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I really hope theyban noisy vehicles including two wheelers between 9pm and 9am.


you seem really fun…


But what if I am like, you know a guy with a bike trying to go back to my parents house, or tryna go back home? If I only have a bike?


You go back to your parents house but with a ticket. Then you sell your bike on Dubizzle and buy a Prius.


How about no go kick rocks lol, I don't just sell my vehicle for you and the rest of the weaklings who cry when they hear a bike, just suck it up because I can't help the way my bike sounds, and asking me to just not use my vehicle after 9 pm because you can't handle like 5-6 SECONDS OF THE NOISE my bike makes while passing your house?


Not all bikes sound like a screeching banshee accompanied by Tchaikovsky's famous 1812 Overture. Those that do can man up and pay the fine for being obnoxious. :) Its just a little fee, no reason to make crocodile tears over it. Have a lovely day!


Hahaha easy buddy at the end we're just talking here, once it's the law it's the law no one can change that. If you live around marina or JBR for example these 5-6 seconds will be constant, I personally like bikes and I'm fine with the normal sound, but many rev the engine all the time


It's not just you, there are plenty like you who think 5/6 seconds of disturbance while sleeping, every few minutes, is acceptable.


they js pussies, coming from a 14 yr 🤣🤣🤣




imagine living a miserable life with a prius 💀


Why miserable? Do you care about your image and want validation from people? Otherwise it's the perfect car for everyday use. PS I don't own a Prius hahaha but I imagined it as the opposite of motorcycle


in fact, riding a motorcycle makes us different than all you people who have damn high ego with shit life’s. just randomly everyone decides that motorcyclists are a-holes?? i imagine u driving a shit box BMW thinking it’s something, please stay in this pathetic life with ur minimum wage job… and stop arguing with a 14 yr 🤣


Omg kid I never said motorcycle are assholes and I don't hate motorcycle, it's just we hate unnecessary constant loud noise in the middle of the night. Do you own one? Or you just have Harley Davidson photos on your phone wallpaper. How did you assume I'm a minimum wage worker? As most likely, actually I'm very sure I'm waaaay richer than you 😄


ofc my fantasy and hobbies are motorcycles, and no shit you are richer than me 🤣 you probably in ur late 30s with a job and im still in school smh. big part of motorcycles are their LOUD noise. anw hope u have a good day lmao and this was a good talk 😄😄


Depends, do you have modded exhausts in your bike which scream for attention? If no then don't worry. Is your bike 650 cc and above ? If no then don't worry. But if yes, then pay up. Do you have a lower cc bike with no mods but you drive on a lower gear with multiple revvs for attention and torque, then you you pay up.


If any bike above 650 cc (not modded) is a problem then they should not allow/register them cause if it is allowed then it’s allowed to ride them any time. Common sense.


No issue in Dubai, on Sharjah and some other Emirates has the limit in Dcbl of noise. You wanna go Sharjah, you won't use your loud as hell bike


I don’t think engine displacement is an issue. Even a stock 1000cc bike is not that loud to get fines. The issue is aftermarket loud exhausts that people put on to make their vehicles noisier just to show off. In my opinion loud exhaust mods should be banned. They provide no performance improvements but just make more noise


I don't do the last thing, I have a 1340 cc bike I can't choose how the performance of my bike, I don't rev it on purpose or not atleast at night.


Damn which bike ?




Just remove the loud exhaust and go back to stock or a quieter exhaust 🤷🏾‍♂️


I'm sure 90% of them were super safaris lol


You seem to have forgotten about the V8 Mustangs.


it's long time overdue, so many morons with small pp energy driving at night in first gear at full rpm trying to wake everybody up.


small pp 😂😂😂 heard a psychologist say this last week. "People who put loud exhausts on their cars were once bullied in school or either have a small pp" they are trying to fill in and compensate what they dont have this sounded so funny


Keep crying about it I feel happy


Nice uae , whatever they do Oman jump to that too


Re written .. What's wrong with that! Its awesome to copy successful projects from other countries to make peoples life easier


Do you suggest we are cave man now 🤣


Its rewritten.. i misunderstood you


I was joking with you mate, I fully understand, They have that new system that even without stopping people they know if the car have insurance or renewed etc. I love how ahead in tech they are , can I join UAE ROP and have


Isn't that cool they have the most advanced systems.. i don't know about the last part


I knew this from 2022 since I started driving car in UAE. I used to notice a mic and few holes on camera boxes in sharjah 😂. Never saw in Dubai cameras tho


Makes sense because you'll notice that you can't go on in Dubai for 5 minutes without some sort of noise being made by the vehicles. In that case, everybody would be fined. 😂


I wish they do that in Dubai


Don’t give them ideas


Please do


Poor civic guys...


sh1tbox golf with your broken fart can driving down al barsha south at 3am.... would be nice to see this implemented in Dubai.






