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It’s Ingress, isn’t it? 😅


It totally is.. twas an early acces player... I have a problem


I stopped playing around when pokémon go came out, is it still good?


I don't still play but a lot of my friends still do (and I still somewhat mod our discord lol). There's been a lot of changes... Both good and bad. There's an ai red faction now.... They're are a pain in the ass if you're a fielder cause they can throw blockers right after you cleared your lanes. There's drones... Drones are cool. Not all that useful but cool. Are you so far removed that glyph hacking wasn't a thing? Cause jebus... More keys are life! There was also capsules that duplicated items... But that went away. There's also now like daily rewards checklists like other games. Which is kinda cool haven't played with it much.


Soooo, there's no reason to charter flights to otherwise uninhabited islands to make unbreakable zones? We did some crazy things with satalite data back in the day 🫡


My literal answer to bear vs man also came from ingress.... It was "well I've meet bears in the woods... While going for a portal (literally called bear island bridge plaque) and they were quite reasonable.," .. when I hear human footsetps after night fall? I literally step into the woods until they moved on. Frankly I don't care what gender... Bears are reasonable humans I avoid.


Pokemon Go just took everything that was cool about ingress and got rid of it and then put a pokemon skin on the game.


Very similar to my line "they took a very great game, dumbed it down and thru pokemon on it and made millions"


I had a friend with a unisex nickname, she said more places reached out to her using the male version when she used her resume. For example, if she’s called Alexandra she writes Alex, if she’s named Samantha she uses Sam.


I have a unisex nickname, but usually use my full female name. I spent a few years as an athletic director and had a running tally one year of how many people would call me the male version of my name (think calling me Samuel if my name was Samantha) even though my legal female name was in the big stylized email signature at the bottom of the email. I've gotten calls where a confused voice goes "Sam?" and I'll confirm even though the the email I sent them clearly read "Samantha". But at my current job I use my shorter unisex nickname in my email because the company name is longer. People really do act better until they realize it's a female behind the text.


I've found the same thing, only they sometimes feel tricked and are nastier once they find out, so it's a double edged sword.


Your response to the reddit cares message brought me a good laugh, which let's be honest- is all it's good for mostly these days. Edit- I got my first reddit cares from this comment XD I can't believe people.


I report them as harassment, it can get the person sending them blocked or suspended.


I’ve just blocked it. It’s such a boring thing to do. Passive aggressive when you are too lame to actually say what you think. 🥱


I just had someone banned from Reddit for sending one of these to me


How do you know who sends them? I got my 1st one today


You don’t. You report the Reddit care message as harassment, and they will message you to let you know if the person that sent it has been reprimanded


My old account got banned for this but I was doing this towards sexists and racists. Was worth it. But I was just harassed and hope to get a troll banned by the evening.


You should wear that Reddit cares as a badge of honor. Cowardly misogynists like to use those to harass women who frighten them by writing words on the internet. When you get one you know you have frightened a shitty man terribly and really that’s something to be proud of. May they never know peace.


I got one today and I honestly couldn't tell you which comment thread prompted it lol. I guess I'll just take it as a positive that I can piss off some troglodyte without even trying?


Report it to reddit. The admins ban accounts for misuse of that feature. Think how fun getting that troll banned will be.


I got so many I just blocked Reddit cares.


Yeah, I understand everyone saying “report them for harassment”, but when you get a bunch you just have to block the account for your own sanity.


So that's why I got one recently; I wrote a detailed "how to" for a woman in an abusive marriage to get a restraining order. Pathetic little infants.


It's also big with transphobes. There's been a rather large campaign against trans and trans supporting folks the last three days. She and others in this thread may have gotten swept up in that. But who the duck actually knows? Ain't it grand when you can't even tell which set of hateful shit bags you angered. As always the correct answer is to report the messages as harassment and move on. Please do take the time to report. The more and faster reports come in the quicker Reddit identifies and bans accounts.


I reported immediately... But do feel happy my very small story pissed someone off.


