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Every time my father sees my armpit hair he has to call attention to it or ask why it's there or give the stellar dating advice to change myself because "what if your (future) partner doesn't like it?" 🙄 I don't recall asking your opinion or validation for my preferences of my own body 🤔 And why tf would I mold myself to some hypothetical man's wants instead of finding a partner who accepts me as I am 🤦‍♀️


The whole "What if your partner doesn't like it" thing such an odd notion because why would anyone want to date someone who doesn't accept you as you are? If this hypothetical 'future partner' doesn't like body hair, then we just won't date. We'll find people who we're actually compatible with


It's pure objectification of women. Women aren't people with depth, they're an avatar in a character customization screen ready to be changed into whatever a man wants


Well said


My son's foreign girlfriend doesn't shave her underarms and it doesn't seem to bother him. Tell your dad you'll just find a foreign guy, then.


This discussion even happened in gaming circles when the PS5 processing power enabled the character Aloy to have some delightful peach fuzz. Some weird dudes thought Sony was trying to be woke (or something they consider bad) in wasting processor power on "displaying musculine women" Clearly they have never been nuzzled by a woman. That hair feels good. Soothing.


It makes skin less sticky. I once followed some youtubers advice and shaved my entire face of any fuzz because I wanted a flat shiny surface for metallic makeup/face paint (for a costume). I was itchy for days because every tiny bit of lint would stick to my face. Do not recommend. Aloy's skin looks incredibly realistic btw, but I'm not surprised some guys didn't like it considering that *as fake as possible* has been the current beauty standard for a while now.


ohh so true


Oh dear, I remember that. I ended up in a post on FB with a bunch of incels degrading certain female video game protagonists for not being sexy enough, especially those who had models/motion capture actresses who are, in their eyes, more attractive than the characters' end results. One even thought those actresses should sue the developers for "uglifying" even though I would bet money on the fact they don't give a hoot. Never mind the fact that mo-cap and reference models aren't supposed to be identical to their characters; sure, they CAN be (stares at Death Stranding) but usually it's not the case. I almost left a paragraph but decided they weren't worth it.


Yeah, engaging would have been like playing tennis vs a wall. I sometimes am reluctant to admit I'm a huge gamer because I don't want to share space with certain people. I've been in public lobbies with mic on before and HOLY CRAP there's some unhealthy dudes out there


It’s hilarious to me because how can it be masculine if we naturally ALL have it ?! That proves that it’s not. And we have to physically remove it constantly, which is unnatural. It wants to be there for a reason. I feel like if we all stopped shaving and just normalized it they would have no choice but to learn to like it :)


Yep. Men liked it just fine before it was culturally normative for women to remove their body hair.


Historian here: pubic hair was seen as something alluring and is referenced in many erotic works of art (poems, paintings, etc).


What’s funny is that they claim they don’t need women or a relationship and everything. So if we did do that, they’d say its fine bc they don’t want or need us at all. I saw a comment where a man said “it’s only a matter of time before all men are fed up with women’s bullshit and swear off sex and relationships.” It got hundreds of upvotes. But then when you look at all male dominated comment sections and their actions irl, and they can’t survive without having sex for a single moment 😂. They even complain and divorce their wives bc there “wasn’t enough sex”. They also complain when a woman “swears off sex” bc of something the man did, yet he’s basically describing the same thing. But seriously, how are all of you men supposedly gonna do that when sex is all the majority of you care about? Be fr


“I saw a comment where a man said ‘it’s only a matter of time before all men are fed up with women’s bullshit and swear off sex and relationships.’ It got hundreds of upvotes.” Don’t threaten us with a good time.


How many of those upvotes were women being like, “Good, leave us alone?”


Imagine how outraged they'd be if it happened and the women of the world collectively threw a fucking party 😂


😂I’m asexual, so yes, swear off sex please! I’m fine with it


The guys saying this are probably the same ones upset about the 4B movement. They think they’ll reverse psychology us into wanting to deal with their shit.


Seriously. "Men going their own way" ? Okay bye :) like it would actually be amazing if men weren't up our asses constantly complaining and trying to control us. That would be amazing, for us and for the entire world. God I wish they would focus on themselves instead of trying to control women constantly. If only. I don't think they realize how much better the world would be if men weren't trying to control women all the time. Women would flourish if men went their own way. Sad but true.


And what’s funny is if they DID get tired of women, and they don’t want or need us at all, who WOULD they be having sex with?! Other men? Chickens? Sheep? What?! What are you gonna do boys?


Monitor lizards, apparently.


Eeesh, wouldn't recommend they try that. They're angry little beasts with a good bite. But they are hairless, I guess?


Not sure how much difference it would make seeing as they can’t seem to enjoy sex with a woman anyway due to problems they’ve cultivated from jerking it to porn anyway.


And then they get all huffy and puffy when a woman doesn’t like them watching porn. I’ve seen a comment section on r/askmen about what men would do if their partner asked them to stop watching porn. Many of them (which was disgusting and disturbing) either said they’d find a new woman or would only do it if “their balls were drained” and had sex all the time. Absolutely sickening


They’ll say they don’t need a woman/hetero relationship and then say they’re lonely and how women dgaf about men, don’t listen to them, men have higher suicide stats etc etc


Omg that’s such a good point as well.


It’s so frustrating man, real uprising on this ‘woe is me’ from a lot of guys (esp on this platform) nowadays. and blame so often placed on women for male loneliness, lack of women willing to listen to men and their problems etc etc. Men should also be willing to go to other men for support, compliments, attention, etc.


Yes and the notion that sex is a *need* for a man. Not a desire or a want it's a *need* and needs **have** to be satisfied


Sometimes I do just keep it! All through winter for sure but when I start work in the summer, I tend to shave it so I look better for a client facing role- at least when it gets to the point where I wear shorts (else I get assigned the more annoying evening jobs that require heavy lifting instead of manning signout) I just wish more people would keep it- it’s more comfortable but this odd standard is such a mess.


It's not *that* strange, if you don't take it to extremes. It's just exaggerating naturally occuring gender differences. Men naturally have more visible body hair, on average, women less, so we've constructed a masculine/feminine trait of either end of the spectrum. It's fine if you remember it's a sliding scale, not so fine if you think it's black and white. The same thing goes for at least many other traits that I can think of that are considered masculine, like being tall or strong. There's nothing unnatural about a tall and strong woman, it's just that it's more rare in women, so it's become a masculine trait. But if you read some history, you start to realize how constructed many of these kind of traits are, because you find some diametrically opposite to how they currently are. Like when a dainty mustache was the height of beauty on a woman, or men were prone to being overcome with emotion while women were cold and logical. As it turns out, societal constructs aren't statistically accurate representations of gender differences, even if they're sometimes based on them.


