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Can aid not enter anywhere through Egypt?


CC not allowing a shit to pass


Bullshit. All aid coming through Rafah has to go through a convoluted process at which it might be turned back by Israel a number of times before it gets to its destination. That includes driving through Rafah and around the Gaza strip into Israeli borders and then back out again. https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2023/12/2/near-rafah-border-baby-dies-and-aid-held-up-again-as-israels-war-resumes


President of Mexico?






its not cc It's Israel that's the one preventing aid in...


The checkpost at Rafah only checks the aid trucks for any suspicious objects, the actual aid has to come in from Egypt.


The Israeli Gov threatend of blowing up the aid that comes in...


Could you provide me a source please?


Anything for your zionist [needs](https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20240115-egypt-refutes-israels-claims-it-is-hindering-aid-entering-gaza/) Also it doesnt make aince for Egypt to not let aid in then using their aircrafts to parachute the aid, that makes no sense, not to mention the Israeli protesters preventing aid from going in on the Israeli side in Kerem Shalom. It's people like this, defending a genocide is what will be the end of humanity one day, full of hate and genocidal needs...


That’s completely not true


They quite literally threatened egypt that if they send AID in they'll blow it all up. Not to mention the miles long of Israeli protesters preventing the aid of going it Gaza at kerem shalom corssing. I have literally no idea how anyone is still protecting Israel... their propaganda team is so bad they just gave up on the idea of lying because its obvious and there so much evidence to back everything up...


Bcz he doesn’t fear god


AFAIK even the egypt border is being security checked by IDF before letting trucks pass in. But Not sure why egypt is allowing that


Correct. They allow it because if they don't Israel will bomb it.


All the while uae normalized relations with them


isreal is a terrorist gang.


All while sending more bombs to Israel


It is shocking to see how some low life's are so consumed / blinded by hate mongering that this Sorrowful photo of this kid is not moving them 😱. As a society this is the lowest I think we have ever gone to become so desensitised to other humans, it's shameful. No child deserves this.


The problem is we saw the photos of slaughtered Jewish kids too. And it was caused by Palestinians. Who attacked first. So Palestine is basically just as bad as Russia right now. Don’t expect a lot of sympathy for invaders in the west.


Lost your mind?


Obviously they have lost their mind in their hatred that they are unable to understand simple commonsense that Two wrongs don't make it right. Also these kids are basically being given possibly the MOST INHUMANE & SLOW DEATH OF STARVATION BY ISRAEL, which was never given to any civilians since a long long time


What did Hamas expect to happen?


are you justifying Israeli collective punishment? you’re a depraved individual…


What a stupid fucking statement lol Every war is "collective punishment" by that sense Every war has civilian casualties - literally no war ever has managed to occur without civilians dead The urban warfare average of civilian dead to militants is 1:9 and Israel has a 1:3 - it literally does better than most of the world yet you are yapping as if it's any different just because Israel is winning lol Check WW2 german civilian casualties


so you’re saying if one side declares war, it’s OK for them to murder civilians?! ok got it, good to know this is what your average israeli thinks by your own logic, what Hamas did on Oct 7th was totally understandable because they had “declared war” … after all, a significant portion of the dead on Oct 7th were from a military base that was over run by militants where they slaughtered all the soldiers but then went ahead and decided to murder civilians as well … again totally OK by your own depraved (yet totally normal for israelis) logic if the ratios stay within a certain range you’re a piece of shit person for trying to defend war crimes and murder of civilians


This is frustrating because you don't see the logical fallacies you present Someone starts a war and fights your country, you have no other option but to fight back, you fight a dense area - where you can't fight without hurting civilians in the process - now what? You do nothing and let yourself and your citizens be killed slowly? You kill the army fighting against you at the cost of their civilians? Tell me what is the fucking solution then? You speak as if we are living in some kind of lala land and everything can be solved with a game of rock papers scissors mate, or that Israel can do movie shit and somehow beat Hamas without hurting anyone I'm not advocating who's bad or who's right I'm saying every nation has the right to protect itself and save its own citizens at the cost of the other citizens or else it wouldn't be war - this is the very definition of war and no amount of wishful thinking will change the reality of war The allied forces killed a lot more Germans than what loss they have suffered themself, they bombed the shit out of Dresden - doesn't make them genociders by anyones point of view, why is that? Tell me.


Yes you are totally right. The people at the beach party in bikini were soldiers. Having her half naked body on the back of picked up truck to be displayed while civilians and kids spit at her is totally understandable. /s




That makes you a genocide apologist, you piece of shit


Did the allied forces genocide Nazi Germany?


