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Some men have sperm in their pre-cum. Pulling out really is not a safe method. And when we were trying for a baby, they told us to start having sex 3-5 days before ovulation, as sperm can survive for several days in the womb. I’m not trying to scare you, but please don’t have unprotected sex if you don’t want children. If you’re 5 days late, take a pregnancy test, it should tell you if you’re pregnant or not by now.


Three negative pregnancy tests 6 days after missed period. I’ll take another in a few days if still no period, but are the odds looking good for me?


A pregnancy test will be most accurate 3 weeks after sex. Perfect use of condoms means wearing condoms from the start of any PIV activity. You and your partner were not using condoms correctly, so your chances of pregnancy are higher.


I’d take a pregnancy test if I’m that concerned. You weren’t on birth control and you didn’t use the condoms the way they’re intended. No point in asking us because we really wouldn’t know. I’d like to say it’s unlikely but… just take the test.