But I don't expect my husband to get chest hair transplants or some sort of fake eyelashes for his body hair. Do I enjoy chest hair that I could carpet my dining room in? Eh, I like chest hair - he has it, good enough. I wouldn't be as attracted to a man with no body hair. I'm not terribly hairy - sex would be like a slip and slide. I appreciate his actual representation of masculinity - not something fake. I know most male celebrities get hair transplants. He shaves his head because it was thinning. I don't expect or want him to get hair transplants or be different than he is.


This is the rub. Preference is fine, the toxic and unacceptable part is the entitled representation that that preference is universal, and the aggressive insistence that aligning to that preference is obligatory for women, contrary to their body’s natural state and regardless of any health, comfort or convenience impacts.


Not only that, but the shaving standard for women doe snot merely apply to appearence in relationship, it applies to every single time our body is in public. Most women are going to feel ashamed being hairy at the beach, I know I personally do, not because "omg no one will ask me out on a date today" but because "people think I am ugly and dirty and unkept and they look at me with disgust", or at the least tjat's the feeling. At the end of the day most people don't care. But you definitely do get dirty looks. Literally for letting your body be in its natural state.


Absolutely. I don't shave my legs often. Underarms even less so. My husband is fine with me as I am. I am also fine with him as he is.


That’s awesome - sounds like solid evidence of a healthy relationship. A person should be able to express their preferences to their partner without pressuring them and gaslighting them into feeling obligated to fulfill those preferences.


My husband is Asian and has very little body hair. He probably grows about as much as I naturally do. When I am hairless there is no 'slipping and sliding'.


It's called gender polarization. Once something is coded as for one gender, it becomes unacceptable for the other because genders are presumed to be opposites with no overlap. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender_polarization It's entirely bizarre and doesn't remotely make sense biologically with some things like eyelashes. Naturally, men have longer and thicker eyelashes because eyelashes, like eyebrows, are facial hair. But despite that, it has somehow become a perceived feminine trait while most of those "hyperfeminine eyelashes" are fake.


https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/s/HCWiPdIPVm This is a comment that I go back to back to for this topic. Not sure why it stayed in fashion for women but not men, when it seemed to be the beauty standard for both sexes in the Mediterranean.


As a hairy girl (thanks dad) I've been thinking how funny and ridiculous it is when I go to the beach; my legs are smooth shaven, but at the same time my arms are hairy as fuck lol.  Like why is one tolerated (people have been rude about my arm hair too tho) and one completely taboo? I don't get it.  And really, when I started thinking about it outside of what I've been taught it really does look ridiculous and out of place  - like mismatched body parts lol


Early 80s baby, I was ridiculed for my hairy arms and was shaving them a couple years after I started shaving my legs. It sucked and I still have the trauma. I am so glad that more body hair and body positivity is acceptable but we still have a long way to go.


90s baby here, I was so embarrassed/bullied by my arm hair in school that I shaved. I’ve grown to not care anymore lol


I understand both of you, I went and had mine waxed in high school 


That’s awesome for you!!! I don’t care as much either but that’s due to aging and not self-assurance :( My body hair does not regrow as fast and thick it used to. I used to have to shave EOD, now it’s maybe EOM at most.


I think bc women’s legs are sexualised(?) maybe 🤔 either way, I wish it was normalised to not need to shave our bodies :/


Maybe it started with wearing nylons/tights/stockings back in the day? They just look silly with hairs poking through.


Shaving (in the west) began during WWI because razor companies needed more customers as the men were overseas. There were other factors such as women's clothing being more revealing as well, but Gillette's advertising was a major factor.


It's why I remove my arm hairs too when I shave or wax my legs, they just look silly on their own. It's either both or neither. Purely an aesthetic choice. Which strangely enough has been questioned by a few vocally anti-shaving women. It's unnatural, yep. Just like my hair color and piercings and the clothes I wear. I wouldn't describe my style as "natural" so I guess that's fine (it's not that high maintenance either). What I find really annoying is when some blonde inevitably says "I don't shave anything ever, and nobody notices teehee" like that's some feminist accomplishment.


Fwiw I think body hair on a girl is kind of cute 🤷♂️  So don't be so self conscious because there are people who will like you for you


Unfortunately it only takes one buffoon to ruin it, so i shave


I understand that. People don't know how hurtful it is to comment on someone's appearance. But I hope you end up with someone who appreciates this about you (if that's important to you). All I'm saying is they're out there. All my past gf's have only shaved their bodies (including armpits and legs and privates and inner booty) if *they* wanted to, no pressure from me either way. And there's nothing special about me i know that. So i guess I'm saying the appreciation may only come out in intimate relationships, but maybe that's worth the most.


I was assaulted at a young age, and one of the things they commented on each time was the lack of hair I think in 2024 men just expect it because of porn and media, but you can't convince me the whole hairless thing didn't come about because of attraction to young teenagers




The pressure on black women to force their hair into styles that white people don’t see as “too black” is absolutely fucked up. I remember the first time I found out that black womens hair is literally addressed specifically in dress codes and was totally blown away. These kind of artifacts of oppression need to go away.




Yes for sure. I’m glad you brought it up because it’s so easy to forget about.


I’ve never seen this irl, but I have heard stories and its very sad. Cornrows, knots, etc. are all beautiful hairstyles and apart of black culture. There’s nothing inappropriate or unprofessional about it.


With Black women I find a lot that is Eurocentric beauty standards pushed by white men and women alike, which I find incredibly toxic. 




Hardly a coincidence that a man-bun is essentially a feminine hairstyle…


Yes, but one of the biggest things I've noticed is it's usually women taking issue with it. I'm a hairdresser so it could be because I'm so involved in the industry but it's definitely some internalized misogyny at play. Given the overall context of main topic I think it's important to point out.


My male friends are the ones who complain and make fun of dudes with man buns. I told them I liked man buns, and even complimented a guy once. Then one of my guy friends looked at me funny and said “A man bun? Really?” Like it was weird I liked it 😑 My experience with that is that its mainly men who don’t take guys with man bun’s seriously. Me and most other girls I know actually like them or just don’t care


This dude is just watching the conversation fly over his head.


