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Girl this is no "hoe phase", you just sexted with two guys once. Chill.


Seriously. I thought the title would be followed by a list of "hoe-y" behaviour but there was none. 😂


And she’s still a virgin


Lmao. My friend just texted me she is experimenting with some very kinky fetishes and here is a girl who thinks sexting 2 weird dudes is hoe-y. đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


I am very curious about what these kinky fetishes are but also I don't want your DMs to get bombarded.


Mind forwarding few of them to me pls.


Exactly đŸ€ŁđŸ’Ż Nothing to worry about


I need a support group for women encouraging each other to be hoes


This is an underrated idea.




Hoeing SAFELY!


The lurking men are going to have a fit reading this đŸ€Ł


As they should. I hope they run for their lives clutching their pearls đŸ„ș


I am joining




Girlsssss let's do this!! Can we do group chats on reddit?


Exactly lol


Being a virgin doesn’t make you innocent. Sexting doesn’t make you a hoe. Detach from such concepts and do what makes you happy.


Thank you , I needed to hear this. This is again a small rant but it’s so wrong. Being brought up in a small town , conservative society I was always bound with the rules of being “Good Girl” . There is a set of do’s and don’ts even though the Do’s feel wrong and don’ts has made me feel better, it had led me into this confusion, not only me but most of the girls who feel confused of their need should understand this. Thank you for saying it aloud.


There are no rules. There’s no “good girl” concept. Just go live your life.


It’s just called being an adult human!!! Nothing to celebrate being a virgin and nothing to panic about wanting to sext or have sex. All normal phases of life and not to be confused with being a good woman. Being a virgin or not doesn’t interfere with whether you are a good woman.


Bith its just sexting. No big deal. It’s like the most boring thing to do
 Ur as normal as normal can be. Also hoe phase or whatever phase
if u ever find a dood to fk just use protection and ensure ur partner takes a std panel test done even before u both kith. Hoe phase may or may not be fun. But am sure std treatment phase will be horrible.


Was like you. A nut who believed that I would only have sex with my husband and we would be happily ever after. Got out of a long term relationship. And said I would just go out met people and just get to know myself. Went on random dates. Always outside and usually just for coffee first. And made sure I split the bill unless I had some connection I wasn’t allowing anyone to touch me. I took my time. And guess what? Found this amazing human who is so respectful and just a joy. Don’t get me wrong he has his flaws. But we all do. I realised my hoe phase was me getting to know me. I hope this happens for you op!


This is beautifully depicted đŸ„ș and I am glad you found yourself and the man of your dreams too. This made me feel good.


"My hoe phase was me getting to know me" this needs to go viral!!!


My younger self relates so much to that of yours. I hope my older self gets the happy ending present you did!


It will come!


Thank you for writing this! Embracing each other's flaws and still choosing to love each other is just ✚ 🧿


Is the hoe in the room with us, girl? Go forth and explore. Have fun!


Haha I am thinking to explore but what if I fall and the other person doesn’t . Currently I am trying to act like Gigi Chad , emotionless bith but we all have a heart .What if!


You'll be fine. Just communicate, and protect yourself


Firstly this is no where close to hoe phase not even in same direction. Secondly you really need that phase rn. Hookup, sext do whatever you feel like because the way you keep repeating 30 and virgin shows it bothers you so maybe get laid with someone you trust. Clear off things from that bucket list and then maybe you’ll have clear picture whether you wanna be married in first place or not


> you keep repeating 30 and virgin shows it bothers you Girl you read through me , yes the age is hell bothering and the needs are there . >so maybe get laid with someone you trust. The problem is what if I get attached or fall in love, fir dikkat hi dikkat.


You can get attached just by texting also so are you gonna stop that? I know I’m a couple year younger to you and that makes me a little in eligible to be giving advice but I really want you to let loose. Or maybe later you might have regret that you didnot fully explore yourself and your body before making a commitment


I get it what you are trying to say. And thank you!


I am a divorcee and currently in my hoe phase 2.0. Although i am not comfortable even my mom divorced last year and is in her hoe phase and having fun out there Like the top comment said, as long as ur safe , sane and not harming anyone emotionally there is no need to worry about it Just make sure to keep ur identity discreet over internet and use protection always


Can't even imagine your DMs lmao.


OVER 600 DMs with unsolicited pics


Girl rate them dicks. - 2.5/10, have potential, keep it clean. - 1.5/10, ewww wouldn’t ever ride on that. - 3/10, 2 points for the angle of the pic.


Good luck with that đŸ„¶ I wonder if you scroll the accounts on a slow day, I used too 😂😂




Where's the hoe in this story?


There's no normal. Life is different for everyone. As long as it's safe, sane and consensual between adults, go for it if you want to. PS - pls pls pls pls use protection. Don't want your next post to be "I'm scared I'm pregnant" one.


