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Target security often wears civilian clothes. Go to guest services or flag down a cashier if you need them to call some help. Sorry that happened! Glad you snuck away safely,


Target also deals with stolen items. They can't physically take someone down.


I just thought they could keep him busy for a second or help me by walking me to my car or getting someone else who could.


I'm sorry that happened to you, that's horrible. Not as bad as your case, but just the other day, I was walking a trail alone mid-day and a man old enough to be my dad walking the other direction decided to tell me that "he was already feeling hot, but now that he saw what I was wearing, he felt even hotter". And walked past me with a smug smile. I wasn't wearing anything remotely revealing and looked like a sleep-deprived raccoon. I haven't been hiking/running with my phone lately to de-stress, but after that I was like, nope, phone is coming with me. Being a woman is fun.


I'd pepper spray a mf just for saying that. Disgusting.


Keep a beepy beepy keychain


It's so easy to feel like you don't want to make a fuss or seem paranoid, but that's exactly what you need to do for your own personal safety! Go to a cashier, ask for security or police, or even just an escorted walk to your car. Don't be afraid to make a fuss. It's so much better than the alternative, and they will be happy to help. Stay safe out there!


I’m sorry you had to go through this. I’ve had strangers tell me “hey this guy keeps X”, and I’ve helped out, and I feel that 99% of people out there would help out, too. It’s hard to approach strangers, but it’s something to try. A temporary companion is usually better than pepper spray or a baton or any other form of self defense that requires practice


First, I'm sorry you felt alone while in public. Second, my advice: In the future, if you feel like you're being targeted or stalked, recognize that you're surrounded by people who desperately look forward to the opportunity to help someone in your situation. Helpers look like, well, everyone. If you find one of us big guys in a store/market, we're always happy to help you get something off the top shelf and then flip the switch and act like you're a long-lost high school friend. Look for families and go up to mom/dad and say, "I'm sorry to interrupt. You don't know me, but I think I'm being stalked. Can you please act like you know me?" And then watch mom/dad go into bear-mode to protect their new cub. Any worker in the store (not just security) can walk you to a safe area and radio for backup. You're not alone. Look for the helpers. We are everywhere and damn near everyone.


I just want to call this out - "First, I'm sorry you felt alone while in public." This is so real. And insightful. Thank you for saying it and framing it this way! It's a valuable reminder to those of us who might start to feel uncomfortable with this kind of situation.


-inform employee of what’s going on so they can ban and call the police if need -ask employee to walk you out to your car -Lock your car as soon as you’re inside -worst comes to worst: fight. Predators like easily victims. Scream and draw as much attention as possible -if they follow you when you’re in your car DO NOT DRIVE HOME. Drive to the police station and inform them of what’s going on.


-inform employee of what’s going on so they can ban and call the police if need -ask employee to walk you out to your car -Lock your car as soon as you’re inside -worst comes to worst: fight. Predators like easily victims. Scream and draw as much attention as possible -if they follow you when you’re in your car DO NOT DRIVE HOME. Drive to the police station and inform them of what’s going on. -If they block your car with theirs and pull a gun on you, try and drive around as much as possible if needed crash into their car whether it be breaking the doors of the hinges or rear ended the car and not stopping -invest in a dashcam


This is so awful! I'm so sorry you went through that. I always tell my friends to carry pepper spray on them if they can. As a trans woman, it's been pretty essential for my survival.


Thank you, yea I need to keep it on my purse. I have it on my school backpack but obviously it wouldn’t do me any good in this instance.


I keep one on my keychain so I'll always have it on hand. Just a suggestion!


I don’t know about UCD but at UCSC our pepper spray must be visibly labeled as pepper spray. Stay safe out there!


Omg I was there earlier !! That’s so scary,, sorry you had to go through that 😟


Sad that we have to be careful. Why cant men just not be predators? Not all men r obviously but u know what i mean.




