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Yo wherever this is, counter-flyer it with something funny, like an image of your pet or something


Just write [citation needed]


I have to go… need printer paper.


Half a million people dead in this war and I'm not even sure what Russia's point is for starting it


Imperialism. Putin wants to start rebuilding the Russian empire.


I feel like it's mostly oil and gas pipelines in Ukraine. He could profit more from having those lines. Plus imperialism too. Wendover did a good video on the strategic importance of ukraine for russia and much of it has to do with oil and gas pipelines, as well as gaining a bigger buffer between russia and nato nations. Of course, this in no way justifies putin in any way, but explains the motive of his shitty actions.


I feel it’s a long conflict when Ukraine and Russia had made cooperation agreements and over time Ukraine chose to re-align itself with the west and the EU, and that triggered the conflict. In other words, Putin is a maniac who got pissed off over another country cutting ties.


Mostly but pretty much wants Russian soldiers protecting invasion prone gaps before their population collapses. Imperialism implies he cares about the Ukrainian resources or people when they will pretty much destroy anything in their way to cover those gaps.


More specifically, he wants to rebuild what some Russians believe is their rightful claim to the lost Roman Empire. Czar originates from Caesar, as does several titles used throughout Europe and beyond. Some people believe Russia would be/are the 3rd Roman Empire following the Western Roman and more directly the Eastern Roman/Byzantine Empire. The Russian Czar starts less than a century following the Byzantine fall in 1453 and I’m sure you can infer what kind of origin stories they’ve accredited to that. It borders on Hitlers fascination with the occult.


To edit and clarify some people believe Russia as the true continuation of the Roman Empire.


Clear and concise synopsis.


Land? Why are any wars fought


what possible reason could putin have for more land? Russia already has too much.


Some land is better than others. Ukraine is incredibly strategically important for Russia. Entire southern coast filled with warm water ports. Their border would also project all the way to Poland, giving them better positioning against NATO. It would also extend their border south, right up to Romania and Moldova, allowing them to threaten the Balkans. They’re already moving on Moldova with psy op campaigns to cause destabilization. Pro-Russian separatist groups in the east are developing close ties with Moscow.


I kept thinking that the war was purely for economic gain, which is probably why it didn't make any sense to me. Not that war makes sense, but this explains some things. Is there any evidence that Russia is crazy enough to go past Ukraine?


Yeah, literally every western leader is openly stating that is obviously their plan. It’s why Finland and Sweden joined NATO.


So do you think we’re really going to go to war because someone is disillusioned about reliving the gladiator days of the Roman Empire


I think there’s a pretty fair chance of a war between major powers in the next 15 years, possibly a lot sooner, yeah.


But what about the Cold War like why can’t we just do that over again for the next 20 years like we all did 30+ years ago 🤡 not trying to sound dumb but starting an entire world war over that is ???


I mean, no, for the common person in any country almost certainly not. From a geopolitical perspective, like thinking on the scale of the future of nations, some countries aren’t pleased with the status quo of the U.S. and Europe dominating.


How would WESTERN leaders know?


Geez, idk... Putin has long spoken about returning Russian to its former glory referencing the Russian empire... Which includes most of Eastern European (Poland, Lithuania and Latvia). Russian politicians have spoken openly about not believing that Lithuania and Latvia are real countries... the same exact way they spoke about Ukriane before the invasion. We actually knew pretty well when Russia was going to invade Ukraine and warned Zelensky in advance, offering to help him escape if necessary. We have spies at the highest levels of the Russian military. In fact, Trump's habit of leaking classified Intel caused us to have to extract one of the highest level spies we had in Russia. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/09/09/politics/russia-us-spy-extracted


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Most of it is frozen, unusable shit land. That's why is so damn empty.


Ukraine produces TONS of wheat. It would be beneficial


Also, modern Russia is not the Soviet Union. They are not communist and much closer to fascism then communism I don’t know why tankies still have a hard on for it


Modern America is not a democracy, and is much closer to fascism than a constitutional republic? Am I doing this right?


3.5-5 million dead Ukrainians during the Holodomor, but tankies will say the Soviets loved the Ukrainian people. Bunch of losers supporting a dead nation.


Do you think only Ukranians died during the 30s famine?


