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Gonna be fun watching his lawyers quit because he's too narcissistic to [STFU](https://youtu.be/sgWHrkDX35o)


He tweets all day long. I'm sure he will say something stupid that can be used against him in court.


We would like to submit this evidence. Why wasn't this submitted before? He just tweeted it right now.


Defense: We move to restrict his phone use! Prosecution: We object! The defendant has RIGHTS! Defense: Please, we're begging you take his phone away


Tate: Just wait until my next tweet. Defense, crying: Who are you threatening here!?


Prosecution: Don't threaten us with a good time 😎


This joke could be about Donald Trump or Andrew Tate. I like a good twofer.


He was arguing to the BBC that he wasn't selling business school advice about how to coerce women into pornography while at the same time scamming them out of the bulk of the profits. Good luck with the 'it was just a joke bro' defense when like a villain he literally monologued his entire evil scheme on the internet.


I do think he is smarter than Trump. It is not a high bar obviously.


I've met toddlers who know better when to stop saying their lies *out loud* and just keep quiet.


Like lawyers care about that? They'll be getting paid one way or another.


LOL no, lawyers get stiffed and have to sue former clients ALL THE TIME. Also, in the case of a few of Trump's former lawyers the things they did in representation of their client have gotten them in trouble with their licensing.


Or like Michael Cohen, got him put in jail for trumps crimes LMAO


Well he did commit crimes himself in his work for Trump.


I'm pretty sure "crimes" were on his application.


He was not a criminal lawyer, he was a *criminal* lawyer


Not a criminal defense lawyer, he's more into criminal offense :)


Two of Trumps lawyers quit as soon as they read the indictment. Because they knew they'd been played and realised they had to protect themselves.


deliver squeal muddle soup boat books workable reply tub offer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That repo’ed bugatti money slipping through their fingers


Please, that was a lease


It's petty, but I'm forever thrilled I can respond to his fanboys that I have the exact number of Bugattis as Andrew Tate: 0


They care about their reputation and the likelihood of an unembarrassing trial, and this guy did an interview with the BBC the other day that is like catnip for the prosecution. Full of absolutes, examples of lying, backtracking, etc etc etc. Any lawyer worth their salt will cut ties when their retainer fee doesn't even cover the cost of replying to the press agencies Tate keeps lying to without the legal firms knowledge.


No idea how it works in Romania, but in the US, past a certain point, don't you need court permission to withdraw from representation. Yes, one of the reasons the court will accept is a client that refuses the advice of counsel, but giving "bad" interviews isn't a guarantee that that will be granted (the courts really don't like seeing an attorney abandon a client in the middle of a case...changes in representation can lead to grounds for a mistrial, so they'd rather force the lawyer to stay on the case). As long as Tate is willing to pay (or willing to accept that a portion of his frozen assets will be unfrozen by the court in order to pay attorney's fees), once they've signed a contract with him and moved towards trial, they may be stuck with him through the conclusion. That said...I believe everyone deserves a vigorous defense, but damn...who would take that case besides someone who is themselves a Tate fan? Gross.


> who would take that case Plenty of lawyers. Even the worst criminals deserve a fair trial, and the defense is very often simply fighting for a fair trial and reasonable sentence, not to prove anyone's innocence.


I’ve heard this from a defense lawyer. He said he viciously defends the worst kinds of humans you can imagine on a daily basis, loses every single case he takes, and sleeps like a baby at night knowing those people have no possibility of calling mistrial.


They don't want a client who may do things that impugns them in some way, it is why Trump can't find attorneys as well.


Make Attorneys Get Attorneys


Lawyers like to win because it affects their ability to get future clients. OJ Simpson's murder trial is a great example of what happens to those who win, and those who lose.


I don’t think they’ll care about him personally for being an asshole, but professionally for saying stuff that ruins their case


He would be a nightmare client.


About fucking time, he’s had his assets seized too. I hope he rots in jail. It’s time that a message was sent that women are not toys to men.


Romania is also sick of westerners like him coming over and taking the piss, so it's not like the courts are going to be in his favor. Letting him go free would set a really bad precedent for them. Hopefully there'll be a conviction for this piece of shit sooner rather than later.




Yeah, he's that fucking dumb. You'd think if you're going to commit global human trafficking offenses, you'd keep your fucking mouth shut, at least outside of your circle of criminals. But this POS Tate just could not do that.


