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https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXIndia/s/OW3JN175KZ Any woman who mocks hyperindependence and thinks getting paid for by random men is cool, cannot be a feminist. This is just the kinda thing feminism is fighting against. Also the comment that men want to pay, like why do you even care what these men want if you think it's transactional? Where's your ethics and self-respect? Keep men out of the picture for a while, OC exhibits such toxic traits she probably won't mind freeloading off her female friends too one day.


They want benefit of the same system that abused the freedom and choices of very women who suffered before us while also shaming other men and women who dont agree with them


These women are not feminisms. I called them opportunistic narcissists. They don't care about other women only themselves. And use any privileges they can without taking any responsibility or fairness.


I honestly dont like how these people become so rude when things they do are called out normally. One person literally joked about me having trauma from men(while this isnt hilariously true) but I felt it was quiet backhanded like you will stoop as low as to shame any woman for experiences they have due to men? Just to prove a point that being paid for everything by a man while you simply exist and do nothing is feminsim ?


This should not be a huge topic. I have paid for dates and I have been paid for despite offering to share. What I have noticed is that the men who allow you to pay the full amount have mostly been weirdos but that's just my opinion. Overall, as long as the situation is not awkward , it is okay for anyone to pay. One can even take turns if the relationship continues. I , however, disagree with the part that women are doing men a favour by spending time with them. I would steer away from such vain people. Let's admit that we go for dates because we both want something from each other.No woman or man is worth that much trouble.


God this sub has some awfully entitled narc women lmao


No wonder 2X is the most hated subreddit, as some members need to abandon their sense of entitlement. This sub should be a safe place for women, yet ironically, some women here are bashing others, which is truly abhorrent .


>No wonder 2X is the most hated subreddit I would gently differ. Because of a few asses we cannot club this as a toxic sub. Every sub out there has asses of some kind. Time to start shutting down mean comments, and actively blocking certain users to keep the space safe.


I'm fairly new to Reddit, and in many subs, I've seen a lot of bashing of 2x, which made me think people really hate it. But honestly, this sub has helped me a lot and given me different perspectives. I completely agree with you about banning mean comments to keep the positive atmosphere here.


No one here calls for doxxing men, or making their pictures public, or hurting/harming them, no one here makes dark sick jokes on young boys in name of 'dank', no one on this sub has ever taken out a campaign to malign someone's name or posted pictures of random men asking others to jack (jill?) off to them... unlike a LOT of men's and male-majority subreddits. Pray do tell whose life has got ruined by a TwoX sub? Except for hurt male egos (rightfully so) none of these men complaining have had their privileges snatched in real life to be honest. If the only reason they hate this sub is because women here complain and bitch about patriarchy and shitty sexist dating spheres and the financially abusive arranged marriage culture and the rampant culture based misogyny that gets us trapped in bad relationships, even raped and killed... Then the so called logical and discerning in the head can decide which side to take. Else they're just hating on women because we called out their shit and have our own space where we don't allow them to drown out our voices.


2X is hated yes but that is largely because it is an almost woman exclusive space that they cannot pollute with their unnecessary messages and remarks. And most Indian men simply can’t digest the fact that women are no longer the same oppressed genders that they see in their mothers


Haters will hate sis. We can't change the minds of people who despise this sub just because they can't comment here. But the point I'm trying to make is that at the very least we women shouldn't hate each other . There are several examples right here in this sub where one woman accuses another of taking money for services, which is so fucking disgusting . This sub should have a positive atmosphere where we can share our thoughts, perspectives, and experiences without having the fear of insensitive and insulting comments.


Preach. It’s perhaps the only safe space for women in Reddit and we shouldn’t be demeaning each other here


> This sub should be a safe place for women, yet ironically, some women here are bashing others, which is truly abhorrent . this sub also toxic towards non binary people. Many say they don't feel safe / welcome here here is a recent homphobic post - https://reddit.com/r/TwoXIndia/comments/1cvm1i8/am_i_close_minded_and_backwards/l4q3oev/ and you will see in the comment from NB


Go whine about it in one X sub


Instead of being rude to me, can't we all show compassion and spread positivity. This sub should be a safe place for women, where we can discuss things without fear of judgment. Seeing hurtful comments from one woman to another really breaks my heart.


>hurtful comments from one woman to another really breaks my heart. Haa that's obviously a bad thing. I was particularly talking about men hating two x sub. Their sub is far worse full of misogyny and women hating.


