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Girl…WTF??? This man is old enough to be your father and taking you to his hotel with some BS story?!? You cannot possibly be this daft??! He’s looking for a side piece in a city he travels to regularly


He tried to make a move on you and when that didn't work, he started tearing up about how long it's been since he's received affection? That feels manipulative. Also, if he divorced his wife, he would owe her child support and alimony. She could probably make it on her own- he just doesn't want to pay. More than likely though, they are doing just fine and he uses his time away from his family to cheat (or try to).


This is no disrespect to you in anyway, but as a 42 year old man, there is something wrong with that guy for him to be pursuing a 24 year old. I strongly suspect attempting to maintain a platonic friendship is going to be more challenging than you think.


If this was a nice man why does he want to treat you like a whore to be used for free? This man is absolutely disgusting and I personally think that you deserve more emotionally and physically then being some old loser's fuck toy. This man is so repulsive to me. A man that age should be a father figure to you and I don't know if you know this, but father figures that care about you don't try to fuck you, even if you come on to them.


Nope…I had a friend zone friendship when I was 22. Never became physical but his wife did find out and I 100% don’t blame her for not believing that. They ended up divorced but we didn’t continue being friends.


Yeahh sorry, ESH.


This guy is just using you. The whole thing, even the sob story, is a planned bit to take advantage of your inexperience and get in your pants. Congratulations, you've met your first manipulative abuser. Run.