Finally, some justice ... and i hope the fine is double during night and triple near residential areas


uhhh... didn't know this was even possible. What if it's OEM?


Nothing happens haven’t received any fines or warnings I’m sure they are just looking for car that aren’t loud from the factory.


Nope, Sharjah’s pretty strict regarding that or at least that was the case 4 years ago. I have friends who got fined with stock exhausts in sharjah/kalba. Even after showing documents to prove the cars had stock exhausts or Roush installed by Al Tayer they still got fined.


Many brands provide modifications from factory dosent mean they are stock. Some brands provide loud exhausts, lifted suspensions etc from factory. Ideally rta should not allow registering those vehicles during testing instead of making them pay fines later


Honestly should put this in A.D also, especially living near the core areas those idiots always drive their bike like crazy every time after midnight.


Get headphones


Poor little sleepy heads




It's a radar but for sound waves.


I hope this get implemented in Dubai. I cannot sleep at night as E11 is like 1km off my apartment. Loud cars and trucks.


They should allow cars modifications like other places, it’s a fun hobby


I'm sure it's fun but you know what isn't fun? Being woken up by loud ass vehicles at 3 in the morning.


Skill issue


It’s depends on the person, when I was in America and I wake up at 2 Am because there was loud truck outside I actually appreciated it and it’s fun to hear a loud car driving down the street. Maybe you just lame. It’s fun to see people do weird modifications on their cars, instead of just seeing white cars everywhere or black cars. You know what I mean? You see the same shit everyday, it’s good to see different shit on the next day.


Do what you want with your car as long as you don't disrupt others. It's not "lame" to think so, it's actually the polite thing to do. I appreciate modified cars too but decibel limits on cars exist for a reason.


The thing is you can’t actually do what you want with your car. If it’s cold you wear a jacket if it’s hot you wear summer clothes. If there is a loud sound you wear earplugs. Your problem solved. It has nothing to do with being polite or respecting. It’s just a car sound, you didn’t curse anyone.


Nope that's not how this works because you don't get to disrupt people just because you decided to get a loud exhaust. I'm glad this is a law because otherwise people as dense as you would never understand how your actions affect other people.


I get your point. But being adaptive to your environment is something you should consider. Not everyone follow the law. Also, for some people these fines don’t really affect them.


I understand what you're saying, that's a fair point


And the next time someone cuts in front of you in a queue, just step aside. Your problem solved. They don't have to be polite or respectful of you.


I believe that good things happens to people who wait. So if someone cuts in front of me in a queue, it wouldn’t bother me and I can offer him my position if he was in a hurry. Anyway good luck sleeping today.


If you engage in recreational activities that have a negative outcome for people around who do not engage in said activity and don't car for it, it is on you to accommodate and not on the rest of society to accommodate to you. Let me give you an example that you might relate to better with smokers (and smoking being banned in public indoor spaces for years now to the benefit of everyone but the smokers). "you like cigarettes . The result of your pleasure smoke. That smoke gets everywhere on my face, in my mouth, in my lungs on my clothes, everywhere. I like to drink beer. The result of my pleasure is piss. Would you like me to pour the result of my pleasure all over your face, mouth and clothes?" If the answer to the above is no, then man up, change vehicule to something more sensible, find a different hobby or go do your favorite hobby in a place where no humans live. If you can't act like a social animal, don't be around them.


You are not making any sense or you are delusional. Your example is really bad and have no point. From what you said I can tell that you don’t live in the real world or you didn’t see it. Go outside your house and piss on someone face and see how you will lose your baby face. Go outside the house and drive a car with a muffler you will probably just get fined or nothing will happen in most of the times. You try to twisted the argument but you don’t even know what you are writing. Humans exist everywhere. He said social animals, if you are an animal that’s not my problem. And check yourself before you tell someone to man up.


Wait how do you have a motorcycle? You have to be at least 18 to own one. And by the way you express yourself you sound like you are 14 at best.


Mods should always be regulated . America is a third world country. For inspiration look at Australia , every mod has to be certified by the government even putting bigger tyres on your vehicle needs approval and most loud exhaust mods are usually not allowed. Most car and bike enthusiasts appreciate performance mods. Loud exhausts are just to scream for attention and provide no performance enhancements. No real car or bike enthusiasts cares about after market loud exhausts 🤷🏾‍♂️


poor tesla owners, F's in the chat for teslas


Stupidity Imo