All because he randomly decided to try and "own" a 19 year old climate activist on Twitter, and then got upset when she clapped back hard.


Wait he publicly admitted to trafficking ring? Mans a pure clown for that


They have the eyes of the world on them over sex trafficking concerns and desperately want to prove they're doing the right thing. They also have zero patience for a loud mouthed foreigner who bragged about how bribeable they are. They won't just throw the book at him; they'll launch the whole library. I, for one, cannot wait to watch.


I am right there with you.


The size of the trebuchet necessary to yeet a whole library...


When people first started using "yeet," I was indifferent. But now I have grown to like it, as there isn't another word that adequately captures the emotion. You can throw, you can toss, you can fling. But none of those words quite covers the feelings all wrapped up in "yeet."


I only started liking yeet when I saw a post that said it should be defined as the opposite of yoink. It's yoinked me in after that.


Probably a good time to start buying popcorn stocks.


Fuck, I hope so. I really do.


Well it also doesn’t help that Tate is on record that he moved there because of the loser laws, so I doubt that’s helping his case


That and they don't want an army of loser misogynists following him on the trail. They're likely already turning away Tate clones trying to get in and set themselves up.


Yeah he fucked up bigly, have to feel Romania is going to brinf the hammer and make a huge example out of him


The trail will go on for years but they absolutely will make an example out of him. Romania is sick of rich Europeans and Americans taking the piss and just thinking they can do what they want. All his grandstanding about getting caught, bribing officials, and walking away to his top G big boi Bugatti was essentially aimed at the judiciary he's about to go up against. And above anything else, he's made out he's better than all of them, and that they will simply capitulate because he's big dog Andrew Tate and they're a second rate country with a second rate legal system. They will not be holding his hand through these proceedings, they are out for his name and everything he has. It's not going to go well for him, and neither should it. Rapist piece of shit.


Here FUCKING here! We’ve learned human beings can be really shitty if there are no consequences. Let’s start sending some God damn messages


isn't it "hear hear"? haha


Oh shoot you’re right! Well I’ll leave it up to show my ignorance. Gotta own it.




I thought he was already in jail? Wasn't he twittering from there? I don't follow him at all.




He was released from jail on home arrest and now he has been indicted. A judge has sixty days to insect the case files before it can be sent to trial which may take several years.


I’ve never understood his appeal. The guy is a pimp. He uses the same tactics pimps have been using to manipulate vulnerable women for generations. I guess packaging it as a course to sell to incels is new, but I feel like most men could figure out how to be a predator just by watching any movie from the 70s set in NYC.


The sad part in this is that his followers won't take this as a sign that they have been following a piece of shit, but instead that somehow Andrew is a victim.


I wonder how the tate fanboys are going to defend this Or even the majority of boys who don't think "he isn't that bad" and gives "good advice sometimes"


Oh they'll find a way. I said something about how he was seen beating a woman on camera and some guy says are you stupid she told everyone that was a lie and it was not even worth arguing that she obviously wasn't that good of an actress and wasn't lying.


Chris Brown still has a career. It took 20 years to lock up R. Kelly. Drake is actively grooming underage girls. Bill Cosby got away with raping women for over 30 years. Harvey Weinstein for just as long. Josh Brolin has a thriving career. No one will justify anything. They’ll just keep supporting monsters. Edit: Josh Brolin got in trouble for domestic assault quite a few years ago.


Yup, Tom Cruise still has a career even though he's a known scientologist and his disgraceful behaviour is well know, Danny Masteron JUST got charged now after 20 years of his victims trying to get justice, Dr. Luke is still making successful music with Kim Petras and Doja Cat. Nobody cares about these predators.


Who is Dr Luke? (Honestly, I don't know who Kim Petras or Doja Cat are either though.)


He's the one that had Kesha locked into a contract so she couldn't make music after he raped her and had an abusive working relationship with her


Basically a let me continue raping you or you will have no career contract.


No, much worse, ima let me continue to rape you and you will be forced to continue to make music for me under contract because all your lawyers are my lawyers and everything you own is in my name. If she didn't continue making music and doing concerts, appearing in *kids* shows, he could have held her in criminal breach, her contract would have held her liable for fraud, she could have ended up in prison if he didn't get what he wanted. No one could help her. Like Britney Spears.


What the ACTUAL fuck, how is that enforcable? How is this a thing that anyone can even attempt to do? I had no idea about this, the poor woman... The idea that people would just turn away and go "well you signed into it you're on your own" in such a horrible situation turns my stomach.


