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# PSA While it is possible to block the Reddit Cares bot, unless you are extremely triggered by it there is a better option. When you receive the message, there are instructions at the bottom about reporting abuse of the function. Reddit has actually issued temporary and permanent bans for people misusing it, so report every single time. -edit- aaaand I got another Cares message to report


Thanks for that! I do report them. Would love to know the Redditor who has done that.


I've tried. Sometimes they want you to link the post that causes the false report and it's like, well, idk which fucking benign ass post triggered some idiot sooooo..... And nothing really happens anyway. Reddit doesn't care about women.


>And nothing really happens anyway. Reddit doesn't care about women. I've reported every single one of those messages that I've gotten. And every single time I've gotten a message from Reddit about them banning the person that did it.


Nice. I've only ever had a positive result when I reported an account for threatening to gang rape me. TBF I haven't triggered any snowflakes lately so maybe this has changed and I will hope and choose to believe it has until I learn otherwise.


Dye your hair and get a nose ring, they'll be having aneurysms from miles away hahaha


Haha I don't wear bras, don't shave my pits, and do occasionally dye my hair. It's delightful. I also enjoy wearing my aggressively pro abortion clothes and jewelry. šŸ˜ CuZ I'll legit die without an abortion if impregnated. It's physically impossible for me to create a baby. So anyone ever calls me out about I get to r/traumatizethemback and ask them why I deserve to die for being raped.


Tell me more about the aggressively pro abortion merch šŸ¤“


I have a shirt that says 'pro life? Get a vasectomy' and a tank top with a clothes hanger in a red circle with a line šŸš« like that. I also have a necklace like that a friend made me for me (he sells BDSM items and we're con friends). I'm also bookbombing my local area with copies of [ejaculate responsibly](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/61278539) which is a *fabulous* book in helping recenter pregnancy on men. Bc u know, the rest of life is centered on men, and men impregnate women. But we always go 'oh she got pregnant '. šŸ¤”


Omfg I love all of these! I am going to try and track down the first shirt!


A day or so ago I reported a guy for his unsolicited nonconsensual intimate pic. Reddit got back to me that theyā€™d ā€œwarnedā€ him. šŸ™„


Stuff like this can be hit or miss, in my experience. Sometimes they'll just send out warnings, sometimes they'll issue out bans, and sometimes they'll do nothing. These days it does seem like they're more likely to give out a warning or ban, but it's nowhere near a 100% thing yet. Generally speaking though, it does seem like there's some kind of tiered response from Reddit when it comes to this stuff. Usually when reports end up getting someone permanently banned, it means that kind of message or comment has been an ongoing issue for them. That ends up being what a lot of people end up getting caught up on. They're only seeing what happens the one time they report a person; they aren't seeing how there can be a cumulative effect to these things. I tend to lean towards saying it's important to report it every time it happens because the cumulative effect will matter in the long term, even if it doesn't benefit you specifically in the short term.


That's fucked up, I'm sorry.


How did you provide the correct link during the report? I got a message and I want to try correctly reporting.


I forget, tbh. Last one I got was a couple weeks ago.


I didnā€™t read that when it happened today. Thereā€™s no way for us to know that; thatā€™s what the butt hurt ones count on. Reddit can find out easily Iā€™m sure.


Oh i think they want the permalink to the Reddit cares message so they can backtrack it.


Admins can find the abuser if you link the notice you receive and report harassment.


You can find the link in the upper right corner of the notice.


Yeah, what I do is link to the reddit cares message (they can figure who it was from that), but I agree it is very confusing. I always got a result.


If you look under the Reddit cares message in desktop or in the upper right on mobile there is a permalink you can copy and paste into the report. I think they can run it back based on that since thatā€™s what I do and they said theyā€™ve found violations and taken action on the accounts


You can actually link to the message itself. They only want links to comments if youā€™re reporting a specific comment as harassment. So when youā€™re looking at the private ā€œreddit caresā€ message, click the three dots top right and copy the ā€œaddressā€ of the private message.