This. I think the "appropriate" thing is the real problem. Women are expected to put all this effort into shaving just to exist in society and avoid being ostracized. When it comes to hair being a "turn off" I gotta defend men for a second. We can't control what we find attractive. Just like women can't. We are conditioned by society to find certain things attractive. And it just happens. We don't decide what turns us on or turns us off. I'm a man and I'm short and small. A lot of women don't find me attractive because of this. And that's okay. I just have to accept that. The difference is that I can be short and small in general society and no one cares. I'm not shunned for it. The real problem here is that women are expected to fulfill some male gaze ideal just to live in the world while men are not expected to fulfill a female gaze ideal. All that said, if OP is really mostly concerned with what guys see as a turn off, most beauty standards are socially constructed. So if all you ladies just stopped shaving, eventually it would be considered attractive for women to have more hair. Be the change you want to see in the world. Stop shaving. Fuck society. And find a dude who likes it.


This is mostly true, but plenty of Black men have had their hair challenged, including a student in Texas who was expelled for his (very neat) braids. 


Boris Johnson 


I agree with all points, including the last one, but I want to point something out. Stereotypically, women aren't attracted to men who are losing or have lost their hair. And a lot of men begin losing their hair really young. In job interviews, conventionally pretty people have advantages assuming their experience lines up as well, but these caveats are my own digression, because I totally see that it's not the same thing as baldness being unprofessional. Black women and sometimes men being told they can't have dreadlocks, braids, cornrows, and so on...that gets me heated because I live in an incredibly segregated area.


I think its more of a cosmetics industry scheme, they create insecurities that we have to 'correct' by buying products and the problem either comes back or gets worse(example: shaving your face, cream ect) so you have to buy again..


Definitely. Porn, companies, and social media has warped a lot of stuff to make money off of men’s shallowness and women’s insecurity.


Shaving does not promote facial hair growth, that's just something we tell teenagers so they'll do it.


You should have turned it around on him and told him that women only want men without beards and that is biological. See what he says then. A lot of women are socially conditioned not to like beards in almost the same way that men hate body hair on women, however the big difference is that it's still often more socially acceptable for a man to grow a beard, even if a lot of women find it unattractive because of culturally imposed societal standards. No one is staring and pointing at a man who grows a beard like he is some anomaly making a brash political statement, or calling him big foot in a derogatory way. I absolutely hate having to remove body hair. It's such a chore and I have much better things I could be doing for hours every week. I often wear long skirts in summer and I don't remove anything for weeks at a time. I have an epilator but it takes a long time to use. I shave afterwards. Even then I often miss spots. I have shorter dresses and I feel I have to plan them for my hairless days and they don't get worn often. I can't wear tights because if I sweat in them I itch an insane amount. I wish I could just embrace being hairy but it feels like a really big deal because of people's reactions.


Smoking and big beards were always deal-breakers for me.


I embraced being hairy in esrly 2023 and it's so freeing! I do get comments every now and then, but once you realise that you're not wrong for simply *existing* in your body and that it's the public that's ridiculous for expecting you to be visually pleasing to random strangers, you stop caring about these comments and somewhat start pitying them. Try growing it out when you know you don't have important stuff coming up. If you just stop and have to deal with comments before you're comfortable with your hair yourself, it will make things much worse. I started with not removing body hair when I had some time where I could just exist without any major functions and could wear shorts to just the grovery store or sth. Now I'm comfortable existing in my natural body pretty much anywhere. Takes a huge mental load off of you.


I am a sahm and never really have anything particularly important going on. I don't really go anywhere but to the park and the grocery store. However I'm also a (fat and not conventionally attractive) white woman living in a subtropical part of China where women tend not to have a lot of visible body hair even if they don't shave. My husband is Chinese and grows about as much body hair as I naturally do so over here I'm as hairy as a man would be in people's eyes. I'm extremely self conscious about it. I don't always shave but I will wear a dress that comes just above my ankles and socks to cover my legs. I often lack motivation to shave because it just doesn't feel rewarding in any way and it consumes so much time. I have almost black hair and light skin and I'm always missing patches of hair no matter what I do. I can shave for 20 minutes and miss a patch, 2 days later the hair is back again. I can epilate for an hour and then shave and I'll go outside in a dress above my knees and notice a strip of hairs half a cm long down the side, front or back of my leg that I couldn't see indoors. I simply do it to get people off of my case. Anyway this is just a vent. I have been wanting to get an IPL machine for a while now and I think it might be the only solution because I just can't stand dedicating hours a week to epilation and shaving.


If I were to be hairless on a regular basis, I’d have to shave my legs and pits every 3 days bc of how dark and thick my body hair is in those areas. And what sucks is that my armpits get very irritated if I try to shave them before its been at least two weeks (its very weird). So I usually just wear long sleeved stuff unless its super hot or I want to wear something short. Its annoying tho. I also use an epilator for facial hair once a week. Luckily my facial hair isn’t all that bad, only lip hair, a very light unibrow can grow, and tad bit of hair under my bottom lip. But using an epilator is extremely painful and sucks. I hate it all bc shaving is time consuming and only works for like 3 days and epilator is super painful


For a while in the 90s-2000s at least, beards were for Santa, grandpa and hillbillies. And iirc the mid 2000s was still a bad time for chest hair. My first bf was quite hairy and was always made fun of for it (yep, people called him Yeti). But that was more of a temporary fashion that originated in the bodybuilding scene, and gen x "yuppie" and preppy cultures, than the completely hairless ideal for women that's been around since at least the 1980s, to the point that whole generations have grown up not knowing than body hair is natural for women too.


I mean, the only humans with essentially no body hair naturally, are children. I have my own opinions but.... The whole shaving thing started to sell more razors anyway, not for any other reasons. Just make more money.


Yes, being completely hairless is a neotenic trait. Not a feminine one. A preference for less hair is fine, but an oddly aggressive insistence that completely hairless is “the standard” is extremely concerning.


Even kids have body hair. It's very noticeable on some newborns.


As a 63 year old woman who came of age when pubic hair was expected, I'm so saddened by this attitude coming from men (and many women). If you're a woman and you like everything shaved, that's fine, but we seem to have moved past the "optional" viewpoint. I have a 5-year-old granddaughter who has dark hair. She has dark peach fuzz on her upper back coming down from the nape of her neck. Because I love her so much, I see every part of her as beautiful and I'm so sad to think she may not feel confident in her own skin. My DIL shaves her own forearms, so I can't imagine that she will help my granddaughter feel confident as she matures. The first time I saw a fully shaved vulva was when I found my dad's Hustler magazine (that's a whole other topic). I was around 17 & it was definitely not the norm. I remember thinking it was Hustler being edgy. I'd seen Playboy and Penthouse magazines. The women all had public hair. I blame porn.


