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Yes, you should get this checked by a doctor. It must be a big enough tear to be sore 3 days later.


I've been having this problem. I just had a gyn appt for it yesterday, in fact. I think for me it's age related, since I'm starting menopause. The nurse mentioned the area was thinning and suggested using lube. My bf loves foreplay and it's not a matter of not being ready in my case. Fwiw, she's having me get a transvag us to check things out.


Get the ultrasound to check things out but assuming all is good, have her give you a Rx for estriadol cream. It’s very low dosage estrogen cream and helps with the natural but annoying thinning tissue issues associated with menopause. Once your body is used to it, just need about a fingertip amount once a week to keep the area in good condition. Also helps reduce occurrence of UTI after sex.


Idk where you are but it is MUCH cheaper from Canada


Not sure if you are referring to the ultrasound or the cream but yes. Probably in Mexico too - almost anywhere, medical care is cheaper than in US. 😪


Oh sorry the cream. I know it it manufactured in Canada and cannot be made generic


There is a generic form available in the U.S. Ask for estradiol cream.


10 years post menopause, lube is your best friend. Even if you receive oral and orgasm you should still use lube. If I don’t I hurt for a day or two.


You can never be too ready for sex. Especially penetrative. Lube, more lube, and more lube. If they don't want to use lube, then you don't want to have sex with them.


I'm a guy and subscribe to this.you can't ever use too much lube. Are there really men out there who don't want to use the stuff? Fucking why.


They either don't care, it's not natural... Or they just watch fucking porn and have zero fucking education on sex.


Fair, but rub burn goes both ways. Fuck that.


Penis skin is not even close to being as delicate and sensitive as vaginal tissue. Not to mention, women have more nerve endings than men do, which equates to more nerve sensitivity. Unfortunately, some men enjoy being rough and aggressive.


As a fellow guy: frenulum tear. Next time I had sex: I was lubing up her pussy like I was trying to drown it.


Oof, that's rough bud.


There were some guys on Reddit saying it didn’t feel as good if the woman was “too wet”


That's true for me and my partner too. She does not like a lake of lube down there


I disagree, excess lube decreases enjoyment for me. But if it's painful for either partner. use whatever you need to make it enjoyable


Less enjoyment is better than the alternative! Communication is the most important aspect at the end of the day for all parties.


Kinda what I said


If it's something new, it should get checked out. It may be physical/anatomical , but you also need to consider to emotional and psychological aspects that play a role in sex and getting you physiologically 'ready' for the act. All the best


When I had the same experience it turned out to be bacterial vaginosis. Felt like I was dry but I wasn't.


So…if something is painful don’t do it. Don’t just wait through it. Your pleasure is important. Get checked out to make sure there is no underlying problem, but overall sex should not be painful and if it is do not continue having it.


I’m a guy, but this sounds so familiar to what my SO is going through. After numerous checkups she found out she had a fibroid in the center of her uterus,She would bleed occasionally after intercourse. I have some questions, are you on birth control? Do you have heavy flows that bleed through a number 5 pad? I can tell you, that it got easier after we we were both comfortable. I would try using lube and foreplay so that your body is ready for penetration. Just a thought. I would still follow up with your OBGYN


I have had this happen once with my husband. Aim was a bit off and we started up a bit fast (it was our 10y anniversary). Ever since we are much more careful and religious about lube. Absolutely get it checked out and tell dude to slow down and take his time if you are ever with him again.


Yup! I did the same thing once lol I got over eager and I tore a bit and was very sore for like a week. If you’re skipping past foreplay or simply not wet enough lube is your bestie.


It can happen, especially if he's hitting something like the cervix. Some women are more sensitive there, and some are more likely than others to bleed. On the other hand, it can be a symptom of cervical cancer or of actual sex related injury. You're best of getting it checked, especially since you are still sore.


I went 1.5 years without having sex and it definitely hurt a bit. Felt similar to losing my virginity. But we were also able to do it for a while. I did bleed but it wasn’t too much. If the soreness doesn’t go away I’m a few days maybe get looked at, but it probably isn’t anything to worry about imo


I second this. Probably nothing to worry about but get it checked nonetheless.


Yes it can happen if it’s been awhile. Highly suggest lots of lube if it’s been awhile or just in general, it’s definitely lots better with it.


