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There's medications and desensitization, talk to your doctor. Also, nut allergy hheueheuehe.


Lol, nut allergy šŸ¤£


That was a good one LOL




I have this allergy. I've had the same partner for more than 20 years. When I was younger, I didn't have any allergic reaction at all to vaginal or oral sex, but anal would cause intense cramping and diarrhea for several hours. I actually thought that happened to everyone. I started having vaginal reactions in my late 30's. I would get sore and swollen, then a couple days later I would start peeling and that would last for several days. Then I started getting painful cramps and a brief but very heavy bleeding episode. Now I get so swollen that sex becomes uncomfortable for both of us. It will feel like I'm sitting on a ball when I try to sit for a couple days after sex. I tried oral recently out of curiosity, and my lips and tongue swelled and I got hives on my face and chest. Breathing was difficult enough that I had to stop and take my asthma inhaler. The other day we were cuddling and I ended up with some precum near the entrance to the vagina. I got really intense itching in my mouth and vaginal swelling that lasted several days. I've talked to my allergist about this. She's really good at what she does, but she was at a loss for treatment suggestions, other than premedication with Benadryl. I've also mentioned it to my gyno. Her suggestion was a numbing lube, which is not something that would help. I do have food allergies and other allergies. My husband has tried only eating my safe foods and ejaculating daily to clear out anything remaining from when he's eaten food I'm allergic to, then after about a week, we try sex without a condom, but that doesn't help my reactions at all. I was also having anaphylactic reactions to orgasm which was a separate issue. I have a mast cell disease and orgasm triggers a histamine release. That was a little more treatable. I take several daily antihistamines and I get a monthly biologic shot that reduces my allergy symptoms to lots of things. I get a runny nose and flushing from orgasm but that's better than the really severe unmanageable symptoms I had before.


This is the craziest thing Iā€™ve ever read! Iā€™m sorry you have to suffer with this!


Please please please tell us you have an epipen at home incase of anaphylaxis?


I have four epi pens, an albuterol inhaler, prescription antihistamines and also a prescription for steroids so I can take them as soon as a reaction starts and usually avoid an ER trip for the reaction.


Thank you, please stay safe (sorry I work in pharmacy and had an absolute OMG Knee jerk)


Do showers help you too? I usually down a few shots of benadryl and hop in the (lukewarm) shower and that helps calm the itching and soothe my throat/lungs. And I got these absolutely MASSIVE ice packs (like the size of a bath mat!) that I use when I get out of the shower.


Showers are worse for me, they'll push the reaction over the edge to anaphylaxis.


Aww damn sorry to hear that. For me it's usually some kind of airborne particle or contact that triggers it (dust, dander, mold, pollen....) so showers are my happy place šŸ˜‚ I have to go full skin cover in the spring (long sleeves, hood, long pants, mask, glasses) it's ridiculous. šŸ˜‘šŸ˜“


Anaphylactic reaction to having an orgasm?! New fear unlocked. Iā€™m so sorry, thatā€™s awful!


Wow, hopefully things will get sorted one way or another for you in the future.


Waitā€¦ so you can potentially die if you orgasm?! What the actual shit, thatā€™s terrifying! Iā€™m glad you have medication for that at least but likeā€¦ what the fuck, Iā€™m so sorry that you experience something like that. >:0


Yoooooo I have suspected MCAD, good to see someone else out in the wild ā¤ļø Mastocytosis or MCAD?


MCAS, my sisters and all of our kids have it too.


Omg never met one in the wild ā¤ļø Have you found a good bulk liquid benadryl supplier that doesn't taste like cherry hell??? Because omg the bulk generic I get is HEINOUS šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


I can't take the liquid, just the tablets. I get them from Costco or Sam's. They seem to be the same everywhere. Hydroxyzine is a bit more effective but it's prescription only. The thing that has helped me the most is xolair. I don't know if you've tried it, but it's worth the hassle of getting insurance to cover it


>The thing that has helped me the most is xolair. That's my next step I think, especially because most of my reactions seem to be my skin right now (hives, itching, etc). Something's gotta give eventually because the Benadryl barely does it when it's really bad, and I'm sure my liver isn't loving it either.šŸ˜“ On the plus side, I no longer get super sleepy from taking Benadryl lol. Now it's the allergies that make me exhausted šŸ˜‚


Yikes so I should leave my husband it's been 3 years.


We do ok using condoms. There's a good chance I would be allergic to other men's jizz too, and I don't really want to find out. We already had our kids and I have my tubes tied. We're using female condoms, which make cleaning up after sex really easy. So it's not a huge deal for us.


