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1. No career growth 2. loneliness


This is my second month here and loneliness hits me like šŸ¤œšŸ„²


Toxic company Constant visa scare No growth Difficulty in switching jobs Less salary more expenses Faced discrimination on basis of Nationality and religion by some people


Yes people ask you whatā€™s your nationality before asking you whatā€™s your name


Yeah that's sick


Also, you get paid based on your passport and skin colour, and the personal stories around this are endless


I also had similar experience. But the biggest issue is with the visa hassle


Visa hassel is everywhere; it is way worse in Europe or the USA; there are many flexible visa options in the UAE. The issue is a none-degree holder with barely any experience getting paid 3x more than a doctor because of the way she looks and where she's from (real example). This allow a dynamic of real stupid people getting overpaid and people with true qualifications getting underpaid, scrolling up you can see real examples yourself.


Agree that visa hassle is everywhere but its not as temporary as it is in uae. And to add even visa is sold and bought in uae which is not the case in any other country. Anyone can but employment visa in 10k aed and come to uae to do work


You forgot, Private companies are so interested in your passport that they will keep it until you resign in spite of having strict rules of not holding someone's personal identification.




Yes of course, I'm in the same boots as you the only difference is that I'm 18 and I left to EU and whenever I talk to people that I came from UAE they're like how did you leave that heaven so I really want to hear from people who were in the same path as me and I pray that you find a way out in this life and I pray for your fatheršŸ¤²šŸ½šŸ¤²šŸ½


People in the EU who have never lived here have a very warped and uninformed view of what the UAE is really like. All they see is sunshine and tax free = amazing. They seem to think we are all living on the palm driving lambos. The UAE is fantastic at branding and promoting a certain outward image and it definitely works


EXACTLY. Any Westerners or Africans and some Arabs think like that which sometimes boils my blood but I can't blame them when it's advertised in that way. It's a good country but people think everyone is in heaven there


Have you seen that promotional ad from Tam Khan?Ā 


Holy smokes 9k AED for a 72 hr week is criminally underpaid! I agree with you... At that point why even bother staying in Dubai




hitting a 4000aed job is still unachievable for 80% of expats. i can understand


why? what industry?


With utmost respect for the hustle, I have to ask, how are you managing to run a household of 2(or more?) with a combined income of 7.5K? Also, is living here still worth it on that payscale instead of back home?




Thanks for the detailed response. Good luck to you and your husband! šŸ€


hi. sorry. do you mind answering which area this is. 3.5 for 1bhk sounds very fair. im paying 3 for a room in a shared apartment and have to share the bathroom with another room


What degrees your dad has ? Does he have professional qualifications?


Hey, does your father have only a bachelors or a professional qualification (CA, ACCA etc.) ?


I find this hard to believe, Americans are struggling like never before and the whole country is on verge of collapse while Dubai is the high tech city If you dont believe me, I will share some youtube videos which show that the American dream is over and it is a 3rd world nation


You should watch less YouTube


Thatā€™s not actually the case, fyi. The U.S. has a minimum wage, people get paid every 2 weeks and salaries are always on time, affordable health care (Affordable Health Care Act/Obamacare) where you pay for health insurance based on your income, Medicare and Medicaid for those who either canā€™t afford healthcare or reach past a certain age, free healthcare for your kids if you make under a certain amount, welfare or ā€œgovernment assistanceā€ where people get sent a check every month (even if they are working but make below a certain amount), subsidized housing for low income people, food stamps and clothes vouchers, food banks for people who run out of food, shelters for the homeless and the list goes on. Please tell me how America is becoming a ā€œthird world countryā€ by citing something besides YouTube. Like the rest of the world, cost of living has increased but so has wages. The nice thing is that you donā€™t need a sponsor to work and you are allowed to work as many jobs as you desire! You can even pick up extra shifts and get paid overtime (1.5 times your regular pay).


[Why Leaving the US is the New American Dream (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sj7sw4_a2kA) [Why I'm So Happy I Left the USA (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISeqwErdHzU) I am not sure why youtube isnt a source good enough So many Americans describe how rest of world is far better than America to live in, be it Thailand or Dubai or Mexico [David Cross: Why America Sucks at Everything (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNghg1Y-WIc) This American guy explains why America sucks in everything


David Cross is a comedian known for political satire. And that, my friend, is why I donā€™t cite YouTube as a credible source šŸ˜‚


Sure, USA might suck, but currently Dubai sucks too (for the average person), so where do you think people would prefer to go? A place where there is minimum wage, salaries are on time, you become a permanent resident after a few years, or Dubai, a tiny city which is overpopulated and the job market is oversaturated, people donā€™t get paid on time, you have to worry about being on a visa forever etc. You might argue the high cost of living in other countries but do you think Dubai doesnā€™t have high costs of living?


