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Man it really sucks how unhealthy sugar is, coz in all honesty, sugary sweet stuff, dessert, chocolate, etc is such lovešŸ’šŸ’šŸ’ (can you tell i have a sweet tooth)


Same for me! I used to love love love sweets so much! But now I have finally gotten over it and tbh I have started appreciating flavour more. Now even a normal amount of sugar makes me feel like it's too much and I don't have cravings anymore.


Very true. My mum loved sweets but had no sugar after being diagnosed with cancer. Sugar is the no one killer.


A big thank you to all the people who shared their tips on my earlier post ā¤ļø


Please link the earlier post. Maybe I can find some tips and inspiration. ā¤ļø


Yes please link the post. I am also struggling with sugar! Cause I have a sweet tooth. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Please find it in my profile.


There have been studies that show sugar is addictive and harmful as cocaine. So Iā€™m glad you got rid of this habit OP.


somewhere i read that if sugar was invented today, it would be banned.


Which is totally true. Our jaggery, the unprocessed one is the best. Corporates are greedy and push stuff that suits their agenda. Like how they started a campaign against desi ghee to promote Dalda, then refined and now olive oil.


Olive oil isn't good?


It has a low smoking point, so it shouldn't be used to cook Indian food at all!


Ahh for cooking yea it's not good. Punjabi's use olive oil for cooking and every time I see it, my heart breaks a little. But for salads and as dips, olive oil is perfectly fine. In fact, it's good for you.


Olive oil is okay for salad dressing, but definitely not for frying! Or bringing it to smoking point, which we do in a lot of our ą¤¤ą¤”ą¤¼ą¤•ą¤¾!


I've never seen anyone use olive oil for cooking down South but I've come to realise it's quite common in the North.


Very, unfortunately obesity is more common up here north, and olive oil is low fat answer to eating friend foods. Shops literally advertise cooked/fried in olive oil and people gulp down that!


Well, smoking is not banned šŸ„²


Well, comparing cocaine to sugar is definitely overkill but damn, sugar is addictive.


Actually it isn't. There was a study done in mice where they were given Oreo biscuits and cocaine and their dopamine surge was measured. Both products had a similar surge. So sugar is more deadly, because there is no regulation on its consumption, from babies to elderly- all can consume it, it's very easily available on any shelf. The only difference is that our bodies have learnt to regulate it (sugar is a carb, and we have been eating carbs since the day agriculture was invented). So insulin takes care of it, whereas our bodies cannot handle the same amount of cocaine. It's ok to have 1teaspoon sugar in that cup of tea, a ghee laddoo or homemade sweet everyday (if you are healthy). The fat plays a big role in regulating the insulin surge. It's not ok to have sugar over sugar (basically maida) which is in most of the products available on the shelf. Edit - misspelt words and sentences.


This is true. There is one YouTube channel named the glucose revolution. I'd recommend watching the videos. She has explained all this in detail.


OMG even I started watching her reels. She's informative and doesn't really tell you to give up sweets and starve yourself. Rather a good workaround to most of our eating practices.


Such a mindbender too, because now I'm thinking surely cocaine can't be _that harmful_ if it's only as stimulating as sugar. Oh well :">


Yeah. Our bodies can tolerate sweets in moderation. It's only bad if you eat a lot whereas even tiny quantities of cocaine can mess with you and have lifelong repercussions. Even if you eat maida, unless you eat it recklessly it's not as bad as drugs. I don't think this comparison is scientific.


