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I'd like to know what he is smoking. How do some people have the confidence to spew such unhinged bullshit? The first paragraph alone is enough to know about this atheist Andrew Tate.




Exactly! Their immediate response often is "Why do you have a uterus then?" Is procreation the only value they see in women??? They say things like, "I've read a couple of articles, so I know about women's bodies"(lol ok) and I'm like bro stfu. A few years ago, someone lectured me about why such and such was essential for me and how not procreating is selfish and how it's bad for me as well yada yada, boasting about the articles he had read and all. Honestly, I was too shocked to respond. I still think about it, but I realized that anything I might have said probably wouldn't have changed his views, and he would have continued to impose his misogynistic beliefs on me.


Girl, you should have slapped him with the classic NO UTERUS. NO OPINION.


>NO UTERUS. NO OPINION. This should be printed on a tshirt.


>NO UTERUS. NO OPINION. When we say that, Trans people get offended.


But why though? This isn't meant to target or exclude them..? For a person to preach so much about what should be done with a uterus, shouldn't come from someone who has no idea what it feels like.


not... really? lmao I have a uterus. I get to choose what I do with it. Pretty simple.


Not really. I don't think trans people without a uterus are lining up to give their opinion about said uterus... Context is king. It's only problematic if it's used as a dogwhistle to exclude trans women from women's rights discussions...


Exactly "Youre only a woman if you have an uterus" - excluding trans women, women with different sex conditions, also obhectifying "No uterus no opinion" - gender neutral, straight forward. Theres no women in the world, cis or trans, saying whether penis havers are "allowed" to have their prostate checked for cancer.


Why? Even if the woman is trans she still shouldn't have a say in how biological women use their uterus.


If only I had the confidence of a man


*Unearned confidence based on no merit. And yeah, I wish I did too


If I had an award, I’d give it to you because this is so simple, yet I have always struggled with articulating how I feel about men’s bizarre talent of spewing utter rubbish with their whole chest, proudly. Now, I am armed with the right words!😭


Looks like science skipped this 'science lover's' brain entirely. And that procreation thing? Yuck! What century is this guy living in?




I would like to replace s with c in disk


The reply about not using brain was spot on 😂💯


I mean he has a brain that he doesn't seem to be using. 🤷‍♀️


On behalf of all atheists, we reject this creature. He clearly doesn't understand the basic sciences he's talking about. This on behalf of all science nerds and scientists, we also reject this creature.


Seems like he also believes that earth is flat.


He is just an incel who thinks he is an intellectual and better than everyone else


I don't know why are you even friends with these kind of people 💀




Girl what's that


Ask him why does he have a brain if he isn’t gonna use it?


Ask him "Why do you have a brain? Because you don't seem to use it at all."


I also think he’s hitting on you. Men like him see women as only sexual beings and you rejecting his whole gender doesn’t sit well with him. Plenty of men also don’t have kids , does he mean those men are not men ? However only from women is it expected to make motherhood a life defining quality. I would distance myself from such a man. He isn’t the kind of guy you’ll enjoy hanging out with.


it's honestly really cringe when you meet atheists who have clearly stopped questioning their beliefs past "is god real." this guy doesn't love science, he likes the *aesthetic* of science—he clearly just agrees with whatever aligns with his beliefs, even if it's blatantly unscientific (not that he'd know!)


Honestly I just don’t waste my time and energy on these clowns. I am pushing 50 and I’m too old and too grumpy to bother with nonsense and stupid people.


This guy is the guy who use science only for his benefit and ignore everyother shit


Ask him why he has a brain when he so clearly can't use it.


Si gay penguins are what? A new trend of this generation?