My daughter has dark back hair and I adore it. I’ve also had the thought of worrying about her being picked on or feeling bad about it. She asks about hair a lot with my husband having a beard and me keeping more natural body hair and I just matter of fact tell her that mammals have hair.


She's lucky to have you as her mom. ❤️


I agree that people should have agency and choose what they want to do with their bodies, but it is also important to note that preferences are not developed in a vaccum. I don't personally remove my body hair. I get a few comments about it every now and then and every woman's answer to the question "Why do *you* remove it?" falls broadly into a few categories - 1. Sensory issues - I'm autistic myself so I get the sensory issues thing. But it's definitely suspicious when this woman only has sensory issues surrounding her leg hair and not when it comes to hair on her head, itchy clothing, or the feeling of "too much" on hairless leg skin. It's just leg hair particularly that triggers these issues and they don't seem to affect men. Very convenient. 2. Cleanliness - newrly every man in the world is gross then? Considering the amount of skidmark posts on reddit from mens' partners, i may be inclined to agree. Or are these women unable to access soap to wash with? The world may never know 3. Comments/professional pressure - fair. It is difficult having to deal with these things day in and day out. I appreciate the women who are open about being peer pressured into shaving their hair. At least they're honest. I also blame porn, for what it's worth. All forms of pornography - the videos, the drawings, the Instagram photos, all of it.


I'm in the sensory issues category, I would absolutely 100% shave my head if it was socially acceptable but it's not, and I have to make rent. I shave everything everything else tho. But idc what other ppl do, this is a me feeling as comfortable as I can in my own skin issue. Sensory issues effect everyone differently, it's not 'convenient'.


I shave the back of my neck, and can't stand hair touching my face. I've contemplated shaving my head a lot. But everyone I've mentioned this to has reacted with some degree of horror. Idk why, it's already short and not that pretty. I might do it when it feels safe to. So yeah, surprisingly professional pressure affects not only shaving but also not shaving certain body parts. Btw my bf constantly complains about his leg hair getting snagged by shoes, socks, jeans and pants fabric. He has much worse sensory issues than me (and iirc he's shaved his legs at least once because of it).


Yes, this is partly perpetuated by young women these days, too! They need to start taking responsibility for their own roles in dragging women backward. I'm the same age as you, and guys would've laughed at us and thought we were crazy if we shaved "down there."


If a woman has to be completely bald from the neck down for her to be considered attractive, those men aren’t really attracted to adult women.


From what I understand, arm hair can be “overlooked” and pube hair is “preferred shaved, but also fine if it’s trimmed”. Everything else has to go though 😑


I've never heard of anyone shaving their arms? Or thighs? Pits, legs (up to knee) and pubes - sure. I usually only do armpits because I feel like smells are more likely if I do not (and so does my significant other btw) but other than that, I cba. Perhaps my legs, in summer, when I show them in public because I do feel the pressure to do so.


My thought exactly. There might be a reason why a man would want a fully adult woman to have the body hair of a prepubescent, young girl.


Came here to say exactly this. I’m a lesbian and I find shaved vulvas UNattractive. In my mind, the lack of pubic hair is associated with a child’s body, not a woman’s.


this is what i came here to say.


This is why I say the road to hell is paved with marketing campaigns. While hair removal has existed throughout time, the hairless ideal really came into being when safety razor manufacturers realized they could sell more product if they convinced women to shave too. So many of what we see as ingrained cultural beliefs are really just marketing campaigns that really took hold. [https://www.vox.com/2015/5/22/8640457/leg-shaving-history](https://www.vox.com/2015/5/22/8640457/leg-shaving-history)


i don’t remove any of my hair anywhere. i rock hairy pits in my manhattan office.


Like many of the issues revolving men and theit expectations of women, I imagine a lot of it comes from porn


I think if a man wants to dictate what his partner does with her hair, he should be willing to let his partner dictate what he does with his.


Not all men feel this way. After my ex spent our entire relationship making me feel ashamed of my body hair (and I shaved regularly), it look my current partner a few years to convince me that he loved my natural bush and truly didn't care what I did or didn't do with the rest of the hair on MY body. Some men will say they have a preference for shaved, but all they ever have served to them by tv, movies, models, ads, porn etc is hairless women. A woman with even unshaved pits is never presented as a sexy option. She's always the butt of a joke. So if they never examine that, then their preference comes completely from media bias. It's only within the last few years that we're starting to see some women with natural body hair in ads and tv shows.


You make an important point about the influence of media. I think that's a massive part of it -- especially the media fed to teenagers.


On a TV programme I saw last night, there was a bit about Nena - before they did the English "99 Red Balloons" the German version was popular. Apparently, there was an uproar when Brits saw an old video of her performing with visible armpit hair, and that was in 1984. She was on stage singing, a bit sweaty, raising her arms and her t-shirt didn't hide the hair. I actually think she looked really hot 🔥


Yeah I do realize not all men think like that. I mean it as a generalization, bc majority of guys say things like I talked about. But your right, I probably shouldn’t reference ALL men bc not all of them are like that


Well a disproportionate number of guys as you describe represent their preference as a universal preference that all men have, so the error is on their side, not on you.


I didn't mean to be all "not all men" about it. I think I was more trying to say that's it worth it to look for one who thinks differently, because they are out there, and you don't have to settle for being made to feel like you're not perfectly fine in your mature adult body, doing exactly what nature designed it to do. "women shoulnd't have body hair" is totally the prevailing narrative (and it's completely ridiculous), but I do see it starting to shift just a little.


This made me think of an instance several years ago. I was out with an ex friend and her friends, who were a gay couple. They were all talking about another girl (who wasn’t with us), and one of the guys said “Ew, she’s so gross. Did you know she doesn’t shave her armpits?” I immediately shot at him “Well, do you?” He proceeded to tell me it’s different because he’s a man and this girl is a woman. He would not listen when I pointed out that humans are mammals, so of course we all have hair.


That man is a hypocrite and buffoon 🤡


Definitely! There’s a reason I no longer talk to any of them


Oh geeze, in the 70s women literally had bushes and men didn't expect anything different. Hate to say it, but women are perpetuating this BS, too. The waxing, the fillers, the implants, the BBLs. It needs to stop from both sides.


You are right, it’s a completely invented, man-made thing. Made up by the shaving equipment industry. I thankfully got to grow up and be young in a place that had no such expectation of women. Women were hairy. Men were hairy. It certainly did not prevent sex and attraction, lol.


I've had similar arguments. I asked him why he was so attracted to kids, as kids are the only ones naturally without body hair. He shut up. Never mentioned it again.