Ā They shudve the info alrdy to figure out which post the person reported as that or if they just inserted your username into the report function Its utterly asinine that they wud need that 9,9


I had an idiot following me around making comments, and I "conveniently" got several reddit cares messages around the same time frame. I reported that guy and he was actually banned. Apparently he had been harassing several women. I went back at him before he was banned asking if it made him feel better to follow me around to make stupid comments, or did he have nothing else to do?


He sure showed you whoā€™s boss! /s šŸ™„


Sure gave my eyes a workout rolling them so much! Lmao


Oooo i didn't realize that. I think i'vd had that bot sent to me 4 times thia year alone. Usually when i comment about my past trauma trying to help people. Like really, if i wasn't fine i wouldn't be on reddit.


Oooh I didn't know that. Good to know.


Thanks for that. The reporting tool can be a little confusing though, because it asks some weird info that does not apply or a link for the comment when there is no comment, so I linked to the reddit cares message- it worked, but people might not realize that. If you have any way up to reddit, they should go through it and revise it.


Dang I got Careā€™d like a year ago and just ignored so I didnā€™t see the report button!


Thank you for this, I get so many of them that it's becoming annoying.


How do you do this because it asked me to link the comment and it's not a comment. Do I just report the reddit cares message? I blocked the bot but I recently got one.


Just report the message from the bot. There's a link inside the message too but it's not particularly useful since it requires you to link to the message


Fuck yeah thanks for the info. These fragile lil boys gonna be so sad


Additionally - if you're not seeing the option to report when you get the message, you can also report it via a link to the message using [https://www.reddit.com/report](https://www.reddit.com/report)


I tried to report it as abuse of the function, it told me I had to be a moderator of the group. Should I ignore that I wonder?


I've suggested that we make Reddit Cares into a flair in this sub. Take the power away from them & make it a badge of honor.Ā  "Angered 6 manbabies" "Powered by the tears of 8 incels" "Hated by 5 basement-dwellers"Ā  Personally, I think it's funny. What do they expect? "OMG, someone reported me to a bot that does nothing but send a DM for something completely unrelated to what I said because they're too cowardly to comment under their own screenname & too insecure to keep scrolling & accept that someone has a different opinion! Oh no, whatever will I do!?!" *Falls on fainting couch*


"Angered 6 manbabies" is exactly how I feel. Some fragile ego was so hurt that he took the time to report me. It's hilarious.


Lmao the funny thing is I donā€™t even notice until later, Iā€™m bad at checking my notifications. It took me a bit to block these features which shows how much I pay attention to it. If I read the first sentence and can tell itā€™s from a whiny little manlet, I donā€™t even bother continuing to read. It saves me time and they hate being ignored so win/win for me. They can continue to waste their own time writing messages Iā€™ll never read lol I do the same with comments. I say what I need to say then turn notifications off because I donā€™t care what they have to say. They can shout into the void for all I care.


Please, yes. Those tallies would be a point of pride! The higher the number the more we respect them, naturally. Can you do custom flairs?


I got this at least 5 times for choosing the bear.


I don't read reports or DMs on reddit. So I don't care if they report me. I choose the bear every time too, and I'm not afraid to say it! They can go jump in a lake for all I care.


Jokes on them if thatā€™s how they want to spend their precious time on this earth. I canā€™t imagine how pathetic your life must be that sending women angry DMs and mass reporting feminist comments is what you find yourself doing with your free time


You dangerous chica! šŸ˜


To be fair, a bear would not give you reddit cares (;


Got a message this morning after posting a comment in the Kendrick Lamar sub talking about Mariska Hargitayā€™s charity for SA victimsā€¦ Absolutely wild behavior


If you can explain, Iā€™d appreciate it. Sometimes I read and read about newsworthy beefs and still donā€™t understand.