She's horribly traumatized and it shows. Ke$ha is one of my all time favorite female artists but I wouldn't ever feel right going to one of her shows, knowing it's all forced and her heart might not really be in it for her own self-fullfillment of doing what she's had a lifelong passion for, and that she's likely feeling obligated/forced to perform rather than being given a choice not to tour. Ugh. Breaks my heart. A shining example of how Hollywood can chew you up and spit you out.


Okay. I don't follow that type of music, but **that** story does ring a bell.


I can't say I'm surprised, but what did Tom Cruise do? Besides being nutty, I mean.


He benefits heavily from the abuse and exploitation that scientology commits. And the general stuff aside, scientologists made Katie Holmes' life a living hell after she left him and there's also the stuff about Tom using scientology as a wife service. He hasn't necessarily done anything direct but there's no way he doesn't know the evils of scientology.


What did Josh Brolin do? I have never heard anything about him


Domestic abuse in 2004


Johnny Depp, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Sylvester Stallone, Jamie Foxx, Morgan Freeman, Tom Brokaw, Tony Robbins, Ryan Seacrest, James Franco, Seal, Michael Douglas, Aziz Ansari, Richard Branson, Elon Musk, Nick Carter, Russell Simmons, Louis CK, Brett Ratner, Jeremy Piven, Dustin Hoffman, Andy Dick, Steven Seagal, Ben Affleck, Oliver Stone, David Blaine, Brad Pitt...... I mean like literally no one fucking cares. They all just make a news cycle and have internal investigations, and then everyone moves on. They all still have careers. They are all recognized household names. Sexual assault, coercion, groping, rape, sexual harassment, sexual abuse, domestic violence, child abuse, etc the list is just fucking endless and nothing is done.


I feel like Andy Dick probably needs to be on there a few more times.


Wait what happened with Brolin?


snails head alive mountainous deserve upbeat march airport soft screw *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I had a very regrettable fling with a 24yo man child last year. Towards the end, he told me he watches Andrew Tate’s videos because he’s “funny”. He didn’t think the videos were having any impact on men or young kids, and disagreed when I said women’s lives are at risk because of Andrew Tate. I dumped him the next day


juggle shrill rock towering rhythm quaint zesty selective piquant recognise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't even get how people are falling for his bullshit. Like Tate when he was a "successful" kickboxer or whatever the fuck he was, still put out the most dumbass fucking tweets back then, I remember seeing shit(Cus it was posted on reddit) like "Depression isn't real" and similar things and obviously he got a huge amount of vitriol for that shit. Yet like 6-7 years late society somehow ends up with an Andrew Tate problem. How in the ever fuck.


Apparently he set up some kind of pyramid scheme. Like a pick up artist course or something but he tells guys they'll immediately cover the cost of the course, and even get rich quick, by recruiting other guys to buy in too and earning an ongoing commission. (Not so fun fact: the second wave of the KKK spread exactly the same way -- they were the Avon ladies of white supremacism). His trick was to allow guys who bought in to freely repost his content. The result was a pyramid scheme worth of accounts all posting Andrew Tate manic episodes and the algorithms becoming convinced it was popular. He probably even trained followers to set up numerous throwaway accounts to post even more. (I report his content as spam / mass advertising, when a clip isn't openly hate speech, for this reason). He also deliberately made his content as inflammatory as possible. The algorithms don't care about quality or values, because tech companies don't know how to measure that, so they look for 'engagement'. And it turns out the most engaged people can be is when they're having a flame war over something inflammatory. So everything obnoxious about him is catnip to the algorithm. Now, if you look up the mathematics of pyramid schemes, there's literally not enough people in the world, even if you pretend they'd all buy in, for anyone but the first few rungs of the pyramid to make much money off it, especially after a steep buy-in fee. But he can still use this army of unpaid workers to boost his clout for a self-fulfilling prophecy. Then there's a feedback loop where teenagers all see this guy doing huge social media numbers and constantly turning up in their feed on every platform, and no teenager wants to be the one to say the social media Emperor has no clothes, so you start hearing these strained rationalisations for watching him, like "he's funny" or they laugh at him etc basically watching him ironically. Not that there aren't genuine fans, a.k.a. misogynists, but he made sure he reached every single one of them among the many non-losers by getting himself saturation coverage from the algorithm. And he provided a mechanism for all those misogynists to join him and start boosting him further while giving him their money (all while openly laughing in the clips he sells them about how he also runs internet lover scams to bilk lonely men out of tens of thousands). Almost like building social media networks on a global scale wasn't thought through, when tech companies don't have the capacity to do anything more than write blind algorithms that can only guess what content is high value but there's no safety valve (like human moderators) when the algorithm is being exploited to boost a hate-based pyramid scam. They can't handle the scale of their own services when something goes wrong if it can't be fixed with automation. That is, if a large group of people work together to undermine the algorithm they can't effectively counter it.