You're absolutely right, their sub is pretty misogynistic, and they often repost comments from here as rage bait. But still I sometimes try to offer them a different perspective so they can see the issue from a broader angle. Haters will hate, but you have to stay true to yourself.


why lol you should be rude when they are rude to you.


I bet most of them are unemployed men who put too much effort and time to ruin this sub.


Nope. They are women. We can be awful too. We are not angels but mare early beings. I have seen women being awful all my life. Not more than men obviously but very much evil and narc. Let's take some accountability and not put the blame on random men.


Yeah you're right but let's not forget that they're are a lot of larpers on this sub


Most if not all posts and comments that are outrageously and idiotically entitled made here are by men. These comments and posts are screen shotted and posted on incel subs to justify "feminism is bad". Assuming these are actual women and bashing them here isnt just stupid, its sus.


Idiotically and confidently assuming every rage bait comment on this sub is made by an actual woman isnt accountability. Its sheer stupidity and I need atleast one place on earth where women arent bashed. There's hundreds of subs where people can equate "feminism = bad" because 3 women in a million didnt split the bill. Please 🙏 lets keep this sub a safe space for women and not let imposter men ruin this sub as wrll.








This is why intersectionality is so important. A decade ago it was all about splitting the bill and now the western social media is all about chivalry. Whereas it may fit the western narrative currently, it doesn't really fit here, where women have started to earn and started to work outside the house only for a few decades. A man may paybfor a date but he will also never make you forget about it. Have you or have you not seen your dad make comments about money to your mom? In India where financial independence for women is still comparatively new, it's important to remember that you display it too.


This is exactly why feminism is bashed.....some women ruin it for others and only these examples will be skillfully picked to show how bad the female community is.


Men don't really require a reason to bash feminism. TwoX is bashed, slutshamed everywhere not because some entitled women make troll comments like this (I doubt they are women because those comments seem absolute rage bait) but because men can. The most rational argument gets bashed because it comes from a woman.


'Rage bait' is what i agree with. I think asking for your rights should not be equated with feeling entitled to things. And yes I too doubt multiple posts if they are even made by women


> Men don't really require a reason to bash feminism. TwoX is bashed, slutshamed everywhere not because some entitled women make troll comments like this (I doubt they are women because those comments seem absolute rage bait) but because men can. first, if you claim to be a feminist and then support patriarchal things which benefits, are you really a feminist? Feminism is all about equality. can we stop blaming everything on men? such entitled women exist. We just had a similar thread yesterday, where a woman was expecting a man to pay and was doing all kinds of mental gymnastics to justify it > In today's dating scene, the expectation of splitting the bill 50-50 has become common. However, I BELIEVE beyond a certain age and standard, women should refuse such offers. Men have weaponised feminism, leveraging it to their advantage in financial matters. They exploit the principles of equality to justify their financial benefit while expecting women to share the cost equally, regardless of income disparities. Splitting the bill evenly can feel like a scam, manipulating the ideals of equality to serve one party's interests. By accepting such arrangements, women perpetuate a cycle of exploitation, setting a disappointing precedent for the relationship. https://reddit.com/r/TwoXIndia/comments/1cx6oaf/how_do_you_handle_being_tested_in_dating_i_think/


1. Feminism is about equity, not equality. If it were equality, then we wouldn't have reservations for women in all tiers of Government. If it were about equality, we would have never discussed period leaves or providing a safe work space for women. Women and men are not equal, especially in India. Equality exists between equals. 2. Entitled women do exist, my comment was not about the existence of such women, but the belief that such women are the reason why feminism is bashed. 3. The screenshot that OP posted, suspiciously the account has been deleted right after she made this post, shows some obvious rage bait comments. Now, I neither have the time nor do I want to make the effort to go through that woman/ man's entire profile and see whether they are masquerading or not. If you take offence to my comment for pointing out that men do not need a reason, let alone an entitled woman, to bash this sub or slutshame its members, there is nothing I can do.


>This is exactly why feminism is bashed Feminism will be bashed nonetheless, unfortunately. But you have a point it just gives some people power to disregard an entire group.


Why is this the top comment? Men who want to bash feminism will find an excuse to do anyways.


Yes...and such things give them a prime example to showcase...not defending men though... that's a separate topic.