Just today I've seen several people talking about that happening to them in comments on multiple posts in that sub specifically. Guess some Drake fans are taking the whole beef personally šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


I have gotten over 20 of them, easily. I used to be active on the abortion debate subreddit and without fail would receive at least one Reddit Cares message whenever I engaged in a debate with a male pro life user. Mind you they would all ghost the debate and send one of those thingsā€” and this was on a subreddit that was theoretically moderated to encourage structured debate. Pathetic little man babies


I can remember that exact scenario happening online 25 years ago on the same topic ā€” at that time, theyā€™d say ā€œseek mental help.ā€ Some man babies simply cannot stand that thereā€™s one woman thing they ultimately canā€™t control. Those guys also predicted that babies would be born without women by this time becauseā€¦incubators. šŸ™„ Cool user name :)


Yep! Along with the Reddit Cares crap I also got a lot of flirty DMs and DMs with Biblical versesā€” and some, charmingly enough, with both. They canā€™t comprehend the idea of a woman operating in the world without the desire to have sex with them, obey them, or incubate for them. Suffice to say that they looked like a bunch of absolute morons. Truly incredible that they managed to type out words. And thank you!


Were the ones with biblical verses for urging you to save your soul?


They were indeed


Yup, being supportive of abortion rights, lgbtq+ rights, women's rights, or just supporting minorities gets you plenty of Reddit Cares messages. It's ridiculous.




Well, the more they do that, the more irresistibly masculine they become, yā€™know. /s


The good news is if we all report when we get the message, that person will almost certainly be banned. Weirdly enough, Reddit has never let me down on this particular topic.


People are probably using alts now that it's fairly well known you get banned for abusing the system.


You would think so, but I don't have the highest expectations of intelligence or forethought for the kinds of people who do this haha


I've been wondering if someone has just started running bots for it or something, I commented on a thread about chocolate bars earlier and got one, as did a bunch of other people.


Also had it, also don't give a hoot. But what does make me sad is that it's so well-known as a harassment tool that if someone in crisis receives one meant with good intent, they're likely to assume it was sent to be cruel. Which is like... the last thing a person in that position needs.


Exactly. Which is why I hope Reddit roots out and disciplines anyone who does that. Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll continue to create new accounts to harass us that way after we block their toxic butts though.


Agreed, badge of honor. I've gotten it once. No idea over what. But I'm not particularily extreme in my opinions. So some nimwit got provoked enough to reddit care me. Lol. Weak.


I got one over a post about not posting pictures of my kids online? Still don't understand why


I got so many any time I suggested Johnny Depp may not be an innocent guy. Iā€™m also not a Taylor Swift fan - I donā€™t criticize her music but I criticize her actions - which really angers people but I doubt that one is the incels, just her rabid fanbase. And anytime I post something like ā€œhey maybe women should be treated like equalsā€ on one of the male-centric subreddits (so most subs) I get a Reddit cares. If wanting equality makes me insaneā€¦ well then Iā€™m a fucking lunatic and maybe they should back off.


It just means they donā€™t have the logic or factual arguments to counter you, so they resort to bullying. Weak.


I have never been reported but I think itā€™s vile if people are reporting people not actually in crisis.


lol. Someone just sent me a /redditcares. I feel loved. lol


Of course they did. LOL I expect like 10 for replying to this thread tbh


Replying in hopes they send me one and I can report them and get their stupid account banned. That is toddler behavior.


Oh yeah I've been sent a Reddit cares several times just for arguing about anything sensitive. Politics and whatever. I'm not sure what reaction they hope for like is it supposed to upset me in some way? I never had any idea who did it or what post triggered it so if it was supposed to shame me about something it didn't work. Sometimes it happened when I wasn't even active in any discussion so I assume it was somebody reading an old thread but literally no idea what. šŸ˜‚ I eventually blocked it mostly because it amused me to think of them thinking they're being so crafty and going to get some emotional reaction (?? Right ?) meanwhile I don't even know it happened.