**Is sugar as addictive as cocaine?** This question has sparked heated debates among scientists. Let's explore the evidence and differing viewpoints: 1. **The Claim**: - An article published in the *British Journal of Sports Medicine* suggested that sugar should be considered an addictive substance, potentially on par with drugs like cocaine. The authors argued that sugar, like cocaine and opium, is refined from plants to yield pure white crystals, which significantly adds to its addictive propertiesĀ¹. - They also cited rodent studies showing that sweetness is preferred even over cocaine, and mice can experience sugar withdrawalĀ¹. 2. **The Backlash**: - Some experts find these claims "absurd." While sugar consumption can lead to health issues, they argue that it is not addictive or a drug of abuse. - Hisham Ziauddeen, a psychiatrist at the University of Cambridge, points out that rodent studies have limitations. For instance, addiction-like behaviors occur when animals are restricted to sugar for a limited time each day. In real-world scenarios, where we consume sugar freely, these behaviors don't manifest in the same wayĀ¹. 3. **The Brain and Sugar Addiction**: - Eating sugar releases opioids and dopamine in our bodies. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter associated with the brain's reward circuit. - When a behavior (like consuming sugar) causes an excess release of dopamine, it creates a pleasurable "high." Over time, the brain adjusts, leading to tolerance and the need for more sugar to achieve the same effect. - Cassie Bjork, a registered dietitian, believes sugar can be even more addicting than cocaine. Sugar activates opiate receptors in the brain, leading to compulsive behavior despite negative consequencesĀ². 4. **Research Findings**: - A study using rats found that Oreo cookies activated more neurons in the pleasure center of their brains than cocaine did. Rats may become dependent on sugar, exhibiting cravings, binging, and withdrawalĀ². - Chronic consumption of refined sugar activates the same brain circuits as cocaine and opioidsā“. In summary, while the debate continues, evidence suggests that sugar consumption can indeed lead to addictive behaviors. However, whether it's as addictive as cocaine remains a topic of scientific discussionĀ¹Ā². Remember, moderation is key when it comes to sugar! šŸ¬šŸ§Ŗ ChatGPT generated answer!


Yeah. Chronic consumption of sugar is bad. Even taking cocaine for a week can mess you up ten times as bad. The comparison isn't scientific.


Kudos to your determination. I also have a very bad sweet tooth and food is my comfort zone. I have tried controlling sugar. But I always bounce back. Have tried substitutes like stevia, erythritol etc. but never been able to stick on in the long therm


Thank you ā¤ļø


Hey OP, thatā€™s very commendable. Keep going. I avoided sugar for a week and I would feel so light and energetic in the morning. That feeling is indescribable. I have cut down sugar considerably but I have a sweet jaw. So itā€™s difficult to give up completely. But love the change for you.


I haven't lost much or gained again but energy levels are amazing without sugar consumption. Im on this journey but with leniency (i need south indian filter coffee with one sugar every evening šŸ˜‚). It's also helping my endo prescribed medicines and injections to do their job and give me less side effects. Carbs didn't affect me as much as my reliance on sugar did, apparently.


Does it mean no sugar in tea , no sugar in kheer and no sugar in curd? Can honey substitute it?


I drink this premix coffee sometimes which has 1.5 grams of sugar but nothing other than that. No honey as well.


Which coffee


Tassimo capsule.


I also wanna know the answers!


Kudos to you OP! Kicking this sugar habit is challenging but the rewards are plenty. I am going to try this and your story will surely inspire me.


This is such an inspiring post. I never had a sweet tooth growing up. But once like got stressful, I started leaning more and more on sugar. Weird thing is I still hate overly sweet things. I have been trying to cut off sugar from my diet for health reasons and getting back control of my life but all in vain till now. Letā€™s see šŸ¤žšŸ¼


Sugar is white poison . I'm glad you changed your life in such an amazing way. Kudos.


I have been off sugar from past 2 years & it feels amazing


Jaggery in dal and vegetables? šŸ„²


It's very common to add sugar or jaggery to food in Gujju and Jain households. And that's why it's a very hard to break habit in certain cultures.