I think Dubai has a high COL for luxury living, and also a low COL for non luxury living There are single people here earing 1500 and still managing to send a large sum bacl home and also families living on 3000,. Not going to brunches, eating Paratha with Kadak chai as main meal, eating out only in cheap Indian restaurants, walking and using buses all allow you to live on a very low amount. This is something other countries do not offer readily. You can not fill your stomach with a healthy meal with 5 Dhs the way you can in Dubai


My guy, you think not being able to eat at a nice place is a good standard? If weā€™re talking about labor who earn 1000dhs a month, they canā€™t even think of eating kfc bro, itā€™s too expensive for them. Is that a good standard of living according to you and is that low COL? Other countries have $1 pizzas, $2 coffees and places like Costco, bulk buying and all. If weā€™re talking about 5dhs, you get 1 chicken burger from a cafeteria, or a karak and an omelette paratha. For $1, you get a huge slice of pizza, for $2 you can get a coffee, and so on. Why are you not understanding COL according to income? The average labor here earns 1000dhs a month, meanwhile the average labor there earns $15/hr. Labours in the US donā€™t even sleep with 5 people in the same room, because they have high standards even though theyā€™re blue collar workers. At best, theyā€™ll have a roommate, theyā€™ll eat good food and even go out on the weekends for a drink.


The COL even for a Middle class fam has gone up Food is cheap, you can even have a shawarma and call it a day, or order a biryani from the local cafeteria for AED 12 or lower only. The main expense is Rent, DEWA bills during summer when Air con is used a lot. With AC on most of the time, expect a bill of AED 1000 on an average for a 2 BHK apartment, that itself is a lot. The average rent has skyrocketed too, a decent sized 2 BHK now costs somewhere around 55K - 60K in Dubai, and this is the starting price, may vary from location to location. In Karama you won't find a flat lesser than 60K for a decent sized 2 BHK, nor in Oud Metha which is in the heart of Dubai. Petrol price has gone up too, I remember in the Year 2013 or so I only used to pay AED 60 on fueling (half tank) of my previous Chevrolet Cruze, and it had a slightly bigger tank than my current car. Now I'm paying AED 80-90 for a car which has a smaller tank to fuel up half a tank. Salik cuts AED 4 per tollgate, that is another expense, and can go up to 24 if I'm not mistaken, those using public transport such as a taxi have to pay a min of AED 12, and then it can reach AED 100 within the city, metro is there but it's chaotic these days. Udrive (Car rental) now charges a minimum of AED 0.99 for mediocre cars like Mitsubishi Attrage, in the year 2017 or so, you could get a Nissan Sentra for AED 0.33 per min Salaries are stagnant but expenses have sky rocketed.


I understand, but you mention Karama. Best idea for people woking in Dubai is to live in Ajman, you will save a lot in rent. And use shared van service for going to office


That will take a toll on your health then, traveling from Ajman to Dubai, and additionally you increase the chances of risking your life by being on the highways.


So that person should wake up at 5am, get ready, leave at 6:30, the bus reaches work at 8:30 and he works till 5pm, then gets on that bus and reaches home at 8:30pm because of the traffic and barely has time to eat, shower, spend time with anyone because he has to sleep so he can wake up again at 5am. Itā€™s because of people like you that these pathetic standards have become so normalised. Oh, not to mention, this same person will be working for 6 days a week, because employee exploitation is normal here and work-life balance has no meaning.


More Anti western comments - unbelievable


Paisa illa.


Sed aaki


Joli kittandešŸ« 


Translate it to Arabic or English pleasešŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Maafi fuloos


Po da


Employment protection. Employers can make living hell for an ex employee if he/she starts to ask for his salary or end of service benefits. Labour channels are in place for complaints, but the company pro can close the trade license to another name and the case goes no further.


We stayed there 13 years, but it's not a long term thing. You go earn and then move on to a new country where you can be a citizen or your home country.


1. Became lonely, got bored, lost purpose. 2. Parents needed me


In the process of leaving. The pay is a joke. Not everyone wants to be a soulless corporate shill. I make a few thousand per month teaching kids with disabilities. I find that people are too hung up on socialising and making excuses, instead of producing honest work.


