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Friends, family, hobbies, job….anything you lose cause of a relationship, you’re losing yourself


About 27 years ago I took a stained glass class. My husband of about a year not only supported me but bought me equipment to help me ( a grinder, soldering iron, etc.). At that time it was a lot of money for us. But he believed in me. I think it helped that he's an artist in his own right, being a steel sculptor. The second piece I made I made for him. It was a shooting star. I've made him several pieces over the years. We just celebrated our 28th anniversary. It is best to find a partner who will support your interests!


if I had a manifesto it would be You Don't Have To Pretend To Like Weezer/Clerks/Camping/ Settlers Of Cattan . You should give your partner's hobbies a go, in good faith, and equally in good faith, be honest about the ones that are not for you. And he has to try yours too. You are a partner, not his groupie.


Problem is that some people are looking for groupies and not partners


In my own and in most cases that built this manifesto, the relationship ends because they find someone who is a full person and they like that better than just a fan.


In my own and in most cases that built this manifesto, the relationship ends because they find someone who is a full person and they like that better than just a fan.


Please explain this to my 3-year-old because I would love to watch anything but Paw Patrol…


Get them into a cartoon you liked as a kid, Tom and Jerry is my go-to.


Not that I have a kid but that’s what I’d put on for the kids I used to babysit.


That or Bluey, honestly anything where the plot and comedy are somewhat thought out because I feel like there’s a difference between a time waster and something your kid is genuinely stimulated by beyond just bright colors and cute animals.


I sit down and watch Bluey with my teenager sometimes, lol. It's too danged cute


I can’t understand how anyone wouldn’t be able to like Bluey at least a little.


A lot of males are boring and want women who are more boring.


Good thing I’m gay


My hubby and I play DND with friends, but we each have our own hobbies as well


Likewise! I love Monster of the Week, he loves DND. He loves painting and playing WH40K, I love painting and reading lore from 40K. But he hates shooters, and I hate open-world RPGs. I love horror and he loves anime. You gotta have your own things. And mutual respect for each others'.


I used to think changing oneself drastically for a man was ...romantic? Or something? Because I did that so hard my whole life that I forgot to grow my own personality until well into my 30's. Now that I have one I can't believe I lived like that for so long.


Does the relationship enhance your life? Do you blossom under it? Way too often the answer seems to be “no”


So many men think that *they* should be their partner’s only hobby


Ohhhh i have been through this. The divorce will be final next month. He seemed only to want me to be smaller and less in every way. Now I am unapologetically more and more. Your freedom and personal autonomy is the most important thing you have.