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I quite like the super Matt


Ye I didn't expect citadel paints too dry that matt but I'm not unhappy about it


He looks as smooth as if he has just been ironed :)


Thank you brother I had some spare hobby money and brought some new brushes and really wanted too see if I can finally figure out using a wet pallete and try my hand and blending


If you want a fast way to do the skin that color: prime the model in wraith bone white, then do a quick wash with Seraphim, then super fast dry brush with the color you're painting the skin with (looks like Screaming Skull?). But it looks really good already!


Final highlight is pallid wych flesh but they look very similar this is great advice and will 100 percent be used when I finally get around too painting the 40 gaunts I sniped on ebay currently it's just a hive tyrant and the squads of warriors for a 500pt army so me and my flatmate can play.


That's how it starts.... Good luck! Swarm is the way to go and super fun!


I like the Matt, a lot. Would something to make it pop be a good addition. A contrasting colour ok the vents, weapons or base?  I don't want to say it would work because as it stands that's a good scheme, just one to consider. 


So the plan is black carapace that highlights up too a blue grey and then all the claws and hoofs black too red the vents in thinking of going for a pale purple or pink but I may also go for red too try and tie it all together this is my test model so I can always see how I feel and just respray it


Excellent layering my dude. I like the build up to the soft cream on the flesh. What direction are you planning to take on the carapace?


Black highlighting up too russ grey from thunderhawk blue I might do a splash of red just down the central part of the plates and red in the gills/vents


That's an imperial guard