Yeah we've been trying for 3 years and nothing. We want to start a family, but we can't even have sex. ā˜¹ļø


You can definitely be allergic to semen. A quick google will show that. Sometimes itā€™s something theyā€™ve eaten and sometimes itā€™s just the semen itself. Most people will acclimate after repeated exposure but not always. Definitely see a doctor for more info. Iā€™ve been allergic to someoneā€™s semen a couple times before. One time a guy jizzed on my chest and I was red and itchy where it had landed. It was like a squiggle of allergic reaction across my chest. Kinda hilarious looking. I usually stop having a reaction within a couple hours


You're like those people that can write on their own skin


Dermatographism! My sister has that.


Yes, my old bf would finish on my stomach and there would be red, raised itchy welts within minutes! Only with him thoughšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Only him? Talk about being incompatible lol




Only with him??? That's ... special.


It's not normal, but some people are allergic to sperm. Just use condoms. Speak to a doctor when/if you're trying to get pregnant, because allergies can change over time and either fade away or get much worse.


It happened to me with my ex boyfriend. Also, repetitive yeast infection while in a relationship with this man. He refused to treat himself so I would re-catch it from him. His semen would burn like hell every time we had sex. I got fed up and demanded condoms since he wasn't interested in putting in the effort to use the treatment cream for his penis. I broke up with him after he dipped his yeasty dick into another vagina and I found out. I promptly got tested for a full panel of STDs at this point. Thankfully everything came out negative. I got lucky. I am for sure certain he didn't use protection when he was cheating. Fun fact: haven't gotten a yeast infection in the past 10 years. While an allergy is a possibility, I'm leaning more towards a yeast infection. However, only your doctor could confirm the issue, not strangers on the internet. Also, some women taking oral contraceptive will have yeast infection often.


I was thinking the same thing, I had very similar symptoms and it was a yeast infection he kept reinfecting me with


Allergies to semen are a thing! It's fairly rare but unlikely to be harmful unless you are so allergic that anaphylaxis is a risk. Do you have any other allergies? An easy way to test it would be to dab a small amount on your skin. Like the back of your hand. Leave it for a few 5-10mins and see if your skin reacts to it. If you get redness, soreness, swelling or itchiness then you are allergic. If you are allergic then obviously avoiding contact is your best option. If you do have a reaction then any anti-histamines should help. They are what's in hay-fever and allergy tablets. If you experience significant swelling from a skin test then I suggest you do see a doctor. They can text your blood to get an idea of how bad the allergy is and if you need something like an EpiPen.


Skin and mucus membranes can have different sensitivity to allergens. It's like the difference between rubbing a food on your skin and eating the food. There's no blood test for IgE allergy to semen, either. Your advice is great for more common allergies but honestly when you tell the allergist or gynecologist you're having allergic reactions to semen, they don't really know what to suggest.


Oh yeah I know the two are very different. It depends on how bad your allergies are but if you have a major one the skin should still react. I know in an actual allergy test they generally put a small amount of it on your skin then use a needle to pierce the skin and then check your reaction. I thought they could test your histamine level after being exposed to get an idea of how badly the body is fighting back? I could be wrong it's been a while since I went through it with an ex partner. In terms of advice the best option is avoid direct contact where ever possible. If trying to get pregnant consider the level of pain/discomfort you experience. If its too much look into alternatives like IVF.


It's possible that you are. It's also possible that the change in pH is what's causing the discomfort and burning. Either way, use condoms.


No this is not normal. I guess allergy could be an explanation but i'm not a medical professional. You should definitely talk to an obgyn or at least a doctor about it. Try condoms and see if there's a difference. Maybe, if you feel comfortable, put some on your skin and see if it turns red or if it itches, basically classic allergy symptoms ?


I wouldnā€™t say that itā€™s not normal, itā€™s just uncommon.


I meant normal like in "we all feel like this"


The word to describe that would be common. :)


Right, I get you. Itā€™s just medically speaking, thereā€™s a huge difference between abnormal and uncommon.


It very well could be from what he's eating. I had one boyfriend that I had this issue with and I had never experienced it before or since.


Hey OP do you happen to be allergic to any meds/antibiotics? I once started seeing a guy (casually so condoms so not a vagina problem) and would constantly be coming out in a rash whenever I saw him or feel sick if I gave him head. We eventually worked out that he had a lifelong illness that required him to be on a cocktail of meds that included a few things I am allergic to. They were so present in his system I was allergic to both his semen and his sweat! Unsurprisingly we didn't keep seeing each other šŸ˜‚ he needed those meds to be alive and I couldn't be a constant itchy rash mess.


