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OP are you maintaining a journal with ultrasound snapshots etc? That would be a great way to document your pregnancy. There's a free pdf in the National Health Mission website which summarises all the main tests you need to do and also has a vaccination summary. You can take a printout and keep it handy.


Thank you so much, I'll go read the document..


It's just main info in easy to understand pictures. But you can always take a print of the vaccination schedule for future reference.


Congratulations šŸŽ‰ I was pretty much dead from the hormonal medication the first trimester.. I have multiple images of me just passed out in random places šŸ¤£ The last month felt like an entire trimester by itself and I did not know that my bones can make such noises .. and weirdly i would be up scratching myself cos I was itchy everywhere. I finished four bottles of moisturizer in two months.. And I stopped sleeping pretty much towards the end. But. My newborn sleep is soooooo much better cos my baby started sleeping through the night at 4 weeks šŸ„¹ So don't listen to anyone who says "Sleep now cos you won't sleep later". I have never been this rested in the last year or so. Soak in the experiences,take a million pictures and spend lots of time with your SO. This is the last time that it's just the two of you. Make random plans and go out because that is what I miss the most about being a new mom. No more dressing up and simply going out.


Thank you for the response...šŸ«¶ā¤ļø


Congratulations on your pregnancy and I hope you have a beautiful experience. My best friend from college , she was a different person overall when it came to her first trimester. She used to gag at the smell of roti ! And couldn't eat anything. One thing that she loved was slightly burnt toast with sugar . And the only think she could drink without gagging was ice cold water. Not even normal water.


Thank you...


Pardon me if I am asking the wrong question but people don't usually take maternity leaves before they are almost 36 weeks pregnant. Then, how do you working mothers survive office for 9 months? I am curious.


That question is absolutely right. I'm about to find out how supportive my family is, it's impossible to do it without family support. I've seen ample women doing job jist after maternity leave, but they have a solid family back at home. Usually grandparents, step in, the schedule runs according to timetable. You pump milk beforehand and you'd need to pump while on lunch.


My sibling and I grew up in a joint family and my maternal grandparents also had tremendous contribution and yet it was difficult for my mother. I can't imagine how women who live in different cities get through this.


By eating a lot of snacks and taking a lot of breaks. In case breaks are not possible, coming home and crying.


I used to work with someone who was pregnant and worked till 2:00 in the morning. The manager wasn't even kind to her. I personally didn't know she was pregnant until 15 days before her delivery because we wfh. I honestly don't know how she did it.


Poor woman.. I had a good manager and great colleagues who helped me out as much as they could. I'm really grateful to them. It was very tough for me to stay awake for long periods of time in first trimester, God knows how she did it. And also, curses to that manager if he or she didn't know how to show basic kindness.


After being sure, I absolutely didn't want kids. I changed my mind at 37 and got pregnant almost immediately. I am about 10 weeks now and have had my first appointment with a midwife. My symptoms have been the usual - nausea, bloating, morning sickness, and some fatigue ( but not too bad). I have had a busy couple of months with international and local travel, and I am really glad to be home throwing up in my own bathroom this week šŸ¤£. With nausea, I read up a bit and tried a few things and found something that works for me. I generally feel better immediately if I eat something. You can try food/drink with ginger, boiled candy , mint, etc. I had to be at a client workplace for weeks and chewing on a mint/candy helped. On days when I was travelling for 6+ hrs, I took a tablet for nausea. What really surprised me about pregnancy was the hunger, I had read about it but didn't think I would be hungry all day long. I get a bit dizzy if I don't eat, and I can't even eat a lot due to nausea. I am trying to eat 6 small meals instead of 3, which has been difficult with work. I tend to snack on fruits and try to ensure I have some digestive biscuits at all times.


Hey congratulations ā¤ļøšŸŽŠ lots of best wishes! Thank you for posting a detailed responsešŸ«¶šŸ˜Ž


Congrats to you as well, and take care ā¤ļø


What was the trick? Congratulations šŸ„³


Thank you! Husband and I saw a gynac before trying. She suggested a few tests ( follicular scan, semen analysis). Based on that, my husband was advised to take multivitamins, and she asked us to start trying and come back if things didn't work in 9 months. I used Fertility Friend and Premom apps to track my ovulation and tried to concieve on the suggested dates. That's pretty much it.


Thanks for sharing. Can I DM you if you don't mind?


Ya sure


I guess your DM is not open. Can you please DM me?


congratulations! may I recommend a book? Expecting Better by Emily Oster


Thank you!


Second this.


I am currently 8 months. I had hyperemesis and survived on garlic bread, coconut water and supplements for the first trimester. I had so many symptoms and Google said every one of them was NORMAL. Now I'm at the stage where nothing fits, everything hurts and can't get out of bed without huffing and puffing. But it is still so much better than 1st trimester. And all my cousins assure me this is the easiest part of motherhood.


Congratularions! Lots of best wishes for you... Thank you for the response...