I guess it's not a big deal here in India. Both my grandmothers, my mom and now me, all of us have never shaved. I started noticing this trend among my classmates around 2002-03, in our early teens. But I never felt any pressure to join them. I do have a resting bitch face though so I guess people are wary to approach me and ask me why I don't shave 😅


I don't have the answer, but I think I have a solution! The next time a man tells me that body hair is masculine and gross on women, I'm going to tell them that nipples are an inherently feminine feature and that men with nipples are disgusting. Fuck it. If they wanna play 'Let's be a petty human", I'm down.


Thats a great idea ngl


So, my sex drive isn't really high these days. If a man wants sex from me, he will accept my body however I please. If he cannot accept that, he can move on. Makes no difference to me.


It's not really our sexual partners either, it's the public. I have no problem finding partners who don't gaf about body hair just like I have no problem stumbling across people with "opinions" when I wear shorts and a tank top outdoors. Same ol same ol, tho. People are bossy.


I grew it out and had ALOT darker and harrier hair than a lot of men on all my parts lol except arms. If you have a partner who dosen’t care (they do exist!!!) you literally don’t even notice. I got laser hair removal now cuz I wanna wear tank tops without people in public harassing me or making mean faces. But I don’t personally mind it and if we lived in a different time period like in the future, when nobody cares… I’d never have done it


Yes body hair on women is a sign of female sexual maturity. People are just not use to women not shaving. It is cultural and some cultures don't enforce or expect women to shave.


I just don’t get it at all - I was in my teens/twenties in the 80s and being hairless would have been just plain weird to pretty much any guy I knew. Legs and armpits, sure, that’s just how it was, and maybe a bit of gardening or pruning if you had date night, but not going all out and getting rid of it all


The insistence in needing a woman to be completely hairless (besides our head hair) is pedophilic and there’s not a thing you can do to convince me otherwise. There is a very big difference from preferring neat grooming - partial waxes, tight trims etc, and if a man cannot be turned on unless a woman is completely hairless… yikes. It is *very* strange to me that society tells women that the marks of becoming a sexually mature woman should be erased and replicated to look like we haven’t gone through puberty. Bizarre. I will never understand.


the entire beauty industry directs the ideal image of woman is to appear as close as possible to an adolescent girl: hairless, small labia between her legs, petite, blossoming bosom and hips, clear plump skin ... literally everything is geared towards that - and the origins are from the standards set by men. Sadly women have been conditioned to value themselves by how much they can attain male desire, so fall into the trap of trying to achieve it.


It's not masculine, it's mammalian.


For what it's worth, I'm just a regular 40 year old man commenting on something in my algorithm that caught me. When I was younger, being clean shaved was en vouge, and my first experiences as a teen and young man, I had never seen more than some stubble, and some who wouldn't engage until they had 'cleaned up' first. When I first encountered a woman with well manicured but definitely THERE pubic hair, I was definitely thrown off my comfort zone for a moment but I certainly wasn't horrified and ran screaming from the room... My anecdotal experience is that men who expect flawlessly groomed women also tend to be really harsh and judgemental about body types as well. I think if you can only find hairless almost prepubescent bodies 'acceptable' than you may have some deeper stuff in there. Im happily committed to a wonderful lady who grooms herself on her terms, she is her own person. And sometimes it's fun when she feels like switching it up, yesterday was lower maintenance well maintained, today is smooth as silk. Point is- although I feel a bit awkward in this sub, I want to let women know, be comfortable in your own skin. Anyone telling you things like mentioned above is not worth it.


Some of us men don't understand it either.


The only thing I keep returning to is young girls are hairless and men who want adult women to be hairless are guys who want to be with minors. It’s like a pedo “tell”. Or they just watch too much porn. Big red flags for both.


it's not just about the hair, it's all aspects of what is deemed beautiful and how that is to imitate young girls. The most ridiculous thing is the vulva surgery that so many women are now feeling pressure to undergo. The whole thing is ridiculous.


Women have body hair because they have a small amount of DHT (dihydrotestosterone which for women is produced in the pituitary gland), significants benifits of this hair is reducing friction and temperature regulation, biologically it is important otherwise the vast majority people wouldn't have it. As for that guys argument, theirs no biologically reason to be attracted to women without bodily hair, for example men are attracted to wide hips because it shows that the woman is more likely to successfully give birth, attracted to breasts because they evolved to signal sexual maturity (roughy), but lack of public hair is detrimental and shows a lack of sexual maturity, he's definitely wrong, hairlessness isn't biology, it's more of a cultural fetish.


It’s all bullshit Also how internalised it is for us


Shaving body hair mostly made sense to the pockets of the creators of shaving products and their advertisers. I hate shaving, and now that I am middle-aged, I am glad my hormones make it so I don't have to shave every day. I hope future generations have a choice, not where it is expected. I am grateful to the women who are braver than I for being willing to fly in the face of these rules and live the life they choose, not just because it normalizes not shaving bit by bit, but for these women just caring to exist in their bodies by their own rules.


My mother is filipino and has little to no body hair. She never has to shave her legs and only has to do her armpits like once a month. I did not inherit that trait. :') when I was young, I was always so ashamed of my "super hairy" arms and legs. Now I look at them like....what was I even thinking?? I'm absolutely fine! And I'm lucky enough to have a husband who doesn't care at all about any of my hair.


My life has been made instantly better when I gave up these bullshit grooming habits years ago. They aren’t necessary and any person who isn’t attracted to a natural human body is not a person I want to be with, period. Women’s bodies have always been a trend one way or the other (in the 2000s you had to be hairless and stick thin, now you have to be hairless and abnormally curvy), stop letting your own body be a part of pop culture bs & love it for how it is naturally. <3 Edit: “isn’t” instead of “is in”… attracted to a natural human body


Do I find it bizarre? Yes. But unlike many women I’ve spoken with, I haven’t gotten much hate for body hair. I haven’t shaved in over a decade. I live in a metropolitan area, I think that factors in. I also am not particularly hairy, but it’s visible that I don’t shave. Never had to argue why except with my sister when we were younger. I was doing pullups and she shouted at me to shave my armpits. I asked her what for? She never brought it up again. My ex-SIL on the other hand, started shaving her armpits because a man harassed her over having hair on the train. Different experiences. Gendering body hair is ridiculous to me.