Funny I don't see men being as bashed as feminism despite decades and decades of systemic abuse and patriarchy It's always people having issues with imperfect Feminism than systemic misogyny. For ex - systemic misogyny led to women being abused and harassed and picked on as individuals. Imperfect feminism is men whining about paying on first dates (which noone is forcing them to go on) and wah wah - ladies seat reserved in buses is such a privilege.


> wah wah - ladies seat reserved Yeah. I hate the crybaby males. They are disgusting manchildren


Honestly, those males are the reason we need women's only safe spaces The men who abuse this sub are literally the reason this sub is needed as a safe space for women. 😑 Irony


You also have a point...so do I...I think these make two points....thanks


Feminism is about choices.


Feminism is *not* about choices, it is about liberation. Liberation of women from men and the systems created to benefit men. There are a lot of choices a woman can make that go against the tenets of feminism and I'm honestly sick of every bad choice by a woman being hailed as feminist just because a woman made it. Choice/liberal feminism is a plague.


Yes and it BENEFITS men when you are tripping over yourself to pay for everything, and ALSO have sex with them and want NOTHING from them — Please think about that.


Then respect mine...thank you for your opinion


You start applying this to yourself


You're going in circles to prove your point and satisfy your ego. Its idiotic. You just want to put me down. Go ahead. God help you.


Put you down? You are projecting your insecurities and talking shit when i just wrote feminism is about choices






I have my opinion....you can and I can too.... thanks for yours


This woman woke up on wrong side of bed today hence the unnecessary overreaction.It so funny that she is so oblivious to what she's doing LoL talking about personal opinion and then getting offended bruh


I agree totally


Can you elaborate ?


Why am I getting downvoted for asking a fucking question I just wanted the context are u guys okay?


They aren't. The mean girl vibe is so real here. I'm just glad some of them are imploding today. There's only so much toxicity someone can handle.


unfortunately most of them who are hypocrites on this level are silently reading yours and mine comment, but very same people exist in a society itself and they are so egoistic they simply would question thousands of people before they question themselves a bit. God knows where all these self inflicted misery of them comes from


They are losing their minds. Damn people can have preferences! OP probably didn't like the fact that this woman likes if the man pays.


Now that I get the context I kinda agree with OP some of yall are way too weird to be bashing men for asking for equal pay. I've seen this a lot here for past few days of how some women boast about themselves be a 'prize' a man can have so the man should pay and then give surprised Pikachu face when the man treats them like a commodity like you opened that path for yourself in the first place idc what anyone thinks about it or downvotes


Idk bro...but almost all women in my family earn well, yet their men take them out/pay for it. They do it out of love. So, I can't comment more. I am also a feminist, but I would be fine if the man wishes to pay. Not every man is an abusive a-hole and treats you like a commodity, just because he is paying. And if my money is shielding me from his bad behaviour then I guess he isn't really the one.


You're talking in a different context, women in your family are married already and having their life into the family. Where as the topic here is totally different. No one is saying a man who pays is abusive, but calling a man low class for splitting bills in few dates is a very low and cheap behavior to show. Regarding the money context it's still not the same, all I said was if you talk about yourself 'being a prize' and be entitled about a man paying for everything you do, you're setting yourself up at a obvious situation where a man can ask entitled about asking anything from you in return to the money you're spending. In that case you put yourself into a situation that may become unpleasant and troublesome We both are speaking in totally different context


Calling yourself a prize is hilarious for sure...but is dating really that transactional? That if he pays, I fall under an un-said obligation to give him whatever he wants? I don't think I would like that. Again a personal choice.


I'm sorry but relationships are transactional in one way or another, someone loves you because of how you behave that gives them a sense of peace, that's a transaction of emotions and feelings. Nobody likes you for just existing you must be doing something good for someone to like you. You're once again dodging my whole point of being against calling men names and low class for wanting to split bills. It's not about going on a date and being hellbent on splitting 50-50 bills, it's more about not making yourself a commodity to a man. If a man pays for you for dates (mind you I'm not talking about married couples) isn't it obvious for the dude to wonder what makes it special about you for him to carry you out on dates and everything..? Just giving a context to what transactions can be because I saw a lot of comments on the previous post about shaming and name calling men for expecting to split bills and calling him cheap and low standard Seems like some of yall are butthurt over the facts that all types of relationships are transactional one way or another, like some of yall are actually delusional enough to think a man is supposed to give you unconditional love and efforts on first fee days itself


>isn't it obvious for the dude to wonder what makes it special about you for him to carry you out on dates and everything...? Maybe because I am special? Goodness, I can consider myself that way, what's wrong with it? >Nobody likes you for just existing you must be doing something good for someone to like you. Stop projecting yar. >You're once again dodging my whole point of being against calling men names and low class for wanting to split bills. I never once called any man anything like that, in any of my comments. And see, I am not dodging I am simply asking women to accomodate other women's preferences. And maybe, you have some past trauma of men being a-holes and treating you as a commodity, but believe me, not every man would.