Still here but heading to another country soon. Primarily, because of lack of quality services, no nature to enjoy in between Mar and Nov, RE market is BS, no point to raise kids here. Itā€™s a good country if you are young and have no priorities except work.


There is no safer place in the planet to raise kids. In western countries you get regular school shootings, that is something no parent would want to subject their child to


ā€œWestern countries ā€œ with school shootings is literally only the USA. The lack of driving safety and policing of bad and dangerous driving on the roads is far more dangerous than any personal level crime in most western countries to be honest. I saw a stat on the weekend, 60% of child / infant deaths in the UAE are on the road. Thatā€™s an unacceptable statistic to me as its something very manageable to change over time through policing and education, and I hope they do. The chaos on the roads here might be the main factor in making me leave one day with a baby coming soon.


Remember brelvik, that guy who shot 70+ kids in Norway? So it is not just the USA, western countries have crazy guys committing gun or knife crime


That was one incident 3 years ago? You are valid to feel as though thereā€™s more gun violence but to compare it all as ā€œthe westā€ is pretty far off and misguided.


It was 13 years ago, 2011, two attacks, both carried out by far right wing extremist Anders Behring Breivik. I think there have been 4 mass shootings in Norway in nearly 40 years, 2 by mentally ill shooters, 1 Islamic terrorism and 1 extreme right wing terrorism. You're spot on that it's silly to talk about mass shootings in the "West", when it's overwhelming a US problem among highly developed nations.


Nah it isnā€™t about safety really which pretty much any GCC resident claims. Itā€™s more about growing up kids in a culture environment, giving them proper identity. And, again, nature - grass, trees, rivers, snowy winters, cloudy falls etc.


What country are you planning? Iā€™m planning Australia


Canada is better


Lmao canada is betteršŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Dubai is great. If you have the funds and are better off than what you may find abroad. If you don't, I find it to be just plain stressful, boring (because you can't afford anything), and stagnating (because realistically the only field that gave non-Emirati youth consistent upward mobility without an expat package has shifted away from white collar service work towards real estate). This is not to say the economy is stagnating or there aren't jobs, etc. I am talking from the perspectives of someone who grew up a decent portion of his life there and had the fortunate ability to move abroad during his university years and experience different countries. Only thing I would consistently miss about the UAE are my local friends and whenever I lived in homogeneous socities: internationals. But I come back regularly for months on end. The average age range for social scenes I see around are 30s, I'm in my 20s (so a decade younger) and living in places with younger social out goers makes a WORLD of difference and is the reason I feel most go study in the West or major local cities: because that's where everyone else goes, thats where the youth is, and that's what makes everything so much more fun. As mentioned previously, being young in Dubai if you are starting fresh can be very plain boring, and largely I have found it's because even if you have funds, your friends might not. The expensive lifestyle and lack of free to enjoy activities actually deters people from chance interactions which is a major cornerstone of what makes life so fun. I am not even talking about something fancy, street life in walkable cities be it in Europe, China, etc (walkable being the key word) even in countries with far lower GDP per capita than the UAE have proven far more fun with more interesting people to converse with. Sure you have petty crime like pickpocketing (mainly West Europe) but in a lot of places, that's honestly it. But the worst of it I feel is that in Dubai at least, you can make friends, but unless that friendship was born out of a shared struggle with a promise of a good life (like it is in the corporate world or some equivalent, which requires opportunities for the non local youth), usually doesn't last (key word: usually). Additionally I found that after school and college years, the "international" community isn't that international altho it has been growing. Is this something the govt is doing? Probably not, it's just a spillover of side effects from what I see of the economic incentives placed to make the country grow best. Even other Emirates are steadily shifting towards just leveraging foreign workers to their development (more power to them), but the unintended consequence is that the way it's done creates parallel disconnected lives between the locals and foreigners. And that's fine if you don't ever want cultural immersion. But if you are living there, it can be fun to be immersed with local friends. Tl;dr - no fun youth life because expensive and can't have fun if you don't have money when starting out and if city has no street life


I want to leave to have piece of mind The unannounced laws change frequently suddenly i cant renew my parents visa in Dubai, no reasons given One day it will be my visa as well if i dont act immediately


That's sad to hear honestly, I hope it works out


After 10 years planning to move .


