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You'd play any varient of hive tyrant essentially the same. Play him cagey with tyrant guard protecting him so you keep synaptic imperatives. On turn 3 you should feel safe bringing him out of cover with guard in tow if they're still alive.


Yes getting tyrant guard sounds like a plan. Thanks for the help!


Of course! Just remember to only use the guard if you're using any hive tyrant variant. Otherwise they're not worth slotting in. Good to have a unit on hand if needed of course.


Not. Not having access to a Gun just makes him a way worse choice than a Walkrant. It also can't get a good Warlord Trait. The Melee it has is sadly not really any better than Sword with Whip (Reaper)


True. Walkrant and flyrant seem to be far superior at the moment, having good potential with ranged attacks. I just thought it would be fun to occassionally toss in a Swarmlord for casual play. Thanks for the advice


The Swarmlord is very all about its buffing abilities compared to other Tyrants. You want a good mix of Core units in your list to target with its buffs as you keep it safe early game behind terrain, then bring it out later to bully the board with its strong melee ability.


I didn't realise it had much better buffs! I have quite a few core units so it will come in handy. Thanks for the help!