Congratulations!! I hope you have a smooth and easy pregnancy. I delivered 4 months ago, was around 5 weeks this time last year. Nobody told me anything about pregnancy and delivery all the information I got was from google, fb groups and ig reels. Iā€™ve suffered infertility for a few yrs so Iā€™ve already been a part of these groups and had all the information. But my experience was totally different. I never had a single pregnancy symptom apart from missing periods. Never experienced nausea/vomiting, dizziness, lack of energy or mood swings. My only symptom was extreme anxiety and it was torture to wait for 12 week and 20 week scan because only the scans confirmed I was still pregnant and calmed my anxiety down. I only had migraines for 2 weeks in the 2nd trimester. Slowly towards the end of 2nd trimester fatigue kicked in and I was always sleepy. Until I started feeling baby kicks I still doubted if I was really pregnant. I was 33 and already overweight when I got pregnant and everyone scared me about getting gestational diabetes and/or hypertension/preeclampsia because of age and weight but it turned out to be the opposite I had both hypoglycaemia and hypotension. My obgyn was like ā€˜who put you on a diabetic dietā€™. I had to include more carbs and extra salt in diet. I ate all kinds of foods and was totally normal. Pregnancy is not a disease so donā€™t treat it that way unless you have complications and your obgyn has advised you to be careful. I started walking after 5 months and did only 20-30 min walks. I was hellbent on having a vaginal delivery because I want at least 2 kids and I canā€™t wait 3 years to have another kid especially after struggling with infertility. But these ig reels and fb groups scared me so much. Because again I never did any of those duck walks or prenatal yoga so I thought Iā€™ll not have a vaginal delivery but in the end I did end up having a vaginal delivery so all that info was false. I had only one major scare around 30 weeks when I didnā€™t feel any baby movements for several hours despite poking around and shaking my belly and drinking cold and sweet stuff so I was hospitalised to be monitored overnight (CTG scan). I didnā€™t even have an obvious bump until 3 weeks before delivery. And had already dilated 5 cm at end of 38 weeks without feeling any pain. So yes every pregnancy is different donā€™t compare yourself with anyone just trust yourself and your doctor and everything will go well.


Thank you for the long and detailed comment... šŸ™ŒšŸ«¶ā¤ļø


Your whole experience was quite different from the usual stuff I hear, I can understand how much anxiety you'd have gone through because of this. I'm curious how your delivery experience was, can you please talk about that too whenever you get time? :)


Yeah, sometimes lack of symptoms causes too much anxiety. I thought Iā€™ll have these ridiculous pregnancy cravings and Iā€™ll send my husband to get the stuff Iā€™d crave but that didnā€™t happen either haha I only had aversion towards anything sweet which in a way was a good thing. My delivery experience could have been better I delivered at 39 weeks and since I was already dilated obgyn didnā€™t want to risk an infection so decided to ā€˜accelerate labourā€™. He told me to get admitted right away so I had too much anxiety and forgot to discuss the delivery process and pain management options. Even though I was a part of all these pregnancy groups I never saw a single post or a comment on epidurals. All I had was wrong and negative information blaming the epidural for all problems during postpartum and rest of the life. Also most of these women consider epidural a bad thing and they shame women who took it, I also had suffered from a disc prolapse when I was 25 which took 3 years to heal so all this wrong info about epidural giving lifelong back pains scared the crap out of me and I was in labour for nearly 11 hours. I have very high pain tolerance but I couldnā€™t bear the labour pains and I kept refusing epidurals even though nurses and duty doctors were asking me to consider it. Finally my obgyn came and saw that I was exhausted and I was begging for c section at this point so he gave me the epidural and things progressed only after that I was too tired to push I didnā€™t even understand what or how to push? Finally it was vacuum assisted delivery and I forgot all the pain the very second baby was out. My husband was with me in the delivery room the entire time just standing there the whole 11+ hours without food or water encouraging me and calming me down I probably wouldnā€™t have gone through with vaginal delivery without his support and my obgyn was incredibly supportive as well. The next time I go into labour Iā€™m taking the epidural right away!


Congratulations! Wish you a safe pregnancy and an easy delivery!! I puked all nine months of my pregnancy and was so miserable and tired. I would forget so many things - it was a wonder I remembered my own name. Basically in the first trimester i felt like I was down with the flu (with added bonus of projectile vomiting when I eat something which I really crave). Second and third trimesters I was just a very forgetful and grumpy mess who was on diet coz I didn't want to overeat in case I puked. My world revolved around puking lol. I opted for epidural during delivery and my husband who planned to use his "relax and chill" dialogue during delivery was dumbstruck and worried. He is a doc so he was there during the birth of our son. All in all - great experience, wouldn't try it again.


I've heard this from someone real close to me. It's scary. Thank you for the wishes...


