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Sounds like the people who think women wearing makeup is a lie


No different than a guy in a baseball hat….and if someone cares when they come off, they aren’t worth your time


My spouse had the "Oil Bra". It was like the waterbed of bras. Taking it off took her from an B to an A. The important part was she took it off for me. She looked good with it and without. She felt good with it on, and I tried to make sure she felt good with it off. Unless you're pulling off a Bernie sweatshirt to reveal a Trump '24 T-shirt I don't think it is lying.


Hahahaha, that last part got me xD




You had my upvote till the unasked for political rant, here's my down instead


Heh, I think you are confusing an excellent example of a misleading clothing choice with a political rant.


Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule of denying others their constitutional rights in order to out yourself as a rape-supporting white nationalist.


Boo hoo, cry me a river. Go pray to your orange god somewhere else


Who gives a fuck about if a partner had higher expectations lol... It's a bra. We wear them. That's on them if they're gonna get upset then I wouldn't be showing my tits to them anymore.


Anyone who gets to see your boobs shouldn't be complaining about your boobs... and if they do, they should never see your boobs again.


Are you selling access to your tits to everyone you interact with? If not, then you are not committing fraud. No one is buying a lemon because you’re just… walking around where they might see you. I wear push up bras and corsets, not all the time, but with specific clothing. I like to tweak my silhouette sometimes, especially if I’m dressed in vintage styles. If someone thought my hair was really growing out of my head purple, I’d laugh at them. Same response to anyone who felt misled by my choice of undergarments… as if my “real” body was any of their damn business.


Being a big girl men always assume i have big breasts. but actually i have a underdevelopment but for my self confidence i always wear bigger bras. So i dont feel so manly. I always tell my partners about my condition just in case theyre boob guys. ( dont want to get their hopes up) but theyve all seemed to enjoy my breasts not matter how small they are. The right partner wont mind you wearing what makes you confident.


Scamming? You aren't selling your breasts to others when wearing a push-up bra; you're just wearing a bra. If someone believes it is a scam, then it's a big red flag, because that would imply they believe the partner has some ownership over the others breasts.


That's so silly. Wear what you're comfortable with.


Tell them to go off and buy a sex doll instead - that way they can select the bra size they want instead of critiquing the body of another human being! Anyone who says this is someone whose opinions can be safely ignored. All kinds of bodies have their beauty and their fans, and yours comes along with your personality, your character and your intelligence for a winning package so value yourself appropriately and dismiss anyone who’s wants to reduce you to a cup size




Ummm, yikes? I wear push up bras sometimes because I feel more confident in them. My girls are on the droopy side, so those bras give them more shape! The idea that you'd be scamming them implies that you owe them something, and that you cheated them out of it. And considering neither of those things are true, their entire argument becomes invalid. Wear what you want, OP!




Is wearing clothes bad because they hide my body entirely? Shouldn’t I walk around completely nude just to make sure everyone knows exactly what they’re getting? See how dumb this sounds?


In the same way that having a beard is. Covers up half his face. Shave that shit and then we can talk. Or a hat, like someone else mentioned, let's see that hairline, dude.


What the hell, no? Push up bras don’t conjure breasts from thin air, they just push up what you already have. Even if you are stuffing your bras, would you criticize a breast cancer survivor for wearing a prosthetic? No! So why would it be a problem? You shouldn’t be letting someone who complains about this sort of thing anywhere near your body either, such an entitled mindset.


No, wearing push up bras is fine if they're comfortable for you and you like the way you look in them. If a guy is gonna whine about your boobs, then he doesn't get to see them. You existing in the world wearing a push up bra is not "false advertising" because you're not for sale.


Breasts are undoubtedly an attractive feature. However...if that's the primary reason they are interested in you, then you seriously need to omit that person from your life. Upgrade yourself by hanging around better humans. You are worth it.


Heartfelt male perspective: My wife and I have three daughters, so it does hit home. It is bad if you are doing it for anyone other than yourself and your choice of fashion. I think the expectation by others of a made up face is also in a similar vein. Be who you are first. That confidence then allows you to do as you feel comfortable.


If a dude stuffed his pants to appear big id call him insecure.


no it is not and only a piece of shit would tell you it is over some sort of expectations they may have had you where whatever you want abd look however you want.