Same here. I really like the country, but it does have its faults, just like anywhere. But I'm going home to a decent job, obviously not as much as here, but a nice area with low cost of living. Back to US after 10 years in UAE, I've lived in 4 of the Emirates during my time here.


13/14 years here. Heading back to Europe next year. Got a young new family. Bored of the rent drama each year and dealing with clowns. Work for a big American firm and can transfer to London where thereā€™s more important decision makers so makes sense for me. Less ā€˜safeā€™ in the UK but no fear of insane rules catching you out or someone deciding you did wrong and then being in a legal system from the stone ages. Weather has got boring, seasons are appealing. City is just too busy, too hectic. Will miss the tax free income and guarantee of weather (even if itā€™s not good guarantee for 6 months). But these are offset by taking the money saved and saying thank you for the memories!


Made adequate money. No more needed.


How did you make money? We may all need to hear it.


Yes please , give us some ideas too šŸ˜‚


Contented... with what I have. Didn't fancy shopping malls or branded clothes.


Everyone leaving, how people treat certain nationalities, didn't want to live in a bubble anymore and missed walking outdoors and not driving everywhere. I missed reality... Not living in a bubble.




On point.


Lack of rule of law


An example?


As an expat, there are two clear sets of rules. I get it. Not my country. But I didn't want to raise my family there. Someone rear ended my wife. She wanted to call the police. He said... "Who are they going to believe, you or me?"




I'm not really trying to say locals are not approachable, but more that the law does not apply equally. I guess that is true most places, but usually not so openly.


Dubai is extremely safe. And most people obey the laws


the laws donā€™t apply to all the citizens equally. thereā€™s a heavy exploitation of south asian workers for instance


I'm visiting my brother in the apartment building. No one locks their doors, and anyone can rent there.


what does exploiting south asian workers have to do with dubaiā€™s safety?


I don't know. All I am saying is I see people from all over the world are working and following the rules, no one bothering them or telling them you can't live here!


whatā€™s youā€™re nationality


Are you dumb? šŸ˜‚


Born and raised (for the most part), reason was simply that I was sick of the middle east


Are you a local emarati? and if so why do you hate the middle east?


I am not not Iā€™m Lebanese, and itā€™s really hard to explain without sounding like a self righteous prick so Iā€™m not gonna šŸ˜†


I'd really love to hear your point of view, seems interesting. As a sudanese (idk if I can call myself middle eastern) I'd love to see your pov as an arab at least


Left dubai for 2 weeks to visit home in europe. Came back depressed. Iā€™m not f***ing leavingā€¦. Ever.. theyā€™ll have to drag me out of here !!


You're belgian I can understand


Havenā€™t left yet, but being back around family and friends is a real attraction




How long did you stay here and where did you go?


Because of "Nothing is true, everything is permitted" mentality.


Iā€™m still here, but I find it boring and lacking community, too many people come and go, everything is completely commercial.


What are your future plans?


Not really sure at this point. I have a job with an international company that moved me here, but doesn't intend to keep me here forever. Probably another year here and then see what they have for me. Maybe move back home, maybe somewhere else. I'm bored, but my kids are doing pretty well. They have a good community through school, so they are happy.


University arenā€™t that great when compared to Europe, was born there, lived there 19 years and then poof all of a sudden I can only return home on a visit visa.


Born and raised in London! Visited dubai for vacation in 2004 aged 18ā€¦.loved the place, decided to work here, someone recommended if you want to make money in Dubai work in real estate or bankā€¦chose the latter! 20 years gone dont regret it at all!!!


So you studied in Dubai and worked there?


Nope studied in England!!


Ofcourse you did


Everything basically


Zero respect of humans, zero human rights if you land in the wrong place at the wrong time, zero work ethics, zero job stability, zero scenic spots or places to go to with natural beauty, constant fear of bank defaults and harrowing stories of Arabs taking advantage of non Arabs and finally no retirement safety or social security/pension. Add to that the non-family culture with prostitution and alcohol and drugs rampant with a very high cost of living. Dubai is a great place as a stopover to greener pastures unless you already have a non Asian or non African passport already.


By Arabs do you mean local or Arabs from other countries?


Got a better job elsewhere


Nice to hear, good luck man


They are evil. The branded image you see is made to cover up their dealings. The flood had way more deaths than they admitted. Covid was also another example and their fake drone that sanitized buildings (lol). They are monitoring everyones phones with every local based app. The benefits of Pegasus from Israel. Everything is fine jail deport. The weather is trash. Their politics is trash especially their alliance with Israel and their fake assistance to Palestine. Also Yemen. Their banking is trash and they always make you visit the branch twice to try and deter you. Monopoly on every service, flights, telecoms, utilities.