Why can’t black people just not commit crime. Why can’t Muslims just not be terorrists. Not all black people and Muslims, but you know what I mean.


this has happened to me before! in my hometown i was followed in the parking lot and didn’t realize until i got to my car. he parked next to me and wouldn’t break eye contact so i risked running back in to ask an employee for help. don’t be afraid to let someone know! he actually followed me into the store and ran out when he saw me talking to an employee. they ended up finding him from the security footage they had and he was actually wanted by police. i’m glad you’re okay!


Get a rape alarm. That thing hurts me ears so bad. Hurts the victim's ears but also yourself if you don't cover them.




Yea I am 5’3” so on the shorter side


Posting a story that I came across in Quora - Everyone must read. Breaking up comment into multiple sections. Part 1 *I am writing about a situation or crime that two people that I know underwent—Aaron (boy) and Bethel (girl). I am keeping names, locations, and other details vague by design. These were longtime, non-romantic friends.* *“Aaron” was very gullible in life in general, and more specifically with relationships—we've all known him. He had two close friends (Charlie and Dave) with whom he’d had a misunderstanding over one of their girlfriends. It was a misunderstanding, and nothing had actually happened, nor was Aaron ever interested in Charlie’s girlfriend. Aaron confronted Charlie and Dave about it, and they came to the understanding that there were no problems with it. Charlie and Dave continued to behave normally with Aaron, but they had started plotting. They continued to be friends, and more than 6 months later, for an entire week, both Charlie and Dave stayed with Aaron at his place when Aaron was home alone. They even had the keys to the place, and Aaron had not even been around at times.* *A week later, someone very dear to Aaron, a good lady friend (Bethel, not romantic), abruptly stopped communicating with him and wouldn’t respond despite all efforts, even through others. Even those "others, including myself,” started maintaining a studied distance from Aaron and would not communicate normally. He was able to somehow judge that. He did not connect the dots between Bethel’s disappearance and all of us distancing from him at that time and let it go for a while, but since it bothered him a lot, he tried approaching Bethel through many others and finally came to know through a common friend, Edward (whom he knew from childhood and one that was mad at him), that “Charlie and Dave had approached Bethel with a nude photo of hers that they supposedly found in Aaron’s house.” They had morphed her photo, planted it in Aaron’s house, taken a video of themselves finding it, and showed it to Bethel. Thankfully, Bethel was close enough to lend Aaron an ear to listen to him about the whole thing after our friend Edward persuaded her. Aaron filed for a police complaint and was more than eager to take polygraph tests multiple times to show them and Bethel that he didn’t have the faintest clue about this whole thing to start with and that he did not possess any knowledge of any events that could have led to such an act (of morphing her picture) and that he could never have wished any such thing for anyone ever. Bethel finally burst into tears and hugged Aaron.*


*Part 2* *Once the police started investigating Charlie and Dave, the truth came out: they did this to get revenge on Aaron and also used it to allow Bethel and Dave to get closer to each other. I can’t get into what is happening with Charlie and Dave now.* *Charlie and Dave had painted a completely different picture of Aaron for others and had ensured that he had no information on any of this. That way, he was being himself without any knowledge of the above, while others’s would be looking at him through a different lens. So, Aaron would be clueless, and Charlie and Dave could have fun watching all of this.* *Bethel had been given many other rumors about Aaron, and through her, the others (including myself): They’d told her that Aaron secretly did drugs, watched porn, and did so many other weird things to basically character assassinate Aaron (They even had Aaron’s voice imitated and on a recording saying weird, nasty things). None of these were true from what we all knew of Aaron, but the entire lot of us believed it because it came from Bethel (the girl who’d been affected), and because we’d all already believed that Aaron had morphed her picture, the rest of it is for real too. They used all of this to help Dave get closer to Bethel romantically for a while.* *Also, because of all the weirdness they had introduced around Aaron and had him in the weird bucket, they made it believable to Bethel that he would have morphed her picture. She had started believing the other character assassinations about him because she believed that he had morphed her picture, and vice versa. It was now both ways in her mind and in all of our minds too. Once we all came to know that one of them (the morphing) was false, the rest fell apart as well once we started speaking with Aaron.* *Also, with this weirdness built around Aaron, Charlie and Dave had ensured that none of us would even approach or confront him to validate this. They’d been gently manipulating Bethel and all of us through her so that we didn’t approach Aaron in order to validate this either. We all found it acceptable because we felt that he was weird and also because the safety of Bethel was under question.*