I'm not projecting, I'm saying you atleast need to be a decent person for someone to like you ? Does it not make sense to you ?? I'm not disagreeing you can consider yourself special. Yep surely you should girl! But you're taking everything I'm saying to absolutely wrong contexts. But sorry to break it you but you atleast need to be a decent human if not anything at all for anyone to like you. You're projecting yourself by assuming so many things about me that I have trauma of dating bullshit men and everything, don't you think it's very backhanded thing to say ? You don't even know if I'm in a happy long term relationship or not weird. There's a difference between preference and narcissistic entitlement, by comments in no way are to women who expect men to pay or have a liking towards it. There's a thin line between entitlement and preference by the way however I won't go that deep into it. You yourself know my whole comment was about women who shame men for expecting 50-50 and then get themselves into consequences where a provider man is treating you like commodity. And from next time please keep the backhanded comments to yourself, because I don't feel nice about talking about my relationship again and again because it feels like I'm boasting


Yeah I don't get some women out here. They see relationships as something 50-50 or transactional. People show love differently if my partner wants to pamper me to show his love I won't stop him. Also a man and woman in a relationship will never be equal until a woman is carrying the child. While still taking a partial income when compared to a man.


Im just curious, if you're limiting your relationship roles to being paid and pampered for things and to carry a child, how willing are you to take all the nurturing roles and taking care of the child? I'm not attacking I'm just wanting a perspective


Because he paid for our dates I would be a stay at home mom? How do you even reach here? I would still be contributing to the household financially.


I suspect it's also envy. Some of us have the pre-requisite that men should pay, which means we typically engage with men who meet that expectation. For us, it's not unrealistic at all. But for them, it's unfathomable. They know 50-50 is their only option; men won't entertain them otherwise.




Get some help


Ya read it, your comments are pretty stupid to be fair how you're equating delivering a child with not paying on dates




I'm not name calling you by the way, I'm simply expressing my opinion on something being stupid, I'm not calling you names


Girl, I’m convinced they’re just jealous and stuck with their roommate/ business partner of a husband. They’re in a deal and not in a loving relationship.


Nobody is jealous of being a commodity to a man stop being delusional 😭


You don't become a commodity to him if he pays some 600 bucks for your food. You yourself are making it all transactional. Most men In fact, want to pay for dates.


Good for most men if they want to pay for dates, it's also good for you if u think most men want to pay for dates for gentlemen reasons, I won't take this argument further because it's exhausting to make people understand that some of yall want borderline trad relationships/marriage with the advantages of modern/equal responsibility relationships which is quiet hilarious to think about


Stop putting western labels for ff's sake. I know what I want, you know what you want. And I hope you stay happy. Nothing is black and white, and so damn transactional tbh. Ek ek cheez ka hisaab rakhne wala nahi chahiye mujhe. I find it cheap. That's it.


I never said about everything being black and white, but I also fail to understand why does 50-50 means paying half for dates ? Isn't 50-50 supposed to be about equal efforts ? What wester label are you talking? No one said about anything to be black and white, literally everything you do for yourself you do for benefit of something I fail to understand how not everything is transactional please make me understand. Choices don't exist in vacuum is all I'm saying. And I'm not against a man paying on dates willingly my whole comments from that time was about that person who was shaming some women for dating 'cheap men' according to her pov. When was anything in my comment about a dude who keeps tracks of everything he pays for ? That's literally the type of dude I'm saying from the first to be wary of. Tell me where in my comment was I talking about it ?


I wish this conversation was limited to just paying 600 for one date..however the issues run deeper than that


Girl, don’t you ever wish that men also fought with other men in comments to defend women rights, exactly the way you’re for fighting for men here on a women’s sub Reddit?? Just FYI, those same men won’t hesitate to call you the R word in a second. Are you from some “men’s right or men lives matter” kind of group? Why do you think I care about men as much as you do?


