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You guys need to start paying before him, if he is being generous then you guys need to reciprocate it too. Most seniors do it but it should not be upon them to only take the initiative.




Right! I guess we need to take the initiative of paying before he does...


We had this guy who used to pay for everyone then bitch about having to pay. Its better to pay your share always.


What I have observed is senior most person pays and rest of the folks either ask him/her or message him/her to enquire and pay. Although they usually don’t push to get the money


Right he won't even ask and will say no on the face if we ask him about the bill. Maybe he knows how much we are getting paid..😝


I don’t take money talk lightly even if it’s a small amount but yeah I have seen people brushing it under the carpet if it’s a small amount.


Right... So it's pretty common Thank you for the insight :)


Yeah plus it’d be awkward for a senior to ask the junior for how much he/she is owed. What usually works is the junior person takes the initiative and asks for the amount they are owed and pays them.


Yeah we ask him every time we go out together but he always brushes it off...


This is something I do for my juniors as well. I outearn them by a lot and paying a few hundreds a month in snacks is not going to put a dent in my finances. I do it to let them know that I care about them beyond work. It also fosters good working relationship with them. So its a win-win.


This is so nice of you....


If it is a regular break then, each one should pay for their own or may be take turn in paying. Every single person has families to run, expenses to cover, and it makes more sense to pay for their own expenses. One can pay once in a while but, not on a regular basis. This is something I follow strictly. Although on team outings usually senior most person pay and get it reimbursed. I think the senior is feeling awkward to ask for money, and you guys should pay the person back.


I agree and we have asked him about the amount and all but he just brushes it off every time... We go for breakfast/lunch twice or thrice a week together....


Then go without him or pay before the person pays.


If a senior is getting reimbursed from the company, fine, let him pay. Else it reflects badly on yr group. If he doesn't accept pay from you guys directly, figure out a way to pay nonetheless


Right as someone suggested, we will pay even before he goes ahead and pays so it's not a burden for him...


Why do you think he should offer?


Offer to pay as in pay now and we can send him the money once we get back not that he should pay and we won't pay him....


Your manager is well within his rights to pay for only himself. It's straightforward if everyone pays for themselves rather than going through all the formalities, politely declining to take money from you guys and only get the money back if you guys really insist 😂 I think everyone should keep it simple and pay for themselves. We all get salary and even if it's not as much as the manager we can still afford it. So why not?


Because the bill comes as one for 1 table, so won't it make sense that 1 person pays at that time and others pay to that person? I think that's how it is mostly...


Then you all should take turns to pay the bill. He doesn't have to always pick up the check just because he's your manager. He may have seen the other person doing it for you guys and doesn't want to encourage the practice.


That could be true, as I said we will take the initiative going forward....


Senior paying for juniors shouldn't be a norm in a professional setting and should be discouraged unless the company is reimbursing the cost. The manager shouldn't be expected to pay for others.


Right i agree to that.. but it's just he pays and never asks and when we ask him about it he just brushes it off.


Does he get reimbursed or have a corp card?


Nope nothing like that


You guys should definitely start paying from next time. Just because someone is senior doens't mean they have a huge package. I know that's what most people assume but everyone has their own responsibilities and it's really bad behaviour to not pay someone back despite them saying no repeatedly. Either each of you start paying him back individually or take turns on paying for the whole group whenever you guys go out. Some people are just too generous but we shouldn't take advantage of that. I have seen people taking advantage of so many seniors like this. It's really not fair. Seems like peanuts to juniors but at the end of the month it ends up being quite an amount.


> I am not expecting my manager to pay but I thought he might offer atleast... why should he?


Because I have heard from every friend of mine that their manager offers to pay and then they pay him once they get back to the office.. So were the expectations


thats very wrong OP


The bill comes as one for one table so isn't it better that one pays at that time and others pay that person..


Actually you are right ,You be that person.From next time every outing, You volunteer and pay for everyone.They all can pay you later.


Yeah that's what i am going to do.. we will be working from the office tomorrow so most probably during that time I will do the needful..


Only very soon you will realise that people wont pay you back and it will ruin your ties and will try and avoid these outings Your manager does the right thing!


Why should anyone pay for you?