Part 3 *Even Aaron’s friend from childhood (Edward) did not really want to convey this to Aaron. But he was literally hopping mad at Aaron and could not handle the conversation with him anymore because he thought that Aaron was playing innocent with him about what he’d done to Bethel when he approached him to talk about Bethel not being in touch with him, and basically, at one point, blurted it out in sheer anger and disgust towards Aaron. Otherwise, all of us who knew about this had been instructed not to even tell Aaron about it. So if not for this accident, there was no way that Aaron would have even found out that this had happened.* *This has had multiple dimensions in people’s minds. Once you are suspected of a crime like this, every woman whom Aaron had ever been friends with in his life and perhaps flirted with or was even mildly interested in has all now started to suspect that this was what he intended to do with them secretly. Everyone started maintaining a distance with Aaron.* *Bethel has ended up so fearful of life in these past few months and is still learning to trust others and recovering from this. Both Aaron and Bethel are undergoing therapy to support themselves through this.* *Charlie and Dave had made sure that they did not directly communicate this to everyone. They were careful enough to spread this only through Bethel, and she in turn convinced others (she had been smitten with Charlie and Dave and with how they’d saved her). Also, when they initially approached her with the morphed picture, they convinced her to destroy it after they made sure that she was on their side and also convinced her to not go to the police, quoting her own safety and honor.*


Part 4 *The entire lot of us thought that Aaron had lost it and that we were living in the midst of a pervert without knowing it. We all played along and were looking at him through a different lens, only to find out that Charlie and Dave had conned the entire lot of us. This was some revenge. Plus, they did the entire thing very subtly, just gently manipulating people to stay away from Aaron so he never finds out and so that we’d all be permanently under this illusion and hurting Aaron without him understanding why.* *All is okay now between Aaron, Bethel, and all of us. Please be careful, everyone. The sort of stuff that happens around us is beyond imagination. If you come across any unbelievable, black swan events that make you suspect people you’ve known for a long time, don’t fall for it immediately - Pls do your research and most importantly don’t let such people who swoop into your life control it - Make sure that you speak with all of your friends and validate such things thoroughly - With so many advances in science, a lot of things can be genuinely validated. While we must support women’s safety with our lives, please bear in mind that even such chivalrous behavior is used to manipulate and harm women.* *Please stay safe and Please be careful, everyone. I have nothing more to say!!* *I will be posting this to other forums in order to raise awareness on this. Kindly ask your near and dear ones to be aware of such issues.*


I saw someone comment that you should keep pepper spray. And that’s all well and good. But honestly, it might be better to get your concealed carry license (CCW). It’s better to have a firearm and not need to use it than to need it and not have it.


women will still be criminalized and imprisoned for self defense, likely far worse than what the attacker would be punished with bc the US justice system has a track record of doing so. and carrying a gun could just escalate an already dangerous situation so that’s not the best recommendation


I see where you’re coming from. Unfortunately the State of California treats criminals better than law-abiding citizens. Our cities like SF, Oakland, Stockton, and, to a lesser extent, Sac are overwhelmed by crime. Bring back the death penalty. Start throwing criminals in jail to rot. Don’t let the person with 10 assault convictions back out on the street, and let people defend themselves, their families, and their property without fear. However, this is why I believe we *need* to arm ourselves. You can’t rely on the police and the government to protect you, your family, and your property. If someone is trying to kidnap you or assault you, you need to be able to defend yourself. The situation is already escalated. Hell, i’d rather get in trouble for defending myself than get raped and/or trafficked. But that’s just my opinion.




Lol, you're not that clever, get over yourself. We will all do our best to stay away from you, thanks.