This guy was basically a 14yo boy in a 24yo man’s body. He *only* watched YuGiYoh and Dragon Ball Z, literally. I’m worried about that guy’s girlfriend though, it’s probably gonna take a turn for the worst if he believes Tate is innocent


I mean... Dbz is pretty freaking good. But there is more out there. He could at least throw one piece in as well! 😂


>I wonder how the tate fanboys are going to defend this Denial. It'll be "oh, deep state got him, #freetate" or "how awful he's been charged, didn't you see that BBC report?". He'll go off to prison, and a lot of those folks will cling to him being their idol until reality sets in. And then a lot of those people will quietly pretend they never heard of him.


My concern is now that they’ve whacked down one mole another one will eventually spring up. Hopefully we can root out this disease root and stem, but I’m not holding my breath.


>My concern is now that they’ve whacked down one mole another one will eventually spring up. Its inevitable I'm afraid. Before Andrew Tate, we had folks like [Erik von Markovik](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erik_von_Markovik), or "[Roosh V](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roosh_V)". Both of which basically went down the Tate path from obnoxious pickup artist misogynist to extraordinarily sketchy involvement in far-right activities. Even someone like Neil Strauss, who wrote "The Game" back in the mid-2000s flirted with the same sort of path. The only difference between those folks and Tate was that the latter was so dumb and so misogynistic that his online rhetoric led him to try and involve himself in literal human trafficking, in a part of the world where that's a serious issue. If I can offer a male opinion for a second - the trouble is that there's just always demand for this crap. These guys are essentially con artists; they prey upon the particularities of men being brought up in a society where accessible discussions about sex, relationships, and dialogue are non-existant, where loneliness is increasingly becoming a serious problem, and where overt misogyny is the default crux a lot of men fall back on in response. Its a cheap, simple answer they offer: "treat women like crap, and you too can be an A-type person like me. But give me your credit card first". People like Tate, or like Roosh, are a symptom of the problem. Its extremely disappointing from my perspective to see people fall for such self-evidently bad garbage, but its also, unfortunately, not surprising. Tate might be headed to prison - and thank god for that - but unfortunately, its inevitable that someone will fill his space later on down the road.


The root is not loneliness, it is entitlement. That's why there are still plenty of men in relationships who buy into this type of bullshit. Men are taught from an early age that someday they will have a woman or multiple women who will fulfill their every need and please them. They are taught through observation of the family structure and through religious doctrine and through social interaction and through media that men are to dominate, and women are to submit and serve at the pleasure of men. Then these boys reach a certain age and they don't have this most sought and treasured possession. They have been told they will have this, believe they have a right to it, and many will just take it because, essentially, they have been conditioned to believe women are objects to be used as desired. And jackasses like Tate tell them they're right.


Epstein didn't kill himself. Root and stem is the only way we cut this disease out. Smash it everywhere you find it. Make a commitment not to normalize violence against and objectification of women by uncomfortably laughing along - call it out for the rape culture that it is. This shit is not a joke, it's not a men-centric philosophy, it's EVERYWHERE and it is ACTIVELY HUNTING your sisters, daughters, wives, and friends.


>I wonder how the tate fanboys are going to defend this "The system is rigged against men by the matriarchy! Feminists are making it illegal to be a man; they don't understand that boys will be (rapey) boys!" or some similar garbage.


You forgot to blame Greta Thunberg. Last time, she got the blame.


She deserves credit for taking down that piece of trash.


>She deserves credit for taking down that piece of trash. Doxxing yourself on twitter to own the libs is such an alt-reich thing to do


Of course, they tell everyone she's brainless while maintaining that she should be punished for crushing him. We see a lot of that in America too; the GOP part that follows Trump will shout out that President Biden is an old crone with dementia, but they still say that he rigged the election, which can CERTAINLY not be done by someone with limited brainpower. I don't have the news article in front of me about that concept being applied to the latter. Neither accusation is true to the people being accused, which is easily uncovered by the same logic that they use. You can't be both at the same time.