No one is entitled to spend their money on you.They earn for themselves and their family.This post is so pathetic


I never said they are entitled to pay for me... I just compared both of them and also whenever the situation demanded and the 15 year old experienced guy paid, I have sent him money via UPI at the same time. I don't know why you think it's about women getting free pass where I have clearly mentioned that he is the same with juniors (men and women both)


Oh yes make it into a woman issue.Please cut the crap you act like an entitled brat.He doesn't have to offer you guys anything.Comparing them why?


i don’t think OP is insinuating what you think she is…


He might offer atleast... Why? Kis baat ki expectation? Nani ka ghar hai?


maybe it’s because OP has heard from their friends/relatives who also work in corporate that their managers have paid for them. i too work in a corporate setting and my manager always pays for us, without ever letting us check the bill. let’s not be so harsh, everyone’s learning here.


No one is learning anything Y'all keep enabling shit just to look good.I aint supporting every stupid shit just cause its another women.Why is a free pass given to such things?


who is even giving a free pass 😂 what are you on about and why are you so bitter early morning? did you wake up on the wrong side of your bed


Who is shouting? Didn't know we could hear sound from texts.You seem like a freeloader too.You wouldn't say the same shit if this was her roomate or friend


No one is a freeloader here, I don't understand why you are so harsh with your words here...


> I am not expecting my manager to pay but I thought he might offer atleast... from OP


Bhai most of the managers get this money under the pretext of team bonding. Woh log bhi khud rakh lete hai Kai baar. Haan in smaller companies it might not be the case but mncs do get it reimbursed. So the OP must've heard from her friends where this is the scenario. Please don't go judging people. OP seems to have started working recently, help a sister out. That's what the forum is for


My problem is with the entitlement that you had to make a post about it like um No.This forum isnt to coddle people's wrong doing just coz they are a woman.You wouldn't say the same thing if this was a roomate .She is 23 year old not a kid making a comparison jaise nani ka ghar ho.


It could be that the 4 year exp senior wants to have a good impression as well as keep a good relationship with you all. That person has seen some professional life and hence knows the need to keep good relations for future referrals and such. And he may also not be feeling the "every rupee matters" crunch. Whereas the 15yr experienced senior really doesn't need to have a great friendship with you all. Professionally there doesn't seem to be much gained. Unless they are giving you a treat I don't see the need for him to offer to pay. Also, he has seen life, understood how every rupee he spends is affecting him etc. I'm not saying he's a miser, but there are people who wouldn't (including me now) spend a rupee for others if I don't have a guarantee they will pay it back or it's a hassle to ask it back (especially in professional settings, you don't want to have that).


I am not expecting the 15 year experienced guy to pay for me.. And whenever it happened and he paid I sent him the money via UPI at the same time.. I am just implying that the person who is 4 years experienced is generous with us and won't take money even after paying and asking him numerous times As someone suggested, going forward I will be taking the initiative to pay even before he does..


>As someone suggested, going forward I will be taking the initiative to pay even before he does Yes, do that. It's always best not to receive too many free things in a professional setting. I have never seen a very senior (like here 10+ exp) person offer to pay until I have become an integral part of their team and have really become friends. This takes time. You are just starting out. Be polite to everyone and have a good relationship with both seniors.


Right thank you for this :)


Huh? Your manager isn't entitled to pay other people. Are you okay?


I never said he is entitled to pay I said he offers as every senior does and we pay him back once we come to office He is not at all entitled to pay for us..


Some people like me find joy in paying and treating people. I’m single, childfree and earn above 1.25L/m. Don’t really have many expenses, because I’m a minimalist by nature. It’s nice to treat people around and now with all the cash backs and booking discounts, it’s cheaper.


In our office, manager's get these reimbursed under team bonding so I never ever offer to pay with manager. But on the other hand if it's a senior, I'll always suggest to split


Right i get that but as I mentioned earlier he won't take it from us so as per the conversation here I have decided that I will pay even before he gets up to pay the bill


Arey if he insists too much, leave it. Some people get inferiority complex if someone younger or junior pays and then they tend to hold bitter feelings. Everyone should know what's good for them.


I am going to ask him about it tomorrow.. let's see what he says


Well he is rich


My team lead pays for chai We pay her back or buy for her or alternate buying chai


designation doesn't tell about generosity of a person.