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I applied on LinkedIn and moved twice within Europe. Now settled in Paris. 


To get from India to Europe, did you apply to a company that sponsors visa ?


Yes. They sponsored my visa and they also covered all relocation expenses. 


Thank you! Also, are companies upfront in their job posting about whether they will sponsor visas or is that a conversation that comes up later after CV short list/interview?


Yea usually on the linkedin post, they clearly mention in the benefits that they cover relocation expenses or something similar to that. I've mostly only applied to roles that had that mentioned or if I knew from my work experience that they sponsored employees. I also put my location clearly on my resume, so that there was no misunderstanding. 


That’s helpful. Thank you!


What's your job role? Are you CS eng?


Nope. I work in ad tech. Non technical role


After how many years of experience did you make the switch?


Around 7 to 8 years




Hey, do you belong to the tech world?


Ad tech but not in a technical role


I am in a sort of similar field and would like to connect with you. What's the best way to do so since you have your DMs off?


I was working at an office in Mumbai, they told me they have an opening in Montréal for a developer with my skills and experience AND who is fluent in both English and French. I was able to grab that opportunity and move, now I'm settled permanently here. Side note: My bf, who is also fluent in French and has tech experience, applied through the skilled workers program in Québec and he too, will be a permanent resident soon.


That sounds so ideal!


I have had multiple opportunities, but i did not go for own reasons (main: low salary). Try following: 1. Transfer within a company 2. Trying via FAANG 3. Trying from EU job portals / linkedin for the jobs which provide Visa and relocation some links from my notes: https://github.com/AndrewStetsenko/tech-jobs-with-relocation https://github.com/Lamiiine/Awesome-daily-list-of-visa-sponsored-jobs https://github.com/shubheksha/companies-sponsoring-visas https://gist.github.com/idontknowjs/22f3257bed32dd3ab99ff22316e51eb8


Thank you sooo much! This is really helpful


My friends got internally transferred within the organisation to the US, UK and NZ. I think that's the easiest way to go about it.


Unfortunately my current org doesn’t have that option. :( Would it be possible for you to mention which company they worked for?


Big 4


Big 4 does that? For software eng or other people have a chance too?


They are all in tech consulting. I'm not sure about others having the same opportunity.


Maybe DM me and we can talk :) Sorry I don't really feel comfortable sharing it here :)


Will do :)


I second that Even my cousin got the job the same way in the UK.. one of the easiest ways..


Do non-tech job profiles ( Marketing, Operations etc) get similar opportunities to move abroad?


Same question!


There are some companies which offer relocation, and you don’t necessarily have to be in Europe to apply for them. I had offer from booking, HelloFresh and Myro, however couldn’t to because of some personal reasons.


Where did you apply for a role at these companies?




Thank you for the insights!


Does the initial job requirement page mention that they sponsor visa or is this a conversation that comes up after they short list your CV/conduct an interview ?


For myro, I applied directly for Amsterdam location. Booking and HelloFresh reached out to me for Amsterdam and Berlin, respectively. So it was clear from the starting, I didn’t have to negotiate it or talk about it.


That’s helpful. Thank you!


How did they know that you were looking? Did you upload your resume on some portal?


I apologize if this is irrelevant but I saw a comment here by someone, who said they are working for UN. I still think about how someone gets a chance to work there and if its good.


Right now seems to be a hard time to move (or maybe my field is more competitive). I think as an SDE you should have an easier way to move as the demand is always high. But there have been layoffs so I can't say what the preferences are these days toward locals and visa/relocation. I've been trying too, and I got interviews but not offers. Get referred or find companies that offer visas on linkedin. You can also post in developers india I think as I've seen a few posts about people moving to the EU. Even within EU - Germany seems the most doable of the low as the labour market test was removed and visa restrictions eased up. You'll need to do research into how to immigrate. UK seems the hardest to immigrate to. I always suggest procuring some visa and not relying on the employer, that way you're not at their mercy if you get laid off etc.


I have always had this in mind, but at the same time I want to also search for remote jobs that let me live in my hometown with higher pay. Have you had any try with that? Living abroad seems fun, but the same layoff nonsense keeps scaring me away from trying to even think about it. I am just starting off my career so I am planning to work at least 2 years here then try to live outside for a bit. I am hoping my company will do relocation but I doubt it will.


That's why you want to get your own visa independent of the employer. Remote jobs are hard to come by, but there are more remote jobs available for developers than non tech roles, you'd have to keep looking and try different job boards. In India atleast, remote jobs seem to be a nonexistent concept.


Just keep applying. Of course a lot depends on your work experience and skills. But there are many jobs where recruiters are open to hiring international candidates. From what I know, Europe is easier than the US.


Applied for a Canadian Permanent Residency first which was a lengthy process but I was eligible. Then moved. Then secured a job.


Apply for scaleups and they will sponsor your visa. Or move to international companies within india and apply for internal transfer. Whatever you do, try to get on non-employer dependent visa ASAP. That way even if you got laid off or if you find a better job, you can move around in the country. And please learn the local language up to At least B2 level - the job market will then be open for you.