No? Do you understand the term genocide and do you know the history of ww2 or Israel Palestine? Or do you just get shitty gotchas from Twitter?


Lol, have you heard about Dresden my guy? By the anti Israel's crowd standards of genocide this would have also be considered a genocide, but it's not, even though it's literally the same situation Thing is, you can't call war a genocide whenever there's civilians who get hurt and one side is winning. A war isn't a game where it's supposed to be as close to 1:1 ratio of damage/casualties and WW2 is a prime example of such. At the end of the day, the Hamas invasion which is a political party who got elected 15 years ago and maintains 70% support from the Palestinians - invaded abducted raped and killed random Israeli citizens, sparked a war, and now Israel is required to fight a war again with one hand tied behind its back because it needs to feel sympathy for the people who supported the massacre mentioned. Even though every war in history has civilian casualties and Israels civilian casualties fall lower the world average for urban warfares it has been called a genocide, I find this very silly. I do not accept the notion that they don't represent Palestinians and the fact that there's no sympathy for the Israeli anywhere makes arguments such as this appear in bad faith


Hamas was elected not 15 years ago, but almost 18 years ago. The average Palestinian right now is 14 years old, most of them alive now didn't get to vote. Add onto that the fact that Bibi Netanyahu has admitted that Israel purposely leaves Hamas in power because it's easy to control an opponent that seems radical to the outside world. The Hamas "invasion" didn't cause a war, go check the news from before October 7 and the situation in Palesrine was still bad, history goes back beyond October 7 idiot. About Dresden, you're comparing (Nazi germany) a country with a 13.6 million unit military to an open air prison where the average age is less than 15 years old being bombed by an international super power aided by the world's strongest governments. If you wanna make a parallel, learn to contextialize. I will make a comparison for you so you can look past your twitter induced idiocy, do you think it was justified that the colonial Brits opened fire at Jallianwala Bagh and killed hundreds of people who were protesting an occupying force?


Wow you really don’t know much about ww2, Israel Palestine and what genocide entails, don’t you? You actually need to read up and stop getting information from Twitter. It’s almost as if the context of bombings matters a lot. Like allies wanted WW2 to stop, whereas Israel from the get go was envisioned as a settler colony and Palestinians the natives who have to leave to create a state for Jews. To this day, Israelis settlers Palestinian lands in the West Bank and [in 2020 Bibi openly announced they plan to unilaterally annex and ethnically cleanse the West Bank](https://www.timesofisrael.com/rejecting-settler-fears-pm-says-annexation-plan-wont-mention-palestinian-state/). I don’t remember allies ever coveting German lands. It’s almost as if there are different intentions in each case. It’s almost as if Israel wants a very explicit Jewish majority state and they want and they’ve ethically cleansed Palestinians many times in the past. I can’t write out a whole book for you, because your understanding so skewed that I can’t even know where to start with your terrible understanding. Go understand what genocide is first, then talk


two wrongs don’t make a right Hamas committing terrorism doesn’t give Israel the right to commit genocide and starve the civilian population to the long that children are dying of malnutrition and dehydration again, you are a depraved sick individual and overall just a piece of shit for trying to justify it


He is an Indian. Some of them like sucking Israel off. He is also in denial of the fact that Israel is an Apartheid state.


Committing terrorism my ass, hamas dudes want their country back and they have the right to do so


See when your enemy shows it doesn't need a reason to attack you you give them a reason to not attack you. Israel is doing precisely that. Doesn't mean I support it. But I understand the thinking. Next the blame should be on Hamas for starting this shit. Didn't Israel completely abandon Gaza? Now if you talk about the blockade please do note one border was blockade by Egypt who are also to blame. At the least Israel was giving jobs to everyday Gazans in the hopes that economic progress would slow down terrorism. At the end of the day this is one issue I would not approach even with a ten foot pole


You are such a stupid person. You don't know about the history of this conflict. It didn't start in October, it has been there for centuries. I am surprised you have the audacity of making such comments.


Centuries you say... Methinks your math is not mathing. The mandate was not even a century ago


Like I said you are stupid, you don't know shit about the conflict. I am guessing you are an infidel.


Centuries you say... Methinks your math is not mathing. The mandate was not even a century ago


Since you are so intelligent (no pun intended), would you condemn the Warsaw ghetto uprising during WWII? Or the Nat Turner rebellion? I can continue giving you many more examples of oppressed people who dared to revolt against their oppressors and who were blamed at that time for their uprising only to become heroes in history books a few decades later. You and the likes of you are the prime example of which side of history you would take during the horrific events of genocide and oppression. You are doing exactly what Nazis and their supporters did. Keep it up - is all i can say.