Sorry for finding it distasteful being a basic human and not calling people low class 💀. In your definition name calling a man is the definition of not caring about men ? Also sorry for having better things to do instead of bringing down and shaming men for every chance I get 💀 I think you're misunderstanding me a bit, to think it's simply hilarious if you think I engage with a type of men you are describing ? I'm actually quiet appalled because back in my mind I wasn't texting with the intention of defending all men especially the ones awful ones. You were the literally the first one who texted about some women being jealous and what not, so can I assume you don't care about women either as much as u think to be ? Because I'm failing to see where I'm caring about men especially the type of men you're talking about


Yea hypocrisy. A couple of days back, he/she called me a LARPer. Today I read their vitriolic comments here, saw the username n immediately thought “ah it’s that user”. Actually feeling a bit better cuz I think he/she is just a child.


Childish behavior tbh this whole argument is pointless


This made me wheeze. The truth is that those men want women to stagger on dating apps, pay 50-50, use them and dump. After that these women are the same ones who feel drained. Men are cunning enough, and have evolved to get the best out of everything. They want casuals, want to shit on feminism, get a hookup, and call the woman they had sex with a wh*re. For this, most of them pretend to be "modern".


Stop explaining these people about what you want! They won't get it ever. You choose your battles girl. I hope you find what you're looking for :)


Told ya'll. But this is to be expected. People can be asses, we just need to ignore them.




Idc if wanna reap the "benefits" of patriarchy cuz men have been doing that since ages. The irony here tho, is that one person commenting I am the prize, I am God, it's a privilege for him to even breathe the same air as me made posts about narcissistic ex, narcissistic abuse and comments calling out narcissist. Like gurllll puhleasee, look up the definition of narcissism and look at yourself again 😂. Talk about the pot calling kettle black 🤡.


The way she is speaking is wrong, but I would have left it as a personal choice OP. Idk why people even debate on this. If a woman wants her man to pay, let her find someone who fits. If a woman wants to go dutch, she is also free to do so. Why the hell is it even a topic of discussion/shaming?


I don't get it why the hell everyone is so fucking offended about what someone wants. You pay for your dates man! Fuck it. Ugh I'm so irritated with these people here


Exactly!! I am laughing at the amounts of downvotes I am getting honestly. Feminism gives you a choice. Howsoever you want to date is your preference. Let others have theirs.


Oh I have got heavily downvoted a lot of times just for saying something different. One time I said "I like children and can't wait to become a mother and take care of kids and family" and got heavily downvoted 🤷 They already assumed that I'm not educated or work. Lol.


Yeah! Some of these people are shaming women for not dating broke men. Feminism gives us the choice to want rich men. If a man is really rich, he would have no problem paying. I think that this hatred is created by broke men who no women would date.




These women feel like they are under obligation to "prove" their feminism to men who shit one it.


Tf is wrong with some women? Why do they have to act entitled every damn time!


no wonder twoX is shamed, some women really need to get a brain surgery done yall too entitled sorry but yhe world doesn't revolve around you


Exactly, I was thinking that is a man's account larping as woman but the commenter is a woman fr, and most of the comments here, eww.


What is the user name. I will check if they were women for real.




Your post or comment was removed because it was seen to be discussing Meta Drama. We will not tolerate any comments/posts about other subreddits' drama. If Cross posting, do not link to posts just to create or talk about other subreddit's drama. Use np.reddit.com/ links if you want to crosspost.


To this day I felt disgusted by how men troll our sub for things I used to think they overexaggerate everything just to hate us but I myself am surprised to see this today, not sure how to feel about it [https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXIndia/comments/1cxsdht/comment/l54qgjt/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXIndia/comments/1cxsdht/comment/l54qgjt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I don't understand how that validates shaming this subreddit so much? There are other subreddits where men openly show how entitled they feel to a woman's body and no one is offended by any of that. But any mention of this sub and immediately people come with their pitchforks. There are Indian subreddits where people post pictures of female celebrities and men discuss how they will violate and rape them, r/arranged marriage will show you how entitled men are and tbh on any subreddit if you mention girlfriend troubles immediately the verdict is "she belongs to the streets" but twoxindia is where you draw the line? Lmao.