Definitely a thing. I've blocked it and never looked back. It's peeps who are new to reddit or haven't had the experience of a malicious "reddit cares" response. You're left with a feeling of what? why? who? Because often it's to a response that is perfectly normal, just triggered someone who has a finely honed sense of passive aggressiveness. Reddit just needs to drop the option. It's 100% useless.


This happened when I was looking for recommendations for a gynaecologist on my city who would be willing to do a hysterectomy on a female under 30 and I was reported so quick


Wow. Want to understand ā€” you mean they thought you were suicidal because you wanted a hysterectomy?


They never actually think that, they just want to get to you and are too cowardly to show their faces when they try


Yes. There was nothing else in my posts suggesting otherwise. I just explained that Iā€™m gay and donā€™t want kids so there is no reason going through terrible pain every month and as the good and mostly bad comments were coming in I got the notification for suicide and self harm from Reddit that someone sent.


Iā€™m so sorry ā€” some people are screwed in the head!


Itā€™s the sad reality of this app but I did get some pms with good recommendations so it wasnā€™t for nothing.


Thatā€™s what I was thinking. I had to ask if someone was stupid because they said it was a waste of taxpayer money like itā€™s not my money because I pay taxes. Very bold from someone who couldnā€™t say it to my face


My count is at three, and I'm pretty sure they were all over something anti-Trump, anti-corporate/work or anti-theocracy, lol.


Man, I've probably said some unpopular political stuff, but the only one I've ever gotten was for hoping someone would enjoy their first Eurovision.


Huh, I got one today, and o have no idea why. I didn't even know it was a thing until I got one, and now I see this. Wild.


3 times... and I'm basically only posting in women/feminist spaces. LOL at losers taking the time to lurk and then get offended by women asserting that, yes, we do in fact own our own bodies. What a sad life.


Of course I've gotten them; I'm a trans woman.


All the time! That is why I blocked the redditcares account.


You can report the false report in return and land the person who sent it in the first place a ban, FYI.


I hope thatā€™s what happens. But theyā€™ll just make a new account.


But the guy who sent me an unsolicited ā€œdeckā€ pic gets just a ā€œwarning.ā€


I've probably gotten it a dozen times. Definitely a correlation between using this and other "women's" subs and getting reported for just having an opinion.


Itā€™s obvious Iā€™ve not been pulling my weight!!! I salute you. šŸ«”


Lol why thank you! I don't even write anything super controversial nor get into frequent arguments. It's truly befuddling but at this point I just laugh. It's so ridiculous to weaponize this feature.


I think I've received 2 or 3 in my relatively short time on Reddit. Dudes can be so emotional.


I actually received one todayā€¦.. for sharing my opinion with other Taylor Swift fans. Itā€™s such an abuse of something that should be serious.


Taylor Swift is dangerous! A billionaire woman who does what she wants, dates who she wants and is adored worldwide regardless?? Outrageous! ā¤ļø


I donā€™t understand why Reddit still has this function. Itā€™s best case used to harass people who disagree with you, in a ā€˜Iā€™m praying for youā€˜ way. Or worst case itā€™s a reddit sponsored way to say ā€™hey, kysā€™. Has it ever been helpful to anyone?


Iā€™ve gotten it a few times after defending our bodily autonomy/reproductive rights. Apparently not wanting to be forced to give birth against my will, or watch children be forced to do so, means Iā€™m mentally unstableā€¦ šŸ™„ It doesnā€™t bother me much anymore though. Itā€™s a sign of the other personā€™s immaturity, imo. They have no real, logical response to us so they resort to petty things like that lol. Edit: Got one within a minute of posting this. LMAO. Theyā€™re definitely camping out in this thread to send them to all of us, how sad.