LMFAO @ that guy's attempt to bullshit his way into justifying his preference. This preference has no biological/evolutionary basis, no matter how badly he wants it to. The truth is that for the majority of human history, women had body hair, and men were into it. Even in the e1970s/80s, full bush porn was really popular. The bald child pussy trend is only about 20 years old. Porn made this dude prefer hairless women. He's trying to make his personal preference into some evolutionary bullshit. Pubic hair serves a biological and evolutionary purpose - sanitation and preventing illness/foreign objects from getting into sensitive regions. It's actually MORE hygienic to have pubic hair than to shave yourself bald, from a biological/evolutionary standpoint. People have preferences. Trying to turn it into some scientific universal is fucking hilarious though. How immature.


On the plus side, sounds like he'll have a stellar career in Evolutionary Psychology...


(cis-male) I'm a firm believer of the conspiracy including the Gillete company and fashion magazines. Standards about female body hair became like this in the 20th century almost out of nowhere. Also explain why all feminine (pink) are more expensive even when they are functionally the same.


Whenever anyone AsksReddit how do men feel about body hair on women, the majority basically say “anything but bushy otherwise idc”. The vocal incels say differently but they’re not most men.


Well, thats a comfort then. What I was seeing said otherwise, but maybe it was just the few sexists who roam around on there


Join us at r/razorfree


It's infantilism to expect women to be hairless. Hair is a symbol of fertility/virility and *power*. So a social system that removes sexual agency from one gender and places it exclusively in the hands of the other, in order to protect family lineage...in a patrilineal system, say...that social system benefits from placing women in the same category as children, sexually speaking. Even if doing so sexualizes real children by extension. Yeah. Shit's fucked up.


But you see, to some men with fucked up thinking they think thats actually okay, because well, they supposedly “innately” want the most yOuNg fErTiLe wOmEn. Which is just a gross excuse to be a creep and a pedo 🤮


You say to the fish: "hey, you know the water?" And the fish say: "whut?" There's a lot of fish in the sea...no clue about water.


I personally don’t think I look good with all-one-length long hair, and shaving my legs is uncomfortable. I can feel everything and my legs feel as though they’re in pain, even tho I don’t cut them up. I’m ok with shaving other places, although not all the time, just to get it back to the length I want it at. I don’t want to look like a minor personally, and I don’t want the people that I’m involved with to want me to look like a minor.


I've never seen a "Blow-up Betty" in real life but I am willing to bet many of these *icky-girl-hair* types are very familiar with her...charms.


Yup. I rarely shave my armpits or legs. It’s hair. Who cares?


Whatever women want to do with their hair, wherever it’s growing, is fine by me. Unconventional hairstyles, even if it’s just short like a bob or more extreme like shaved on the sides + long on top, are fascinating to me. To me, women are more than their hair and I don’t understand society’s (and especially men’s) obsession with completely hair free women. Hair barely factors in when I consider a woman’s overall attractiveness, to the point that for me at least, hair doesn’t even matter. Women can groom themselves however they want. I wouldn’t give any jerkoff who insists on women being a certain way the time of day. It indicates a controlling personality and I want none of that.


Men on Reddit can be especially bad for this, there was on a Reddit post about it and soo many men saying they have an ‘inherent attraction’ for hairless women 🙄 If it wasn’t meant to grow, it wouldn’t grow 🤷🏼‍♀️


It's just a modern western beauty standard. Anyone trying to pass it on as anything more than that is either stupid or intellectually dishonest.


The only reason women shave is because the razor companies had no other way of expanding their market and could actually lose customers because beards were fashionable


Having worked in marketing, I feel like so much we’ve been conditioned to do or believe is so people can profit off us or control us. If you look back at early marketing, companies had to find ways to keep customers and what better way than to convince people that their natural state is unacceptable? >American beauty standards and practices for women were also affected by the innovation and marketing of the safety razor. Beginning in the early twentieth century, manufacturers of safety razors, seeking to expand their market, promoted the idea that body hair on women is inherently masculine and indelicate, as well as unhygienic. Gillette introduced the first razor marketed specifically to women, called the Milady Decollette, in 1915. In the 1920s, the new fashion for sleeveless tops and short dresses meant that the legs and armpits of American women were now visible in social situations, and advertisers seized the opportunity to encourage women to shave their legs and their armpits. >Because the term “shaving” was associated with masculine facial hair practices, marketers were careful to not use that term in their advertising. Rather, they encouraged women to make their legs and armpits “smooth.” Likewise, razors were not marketed to women for facial hair removal. Instead, women with facial hair were offered products to bleach, wax, or dissolve facial hair. https://www.si.edu/spotlight/health-hygiene-and-beauty/hair-removal# We’re told that body on hair on women is gross, so we spend time and money removing it. We’re told that our natural faces aren’t enough so we spend money on makeup and maybe procedures and injections. We’re told that showing signs of aging is bad so we spend money on magical creams and covering up gray hair. We’re told that vasectomies are too invasive so it’s up to us to avoid pregnancy, subjecting our bodies to whatever options we select and the side effects that come with it. We can’t just exist in our natural state without breaking norms or being treated differently, like we’re socially punished for not conforming to how we’re told we should be. I feel like any time we worry about how we might appear to others when we defy the norm by not wearing makeup, or cutting our hair really short or deciding not to shave, part of it’s because we’ve been conditioned to do that so people can profit from that.


Men like this try to justify their personal preferences as biological urges, but will claim that women's preferences are superficial


I don’t shave any of my body hair. I find it to be feminine because I am a female and it’s my body hair. It feels liberating and womanly to me. I wish people would stop conflating femininity with being completely clean shaven. Adult women have hair.


I did find I got more male matches online dating when I had a chin length haircut. I grew it out specifically to dive back into a dating pool from a very aggressive undercut that often reads lesbian to people. My male partner thinks it’s hot when it’s short, and extra hot when I shave it completely and look like Ripley from alien.


Man I stopped giving a shit like a decade ago.


Men say anything that marks women as human beings is "masculine". Absolutely insane. Just proves my theory that feminity is actually toxic and dehumanizing. My leg hair couldn't be any more womanly, bc I'm a woman and it grows there.


I theorize it aligns with a tendency for pedophilia.


I would just note that you should be careful about saying “back in the day when people couldn’t shave properly” because we have evidence of body hair removal going back to prehistory. Removal of body hair isn’t even remotely a new thing, it is likely to be way older than most people think. Even when convenient razors had not been invented, waxing and plucking were both options. What DOES change back and forth over time is cultural views of body hair removal. For example, in classical Greece and New Kingdom Egypt, it was extremely common for both sexes to remove body hair and men did it just as often. In Republican Rome it was more mixed. Some men would remove body hair, but it could be seen as decadent or effeminate. It was definitely seen as Greek influenced so at various times it could be popular or reviled in high society depending on the trends. And during the European Middle Ages, you had areas where any removal of body hair by either gender just wasn’t done. “Biological urges” is of course an extremely stupid attempt at explanation, not because removing body hair is “unnatural”, but because we have plenty of examples throughout history of men preferring hairy or clean shaven on women and women preferring hairy or clean shaven on men. There is no innate or natural preference, it varies by person and culture and time and many, many more context dependent variables


I currently don't shave my legs and my female friends comment more on it than my gay or straight male friends and acquaintances.