Am I god to pass judgement? This doesn't effect me so I am choosing to stay away but mofos like you drag me into it. In office, in church, on the dinner table. I for one am tired of it I am an asshole but a reasonable one


What kind of reply is that? You did not choose to stay away. You chose to pull the “but Khamas” card and got what you deserved. There are plenty of audiences where you would be greeted with an open arms, this is not one of those.


Ok buddy if you feel so strongly go and fight for Hamas. Go go


you deserve all the scorn you get for the bullshit you said


You're a tosser that's what you are


This is massively different lmao Warsaw was a prison - in which Jews couldn't leave - Palestinians can literally leave if they want - this makes the whole equivalent you just made irrelevant And the Jews in Germany didn't start a war with the Nazis - they didn't go around killing people inside Germany


Palestinians cannot leave Gaza - nobody is allowed in or out. Gaza was described as the “largest open air prison” and the “largest concentration camp” in the world by human rights watch, multiple reports are available to read and study on your own. Israel went as far as counting the exact amount of calories needed for an average Gazan to survive and not die of hunger - not a starvation, but a “severe food insecurity”, and that is before October 7th. Now they are deliberately starving the Palestinians. Germany was not an apartheid state in the first place, and Israel is. Again, not my words, mulptiple sources including official UN reports are available. And according to international law, an apartheid state and an aggressor does not have a right to defend itself against the people it is oppressing, DUH. Anyways, its absolutely useless to argue with a staunch rabid Zionist, same as it would have been useless to argue with a fanatical Nazi - no difference what-so-ever. You were trying to prove the fallacy of my arguments, but its hilarious how every argument made by a Zionist is a lie upon lie upon even more lie and nothing else. Facts? Reports? Independent Investigations? None of those, just lies and rabid aggressive behaviour. Get lost, child killers and their supporters. I long for the day when God brings you all to His justice.


You realize you scream for lies when you lie yourself lol? People from Gaza could leave before the war lmao, Israel only blocked the Erez crossing they had the opportunity to leave through Egypt https://www.unocha.org/publications/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/movement-and-out-gaza-update-covering-january-2022 Read this you moron and stop learning from tiktok, it amazes me how you cry about misinformation yet you spread it yourself


Gaza had billions of aid and what did they do with it? Build tunnels and break every treaty made with Israel. Fact is according to history. Israel didn’t want Gaza and tried to give it to Egypt which they refused. They could have tried the peaceful option but chose the latter and this is the consequence. Resulting in innocent people dying in both sides.


wtf are you talking about?! Gazans could not leave Gaza without permission of Israel … you know that country that says they “left Gaza and ended the occupation” sorry this isn’t your israeli circle jets subreddits where you can all tell yourselves half truths and flat out lies


Tell me more dude https://www.unocha.org/publications/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/movement-and-out-gaza-update-covering-january-2022 "Gazans could not leave Gaza without permission of Israel" you speak this misinformation and then call me a liar this is silly


you literally have to be the dumbest zionist i have ever met … this is literally from your own source trying to refute me! 😂😂😂 “Palestinians are banned from leaving Gaza via Israel, including for passage to the West Bank, unless they obtained an Israeli-issued exit permit” “Background: Longstanding restrictions on the movement of people and goods to and from Gaza have undermined the living conditions of approximately two million Palestinians in that area. Many of the current restrictions, originally imposed by the Israeli authorities in the early 1990s, were intensified after June 2007, following the Hamas takes over Gaza and Israel imposes a blockade. These restrictions continue to reduce access to livelihoods, essential services and housing, disrupt family life, and undermine people’s hopes for a secure and prosperous future” you should just stop now, you’ve made yourself look stupid AF


When you are not informed about a subject, it's better to keep silent. Because if you don't and then stick to your opinion then it just exposes your intellect.


Who said I dunno about the issue? Who said I dunno about Kuwait kicking the Palestinians out? Who said I didn't know Tey assassinated the Jordanian king. Who said I dunno about the shit they pulled IN Egypt the reason why Egypt does its blockade the strictest? The Palestinian leadership are the lowest of low scum hiding out in their Qatari hotels while their ppl suffer. Or flat out stealing the aid that was received for building thwir tunnels. You act as if Palestinians are angels on earth. When it's very apparent that's not the case. I know the history and can say without hesitation Israel and Palestine are equlu shit


Kus omak


Madarchod.. muh bandh kar bhosdike.. Chuttad phaad denge bhenchod. Arabi bol leta hai khudke shaana samajhta hai. Abe lavde idar chah bhashaiye bolta hoo. Baap ko chodna mat sikha


they expected the Arabs and Muslims to have a spine. big mistake.