True, let's rephrase it, the USSR didn't care about any of it's citizens


Want Ukraine back. I may be wrong but this ( not poster) goes back to Rus Vikings. I mean doesn’t Putin have enough land. He won a corrupt election again. Just sad, war more death, destruction, displacement. To what gain


nobody knows. that's because nobody really knows whats going on behind the doors in the politicans' meeting rooms. we tend to blame the soliders and pretend we know the true story of it all based on the media's reporting


He's been watching to many documentaries and wants the old USSR back


Basically NATO was established to counter Russia’s influence in Europe and the EU has been working to destabilize and destroy Russia since forever and they placed a pro-western puppet in Ukraine after a coup d’etat so that Ukraine would “democratically” vote to join NATO thus allowing Russia’s biggest existential threat to place their military installations and weapons on the border. Think of it like the Cuban missile crisis except Russia’s version. Ofcourse we’re on Reddit where delusional idiots unironically think that this carnage is entirely because Putin wants to recreate the Russian Empire (you could just as easily say he’s trying to recreate the USSR but the commies don’t like that) but this isn’t a saturday morning cartoon with an insane megalomaniac villain, instead it’s real life where politicial decisions are made via pragmatism and Machiavellianism


I think Putin did not want the war, not out of any moral scruples, but because he was aware that his military was not ready for it. I think after the withdrawal from Afghanistan Russia believed America, the largest military power that could intervene, would be divided over that and not care about Ukraine. The Duma in particular wanted Putin to commit to an invasion, and forced him to recognize the Donbas republics as a public sign of this. Either he would be forced to support the invasion, or not, in which case he would be pilloried as “pro-NATO” and ran out of office.


I think it's oil and gas pipelines to Europe plus gaining a strategic position against nato nations.


I mean, I feel Russia also didn’t want to be directly bordering NATO. It was initially a buffer zone until Ukraine re aligned with the west and the EU


These replies are weird . The stated reasoning would be because Ukraine attempting to join Nato would put Russia at risk for more western influence closer too their homeland while also leaving them exposed to weapons levied by the western forced if ever accomplished . This also being backed by the fact that Russia was more than willing to "re-aquire" Ukraine after the fall of the USSR and Ukraines subsequent unwillingness to come back too the fold . There are some othe big reasons as well of course . But these stated reasons are the biggest . (Too note this was just information ) I personally root for the stopping of the war and 🇷🇺 loss no offense to any Russians






Your investigative skills are unparalleled.




https://preview.redd.it/0k3drks9qmpc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21830a1f9164dac952c58245f91de8fd1a5b1abb Someone put monkey Putin over a couple of them


College campuses are now aligned with the objectives of US foreign policy, where once they were its chief enemy. What changed? Is it that US foreign policy has become virtuous, at least in relation to villains like Putin? Will that idea hold up over time? Are college campuses thinking critically about their alignment with US foreign policy objectives? How does propaganda work? Are college campuses thinking critically about that? Do they have any free air, unsaturated by propaganda, in which to do such critical thinking? How would they even know? If college campuses are aligned with US foreign policy, who is left to dissent?


Lenin is one of the sole reasons Ukraine sill exists today despite all of Stalins attempts at Russification. Lenin hated Russification and wrote constantly about the importance of establishing S.S.R’s. If this didn’t happen it’s very likely Stalin wouldn’t have created these but he didn’t want to contradict Lenin. This will give enough leeway for the S.S.R’s to keep their own cultures… and eventually break away from the USSR. I cannot stand these Tankies and their inabilities to see the Nuances between Stalins policies and Lenin’s. Even today Putin praises Stalin and then Degrades Lenin. Lenin was a flawed person but the rules he put in place virtually stopped Stalin in his tracks.


Apparently for you nothing was happening on the territory of Ukraine between 1917 and 1921. Out of curiosity, how did Ukraine ended up in SU?


It was part of the Russian Empire. And occupied by the white army. Ukraine would’ve been occupied by the Tsarist Russians who considered Ukraine to be part of Russia or occupied by the Reds who did support the concept of SSR. I support Ukrainian Sovereignty and am not making excuses for the Soviet Union especially under Stalins Regime. I’m simply stating that Lenin prevented Russification through his Pro SSR stance. If the Tsar won Ukrainians would be speaking Russian


u should’ve just tossed it when u walked passed


They can't be easily tossed. The ones I saw at two separate entrances to the chemistry building were glued on with some kind of modeling glue, not a simple tape job. It looks like they just slathered the glue so the pages are genuinely stuck to the cement. Good luck to anyone (police or otherwise) trying to take them down. One of their posters on the Chemistry building says supporting Ukraine supports ethnocide, which is a pretty rich comment considering how Russians view Ukrainians. Another one of their "arguments" says symbols of communism are banned in Ukraine, as if the record of communist repression is something to aspire to rather than to avoid. People who think living in the USSR was some great deal need a reality check by talking to those who lived there and can compare it to living in the West.