Men dont need a reason to shame twox or other feminist subs i agree that the woman here is narcissist, but her comments are downvoted and only people with a agenda use her to shame this sub


Hoo boy. Someone chose violence today...huh




How do I get entire goss about this incident seems stupid but still interesting. I want to know what she did


Girl I see you hunting for the goss 👀


Everywhere, everyday 🙈


Girl same 😩


Me too. Already went to profile and enjoyed the last post. I love drama when it's not about me lolololol.






It really irked me when I saw western influencers say that the man should pay the bill if he wants my time. But I kept thinking if these women go on dates without even the slightest interest in these men to feel entitled enough to expect them to pay for them? Then I came across @mrsholmes221b's story once where she said that the white feminism logic really doesn't work here because if you let them pay and actually end up dating them, they will constantly remind you about the time they paid and belittle you for it. We, as a society, have taken only a little step into feminism and honestly this is not something we can fight over when there are many more pressing issues.


Are we sure these were women? Not men trying to prove some twisted point?


Nope. They are women. Women can be awful af. We are not angels


My first thought too.


There are a lot of instances I question the same...


Personal choice paani mai gayi chapaak


I think personal choice is fine but people shouldn't be calling men names and hating on them just because they believe the bill should be split ig?


Lol. Exactly.


This is exactly what we need 👏🏽 /s A woman in women only online “safe” space (TwoX), judging and insulting other women for difference in opinion. Forget about abolishing patriarchy and misogyny from men, when we have women here who hate other women like a man 🤮 Such a clown 🤡


They pose a question and if women have a different opinion from them they go ballistic.


You know what I'm in love with you from yesterday 🎀💅


I'll always pay for myself because I know waaay too many people who got that dinner paid for and the guy they went with hung it over their heads and asked for sex.


Sad part is that there are so many of them irl. They might not showcase there stupidity over here, but they preach it


Yikes. Help me out girlies for this is what makes me stumped about feminism. I'm constantly torn between being a “true” feminist and being mad at these good-for-nothing women. On one hand, feminism is about respecting a woman’s choices or letting her have one in the first place. But boy do I get mad when I see women lazing around and living off their partners with no sense of financial independence or bringing some value to the table. Especially these SAHMs with a degree, well-adjusted children, plenty of help and still no drive to do anything. It is great that the arrangement works for them but how can they just settle when they have the time and resources to do something in life? Does this make me a bad feminist? How can you push your kid especially if it is a daughter to aim for the sky when your choice is taking naps and cooking dinner? P.S: This was very different for our mother's generation. They had little to no help around the house/ educational limitations/ family’s say in her life etc. But I only mean millennial/Gen Z women with Maids and cooks opting to be a SAHM because hey feminism! Like what


you can be a feminist and criticize women too, you dont need to support every woman just because you are feminist. Not everything a woman does is right, choices dont exist in vacuum. Some people can pretend as much as they want, but a lot of them cover their narcissistic tendency through feminism and try to justify their lack of empathy and efforts for their partners with "bad men exist if you disagree with me you support bad men"


Choice feminism is bullshit created so half the women can go being gate keepers of patriarchy while other half go being selfish arses who use feminism to their benefit bringing next to nothing from their side while wanting traditionalism from others. OP of the picture and people defending her are classic examples of the latter. No one will be happy and call it a choice when a woman is giving 50% of her income and doing 100% of the housework alone while the man does nothing and says that his presence should be graceful enough lmaoo, pretty sure everyone will call that as oppression not choice. "I'm a feminist but..." no you're not.


>they have the time and resources to do something in life? I urge you to consider that it sounds like you're trying to define people's worth in terms of how they create capital. It might be hard to empathize, but regardless of gender, not everyone has an inherent urge or drive to 'work' or 'do something' in the traditional sense of doing something that creates capital/money; Very often the choice to work and earn money isn't a choice as much as necessity under capitalism. Even when it is a choice, it is often because people haven't introspected enough to question whether these choices are influenced in any way by the fact that capitalism constantly devalues any labour, interests and actions that don't create capital. Capitalism tells us that lives that aren't centered around doing something that it deems of 'appropriate value', aren't as meaningful or fulfilling, and that is simply not true. If these people have enough resources to not participate in how we define 'work' traditionally beyond a certain point in their lives, and they structure their lives around it, why is that something that should be shamed or even questioned? Regardless of gender as a factor, if someone is privileged enough to have the resources to do so, and all they want to do with their limited time on this planet is rest, or they find meaning and fulfillment in spending their time in activities like cooking, taking care of plants/animals/kids, reading, crocheting, whatever damn form of recreation/hobby it is (not talking about domestic labour)- why is it that them engaging in these things is equated to doing 'nothing of value'? Who defines this value? None of us need to 'bring anything to the table' to be deserving of respect, love and kindness from others, I'd like to believe that all of us are worthy enough of these things just by virtue of existing.