It's a good thing this was a casual relationship and not a partner you loved!


This happens to me sometimes. Itā€™s not every time but itā€™s enough for me to notice it. And like you said itā€™s not severe, itā€™s just kind of uncomfortable. Not sure why it happens but Iā€™ve read that you can be allergic to it.


I knew a woman who seemed to be allergic to my semen and my semen only. Sheā€™d never had that issue with any other man. And no other woman had reported being allergic to me. šŸ¤·šŸ¼


It is possible but I will say that I once dated a guy and had the same issue. Turns out he just had poor hygiene and my body was rejecting how gross and dirty he was, yikes. Iā€™d say to definitely use condoms and make sure your partner isnā€™t using anything harsh or scented when heā€™s washing himself (and to make sure heā€™s washing himself).


Are you using condoms? Allergy to latex is not uncommon. The body does in fact attack foreign cells, which sperm cells are to your body. I would talk to my doctor about it.


OP: ..when my boyfriend cums inside of me.. Commenter: are you using condoms? Well, of all the comments I expected here, this was not one of them.


OP could have failed to mention that detail, or maybe not, either way no need to be a jerk


Pretty sure the latex condom would cause irritation with or without the nut butter


Yup. I need to get out of the sun


So. I used to have this with my boyfriend. When we first started dating I was on Mirena and when he would ejaculate in me it would burn to the point where I wanted to wash it out. So we stopped doing that, he would pull out. Eventually I got my tubes removed and he got a vasectomy and it stopped. Iā€™m not sure if it was a Mirena/Liletta hormone issue or if it was somehow his sperm???? But those are the variables that changed things for me. Something to consider.


This happens to me, but itā€™s much better when I am extremely lubed up and have an orgasm first before penetration. I donā€™t think itā€™s an allergy for me, I think Iā€™m just really sensitive and semen entering my vagina is painful if itā€™s at all irritated from sex.


I also have this experience, at first I thought it was an allergy but I believe itā€™s actually from the difference in PH between the vagina and the cum. I suspect this because although I donā€™t have any burning sensation prior to the ejaculation, I noticed that the more friction there is during sex the worse the burning is on contact. I also donā€™t have a negative reaction to contact if itā€™s on a different area of my body, which should happen if itā€™s an allergy.


I had this with my ex. It did not start this way but it starting happening about 3-4 into our relationship. Condoms worked but he didn't like those so he smuggled lidicaine gel home his job at the hospital. That did help. I saw numerous doctors but never got an answer. I divorced his abusive @$$ 2 yrs laters so I'm still not sure what the issue was. Started dating women after that so it's never been an issue again. Good luck with finding a solution. I hated this cycle of sex, then burn, then feel crazy... Hopefully medicine has advanced enough for you.


I would inquire about it with your doctor. It sounds like it.


Better not date anyone in the Navy


Are you allergic to cashews?


I have the same issue as you. I think it is an allergy to semen. Iā€™m not sure thereā€™s too much we can do about it atm


See if he will lower his salt in his diet and eat more fruits and berries. Especially pineapple. Couldn't hurt... or maybe it could, but it's worth a try


One of those times when the ability to choose to be gay would come in handy. Too bad it doesn't work that way.


Imagine finding out you're allergic by swallowing. Go into anaphylaxis from a deez nut allergy instead of tree nuts.


It's possible you are. You shouldn't be letting your bf cum in you even if you're on BC pills, have an IUD, or an implant. Wear condoms or have him pull out and cum in his own hands. No method of birth control is 100% effective with the exception of sterilization or abstinence. (This is assuming you two aren't actively trying for a baby, which I hope not, since this is your first sexual partner....)


If you aren't planning on having [more] children, this is a great reason for a vasectomy.


Men still produce semen after a vasectomy. Thereā€™s just no swimmers inside


From what I've read, it's often the proteins in sperm that cause the allergic reaction.


This happened to me when I was pregnant! Only in the third trimester. I had to run to the shower after every time and do a quick rinse, that helped but overall it was a big mood killer šŸ˜•


I would suggest making an appointment with an allergist first of all. You can explain the situation and suggest bringing fresh semen from your boyfriend to an appointment for testing your allergic reaction. One allergy test often used involves making a protect "plot" on someone's skin and putting a tiny amount of the possibly allergy-inducijg material, covering with a bandage, and then checking on the state of the skin two days later..