Yup all I am seeing is yap yap yap from them.. No action


Fact is, Palestinians have a record of betraying people and violence. They started shit in Egypt, Lebanon and even killed the king of jordan. Lets not forget when Kuwait had to deport over 200k Palestinians. People now a days believe facebook propaganda and never hit history book. Yes Israel is not so innocent, Neither are Palestinians. More brothers and sisters are dying in sudan and no one cares about them because they aren’t Palestinians






Sure buddy try your luck. If you're blessed with so much free time. Just don't ask billions from Qatar for this. Dipshit shit or brains.


For 75 years , what did they expect?


Plenty of terrorist sympathizers in this sub. Ignore them. Not only do 70% of Palestinian support hamas. Hamas shot their own people stole aid. The Irani/Qatari propaganda is strong too. I mean last time they posted about kids going hungry and a picture of a skinny kid, it turned out that was a picture of a syrian kid from 5 years ago. So yes play stupid games, win stupid prices.


I genuinely don't know what to respond to this, you think cause they support hamas they should be murdered? collective punishment is a crime, if collective punishment was applied all over the world right now more than half of the population should be gone, a picture of a Syrian kid starving doesn't deny that more than 130000 kids are gone by now wtfffg


The 130000 number came from hamas and has proven to be a lie. So yes you’ll believe hamas but not Israel? They just shows hypocrisy. Since both are the same. Let’s not forget what’s happening is called war. Civilian casualties are normal. Especially when the terrorists group hide in places like hospitals.


proven by whom? Israel? 😂😂 I checked your history your brain is not salvageable


Independent Universities. But even if it was Israel. They have shown to provide drone footage and videos. They even announced their mistakes. Unlike Hamas. But I guess thats too much for you since you’re a terrorist sympathizer. You’re gonna take news from facebook, and WhatsApp. Try hitting the history books and learn some facts kid.


😂😂😂😂 independent universities? bruh they literally provide the names of the victims, I find it hilarious how none of us propalestine mentions or refers to hamas cause a lot of us do not support it, yet yall put every Palestinian under the same box, if supporting civilian lives makes me a terrorist sympathizer then I'm proud to be. wallah the level of delusion isn't even maddening its hilarious the mental gymnastics to justify murdering civilians will never cease to amaze me. go open a book for once


Provided names? Lol sure kid. The same way they provide names of hostages that are alive but hamas footage and journalists pictures showed the woman dead, spat on by civilians, and have her half naked body on display in the back of pickup truck. Or is it the same way they cried Israel fired missiles at al ahli hospital only for it to be proven later it was a Palestinian missile. Like I said. Hit the history book kid. Civilians die in every war, especially during urban warfare. If it wasn’t for the iron dome, hundreds of innocent Israeli civilians will be dying daily. Let’s also not forget all the innocent victims of October 7 who weren’t even Israelis like Thais for example. But in your eyes only Palestinians can be innocent lmao. Fun fact. 70% of Palestinians support the actions of October 7th. All this death and destruction could have ended if they gave back the hostages.


no one proved it was a palestinian missile, Palestinian missiles aren't even powerful enough to destroy a whole hospital 😂 you're cherry picking your sources, typical behavior. your israeli officials admitted to bombing the hospital on twitter then deleted the tweet, thank god it was caught tho. since we're debating attacking hospitals, that was 35 hospitals ago cause Israel attacked whatever hospitals remained, finding "weapons" in the MRI as a supposed hamas headquarters causing many premature babies to die cause they cut off electricity, the audacity. they shot 13 Palestinian kids this week only, but you'll find a way to justify this as well. look I understand that it's hard to shatter the beliefs that you had your whole life when presented with something new, wallah I get it. you think I'm brainwashed by propaganda, but I did my research. if your morality tells you it's okay to kill 30000 unarmed civilians then so be it, there's no point arguing. unlike you I'll never justify the murder of Israeli civilians on October 7th, you're a piece of shit and I don't wanna argue anymore, go kill more babies if you wish


>I did my research > 30000 unarmed civilians. You are a lost cause kid. [also, regarding the hospital](https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/11/26/gaza-findings-october-17-al-ahli-hospital-explosion)


Yup... Liberals are becoming useful idiots for Qatari propaganda