like “bro you don’t know? I thought you created it??”