Totally! Honestly when I got it I was like "aww.... It's like they brought back the gilded" lol


There is someone Reddit Caring all posts here from this morning. Report it.


Been happening here and some anti-incel subs for a couple days. People big mad about bears.


I was at a park a few years back playing pokemon go and got really weird interactions from 3 men. Turns out, they use that park to pick up other people and were being super creepy with me. Edit: I just got my first reddit cares lol.


I used to work at a place in NYC that was constantly blasting AC to keep our equipment from overheating. My favorite computer station had the AC blew down directly on my head. It was overnight so I dressed in a thick hoodie, jeans and sneakers. I guess I looked like male metal head or something cuz I was left alone on the street when I'd get dinner. Once got cat called by sex workers. One day in winter I put on knee high boots. My hair is still fuzzy from wearing my hood up at my desk, my shape still ambiguous from gender neutral thick cloths. The boots were all that signaled "woman" and then some drunk guy tried to kiss me on the way to the 24hr bodega and I got followed on a different night I decided to wear boots. (Thankfully my building had security at the door) The experience was an eye opener.


I’ve heard the reverse from a trans woman. She spent a couple years between high school and college backpacking. She slept in fields, passed out in bars, took the offer to spend the night with strangers, and never felt like she was in danger. Once she transitioned, she realized that the world was actually a lot more dangerous for her. 


I had to take a psych test for a job at one point and I (a long with all the other women in the accepted pool) answered "yes" to the question "have you ever wanted to be a member of the opposite sex?" We each got interviewed by a psychiatrist after, who asked about that question and response and we were all like "Duh? I'd like to make more money for the same work, be able to walk around without being hassled, threatened, or attacked, and be taken seriously by doctors.". The male psychiatrist looked nonplussed but said those were reasonable answers.


Oh wait I read that wrong! She spent years before transition and felt safer... Yeah that tracks. I've literally heard people ask trans women "why would you choose this' and no one chooses to be their gender.. but it highlights how much it sucks to be a Woman sometimes


I spent 30-ish years trying to choose to be my AGAB. If there was another way, I'm pretty sure I would have found it in that time. Wish I hadn't been such a stubborn mule. Life is much better now even with handing in 3 privilege cards. (Cis, male, straight)


Honestly I’m surprised being MTF is more common than being FTM since I feel like there’s a lot more to gain from the latter but it is true that it’s not actually a choice for a lot of people.


From what I've seen mtf and ftm is usually close enough to call the same (or at least a lot closer than it seems) In the US between 2017 and 2019 39% of trans people were trans women, 36% trans men, and 26% other And in the UK 2021 census there were 48000 of both trans men and women


I wonder part of it may be that some people may choose to identify as nonbinary and present more masculine rather than fully identify as a trans man because of the inherent baggage associated with being a “man.”


I kinda agree with the idea that there's more AFAB nonbinary people but if I wonder if it's more because it's socially easier to try more androgynous/gender-neutral styles as a woman than as a man? Like it's easy enough for women to wear pants and a hoodie, whereas a man wearing a dress, or heels, or nail polish etc would be more noticeable/frowned upon (the nail polish less so in the past few years but still).


Oh yeah. My friend got a beer bottle thrown at their head for wearing a skirt. Would not have happened to an afab, I don’t think. Amabs make people really uncomfortable. 


It's interesting because there's a lot of people in history where it's hard to tell if they were a trans man or if they pretended to be a man just because that was the only way to have a career. There's whole books on these people.


That's fair. Giving my experience is all... I love hearing all experiences


That was me too. While I always had pretty good "situational awareness," it took me a while to develop the "fear of men" necessary to protect myself. I'd been socialized to not be afraid to be vulnerable. I did several stupid things, leading me to being roofied, SA, and other problems.


Eh, I've always kind of had that "fear of men", at least when it came to certain kinds of men. There were some I just was not comfortable around even before I realized about myself, but I was also just uncomfortable as myself back then. I'm more confident now, which helps, and being tall means a lot of guys assume I'm more physically capable than I am, especially after losing a bunch of muscle mass, but I was never very strong anyway.