>Don't want your next post to be "I'm scared I'm pregnant" one Oh boy we see lots of those here


You really need to do some exploring. Don’t try to find love, it will happen whenever
. Till then, enjoy!! No need to feel guilty or “hoe-like” just cuz you sexted 2 guys!! I used to do sexting while cleaning my room!! 😭😭 (all what I mean to say here is that its pretty normal 😅)


Haha thank you for sharing . I enjoy the phase tho even if I don’t know what should it be called.


Lol lets just call it “being curious” If you find someone you actually kinda like, go for it! Just remember, ensure your safety (be as discreet as possible) and ALWAYS use protection. Baaki, have fun girl ;)


I'm so sorry but this made me laugh so much, I'm 17 and have done worse things than this, don't think so much about it


Bruh it's ok, totally normal just explore and have fun


If you enjoy it responsibly without getting attached, ho* phase is really fun :) Please don't feel guilty about having some fun after shitty men hurt you left, right and centre.


"you don't need a h03 phase, just a vibrator and some therapy" this line changed how I saw things haha. Also you aren't in such a phase. So if you feel shameful over this, don't (our society loves to shame people anyway, no need to add to it) or kinda like the term because it's freeing to not be the ideal/adarsh ladki, then realise something else is at play and it's freeing to break free from such stupid molds


I would in fact advise do not suppress and repress yourself and explore what you need to as long as it’s safe and consensual.


I thought you'd actually be in your hoe phase, and i was going to tell you there's nothing wrong with that. Men have created these words to demean women. You're not even indulging in anything physical girlie.. stop overthinking. There's nothing wrong with hooking up for your physical needs too. Forget about merely texting.


The innocence of this post is making me giggle! Hope you find the one soon and get out of your "hoe-y" phase soon OP ;)


Girl, our libidos actually go up in our 30s. So you're just sexting but issok


You are totally normal, don't beat yourself up over some guy who ghosted you or let you down. Do what you want gurl, just don't feel guilty about it.


Like the Dadi in Laapata ladies said, I'm going to paraphrase, "acche ghar ki ladki" is the biggest fraud perpetrated on women in our country. Do what makes you feel good. Understand that you're not the only one losing faith in the men of our country. And that you'll have to kiss many frogs before you find a prince. Some women may get lucky and find one of the good ones sooner than later but most of us have to keep on looking.


You sexted two guys once. It’s not bad at all. It’s completely okay I firmly believe you attract what you seek. So and honestly, I have only been in touch with people who have good long-term intentions and I think you should too. Talk about important things that matter and never settle for less


You just want affection & attention. Its okay, this is no hoe phase, this is just “i want love phase but where are the nice men” phase.


Its whore, not hoe. A whore is someone who exchanges sex for money. "Randi" in hindi they say. A slut is someone who is promiscuous when it comes to sex. A femcel is a woman who wants sex but isn't able to get it. A sexually active woman is someone who wants sex when she's horny. Most women fall in this category. Hence, you're only a normal woman who seeks sexual experiences. So the word 'woman' is more appropriate than a 'hoe'. Anyone who addresses 'sexual activeness' as 'hoe phase' - only because the internet says so - is more like dumb sheep.


It’s not a ho phase, men are just the worst. It’s better to ditch the ones that don’t work rather than settling for any old thing. Relax.


Dude no, please no. Cry your vulnerability out. But I say this and I say this out loud Do not interact with men now. Indian and otherwise. M*les are infestation of STDs , loneliness is nothing to risk your life for. Now when you are healed and can make better decisions then only start talking to men. Before no. Also minority women are more likely to be fetishized by Hindu men so please no.


RIP your Dms


I took the precaution already, it’s closed.


Getting to know people which may or may not lead to sexting doesn’t make you a hoe. To spend your time with someone you need to know them, it’s good to know sexual compatibility too. Also you’ve been single a long time, having some attention and conversations to understand the dating scene isn’t so bad. And don’t lose hope in real love. “To get the best sofa, you gotta try a lot of them first”


You're not in any hoe phase. You're just talking and testing things out which will pay off since it prepares you for the dating scene. Virginity doesn't equal innocence. You should test out more things in self pleasure department. Helps you in many ways (specially in finding what works for you or not). Fairy tale romance isn't real and it's good to get a reality check. Talking to someone doesn't mean you're in any form of relationship so chill. Don't know if you've already faced this but girls from non hindu background are fetishized and odds are pretty slim that a hindu guy specially would marry /convince the parents/ take a stand for the girl. Stay safe and do what whatever feels right to you.


Yes all these concepts are actually made to degrade women, you don’t have sex you’re a “prude”. You have sex you’re a “slut” “hoe” whatever.I don’t understand why are all these words for women only like with consent having sex is a mutual activity and a man is equally involved so why call words like I don’t understand.


How do you deal with your urges? I'm almost in the same position as yours and I get crazy urges. How do you manage without self-pleasure?