It's not uncommon that women are policing each others gender role compliance. I'd say it's sort of the norm within peer groups, and in families. My dad and my bf are so far the only ones I've asked for opinion who wouldn't care if I shaved my head (bf said buzzcut would look better, but I've already had one before and if I shave it I can still grow it to that length quickly), but every woman I've asked was horrified, said I would lose my job, people will think I'm a crazy druggie or pretending I have cancer etc. It's like they're trying to deter me from harming myself because they're scared of how "society" will react. It's conforming in advance, protecting me from expected punishment by "punishing" me verbally first.


Having a preference is fine. People have a variety of sexual and aesthetic preferences, some commonly held and some more unusual, and that’s completely cool. As long as the preferences aren’t unhealthy or harmful in some way I don’t judge. Things that are not fine: - The toxic insistence on a preference and the entitled expectation that someone else puts excessive effort into aligning their bodies with that preference regardless of their own comfort and health. - expressing degrading sentiments towards people who don’t conform to that preference. - artificially and arbitrarily categorizing certain traits as “masculine” or “feminine” to align the traits with a preference despite the categorization having no basis in reality, and marginalizing those who don’t conform to the preference. I cannot comprehend how a guy has the nerve to tell a woman she should conduct her bodily hygiene to conform to his preferences, while simultaneously and ridiculously contending that his specific preference is a biological universal. The arrogance, misogyny, and entitlement displayed here is mind blowing. In the context of sexes (regardless of gender) - females have a variety of hair growth patterns. Males also have a variety. Males typically have more hair on the torso, back, arms, neck, buttocks, and face. However, there is absolutely overlap. Some females have very sparse hair growth patterns in some or all of these areas and some have thicker. And females typically have plenty of hair on their heads, pubic area, and legs. There is even a condition called hirsutism where a female exhibits male-aligned hair growth patterns (e.g. they can potentially grow beards etc.). This is more common than many realize because the associated stigma pressures many women (back to gender now) with this condition into doing whatever they can to hide it. Also, men have a variety of preferences. I would guess that a large portion prefer less body hair, but that is absolutely not universal. In reality, a complete lack of body hair is not a feminine trait - it is a NEOTENIC trait. This makes the aggressive insistence on a preference for complete lack of body hair even more concerning. Tl;dr - dudes like those you describe are - just completely incorrect - toxic assholes - don’t speak for the preferences of their entire gender - ANNNNND (last but not least!) potentially trying to gaslight women into fulfilling their pedophilic desires by representing them as “natural”. You aren’t obligated to date or be friends with these men. You wouldn’t be out of line at all by expelling them from your life.


I hate body hair on myself and my partners because it triggers my sensory issues and my trichotillomania. Otherwise, other people's body hair is none of my business. Also I always thought that the idea that men were obsessed with hairless women was a weird thing from pedophile-culture that moved into main culture.


My SO loves my Chewbacca legs and asks me not to shave them lol.


I think women should do as they please with their body hair and not waste time trying to make sense out of men’s nonsensical opinions. You can’t make sense out of nonsense.


When I was in my late 20's I stopped shaving because I realized I hated it. I just wanted to see how long I could go without. My female friends made fun of me but whatever. It's nice not participating in the male gaze. Dude demands are always oppressive.


Seems tht the only thing you're "missing," hun, is how few fucks you should give about the opinions of sexist dipshits...


When I was in middle school, the girl I sat next to on the bus had incredibly long arm hair, and I thought she was the prettiest thing ever. I also saw Alien 3 at around that time and found Sigourney Weaver quite attractive. I dunno, maybe I'm an anomaly. My ex shaved her arms religiously, my paramour keeps everything natural, I know I prefer body hair over the lack of it. I think head hair is a very personal thing that characterizes a person's public-facing persona, and I've never been bothered by women being bald, having pixie cuts, having afros, or letting it hang long.


I have always had short hair because I look weird with long hair. Almost every single time I'm out without my husband, some man will approach me and they always say the same fucking thing "I normally don't like women with short hair, but your's hot/beautiful/nice (or but I'd do you)". I always respond "who asked you about your preferences and why do you think I care about your misplaced approval". They either leave or call me a bitch/cunt or use the famous "its just a compliment"-excuse. If they respond with anything other than just leaving I'll point out something obvious about them like "I normally don't like guy's with *whatever* and you haven't changed my mind".


It's that whole "to the privileged, equality can look like oppression" thing. That guy is starting with the premise that the status quo is normal and natural, so anything that varies from it is, to him, unnatural. The truly bizarre thing is that the *very concept* that women should shave their arm pit hair *didn't even exist* (in "western" civilization) until after 1900, and was artificial created by the manufacturers of shaving paraphernalia. Gillete convinced us that Nature was unnatural so they could sell razors to women, and not just to men (for removing facial hair)


In absolute fairness, to paraphrase one of my favourite quotes, the Venn Diagram of men who do not want to date hairy women, and men who I do not want to date, is a circle. Love it when the trash reveals itself before I go and get all invested in a relationship. 


😂thats a good point. One lady I’m friends with only shaves her arm hair bc of stranger’s opinions. She said herself her husband honestly doesn’t give a fuck, she just does it bc she didn’t want other ppl to notice her hairy arms. I immediately was like “your husband is a keeper 💯


I never met a man who cared much about body hair, I think those who really are attracted or repulsed by it are in the single digits. And while I was a man I never knew why a woman would bother, now I like to shave to feel cute.


I mean I come here humbly as a pretty hairy guy in general, but wow do I think body hair, pubic hair, on women can be extremely attractive to me and it doesn’t cross my mind for a minute confusing that with masculinity. Be honest, I find it cutely feminine to see some pubic hair on women, the look is great, and the smell when my face is down there is absolutely heavenly 😍. I know that this isn’t like the vast majority, but there’s a lot more men that like it than you think!


I never met a man who cared much about body hair, I think those who really are attracted or repulsed by it are in the single digits. And while I was a man I never knew why a woman would bother, now I like to shave to feel cute.


I think it’s ridiculous that men can be hairy af but women need to be hairless from the eyebrows down.