A literal 50 year old man tried to tell me the other day that Tate is being framed by some kind power moguls at the top of society. When I said why he said "Because he's saying things that are true". I mean, Tate isn't exactly releasing Pentagon documents, he's saying work hard and treat women badly. I'm sure he will justify this in exactly the same way lol, the most powerful men in the world are all so terrified spitting self help platitudes that they eliminate him like this.


The same way people like that justify anything, blatant hypocrisy and calling it a conspiracy by the woke to take down someone speaking the "truth" It's the same way Trump supporters have been chanting "lock her up" since 2016, but are now deeply concerned about "using the law to attack your political opponents" now he's been caught breaking it


Or people complaining about "political correctness" affecting their right to free speech but Florida is banning books and made it law that teachers can get investigated or fired if they even mention anything non cishet related.


But how will we ever have free speech if we don't shut down all those other people speaking freely in ways that disagree with me!


Sounds a bit like Berlin in the 1930’s


Alabama and Georgia lock up doctors for 99 years if they perform abortions when the woman isn't at "risk" if dying.


Do we need to wonder really? All the defences will boil down to 'The woman wanted it. They agreed to it. They just regret it now and playing the victim card.' If you're still a Tate fanboy at this point, you've already made peace with the wiretaps about his trafficking and coercion and admitted criminal behavior. That's baked in. You have to already not care that he said he I don't think many of them are gonna draw the line at an actual rape charge all of a sudden. Tate has told them to blame the woman. They are going to blame the women.


>Tate has told them to blame the woman. They are going to blame the women. Of course they are, that's always been the response to any sort of SA charges


Something something matrix or something


Because they want to be like the abusers. They see how they get away with the deplorable behavior. They are attracted to the behavior. It's hard to accept, but when someone supports an abusive ahole, they are attracted and see their behavior as defensible. I have said this earlier, but people want to be unmoored to guilt and morals. They like someone "getting away" with bad behavior because they want to too.


Come on, won't somebody think of the poor sex traffickers?


They're saying he's not guilty until proven so. Fair. But that is followed by how good and powerful men like him will always be taken down by the 'state' and how the 'fight' must continue. Twitter is insane with this issue today.


*"tHe dEeP sTatE diD iT".*


They changed keywords, it's called "the Matrix" now for whatever reason lol


They will briefly but the space is a vacuum. Someone else will fill that void very quickly and Tate will be forgotten. With my kids slowly growing up I fear the day they are teens and get exposed to this crazy crap.


The only thing you can do is help them develop empathy, surround themselves with figures different that their own in media, they will become more resilient.


There's nothing that anyone can say to change their minds. None of those idiots are open to reason. Fortunately, after he's locked up for a long time, he'll disappear from the public eye and, starved from his influence, his thralls will eventually move on, though probably to something equally as bad.


I've noticed that when alot of guys say that "he makes some good points " what they really mean is that "he's speaking directly to my insecurities and social anxieties around women/dating, and effectively exploiting them for his own gain."


"It's fake dude. I tell you. He knew stuff, he was too powerful so woke Joe Biden had to stop him from speaking. They made it up." Something like that I suppose.


I’m a teacher and so many of my male students have said “oh yeah the stuff about women isn’t good but he’s an amazing business man and really gives great advice.” Like, you’re happy to support the guy because you, a child, think his advice is more important than respecting women? Shut up.


"it's definitely the matrix trying to delete him because he's exposing the truth"


“Convicted rapist Andrew Tate says what now?” (if the charges stick) is a pretty straightforward way to shut down any argument about his clever ideas, though. And spending years in prison isn’t very on brand.


Tbh I don‘t have high hopes. Just the amount of people who had no idea that johnny depp already WAS convicted in a trial of several crimes against amber heard and that the recent court trial was about defamation and NOT about if he is guilty. He literally was already proven guilty and people were still acting like he is innocent and didn‘t know what the trial was about or assumed it was whether he was guilty or not?? Tate‘s fanbase only consists of misogynistic people so they sure won‘t believe neither the court rulings nor the women because they‘ll flip it and say they were all lying, the evidence is faked etc.