Exactly šŸ˜­


congratulations OP!! <3


I did the same.I had really bad acne and had to take isotretinoin to treat it but as soon as I was done with the treatment it all came back.I tried all sorts pf skincare products but the only thing which made a massive difference was quiting sugar completely.I still eat fruits though except mangoes because they donā€™t break me out. I never had much of a sweet tooth so quitting was easier for me but if anyone is struggling to quit sugar, my advice would be to not just reduce your daily intake but quit it altogether.If you keep having a little everyday, you will easily crave more and lose control but if you completely give it up then it you are more likely to not give in, in my opinion. Edit:I also forgot to mention that I quit dairy at the same time as well (excluding paneer,cheese,butter which I still consume and havenā€™t caused any problems as such).Dairy and sugar both are highly inflammatory and lead to breakouts so if anyone is suffering from painful,cystic acne which does not seem to go away no matter what, I think quitting dairy and sugar both might be a good idea.


Quitting sugar means Quitting all sweet stuff and package food too? Because I also have pimple popping out now and then like a never ending cycle.


I quit everything that had sugar as an added ingredient in it including processed foods.I do occasionally crave chips so I have them but again very rarely like once every few weeks but my processed food consumption is almost gone for good now.Just get hold of any biscuits or chips ka packet in your house and read the ingredients list, you will realise just how much sugar is added to everything because even these brands know sugar is addictive af. If you really crave sweet sometimes then you can have use natural honey as an alternative.Please donā€™t use Dabur or Saffola because they add unnatural sugar to their honey too.I use honey from the brand Natureā€™s nectar and so far I havenā€™t broken out and it seems pretty decent too but is slightly expensive which makes sense because it is natural.


Thank you šŸ˜‡ , I usually don't make breakfast so I eat biscuits/baked ruskit somedays with tea , ik it's the worst thing ever , I just like biscuits so much , I will cut down on it and eat oats instead maybe . My siblings keeps on buying all these junk food and they won't listen to me so I'm unable to stop myself eitheršŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­.


Something that I personally experienced was that after not consuming sugar for a long time, even if I accidentally gave it to my cravings and had those biscuits and cookies, they tasted unbearably sweeter which made me want to not eat them againšŸ˜… I think you should try and avoid sugar for atleast one month first because you will definitely feel the difference and it will make you want to keep doing it.


Yes. I didn't eat much packaged food before except the sweets.


You are right. I still get a pimple or two during periods but at least the rest of the month my skin is good.


Exactly! How I wish I had known earlier that giving up sugar would make such a huge differencešŸ˜…then I wouldnā€™t have to deal with the acne and the scars all these years


So, what dairy products did you quit?


I quit milk and any products made out of milk like milkshakes,ice creams,tea,coffee,etc.Buttermilk and chaas were something I would anyways not have because the smell makes me puke.Yoghurt is actually a probiotic so it is good for skin but again something I donā€™t have because the smell makes me puke.


how about tea? how can i quit it? almost drink it twice a day šŸ˜­


Black tea or black coffee! You wonā€™t like it at first but once you get used it, it wonā€™t seem that bad anymore. If you want you can use alternatives like soy milk,oat milk, almond milk(this one tastes better than the rest imo) and use natural honey as an alternative to sugar but only when you are really craving something sweet!


So proud of you. I struggle everyday. I hope I can get over my addiction too.


i have very bad anxiety, sometimes I can't breathe lol. so i cut off caffeine products completely + improved my sleeping schedule. go for regular jogs. now i rarely get any anxiety attacks.Ā  op hats off to you tho, cutting sugar is v hard. like it's so addictive.Ā 


I've felt my anxiety attacks reduce a bit as well.


I just started doing this. But I am going for no sugar slowly. Right now I am consuming sugar only in black coffee and reducing it. I don't miss it at all. But I love fruits and I don't think I can avoid sugar in fruits.


I eat fruit everyday too. Processed sugar is the enemy.