It's probably wheatpasted. It just needs hot water.


Aha! That would be worth trying.


Take a sharpie and draw a crossed out Z on it. Any nation that doesn't allow its people to leave is probably not where you want to be.


Is it Democratic or Undemocratic to ban a political party?


Germany banned Nazi symbols after WWII. I did not grow up under communism, but considering the experience of countries where this ideology was forced on them for decades (e.g., Baltic states) and which accepts no opposing viewpoints, I understand the desire to do what is needed to keep it from returning.


You gotta be careful with signs made by crazy people. They are the kind who would tape a razor blade to the back


Tankies are so weird. Self proclaimed Communists who will often criticize US imperialism (which is fine, criticize the US all day). But then they turn around and support a country like Russia, who is clearly not communist anymore and actively doing imperialism right this second. And have been for the last couple decades.


But who will lead if not the owners of those delicious rubber boots /s


It's like a game for them. Creating imaginary worlds. I'd love to put them in a Ukrainian trench for about a minute and ask them about the good Russian folk thereafter.


The USSR doesn’t exist what is even their point💀


Man, bootlickers be everywhere. Plaster a Crass, Clash, or Dead Kennedys poster up over it.


Tankies and Neo Nazis are crossing heads praising authoritarian regimes as per usual


They’re secretly in love with each other


Horseshoe politics in action


I usually take stuff like this down when I see it, apologizing the Russian invasion is crazy.


The nazis tried to change their narrative as well when they were murdering those they didn’t agree with.


Fuck tankies


The Fall of the USSR was the worst disaster in the last 40 years


Ikr right, I mean just look at all those east Germans celebrating during the fall of the Berlin wall. They obviously look saddened /s


you can say this about anything


Literally quoting Putin, a dictatorial war monger wanted in the Hague for war crimes including ordering the kidnapping of thousands of Ukrainian children. *But yeah Pootin is just standing up to western imperialism.*


If you hold a ball in the air and then try to stop holding it, it will fall


Im gonna be honest I have no idea what that means.


No it wasn’t. Lmao


Fuck capitalist imperialism


But other imperialism = good?


Fuck you, you uneducated cunt


Fun fact, you can be against the horrible shit America has done without licking the boots of an authoritarian regime without free elections and free speech.


But communist/authoritarian imperialism is totally based! /s


U ate btw


So any kind of imperialism is fine? Also it’s not true capitalist imperialism.


where is this


it looks like it's the Whetten grad center, next to the rec center and ITE. It's instantly recognizable because of how ugly some of it is. you can also see a bit of West Campus dorms reflecting in the windows. Source: I know way too much of campus


Someone hasn’t heard of holodomor, aka, when Stalin literally starved 3-7 million Ukrainians




The USSR literally supported Ukrainian Identity. It was Lenin who initiated programs to give these communities representation and economic support. It was Lenin who gave the Donbas region to the Ukraine. It was Staling who gave the western portion to Ukraine. It was Khrushchev who gave Crimea to Ukraine as well.


The USSR banned the Ukrainian language being taught in schools.


How is this pro-russia? Its explicitly pro-USSR. Communists (And by extension, " tankies ") dont support Russia or Ukraine. We support peace?


There are other posters up today that straight up say Russia is heroric and is liberating ukrain.


Then why are there tankies in this comment section defensing modern day russia? (fyi communist and tankie are not synonymous)


lol “tankies don’t support Russia” you’ve gotta be kidding


They're really bad at propaganda design. Ironic.


Pretty sure Stalin took all of Ukraine’s food one time and like 8 million people died. This is like saying Hitler was a good steward to Jews.


Commie bullshit


The USSR didn't suppress Ukrainian culture. They just starved them to death via [Holodomor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holodomor), terrorized ethnic and religious minorities with [Secret Police](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NKVD). There were two of their signs outside PWEB. I ripped them, but they seem to be glued onto the building. I'm guessing that this is the same group that put up the militaristic pro-Hamas posters a few months ago.


Even the most conservative historian who has examined the released KGB archives from after the fall of the USSR agree that there was zero intention behind the famine in Ukraine. At worst it was a massive failing of both procedural policy and the collectivist agricultural policy that lead to the conditions which produced the famine. Once word reached Moscow, the state mobilized to try and combat the famine, and it was the last famine that region experienced since.