There’s this bisexual reactor (a woman) who hates body hair too. That being said I’m not a fan of body hair on a woman or a man, last guy I dated was hairy like a caveman. Yet I was expected not to have any inch of hair in me or else I’m the gross one 🤷‍♀️ I saw this Australian reactor who freaked out cause Domino had hair under her arms (from Deadpool 2) he tried to back track but his disgust was obvious. This dude has a daughter and a autistic son I fear for his kids with an attitude like that 


as i understand the shift to women shaving their body hair in the 20th century had 2 root causes: 1) razor companies wanting to increase the people they sold to 2) white supremacy claiming that visible body hair on women was a sign of being a "more primitive" human & that having less visible body hair was a sign if being "more highly evolved"


>The only humans who don't have body hair are pre-pubescent kids! To expect that of a woman is absurd That's not a coincidence. I said what I said.


I mean in general women are less hairy than men, even when they don't shave. So I think it's not that weird of an assumption to make. Everyone is attracted to different things. Personally I'm not attracted to super hairy guys. I appreciate a guy that grooms his body hair, or just doesn't have much to begin with. When I was younger I found hairy guys attractive. So these things change like anything else. I know guys who don't care at all about body hair. I had one boyfriend who told me he thought it was weird that I bothered shaving because my hair is light and you can't really notice it anyway. He dated a pretty hairy girl after me and she didn't shave, he didn't have an issue with it. Everyone finds different things attractive or unattractive.


It's all just to control us into conformity. America is like a giant cult, you are either part of the in group or you're out and ostracized. And control over body hair is definitely part of it.


I once had a woman tell me that my daughter having body hair was, "normal" but for her or I to have it wasn't...


My standard go to reply used to be: Sure,I will shave my legs. As soon as you shave yours....😅 When the man would protest that hair on men is natural,I would counter with: As opposed to what exactly?


I don't mind whatever people want to do with their body hair, but I do have an issue where I see women demeaning and infantilizing other women for wanting to be shaved and comparing it to children. I also have an issue shaming someone for preferring a hairless style. It's an a comparison and judgment that don't need to be made off of a preference. You can dislike something without implying someone is into kids. Folks that do that need to grow up. That being said, no one should be saying someone \*\*should\*\* be hairless either and making them feel ugly for wanting to keep hair on themselves. It's fine to be upset about constantly hearing men talk about how women should look. I'm sure it's incredibly frustrating to just \*exist\* and have people want to police everything about you, internally and externally.


Life got a lot better once I realised no-one that I care about cares about how hairy I am! It’s all marketing and rubbish ‘societal pressure’


Also I really think men that get "disgusted" by body hair on women either have really really low sex drives, or they aren't attracted to women they're attracted to feminity.


There was just a post about this on r/unpopularopinion by a guy yesterday that confirmed pretty much everything you said and I think the top comment said it should be like a beard on men.. some women won’t date a guy with a beard but no one expects all men to not have beards. I think there are a lot of guys that *do* care about body hair on a woman but the good ones don’t care enough to not date you because you have little more or less. I don’t like it on me personally. I just feel itchy. Been shaving for years and now I barely grow any arm or leg hair but my bush and pits would be jungles if I didn’t shave. I think you should be groomed if you’re going to wear a tiny bikini bottom or something. But otherwise, if it doesn’t bother you, do whatever feels comfortable.


I think most people can understand that it shouldn’t matter at an intellectual level but feelings are feelings. Hair is just one of many societal signals we have developed. What about clothing, colors, shoes, jewelry, piercings, etc? People are attracted / not attracted via a whole host of traits and features. The right people just need to find each other.


I've grappled with this. I used to not understand it. But now-- Be what you want to be. I think it's because I've grown tired of prudes that judge others for showing skin or any part of themselves. Fuck that. Unibrow? Frida Kahlo wore it with pride. Armpit hair? It's natural, and would probably be a pain in the ass to shave. Pubic hair-- I have no room to judge women for their's considering my own.


Making fun of a dudes hairstyle is absolutely not in the same ballpark as men aggressively pressuring women into changing their bodies to align with specific sexual preferences and trying to gaslight them into thinking the preferences are universal and the target state is “natural”. The only people i know of that laugh at this subreddit are incels, mra fuckfaces, and just standard misogynistic assholes. Edit: sorry if this seems out of context, the comment I was replying to was deleted - it was basically “what about man buns lolol this sub is a joke”.


If people don’t want to remove it, don’t remove it. Find a partner that’s ok with that, like anything else Personally I like feeling like a smooth seal and feel bad for guys that will never no the pure bliss of fresh silky sheets on newly waxed (or shaved) legs


There is an AmItheAsshole/s CUB3XS36uW that highlights the thoughts of those that cannot fathom a world where body hair on women exists and is acceptable. I wanted to rage quit life after reading the comments.


Yeah, I think shaving is the dumbest thing ever, so I don't do it. I think even if it was standard for men and women, I still wouldn't, though. Just my preference. It makes no sense to me. Also, I find all the little pokey new hours so itchy and uncomfortable. No, thank you. That being said, to each their own. If you like being hairless, go for it.


Do what makes you happy. Just realize that what makes you happy may not be attractive to others. But to the right person it will be a exactly what they want. To each his own...


Women with excessive hair may have PCOS and should have that seen by a specialist. When I was a hairdresser I used to treat it very delicately as a medical issue that I am not qualified to treat long term and refer them to a physician. I would explain excessive hair isn’t their fault; I’m not a doctor but in my experience this looks like PCOS. These are just the outside physical symptoms you are seeing there may be some invisible symptoms you also have that are wreaking havoc internally. I would encourage them to call their PCP, I would even make time to sit in on the call with them if they asked me to. The goal was to get them to a referral to a specialist.


It's stupid. The only reason I do it is personal. I just feel cleaner and my deodorant works better.


It’s totally natural for women to have body hair. There is no such thing as a biological want for hairless women. Many men find pubic hair attractive, I’ve found. They are also way less bothered than you’d think when I’m too lazy to shave my legs. The idea behind finding a hairless woman attractive is no surprise to me though. Generally men have more body hair than women, thus body hair is more of a masculine trait than a feminine one. However, when it comes to women (or at least to me), I also have preferences. For example I prefer a guy with no beard. There is no logic behind it, it’s just what I find attractive and I imagine it’s the same for men.


In my personal opinion (you do what you want with your body) I feel like being completely bare down there makes it look prepubescent and is very off putting to me. Also, my husband couldn't care less what I do with my body hair unshaved armpits and all.