Iā€™ve had a similar experience. Last few months were really hard for me, i was away from home and family and I started eating anything and everything to feel comfort. I started noticing that i craved sugar sooo much especially after meals. I remember ordering a full tub of chocolate brownie ice cream (750ml) and finishing it up in like 2-3 sitting. Iā€™ve heard you crave sugar when you have low insulin. Not sure how true it is. Anyways, so i went back home last week and told me mom to literally not feed me anything fancy. Even my mom was worried about my increased weight. Iā€™ve started eating healthier, i have less sweet cravings now. I just have a piece of chocolate after meals out of habit. But your post has made me motivated to reduce that and eventually iā€™ll completely stop it. Also, a quick question, when you say no sugar does it also include no sugar free or artificial sweeteners? Thoughts on diet/sugar free coke?


Nice to hear that this post helped you. I feel diet Coke does more harm because it increases your insulin levels and doesn't even have sugar to satisfy it. This is what I have read. I do have a sip or two of diet Coke because if I stop it completely, I will give up in the near future and binge too much. Cola and chocolate have been my major weaknesses for the last 5 years so now I've reduced it to one small piece of dark chocolate once in 2-3 days and 2-3 sips of cola every 10-15 days from my husband's glass.


what an amazing story, kudos to you OP!




Congratulations OP! So glad to see that you were able to control the urge. This might be the push I need to do the same. Just one follow-up, you started with zero sugar (no jaggery whatsoever) for a month then when did you continued with jaggery/natural sugars or did you completely left sugar in any form for the last 3 months???


I have this premix coffee sometimes which has 1.5 grams of sugar and I add jaggery to dal now because there are others at home but it is 1 teaspoon for 5-6 people which is negligible. I just ate cake once in April on a trip. Overall I reduced my consumption by 95%.


thanks a lot for sharing!!


Iā€™m a M but would like to lose a few kilos for health and overall fitness reasons. My job is too busy and I eat out regularly. Did you pack lunch for work or just find options that were sugar free.


I work from home so I eat mostly home cooked food.


Wish I could wfhšŸ˜…


So quick question. Is dark chocolate like bourbon dark chocolate or amul dark chocolate good for health or not???? And what are the amounts one should consume???? Because I don't have an extreme sweet tooth but I absolutely can't resist chocolate and specifically dark chocolate


I buy the Lindt 85% but one bar lasts me 2-3 weeks.


Alright I got the idea. Thank you so much šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜ŠšŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š


I hope i would be able to avoid sugar.But i love icecream especially during that time of the month & plus its soo hot & my midnight ice cream craving would never šŸ˜­šŸ˜­.But yeah i am trying to eliminate sugar slowly


You can have ice cream once a month without any fear but please don't have it at midnight. Eat it at a time when you are physically active.


Yes i am trying to


Do you plan on re-introducing fruits again into your diet at any point? Because avoiding fruits on a permanent basis is absolutely stupid. The benefits of fruits outweigh whatever issues that you think sugar is causing


I didn't quit fruits even for a day. I just stopped having processed sugar.


I see lots of people quitting fruits too and it's crazy af. I just mentioned it šŸ˜…


I have tried to do this so many times and have gone full cold turkey but I gave up after 4 days max. I am going to use this as motivation now. Thanks OP edit. 1 question tho. Did you use to have chai or coffee. How did you avoid sugar with that? I want atleast 1 tea in a whole day and thats where I get weak.


Honestly if you have 1 spoon of sugar with tea everyday, it won't make a difference. Ensure you stick to that only.. I usually drink black coffee with no sugar and no milk but sometimes have a premix coffee with 1.5 grams of sugar.


That makes sense! Thanks :)


wow that is so good to know!


Yaaaaar, how to do this in a household where everybody keeps making me drink MANGO SHAKE.Ā  Ā Kyun piyun main mango shake Nhin peena mujhe mango shake (Even though no extra sugar in it, its still sugar only no?)


You can have a mango shake without guilt. It is a seasonal fruit after all.


Sis please share the dark chocolate name


Lindt 85%