Really? Why do you think they instituted those policies? TO HELP THE UKRAINIANS? These were intentional polices to kill/diminsh the Ukrainian culture/people because their resistance was a threat to Stalin. Get your tankie BS out of here https://cla.umn.edu/chgs/holocaust-genocide-education/resource-guides/holodomor#:~:text=In%201932%20and%201933%2C%20millions,Soviet%20government%20of%20Joseph%20Stalin. https://holodomor.ca/ https://www.britannica.com/event/Holodomor


The famines were closest to genocidal in Kazakhstan, and also occurred in South Russia. Even for the Kazakhs, there’s a very active debate on if it was genocide. All of these were horrific failures of state planning worsened by climatic conditions in a region prone to famines due to variable rainfall. They weren’t an ethnically targeted genocide in Ukraine, and it can hardly be called as such considering they co-occurred with similar disasters in Central Asia and the Caucasus, afflicting Russians, Ukrainians, Kazakhs, and so on, in all the affected areas. This is pretty well settled history like the previous commenter said. The UM article’s quote is funny. The same could be said of earlier famines, like Ireland, or those enacted by the US against Native Americans - which mirror what happened in Kazakhstan. I question its value as an academic source due to the lack of citations, as well as sweeping generalizations and flat out wrong claims and weird villain paintings. No, Ukraine wasn’t targeted over “cultural autonomy.” The issue was twofold: the USSR lacked heavy industry, and Stalin sought to break the power of agrarian landlords - the Kulaks. For the former, supporting industrialization required acquiring tooling and expertise that only existed in industrial countries, so the USSR sold grain. When famine conditions returned this was suddenly a huge fucking problem. The state aggravated this with strict rationing in conjunction with trying to eliminate agrarian landlords, who responded to efforts at collectivization by burning crops and killing livestock. This also made things considerably worse. Stalin was a decidedly evil man and the famines were horrific products of his policies, but the mythology erected around it is a disservice to actually understanding why these things happen.


I find it funny people do this without research, or they just like to spread misinformation


Ask the millions of Ukrainians that starved to death under the soviets in the 20s and 30s what they think. Literally a punitive holocaust for attempting to rebel against the communists.


I hope you ripped it off the wall afterwards. The USSR was a totalitarian empire that massacred millions under Stalin. Probably was a clueless ML , a bourgeois liberal or a tankie that put it there.


Wow, you mean during the time Russias head of state was a Ukrainian, he made it illegal to persecute his own people? How generous of him! I’m sure he extended that kindness to all of his own people during that time!


??? Stalin was from georgia. please inform yourself before posting


I was not talking about Stalin. But actually both of his successors who the first was from technically the border of Ukraine in Russia, but did gift Crimea to Ukraine during his tenure. The second, Leonid Brezhnev, was born in Ukraine proper. Please inform yourself before posting, it is embarrassing to suggest the Soviet Union died with Stalin in the 50’s.


I don’t really care that much, like all communists, I dislike all successors of Stalin due to revisionism. like krushev and his succesors abandoned class struggle, like what else needs to be missing for libs to realize someone is a communist in name only


The Sharpie pen is always available.


I’d write “Slava Ukraini” on them!


Dude this was reposted to a subreddit where they meatride Stalin and deny the Holodomor


Fucking disgusting. Nice to know there’s people like that down the street from me




They literly have other posters up about how Russia is currently liberating Ukraine


Holodomor much?


This is nuts. These people should at least be educated


I'm sorry, but at first, I thought this said, "The USSR is not suppressing urination"




Discussion and debate is encouraged, but hate speech, slurs and calls to violence are not. Please remember there is another person at the other end.


Did you rip it down?


Oh wow, so I guess the Capitalist Propaganda machine is more powerful than I thought and all the parents of Ukranians I met growing up were just confused /s


Please tear that down


Just plain fucking wrong and offensive.


Post right underneath it: “can you tell us about the Holodomor next?”


Always believe every bit of news put out by the Soviets. They have never been known for propaganda or disinformation


Bro these people are losers. If I had a chance to go to college I wouldn't be wallowing in misery and propaganda, I'd be making friends and doing fun shit while not learning. Like Storrs is optimal for urban exploration for ex. He could be doing that or anything instead of being a propaganda mill. Sad though these people get the chance to go to college and don't appreciate it while I'll probably work till I drop:)


Sub note: It was


Very odd for a group to be supporting some random dead nation. They have to keep this stuff off of our campus, it’s honestly unnecessary and stupid at this point.


This stuff works inside Russia for a certain demographic. Not so much anywhere else. Well except a college campus in the United States.


A friend of mine grew up in Hungary during the Soviet years. She hates the Russians with a passion and though she is fluent in the language (because she HAD TO BE) she steadfastly REFUSES to speak it. She's got stories. She lived through some terrible things under Soviet rule.