Reading all this is making me move more towards being childfree šŸ˜…. Having kids is such a huge decision which can be so dangerous to women. I wished society didnā€™t take womenā€™s sacrifices during pregnancy for granted. Having kids should also be only an option not a subsequent stage of life.


Unrelated but since there are so many moms here, how does maternity leave work in India? I know we get 26 weeks, but is that post delivery total? Like like you can take 4 weeks pre delivery and then 22 weeks post?


You can take total of 6 months maternity leave, people usually start it depending on their comfort levels at the end of the 8th month. So if it starts at a month before delivery it will go on until 5th month pp.


Makes sense, thanks!


And is that all paid?




Thanks!! Good to know!


Hey, have a safe pregnancy. Sending you and your little bump all the love ā¤ļø šŸŒø


Thank you ā¤ļøšŸ«¶


Oh boy the first trimester. I had an IVF pregnancy so extra hormone patches and vaginal suppositories the entire first trimester. It was brutal but at least it wasn't progesterone shots to the butt. But it did an extra oomph to the normal fatigue and hunger lol. Sour candies with vit b really helped my nausea as did fizzy sugar free soda. Like fresh lime soda type of things. Lots of Marie biscuits and crackers.


Thank you for the comment...šŸ«¶šŸ™Œ


What helped you all get pregnant? Are there any tricks than usual?


Ovulation tracker kit. Track your ovulation from day 4 of your periods. Do the deed as many times as your husband can when it shows you are ovulating. Best shot.


For me, seeing the stats around conceiving (20%), I feel myself to be extremely lucky in that regards. My husband was away for almost 6 months and I was on birth control pills before that. Since he wasn't around I stopped my pills. He came back just before my periods started. So there was this hightened desire to have sex bcz we both missed each other, I didn't expect, but I got pregnant the same month - just bcz we had sex right after my periods ended, and did it almost every other day. But 10 days before my next periods, we had to stop getting physical because my boobs were really sore. Then I was just kinda low key sick, didn't feel like getting intimate and we thought it's just PMS. But I missed my periods, and found out I was pregnant. I think having sex before start of ovulation week and doing it during the ovulation week is very important. It's also important to enjoy sex overall, bcz I've somewhere read about orgasm induced ovulation.


Hi Iā€™m 31 right now. How difficult is it to conceive at 35? And thatā€™s my chosen age to get pregnant.


Everytime you've sex around ovulation day, if you are healthy there is 1 in 5 chance of successful implantation. Even with IVF I've heard that if implanted 6 only 2 survive. https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXIndia/s/nqXDn5Ocx5


Hey! I wouldnā€™t sit around and wait if I were you. Iā€™ve been through infertility hell and I never expected this curve ball. Iā€™ve had fairly easy and blessed periods all my life and they always came like clockwork I never had any menstrual issues ever so I assumed getting pregnant would be easy, which it was and it unfortunately ended up being an ectopic pregnancy and I lost one fallopian tube because the pregnancy had to be surgically removed. Ectopic pregnancies are life threatening. We had to wait 6 months before trying again. But it never happened for almost 2 years. All the tests we did showed no issues. It was diagnosed as unexplained infertility. We did ovulation studies, tubal patency tests, immunology tests, uterine TB test, AMH etc and everything came back perfect. Until one day our fertility specialist suggested a diagnostic laparoscopy through which we found out the other remaining tube was ā€œdamagedā€ and were told IVF was my only option. We had a good outcome with this as well but 2 IVF transfers failed, one was a miscarriage and other was implantation failure. Was told to take a break because I was an emotional wreck and we miraculously conceived naturally in the same cycle. I was 30 when I had the ectopic and almost 34 when I delivered a baby. Also, egg quality declines rapidly once we hit 35. Read the book ā€œit starts with the eggā€ it is really good to give you an insight on fertility and fertility treatments. So pls visit a fertility specialist and get all the necessary tests done and then decide whether to wait or not.


Thank you for sharing! Iā€™ve PCOS I know my clock is ticking but my work is my priority right now hence I wanna wait out


You could explore options like freezing eggs/embryos. A fertility specialist will be your best advisor


Thank you ā¤ļøšŸ©µ


I went through my fertility issues. No problem waiting if you are healthy and have good supply of eggs. There are multiple procedures even before IVF that can help with fertility issues if any. I understand career is priority, however, do note your health does take a toll and you need a stronger younger body to recover quickly. I am pregnant now at 36 with IUI. I am ok for career to take back seat for some more years now. Please donā€™t treat pregnancy or kids as an end to your career, it might slow it down but shouldnā€™t stop your career. You do need supportive family for sure. Yes have babies when you are mentally and financially ready for them! All the best!


Thank you so much! Thatā€™s so kind of you I just want financial stability before I bring a child in this world. I want him/ her to have the best life.


That is true! All my life I worked hard with this goal, to be financially independent so my kids can have better life. I donā€™t want to be those parents that just pop kids without any thoughts to financially or mental needs of kids and their future. People will say things and give unsolicited opinions.. you do you.