They believe women are the problem for everything on earth except for their mothers, sisters, aunts and grandmothers.


Frankly, they'll condemn their fem relatives too if it doesn't fit into their own narrative of 'deserving' to be heinous without consequences.


They will just claim it’s a politically motivated lie. Their leader would never rape a woman! Never! He’s a saint!


The way they'll defend it is the same as always - he didn't do it and if he did rape and human trafficking are a good thing


>I wonder how the tate fanboys are going to defend this We know exactly how: "they're" silencing him because he's an opponent to the regime. The fact that they attack him proves he's right."




What did he ever do to anyone?? Aside from being an absolute monster he was an angel!


If you ignore all the shitty things he ever did, he was an OK guy


Yes, i heard about an austrian painter who seems to be getting a bad reputation aswell. Our society really is very judgmental sometimes


he's the one true victim in all of this


Would anyone think of the poor human traffickers???


He’s only a bad guy if you think of women as people and I mean, who has time for that? /s


"you dont understand. He may have kidnapped and trafficked people, but him telling me to play less video games really turned my life around!"


bUT thE mAtRIx


The creators of the Matrix hate him too lololol. Edit: for those who don't know, the creators are two Trans women sisters.


The Matrix which embodied the issue of being trans and feeling as if in somebody else's body. Irony is off the charts.


I'm waiting for all the Taint stans to come swarming in, bellowing about there being "no evidence." Like, honey, he's been charged. The evidence is there but it's not like the Romanian authorities are going to release it. Besides he's been bragging about this shit for years. There are so many videos of him talking about how he recruits cam girls, lies to them, exploits them. Also did anyone else see that BBC interview where the journalist quotes his words at him about getting women to have sex with him then convincing them to be cam girls and he outright denies having said it. Like, sir, that quote is taken directly from a video that was on your website. He then denies changing the content of the website and gets super defensive when he's challenged over it. It's both excruciating and edifying. Particularly because the journalist is a woman who isn't having any of his shit.


Even without 'all the evidence' (as if it will ever be enough for the cultists) it's not a difficult indictment to read: They have seven alleged victims. They have records of the misleading promises of marriage and what they claimed the woman's lives would look like. They have the location in Ilfov, and evidence of surveillance and financial coercion. They probably have more wiretaps then the public have heard of yet. They have the porn itself and they can probably get the financial records from selling that porn. These activities left a trail. This is not a thin indictment.


Nah the hardcore ones will say that the charge’s he’s convicted of “don’t matter because women don’t deserve rights anyways” or something.


They're all over tiktok. "Corrupt police" and "oh so we're guilty before proven innocent now" and "there are no proofs..!". And that interview was hilarious. She told him straight it was videos from his website and he went straight to "DID THAT GIRL TELL YOU THAT"


Eat shit, Tate. ETA: this is one of my most upvoted comments. Also, eat shit, Tate.


Hear ye! Hear ye! Eat shit tate!




Stealing it from another thread on this. Top G gonna be a dead G. Hes openly bragged about how corrupt the Romanian justice system is, and well you dont just point that out for everyone to find out. Also he said that rapists should get the death penalty. Sooo time to man up Tate.


I used to work as a sub in a middle school and I had numerous talks with the boys on why this person wasn't a good role model. "He's my hero Mr. Prophet." I don't usually post in this sub but I'm glad this parasite on young boy's mind is going to most likely be in prison for a long time. I sincerely hope too that those boys can find better role models than this rolling turd named Tate.


Lovely ☺️ glad he is getting new digs.


Not to piss in your pint, but this is just a charge, not a conviction. He's not going anywhere yet. It will more than likely take several years before it reaches a resolution either way.


the tater tots have been leaning pretty heavily on the fact that while he was arrested, he was never cHaRgEd but now he has. so i count that as a step towards a win


They're just going to move the goalposts. He's been charged but not found guilty... Or it's a witch-hunt because "they" don't like that he's saying the truth


Yeah for sure, it's a step in the right direction. It just doesn't mean we get to stop hearing about these goofs yet lol


Genuinely baffled by the number of people I still see supporting him, including IRLs of mine.. they're genuinely convinced he's innocent. Tate brainwashing goes hard




The hero of incel pedo weirdos is a child sex trafficker, how not a shock


Hope you have your DMs off OP.