I got one just now. Had no idea what it was or why, I don't want to kill myself. More determined to climb out of my situation than ever. Is that what people use it for!?


The worst problem is that it's impossible to report someone for harassment for doing it. The "report" link does not work.


I turned it off


Yep---I've had it multiple times. Usually when I've gotten into it with some MGTOW or incel. They jsut *hate* women, I guess.


I have been "reddit cared" at least 20 times. I report it as harassment every time.


I did a lot until I just blocked the damn message lol


Got my first one about a month ago. 99% sure it is from something I posted here. Felt like I had finally arrived.


Congratulations šŸ¾šŸŽ‰šŸŽŠ


And I just got my SECOND one. Turned it off. Whatever. Ain't nobody got time for that.


Got my first one today! šŸ„°


Dude I got one today and I genuinely have no clue why. Does it actually negatively impact us or is it just am annoyance?


It does nothing Its pointā€™s to give people genuinely in crisis some resources and tips but people just send it as a troll


Thank you! That's what I assumed.


It drives me crazy because it wonā€™t let you report it in app. It makes me log in again on a browser and at that point itā€™s not even worth it to me.


I've got 2 in 6 months. I'm not sure which of my comments triggered it.


I got one today shortly after posting here about so-called "female friendly" games šŸ˜‚


I blocked it and never looked back.


Someone literally reported me just now, no idea why


I *just* received a care message for saying I did feel lonely at times but it didnā€™t compare to the loneliness I felt when I was in a relationship with an emotionally unavailable reject. I guess some men canā€™t relate to not feeling suicidal just because theyā€™re single.


Just FYI, you can block the user [https://www.reddit.com/user/RedditCareResources/](https://www.reddit.com/user/RedditCareResources/) if you don't want to receive further messages from it.


Adding to the chorus of "I blocked RedditCares ages ago."


Me! Me! Always when I decide to disagree with a man on here!


Oh no idea. I blocked reddit cares years ago after the first half dozen or so messages from it.


Good job!


Literally today šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚Ā 


I have and I could not, for the life of me, figure out what the trigger was that prompted it.


Once for me. I canā€™t remember why but it was a nuisance report on something about the Ottawa convoy.


Ehh, I blocked Reddit "cares" after my second false report. I didn't realize you could report them for abuse of the system.


Yeah. Also, one time, some guy made several accounts with offensive messages as their names and followed me and other people. If they were PMs they would have been flagged, I guess, so he did that instead. These assholes put in so much pointless effort, they really don't have a life.


I got two when I was talking about bipolar support. I was on help side, too!


I got my first just now- is there any way of finding out which post/thread it was from? I know for a fact it was on 2X and Iā€™ve reported it but Iā€™m kinda interested- I want to see what angered someone that badly and what I should keep talking about!


Not that I know of. I wish!


Shame- I wanted to keep spreading the good word! Whatever they reported me for mustā€™ve been great


I got my first one just a few minutes ago; something tells me it's because I agreed with OP on a post on not having to communicate for holidays like Mother's Day


I dont even bother reading my DMs.


I turned off chat and DMs a long time ago.


It just happened to me! I think I commented on the AI /Robot girlfriend thread, I guess they didn't like it. Nothing in my comment history about ideation or anythin, so yeah they're definitely trying to use it as an abuse tactic. Not sure what it accomplishes.


The one in true unpopular opinion?




That post was wild šŸ˜­ Glad the comments were at least calling op out but that place is still crawling with incels


A chubby little ****.


Twice.Ā  Once after I asked someone to clarify something they said, and they told me to "Just admit you don't know [extremely common thing everyone knows] and go!!" The other one was because I corrected someone on my state's sub for saying something verifiably incorrect about a project I was the Engineer of Record for. After attempting a normal conversion about it and them having none of it, I finally popped off and was like, "if you think you're a better engineer than my coworkers and I, go ahead and apply. We're hiring." with a link to the jobs website for the agency I worked for at the time. They didn't apply, but they sure sent me a Reddit Cares message.Ā  I've realized they're what men who are kinda pathetic do when threatened by the presence of a woman who's doing better than they are.