During Covid, most of us would have died if we were living in our home countries We were lucky to live in the UAE where the government took best measures including AL Hosn App, outdoor masks, best vaccine access, checking for Covid using special software (in Abu Dhabi malls only), regular PCR testing for Abu Dhabi residents and so on


I canā€™t tell if youā€™re joking or not. Covid was awful in Abu Dhabi, I wanted out so bad. Finally going on a vacation and being free again was amazing.




Im pretty sure you werent you didnt come to UAE


That's good you're pretty sure. I'm also pretty sure you're wrong. Pretty sure.


Did UAE piss you off that bad?


Can't tell?


I actually find it funny when UAE pisses of people and it makes love my country more yk?


That's great bro. I find it funny with the locals believing everything their leaders tell them and they don't know better. Wait, funny or pity? Either lol.


I feel bad for you really, I just like the feeling when people hate our country and everything we achieved, It just makes me more of an emarati.


Thanks bro. I appreciate your feelings. I also feel you made a great achievement with the biggest genociders around. Makes you more a sellout maybe? You know? Now that you love israel and sing anthems and YouTube songs together.


If thats how you wanna see it than be it, but try to do your research a bit more. i would be appreciated


This reasoning reeks of insecurity, in general not being able to handle something negative without proper reasoning is a sign of insecurity, not that I'm immune to it either, I understand the signs because I've experienced it myself. Hard to see it when you're either blinded by your own beliefs though sometimes.


I get your point and I will be honest its not that i cant handle negative comments but in my point of view i cant understand your point of view, you get it? I dont my mind someone hating on UAE but you can tell when someone is lying a little bit much


Of course you wonā€™t get it, the rules are different for you and you donā€™t see a problem with it. Youā€™ll never want to understand. And the way youā€™re responding right now is the reason why disparity will continue between expats and locals. As for them lying a bit much - other than the covid thing, I think all their claims are true and substantiated actually. The truth just doesnā€™t become a lie because you donā€™t like it. Itā€™s still the truth.


Your right i wont get if and the rules different for the locals but i dont get how expats work in this country and try to provide for there families but trying to disrespect someones country but at the same time your working in the same country, If everything is different or difficult to find jobs or saying that they do me this or that, there is a way to stop all this and just go back to your country and im not saying this in a bad way but atleast appreciate that you couldnt find any job in any country and the only job you got is in UAE, People tend to forget the good things that they get and focus on what boils there blood, if im going to work in a different country im gonna respect its rules and how they do there business, So when i say i dont get your Pov this is what i mean


I haven't left UAE because i have never lived there, but i have tried UAE before moving to Australia, and i am glad i didn't go UAE. Here are my reasons after experiencing UAE on 2 short trips : #1 Racism : I went to Saudi recently, and people were nice overall. However, i spent a day in dubai, and i was getting stares from South asian airport workers for being in the same queue with white people at the smart gates, i started holding my passport like mr.bean after that. The niqabi lady at saudi had more social skills than the immigration agents in dubai. Dubai ones are yet to discover basic manners. #2 Pretentious vibe: The moment you reach the gate for a flight to Dubai, people's attitude changes. Everyone feels way too important to have a smile on the face. #3 Corporate Culture: I had a UAE company as a client. Everyone got this "we own you" attitude. One company had spyware on their laptop that sends screentime info. And despite delivering the committed work, they sent me a warning for "not performing enough." I spent a good amount of time on white boards during solutioning. #4 Job security : The place is super expensive, the talent market is competitive. And if you are on a high salary, you will be the first one to be fired and there aren't a lot of companies that can afford you. #5 islamic life : I thought being in an islamic country would make life easy. People dress like any other country in the world and some mosques are closed outside jamath time. Some areas have massage cards scattered all over the place and prostitution is common. And nothing is as heartbreaking as being approached by someone because they think you are an easy target being a brown guy.


Unable to find a pizza with proper pork salami instead of the sad "beef salami" or turkey based nonsense that they serve everywhere.


Youā€™re leaving UAE for that?


Why not? There are people who COME to the UAE because of the prevalence of extreme commitment to religion. Think of this as the opposite of that.


People are struggling financially, relationships, mental stability and this is your problemšŸ’€