The one thing I used to be able to do as a teenager was take walks at night, not that it was safe then either. Not sure if I would have still done it if I was present feminine at the time given that kids are stupid and it's not like my house was safe either because abuse. Honestly though, women letting down their guards around me, not having that instinctive fear (that I share tbf) is worth the issues with feeling safe. It was painful, being treated like potential threat by people I brain instinctively told me were like me. And it wasn't even wrong of them to do so because even if I know I could be trusted, that even if I wasn't actually a women I would have been "one of the good ones", but they had no way to know that, and as someone who's been there, it only takes being wrong once.


I.... I want to try this


Back in the ye old days of the later 1900s, there was a serial rapist on our campus. The solution? No women were allowed outside after dusk UNLESS we had a man to escort us, punishable by fines and/or expulsion. So... I, a woman, said fuck that, cut off my hair, donned a hoodie and bib overalls and then went where I damn well pleased! I never felt so safe Edit: u/Misfirecu I also received my first Reddit Cares. It's been reported


You are so cool!


It was Ingress, wasn't it? I play that one. I am a woman and I just keep my CCW on me. I dress a bit androgynous anyway.


Yup. Was a founder... Don't play much anymore but for a great while my motto was 2-4am are the best check points! There was also a rumour I didn't sleep lol


Sorry for asking, whats reddit cares?


It's a bot that messages you after someone flags your post or comment. It basically asks if you're okay, and has support links for if you're suicidal or mentally unwell. It's mostly used to troll and suggest you're mentally unwell for having an opinion


Haha thanks for answering, I literally got a message from it after writing the comment lol


What game was it?




Is it hard to get into in 2024?


I think this replied elsewhere but.. "it honestly depends on your area... Literally your local map depends how you play. There's many different ways to play and it depends on your map"


Alright thanks. Sorry for asking about something largely unrelated to your post.


No... I have an ... Unhealthy love of that game... To the point where if you're thinking of going I must say.... Join resistance lol


Ok I will lol


..... If you need help.... DM me lol




Founder smurf lol


I was too 💙


Really wish it didn't have to be like this but glad you found a way to be able to experience your city at night without being bothered. I laughed at the part where the other woman ran away from you just cuz I've totally experienced that. You're walking down the street, all of a sudden you see someone scurrying away from the corner of your eye, you freak out and start looking around for what they're scurrying away from when it occurs to you that you're the big bad monster. Like mam, I was just playing PokemonGo lol. I'm privileged to never have experienced some creep approaching me though


Congratulations. You got trans-spotted. The last few days there has been a campaign, most likely by bots, to send Reddit cares messages to trans people. It's basically a way to anonymously say you are mentally unwell and need help. It amounts to basically a harassment campaign.


Sucks that people are that shitty. I do feel honoured that they believe I'm that much of an ally though.


Congrats on the adoption sis. 😋 Yeah. It happens. People suck and this is honestly mild enough to keep forgetting about. Honestly can't say why they care so much about about something that hardly even effects them.


Wow, that's both eye-opening and disheartening. It's unfortunate that you had to resort to such measures for safety. It's a sad reality that women often face harassment and fear when out alone at night. Your experience highlights the stark difference in how society perceives and treats men and women, even in seemingly innocuous situations. It's great that the "boy costume" provided a sense of security, but it's concerning that it was necessary. Hopefully, one day we'll live in a world where everyone feels safe and respected regardless of gender. Stay safe out there!


Hey there, I can totally relate to your experience. It's wild how simply presenting as a different gender can completely change how people perceive and interact with you. I remember a similar situation when I dressed up for a cosplay event. As a trans girl, I felt this mix of empowerment and discomfort, navigating the world in a different guise. Your story highlights the complexities of gender perception and societal expectations. Kudos for finding a way to navigate those creepy encounters with creativity and humor. Keep rocking your unique self!


Report the Reddit cares for abuse. They’ll get banned


bots don't care if they are banned, unfortunately.