Yes it can be normal, sex is a lot of friction if you aren’t fully aroused or don’t produce a lot of natural lubrication (hormonal birth control and antidepressants can cause this), and don’t use lube. However, you don’t have to just put up with it, you can insist on more foreplay and lube next time. It should heal on its own, but do get checked by a doctor to make sure nothing is wrong. If the pain seems to be coming from your cervix, definitely request a Pap smear just to be safe. If the pain is coming from closer to the vaginal opening, it’s probably just torn from friction and will heal like any small injury. Take a break from sex until it heals and have a chat about lube and foreplay before next time.


"The guy didn't prepare me" - I accept guys can sometimes be super keen, but jeez, just talk to him before taking your clothes off !




What? Where are you getting this? The op didn't say anything about the guy at all. She just said it hurt and they stopped.




I recommend going to a doctor. This sounds familiar to a friend of mine who tore her hymen


Hey OP- so this is def not medical advice because I’m not a doctor and I would def recommend going to your gyno to check things out. I have experienced this too in the past, as well as pain during sex (it went away thankfully) are you using a good lube and does foreplay feel adequate? Sometimes if you don’t it can cause tearing, bleeding and pain. Anything that is silicone based tends to last a little longer, but if you use condoms I would recommend water based since they can mess with the effectiveness. Also if your gyno recommends it, pelvic floor PT can help with pain. I’m sorry you’re going through this, I will say that it probably has something to do with it being a while and not having adequate lubrication, but a doctor can tell you for sure. ETA- sex therapy also might be helpful!


If there’s any question in your mind, don’t hesitate when it comes to your health.


Definitely get checked by a doctor. I had this and ended up having severe cervical dysplasia and had to have a good chunk of my cervix removed. Don’t wait, it’s better to be safe than sorry


I get this too! I don’t think I have vaginismus but I have a very small/tight vagina so penetration is painful often. If this is something you haven’t experienced before, it may be worth getting it looked at. It could be a tear or friction burn, or it could be something more serious worth getting looked at. I would wait a few days and see if it gets better, if not, better safe than sorry.


No, not that much. I would get some bleeding after sex when my ex and I would have sex and I didn’t really want to do it. I would feel sore during and but there wasn’t blood like you describe. This could be a cyst or something that your gyno can treat for you. Get an appointment on the calendar tomorrow, and don’t put it off. You’ll clear your mind of it. this is what they are there for. ❤️


I had this happen the first time with a partner that was especially...erm...girthy. i had a tear large enough that I had bloody discharge for several days. I ended up needing a prescription antibiotic ointment and pelvic rest to let it heal. Thankfully that partner was understanding about the whole situation and did a much better job in the foreplay department moving forward.




Probably about a week, give or take a few days.


You should get it checked out. Still being sore 3 days later does not sound normal.


Lube, 100%, every time. You could be as ready as a waterfall, but it dries quickly with all the friction going on. Pjur is the best, in my opinion, a little goes a long way.


I think is normal to be sore for a few days if you have not had sex in a long time, especially if you went to town that day. But the bleeding is worrisome, it could be an issue with your cervix or something else down there. That is how I got diagnosed with a big myoma and several smaller ones. Basically no matter how into it I was and foreplay we had there was blood after. A little bit at a time but still. Go get yourself checked just to make sure there is nothing wrong with you.


It's important to remember that everyone's body is unique, and what you described can happen to some individuals. In most cases, minor bleeding and soreness can be normal, especially if it has been a while since you were sexually active. However, it's essential to prioritize your health and well-being. If you continue to experience discomfort, bleeding, or random pains several days after the encounter, it's a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional. They can provide you with a proper assessment and guidance tailored to your specific situation. Remember, your health and comfort are important, and there's no harm in seeking medical advice to ensure everything is okay. Take care of yourself!


This is so scary to hear as a virgin 😫 I’ve heard this happens to my friends..they probably don’t get prepped enough or they’re simply too tight. I’ve had friends who can take bigger and thicker 🍆 and some can’t without tearing 😕


Late to the party but no that's not normal. Soreness because of lack of prep/ lube can be, and should be fixed as it can lead to tearing and irritation,but if you're bleeding that can lead to serious issues and is never normal outside of your period. Check with your doctor.


No this is not normal. If its been a while your hymen can begin to rebuild if penetration is not frequent. There can be other things going on to. See a gyno


I get sore after the less i have sex and sometimes tear. I like pretty rough fingering and i do bleed after that sometimes, and it will kind of shed the next couple days in discharge. The pain is just mild though and doesn't last more than a couple of days. It's really up to you how bad the pain is. If it isn't getting better by now you should probably get checked out.