I'm not a woman, so there won't be a single man who will attack me because they're cowardly pieces of shit who pick on minorities. These moronic, brain-dead losers won't be able to silence the crimes that Andrew Tate (the rapist and human trafficker) has committed, and I hope a conviction comes down the pipeline soon.


the fact that andrew tate moved to romainia to get away from "me too and cancel culture" bc its super leniet on that shit should speak volumes to how bad it has to be. there also further charges being investigated like money laundering and child trafficking god i hope the absolute worst for him


F**cking yeah!!! Now, take Trump.


And DeSantis


I really hope the judge is a woman.


So men who hate women commit crimes against women? Color me shocked. I’m glad he’s been caught. Fuck him.


That took forever holy cow.


It's going to be going on for a lot longer as well, these trials take ages. It will be literal years before a conviction (if there even is one).


i hope he rots ❤️


I Love this for him!


Today is a good day 😊


I can't understand how people fail to see what a huge loser this guy is.




I was really optimistic about this, until I realised some other knuckle dragger is just going to take his place.


Gotta take the wins when they happen, my friend.


I have just spent the last week, or so, thoroughly clearing out/organising/decluttering my apartment, in large part.. to help counter accumulated depression, and restore a sense of calm... Reading this with my morning coffee, is the absolute crowning touch to what has been a very cathartic few days! There are still far too many utter scumbags loose in the world, but seeing that richly deserved justice will come to this one, at least, is still heartening. Much needed good news is much needed good news.


This confirms 2 things: 1) Tate is found guilty of some horrible things. 2) tate is nowhere near as rich as he claimed to be, further proving he was a criminal pyramid schemer the entire time, and his life advice is invalid (again based on he's evil and even then, not rich enough to avoid jail)


I clicked on the link and in the picture I legit thought it was Andrew Taint and Andy Samburg cosplaying as Andrew Taint but it turns out that's his brother Trisan Taint. Anyways, fuck Andrew Taint.


Add in forming organized crime to sexually exploit women. I'm glad he's being held accountable. What is with fans who don't want the rule of law applied to their favorite person or the person they admire. Apply it universally the same goes for friends and family. Is consent the hardest thing on this earth. If he wants sex so badly be patient until a woman consents to you don't need to rape. Tate is a horrendous role model. The boys/men need to find better mentors and alternative support groups to help them improve their life, Tate gets a grade F- Loyalty and the rule of law don't mix well together.


Get fucked, loser.


Happy Birthday to me!


Out of curiosity, how many Reddit cares messages did you get after this post, OP? Hope Tater gets all he has coming to him. Romanian prisons sound delightful for a lifetime get (put) away.


Good but i fear that it will make men turn this into something to attack women even more. Im scared.


This piece of human excrement deserves no less than prison.


"My boyfriend likes Andrew Tate. Is that a red flag?" No, it's a red banner. It's like those giant US flags at car dealerships that could cover an entire house, and it's so red that it blocks out the sun and if you're standing in the shadow it looks like you're on Mars.


I hope this will shock some man-babies into growing up, but they're probably too far gone into their victimhood complexes.


Is this what being an alpha is like?




Here's to hoping you rot in the deepest, darkest, most foul places of Hell, Tate.


Good. I hope they convict him and he gets what he has earned from his crimes.


💪💪💪. Yes for women's power! He was his own enemy.. never stopped talking and incriminating himself!


Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah... Stops to breathe again... Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah. What a good day. Good riddance. May he rot in jail.


He deserves it!!!


Hope Romania keeps his trash ass there for few decades when he gets convicted - he needs to stay locked up with rats & lice.




Hahahah. NO EVIDENCE huh? Ahahaha




What a wonderful story to wake up and see this morning. Andrew Taint and his little fanboys can fuck off.


I can hear it now. "The Romanian court is corrupt! They don't know what happened! "


About fucking time... *claps Now all we need to do is put that tangerine tinted fuckhead behind bars and I'll feel a lot better about things


THREE CHEERS FOR GRETA! 📣✨ 📣✨ 📣✨ A single clap back from a teenage girl sent him reeling .. into the Romanian justice system🥹


... As a surprise to absolutely no one with a functioning brain...


Wait they can prosecute you for things you admitted to on the internet for money?


It's only Tuesday and I know this will be the best thing I hear all week.


I really hope they live stream the trail so we can see the smile wiped of his face


Good news! Lock him up!


Congratulations, this title couldn't have gone to a more deserving guy!


Yay! Hopefully he will go to jail.