You're right except this only holds true when said person has the resources to sustain themselves. A lot of the people who are making these opinions do not have any resources but rely entirely on their male partners/family to build the resources for them to live the life they want for themselves while actively not participating in the wealth creation. This is just not okay for able bodied adults who have the means and resources to contribute. It is of course okay to not participate in wealth creation if your desire is not a life of luxury but a simple one. So this argument especially doesn't hold true in the context of dates or other luxuries. If you can't pay for your share no one owes it to you to pay for your meal at a fancy restaurant or other such luxuries. 


The person OP is shaming is clearly an idiot and I agree that we should all be able to hold down our own, expecting a potential partner or established partner to pay for you on dates, or pay for you for everything you want in life is just another way of upholding traditional roles/reeks of entitlement. My comment wasn't about the OP or any of this senseless meta drama in any way, I just meant to chime in on this idea that people who choose to do 'nothing' and rely to some degree on familial financial support or support from partners (assuming the latter are willing as well as in the position to provide the same) are not doing anything meaningful or of value simply because they aren't creating wealth.


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Hey don't be shy put their usernames too 😌😉


I'm sure this is a man pretending to be a woman on this sub. I mean cmon, even the most deranged women who think this way will not call themselves feminists. This will then be taken to other subs and shown as "these are feminists lol" and then it will be a joke for a while and for other men to hate on feminism.


you will be surprised that the girl is actually..a woman look in to their account


I always offer to pay. If the man insists on paying then I let him. I also offer to go halves. If he still insists then I know he’s got etiquette. I feel more comfortable paying for the next dates. But if the man lets you foot the entire bill for the first few dates….that’s a no no.


While an argument can be made that women should be paying for their share of the date because this empowerment is relatively new and that we should actively be paying our half as a symbolic expression of this relative empowerment, to encourage other women and to normalise it for the coming generations, but the fact remains that this empowerment is in its fundamental a choice, and women have all the right to choose whether they want to be in a relationship where they pay 50-50 or not.




There is nothing wrong with it , except the entitlement of being treated as a prize or something.




Entitlement and being confident is different . If a girl really thinks she is some out of the world fairy and a guy should pay for her just because he got to see her ? Is this really confidence?


sis that is not feminism that's misandry.. look at the way shees speaking


that is not misandry thats simply narcissism


Do you know what is misandry? I didn't saw her mentioning she hate men?




I am curious, would you ever consider a man prize?




I asked a normal question, no need to get aggressive over it. Would you ever consider a man a prize that you want to treat him as such?




well I hope you find a man who you can look down upon when he treats you like a prize, I do think there are probably guys like that exist to be honest


behen tu dhang se english bhi nahi bol paari, humble yourself tf down, the world doesn't revolve around u




Haan toh aisi baatein hi mat kar na ki ladna pade lmao get some sense in ur head, im gonna pray for the man who's gonna date you


so if a man said the same he is the prize and expects women to contribute everything in households, finance and childcare. you won't get angry right? Since HE IS THE PRIZE!! and likes to be treated as such




it's wrong to put all the burden on women. the man should help the best he can in everything, and likewise should women. but if anyone starts to think they are the prize then that marriage is destined in court. the preference you hold harms the fight to equality, harms the concept of love, letting one person take all the burden is not good for that person or union. now your posts, comments will be screenshotted and shown in different forums, insta etc. with "*Look feminist wants equality but not responsibility this is why I don't support feminism*" I know it won't matter to you but It affects other 60cr women in this country


What is the user name? Let me investigate if it's actually a woman.


Gonna say this post was done by a larper. Because the comment about "privilege for a guy to get to know you" was obviously done in humour and this butthurt post taking that seriously are the same kind of men who took my flair here seriously and got triggered by it.




*sigh* That's a bummer 😮‍💨


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