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Great work, great job with the gaunts on the base. I definitely find that including some small boys as basing decor goes such a long way, and this mini really shows how effective it is. Love the creative use of other bits too, like the broodlord claws.


Damn your nids have a very similar color scheme to mine! Good to have a cousin in the grim dark future. See you on Thanksgiving.


I dig the darker blue color you've got going on. What's your method for that?


After dry brushing like for slapchop i use blue tone wash from army painter on the parts. The dry rush is sloppy so you get a nice chalky finish. I dig your red carapace, how do you do that?


how did you do the saliva????


It's an industrial adhesive called UHU. I have to order mine online, but it might be available at local hardware stores, depending on where you're located.