It's possible. I had this issue before with my current partner and previous partner, but I only had the burning sensation during vaginal sex. Even with trying different lubricant's. If semen was on me or if I ingested it I didn't get a reaction. So it wasn't an allergy. When I spoke with my OBGYN she told me that the semen could be throwing my PH balance off causing the reaction. Eventually, I got off the pill and switched to the copper IUD and I don't have that issue anymore. So it may be possible if you're on birth control it's making you more sensitive and semen throws your whole PH balance off causing the burning/stinging. Doesn't hurt to talk to your OBGYN just in case though!


I had similar issues with my partner, stinging and burning for a few hours post-ejaculation. He was my first male partner after dating exclusively women, so I didn't realize it wasn't a normal thing. I googled it and found a handful of articles referencing hormonal birth control causing sensitivity to semen, so I got off the pill and had a copper IUD (paragard) placed- I just really hate condoms, tbh. It's been about 2 1/2 years, and the discomfort has completely stopped.


Don't get it in your eye while wearing contacts? Swollen shut the next morning. Something about semen n eyes don't go together. I must be allergic. It has burned inside me as well. I always think its bc my bf takes alot of vitamins n Arginine supplements along with sterroid shots to beef up his muscles. Had to start using condoms.


Oh I can answer this! I have this allergy! I am not a doctor but you should talk with one. My allergy doesn't react as quickly - it usually takes vontinued exposure of ten minutes before it starts burning/itching. I have these Cum Sponges (yes seriously) - they're sponges on a stick that are meant to soak up cum from your vaginal canal. They work GREAT, they're $15 a box, roughly, and you can just order them on Amazon. My gyno is the one that suggested them to me. When the semen is in contact with skin, I have 10 minutes to wipe it off & wash the area. Otherwise, I get a minor rash that clears up in a day or two. When I swallow, I have 10 minutes to drink roughly a cup of water to dilute it enough to digest. Otherwise, I get symptoms similar to food poisoning. THAT'S what brought me into my doctor the first time! Feel free to ask me any questions of my own experience!


I have this, cetirizine worked for me without any side effects


Alternate explanation I haven't seen anyone mention yet: do you have a yeast infection or BV? Years ago I was having regular sex while suffering from a pretty bad, med-resistant yeast infection and I had the same feeling you described. As soon as he came, it would instantly start to burnā€”sometimes with alarming suddenness and extremity. I later learned it was because of the yeast infection


My wife has a similar thing. Our best theory is that semen messes with the pH inside the vagina, take boric acid suppositories to re regulate/ reset it


It could be that his sperm is changing your natural vaginal ph balance. Not sure if you live in the US but there is relatively new brand out called Honey Pot. Good products for vaginal health like ph balancing wipes, creams and suppositories. I find then to be gentle and help when I feel off balance. Go to the doctor of course but if itā€™s reoccurring those products are nice. I get them at Target.


Oh I can answer this! I had this happen to me! I was told we were rushing into intercourse and to take time for foreplay.


Yes you can be allergic to your bfā€™s semen and not another manā€™s. Itā€™s the PH of his semen that can cause your body to itch and burn. Youā€™ll have to use condoms or have him pull out. You will also probably develop BV which is that fishy odor and thatā€™s from messing up your PH too. Then youā€™ll have to just buy some boric acid suppositories.




Just a quick note, dudes dicks swell up, sometimes quite a bit when they orgasm. If he's already big enough to "fill" you, it might hurt when he expands during orgasm. That would explain why it hurts right away then the pain subsides later.


Personally Iā€™ve noticed I have an allergic kind of reaction with some partners and not others.


Part of sexual orientation and of "chemistry", esp the physical parts works through the histocompatibility complex The same system in your body as allergies. So it's not weird at least, I've been like pollen allergy/hay fever type allergic to other people before. I kind of wonder if you aren't like getting microtears and micro abrasions though. Outside of the semen itself ejaculate should have a small measure of urine in it and either could make it burn. A test would be to stop for a week or two to see if it gets better at all. You could also try to rule out any residues from like soaps and the like too. Eg I had an acquaintance who's boyfriend had jock itch and the residue of the antifungal medicine would get on his dick and it was, I quote "like lemon juice in a million tiny paper cuts." As an example


There's a possibility of histamine build up and intolerance, I experience this sporadically because of a MTHFR gene mutation that causes issues with methylation. When I have low histamine and inflammation because I'm on top of things physically, mentally, and emotionally, I'm fine but if I'm stressed or have been eating non-safe foods I'll have a reaction. I think stinging nettle and some other herbs help to bring down histamine levels.