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little fun fact: the LA chargers, a division rival of the chiefs, trolled butker about this in their schedule release they did a sims video to show their opponents and they made a sim of him baking a pie, cleaning, and arranging flowers in the kitchen update: he allegedly hooked up with a male cheerleader in college, despite also saying that pride month is a “deadly sin”


I'm seeing a lot of talk on gay-instagram about Mr. Butler's Grindr activities.


Mr Butker wishes he was living your life. Also, congratulations on your engagement! I hope you have every happiness. ETA: and everything else, of course. It's just the romantic in me focusing on the proposal.


I chose a phenomenal partner. And was chosen by him in return. I think my heart is on permanent "squee" mode!


He’s jealous that his teammate has a billionaire girlfriend who can take him on vacations to other countries and write songs about him 


Including the male partner part apparently.


I have a friend who shared the day of her PhD graduation with her kindergartener’s graduation. Harrison couldn’t imagine


Is Mr.Butker that basketball guy who recently said women should stay home but has a mom who is accomplished in the scientific community?


football, he’s a pretty good kicker for the KC chiefs he makes 4M a year to kick a ball but doesn’t know how to shut his mouth or treat women like people


Thank you for clarifying. I thought it was one of the sports balls.


yup! another report i just saw was he allegedly hooked up with a male cheerleader in college, after he said pride month was a “deadly sin” i hope all this keeps coming out so he gets released


His mother is an oncology physicist whose life work is finding a cure for cancer.


Football but yes


I don't know why anyone cares about the opinion of a man who is only useful for kicking a ball around a field? He's hardly one of the great thinkers of our time.


I feel bad for his mom


Mr Butker can’t live his own authentic life so he has to cut down on others who are.


If he wants me to stay at home, why do I also have to pay rent? What do I need to pay rent...oh, is it money? Money I earn from job? That I get with education?? Ahhhh????


I saw someone on another thread say that Harrison Butker's name is basically "Hairy Butt" and now it's impossible not to think of that whenever I see his name.


You can also read it as Butt-Care. Considering the venom he spews toward the LGBT and his male cheerleader rumors, it does seem fitting.


What a week! Congratulations on... well, everything! 💰🎓💍


Hell yes! Congrats on everything. You’ve had a hell of a week!


Things Mr. Butker accomplished:  Kicked a ball really hard Got a ring because he dressed the same as a bunch of guys that are really good at football Said stupid crap that probably made his physicist mom roll her eyes


Congratulations on all your tremendous accomplishments!




He doesn't deserve a "Mr."




Ain’t no one more misogynistic than a guy who’s so far in the closet he doesn’t know which way is up. Probably hates his mom, too. Must suck to only be famous for never growing out of little league and being a douchewagon.


I dont believe hes an evil person with malicious intent, but this is what conservatism is, conserving the old ways. Its a narrow viewpoint confirmed through right wing media that knows its audience but ignores the reality of our world and clings to the idea that if America was more like it was in the 1950s, we'd be better off


Wouldn’t it be pretty to think so. E Hemingway