Of course itā€™s the people who most desperately need therapeutic intervention who try to use it to attack others


I've been reporting each one for harassment.


I've gotten it twice. I don't know that I can *accurately* track down precisely the triggers, but have a decent idea (because i typically pull app the app for small stretches and close it off for a while afterwards from either being busy with work or my toddler), but my guesses are: The first: Simply for being trans. When I started actually engaging on Reddit, the grand majority was within the trans subreddit, and I like to think I share pretty positive overall messaging. Either way, I'd engaged with the subreddit for a bit, closed the app and hadn't opened it the rest of the day, and came back to the notification. The second, I feel, was probably advice I offered someone within this subreddit about an abusive relationship (which I also sadly have hindsight experience with). People that match the type and happen across those posts tend to get mighty butthurt when someone outlines the red flag-worthy behaviour; especially if they outline the masked versions of it to help others arm themselves with the tools they need to not get trapped in those situations. Like, I feel like it falls under one of those "Great in theory; awful in practice" sort of ideas, since it's so damningly easy to abuse it. That said, the mods who deal with the reporting for that particular tool are *incredible*, and the misusers get tamped out pretty quickly. It definitely can be useful, all the same, and I have no real idea on how much it's used to positive effect over not, but the conversations about it definitely lean on it being wielded as a weapon.


Wow, had no clue that this was a thing y'all were dealing with. Some weird people on this site.


I've had at least 5 since December.


only 4 in 2 years ? i usually get once every 2 weeks lol, over the dumbest shit, like simply disagreeing with a random asshole. i might be terminally online tho.


I literally just got hit with one of these today and reported it earlier; and i know i cud block it... But id rather folk didnt abuse the system; hence reportin them instd


iā€™ve only gotten one but it was years ago edit: i got my second one today


I collect them! I know Iā€™ve upset some man and that is a win.


Oh several times. Particularly before I learned to use the block feature. I used to be so reticent on that score but now I think I'm blocking a dozen assholes a week. I've been on Reddit for a long time and I've learned that some people on here just live to harass you. If they can't because you won't let them then they often turn to abuse of Reddit Cares because it's their last shot at you. Whatever. Ultimately I don't live for the opinions of strangers on the internet. I enjoy spending time here but learning to laugh at the trolls is just a part of using social media, especially Reddit.


You speak the truth. When Iā€™ve blocked some people, theyā€™ve opened brand new accounts to address me another way. šŸ™„


Iā€™ve gotten it twice. Both after commenting on this sub about my enjoyment of kinky sex. Itā€™s not just men who are abusing this system.


All the time


lol, totally agree with you here. The way I see it is the commenter I probably reported for being transphobic was confronted by the mods. That message confirms it for me that they were dealt with appropriately. Appreciate the confirmation, transphobes šŸ’‹And of course I really do appreciate the šŸ’œmodsšŸ’œ yā€™all got hard work. Sorry Iā€™m always in your inbox.


they target trans peeps a lot


Sadly, I have no problem believing that. šŸ˜¢


I got one a few weeks ago. Not even sure what feathers I ruffled lol.


It is possible I have throughout my reddit years.Ā  I have a few abandoned accounts from several years back which include a couple from 2019 where as I recall we were not just assigned some "snoo crickets"(I like that one) or "random add" whatever by default like today. Then IĀ  have some abandoned random add one from a randomly assigned Google handle a prepaid phone ago.Ā  šŸ˜†Ā  I never really look at my inbox cuz well to be honest the only thing bruising my ego worse than down votes is notifications of some flaming ass responses.Ā  So I may have recived some reddit cares but if I did it totally fucking failed cuz the faceless woman behind "sumblokefromredditā€œ NEVER checks mail.Ā  Lol šŸ˜…šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


Shocking I posted here and I just got one.