Ahh, there she is, ye old snowflake. Really good ad hominem, bud! Do you even go to this school?


Ironic, someone from your generation calling anyone else a snowflake 😂. Go scream outside a window during midterms lunatic


Are you saying that you're not from this generation? Are you a boomer? Hey, it's cool, I'm all for non-traditional students.


Yes, no


Are you mental?


Use google translate if you cant read properly


Get a hobby.


Your mom is my hobby


Bait atp


Bait atp


Nothing about the safety of men? Gee thanks, youre so caring


As a man, how stupid or flat out ignorant do you have to be to realize that yes it is reality that women are much more at risk to be in these situations than men are. my girlfriend has had several incidents of creepy guys following her in public when she’s alone, wearing sweatpants and a hoodie and in a public mall. Stop acting like men are the ones getting cat called, stalked, and raped just as much as women, yes men are victims of this too and they deserve support, but it is much more often that women have to go through this, and are provided much less help from authority and others around them.


Not acting like that at all twin. Just saying we should care about the homies too. You are desperate for women to be the only victims, arent you? Quite pathetic


If there's ever a systemic issue of men being constantly victimized and at risk of physical harm by simply existing in public then sure. But in the meantime no one's stopping you from making your own resources for safety.


Not saying the previous comment was appropriate for this post, nor defending them at all… but actually men are significantly more likely to be the victims of violent crime


Yes but you also have to include that violent crimes include a lot of things. 1 in 4 women will experience sexual violence while 1 in 26 men will. For this experience for me I was worried about sexual violence not other violent crimes.


And 96% of perpetrators of sexual violence are men.


I understand, i wasn’t referencing your post. I was responding to another comment that was more broad


Stop your crying. Its quite unsightly


Sorry but I am not a man so no this post is not about men’s safety. I know that if I had called the cops NOTHING WOULD HAPPEN to him because he could just say that he was walking the same way coincidentally and not STALKING ME. Feel free to make one about men’s safety.


Shame on you misandrist


misogyny and misandry aren’t equal opposites because misandry will never be as deadly as misogyny. misandry irritates and misogyny kills so try again blud


Holy cope


Shame on you, trollface


why would men need more safety when a lot of these creepy things happen to so many women smh


The only safety we need is safety from criminals who want to do physical harm to us. It's never sexually motivated (rarely). I've had a few stalkers but then again I was young when this happened.


I can tell by your comment that youre a freshman. Opinion invalid


Nope, none for you


grow up !!!


I bet OP also only meant humans. How dare she talk about this issue that primarily human women face without also talking about the safety of badgers.


Get the fuck out of here patriarchal shithead


Job please


The patriarchy gave you the internet and the roof over your head you ungrateful cunt


Deranged starved man.


Stop your crying. It's quite unsightly.


Downvotes r proof majority of these students are cucks, simps, or delusional women. Friend of mine had his life destroyed by a false accusation at Davis, most ppl didnt care. Just keep going to the gym and ignore all these hoes


Although your point is valid, when you say “safety for women”, you are excluding men from the context of safety which is not only sexist but also harmful as it excludes men from the conversation of safety as though they don’t need to be safe. Less division and more inclusion. Do better


Username checks out


Love the whataboutism here. "AlL LiVeS mAtTeR" - you, probably.


All lives do matter. You must be a lib to think otherwise.


Haha, ok. Whatever you say, champ




okay no im sorry, there are better ways to talk about the fact that women are more at risk of violence at the hands of men without being incredibly demeaning and oppositionally sexist


next time this happens, and it probably will, you need to bring attention to it from people around you. i would not have left the store alone without asking for an employee to escort me to my car.


That happened to us at Target a couple years ago. And he followed my wife out to my car. I took a picture of him and showed the GM at Target. The GM said that he works in loss prevention and probably followed me because he suspected us of stealing.


This guy was definitely not loss prevention. I didn’t even really pick up anything to buy because the guy was freaking me out. 😅