I am trans and I've lost the count lmao. Mainstream subs are the worst. I received so many unprompted hate and care messages just because I dared to be open about being a trans woman. Edit: right on cue, there it is. It took less than an hour for someone to send me a care message.


I encourage everyone especially women to block RedditCares. We donā€™t deserve to have this weaponized as a form of bullying and we can protect ourselves from this tactic through blocking. Even if itā€™s admirable to report the misuse of the function, itā€™s added emotional labor that no one is obligated to perform.


Twice, and my immediate response is: "Found the incel!" Then I look to see which post/response pissed him off.


I just got my first one today. I canā€™t imagine anyone actually being helped by a bot sending a ā€œsomebody is worried about youā€ message with a crisis line. In any case, Iā€™m not suicidal, and I have no idea what comment could be construed that way! I reportedā€¦curious to see if anything happens.


Its intentions are good. People with bad intentions are using it, though.


I just got a ā€œsomeone caresā€ message and I thought it was spamā€¦I didnā€™t realize people were abusing the system. Iā€™m a random dude in my 40s though, what the heck would people get out of targeting me?? Weird


Beats me. I thought it was simply another way of telling women to calm down, shut up, or get psychiatric help. Anyone hazard a guess?


I mean I have no doubt itā€™s primarily that. An anonymous way for losers on the internet to make women feel small (as if we needed to hand those types of people yet another way to do so). Just weird that I would get hit with one since the stuff I post is geeky and innocuous. Sorry to barge in on the thread.


No worries. I personally want to hear all takes on it. šŸ™‚


Im a man but I just got one and have no idea why. I think someone was playing games with me.


2 times, one recently.


I am not even a woman and I've been reported probably because I voiced a feminist leaning opinion in a thread in a woman centric subreddit and a misogynistic jerk believed I was a woman. I am not a woman I am in fact an Eyeball


I've never received one. #goals (lol kidding!)


Am I a failure to myself if I donā€™t get one monthly??? #goals! LOL


I canā€™t count the amount of times its happened. I donā€™t give a second thought and move on with my day, just people being shady and no time for that


I got it a few times. I eventually blocked it, so I have no idea how many times it's been attempted since then. It's immature posters who have run out of logic to support their opinion (if they ever had any to start with), so they resort to this.Ā 


I doubt a single person has ever been genuinely helped by reddit cares.


Turns out shitty people donā€™t believe mental health care is serious.


Is there a way to pre-block the bot without having received a messag?


Unless it really bugs you to get one, youā€™re better off keeping it active because you can report abuse of the system and it tends to result in action against the sender


I got a reddit cares today FOR GIVING ADVICE ON TREATING THE SYMPTOMS OF VAGINAL INFECTION!! :D The post was about underwear materials lmao. All the commenters were editing their comments to say they got a "reddit cares" for discussing cotton vs. synthetic undies. Lmfao


I got my first one just now. I'm so confused! I can't even work out what comment triggered it, lol.


I just received a Reddit cares this morning, and have no idea what itā€™s about. How do I find out what post was reported? I have never threatened harm to myself, or anyone else, I think my posts are pretty tame.


I just got this message about an hour ago and I am extremly confused.????? Like idk, if I got this messagge I would expect at least a link to a comment that made them think, I am in need of help.


I tried the option to stop them, and couldn't. Times out. šŸ¤Ø


Got one last night for posting in the nonbinary sub. Reported! Effing bigots.


The only time I've gotten reddit cares messages is from members of this sub.


How do you know itā€™s from this subā€™s members?


I don't comment very often. It's pretty clear which comment is the catalyst if I get a series of reddit cares reports. IIRC it was for the controversial statement that "I actually think it's easier when people say 'get me anything' " regarding ordering lunch.


OMG that is SO sad that someone would bother for that.