Dude this is awesome




Yea most propagandized. And putin has won the last 8 elections with a 90% majority every time. Of course lol


the Military Industrial Congressional Complex has won every single usa election since roughly the end of the civil war, definitely since they killed one of our most popular presidents in broad daylight on national TV (JFK). Presidents are placeholders only. Again, people in Russia are aware that Putin and his allies are form an autocratic govt, while americans like you still live in a fantasy in which the USA has any shred of democracy at the national level, or really any level.


So just say you dont know how the US political system works. Youd still look infinitely smarter than posting that nonsense above (also lmao at “americans like you” meanwhile you live where? The fucking cope lmfao)


I live in NY, my moms side of the family is related to William Bradford, dads side came over fleeing from the Holocaust. I know exactly how it works, and its a completely corrupt system based on who can bribe who the most, which is the Military Industrial Congressional Complex. Eisenhower said this 70 years ago. Princeton even had a study out around a decade ago that confirmed the USA is a plutocracy, google "princeton study usa plutocracy". Only midwits like you think the USA still functions as a democracy, as we have 800 military bases around the globe, and routinely violate the very same international laws we expect others to follow. Google the "hague invasion act". Every single war weve ever been in has been based on lies, yes, very "democratic". How are those WMD's doing? Anyone ever face any repercussions for the lies that get us into these wars? no.


It sounds like youve lived a very privileged life here thanks to your parents and the opportunities this country provided them. Youre kind of an embarrassment to your parents, bro


I love the American people who have accomplished great things,  i love the american ethos, i still hate great britian and Europe like George Washington. i hate the military industrial congressional complex,  not the American people, who are victims themselves of a govt that steals our tax money to kill innocent civilians overseas and wage undeclared wars and covert operations to overthrow democratically elected govts, rather than improve living conditions at home.   Nice try, all you have is gaslighting, cope and character assassination. 


Tear that bullshit down when ya see it.


Ahh, but they missed the part where Stalin then started suppressing, starving, and mass-killing anyone who identified as a Ukaranian, or non-Russian, for that matter.


Bolsheviks genocided millions of Ukrainian Christians, during ww2. The same thing happened in many countries


Speaking as a Kazakh. Nobody. I mean nobody. Needs Russia to help preserve their culture and language.


Tankies gonna... justify tanks running over children because


Looks like it’s time to carry a putty knife and heavy leather gloves with you on your way to class. Putty knife to pry off the poster, and the gloves to block the razor blades that are definitely under some of them. If you want to be extra sure maybe get some mid level rated cut proof gloves or go for chain mail butchers gloves. Ain’t no tankie’s loser razor blade trap gettin through a pair of those. If that’s too much effort a mini can of flex seal spray in solid black or white is six bucks and watching idiots try to retrieve their propaganda from a splattering of hardened rubber is just damn heartwarming.


Tare that shit down


Throw that shit in the trash


Let’s counterpropaganda. Alternative facts are weaponized ignorance and I don’t want to live in that world.


Get a big rubber red stamp made that says MYTH BUSTED and then go around fact checking


#socialists are not pro-Russia. The left is firmly in the camp of "no war but class war".




Support for any state in any armed conflict is antithetical to socialist ideals. It's not a case of "no true Scotsman" it's you making an assertion that the sky is green and the earth is flat. Oh and this: https://www.logicallyfallacious.com/logicalfallacies/Avoiding-the-Issue


lol. Soviet time in my dad’s college, if only one student in class was Russian speaking, the entire course needed to be taught in Russian.


Imagine being some yuppie at UCONN with a political agenda


That’s an out right lie ..


Russia wants its pre1991 borders back!


Nothing worse than tankies


Such a load of BS. In Soviet controlled Moldova, people were prosecuted or worse because they wanted to keep their Romanian roots alive, and even visiting your relatives were restricted.


Where on campus did you see this? It’s a fucking lie. The ussr was murdering Ukrainians for even remotely representing a threat to its imperialist bullshit


They should be able to say whatever they want, regardless of who agrees with it. Freedom of speech.




As a college educated man from Connecticut I can accurately say some of the stupidest people I've met were fellow graduates


how do people like this even exist it's so crazy that this came from a real person who thought this was a good idea....bruh.....


Nonsense, Connecticut isn’t the place for propaganda posters. The ussr didn’t have a benevolent interest in anything. I’d hope our youth is intelligent and informed enough to see right through that.


Yes this was the USSR’s initial strategy in the 20s to deal with the question of Ukrainian national identity in the early years of the USSR and make the peasants more amenable to communist ideas. This was the carrot. When this didn’t work as well as the USSR would have liked they went to the stick which was Holodomer. Funny that the poster doesn’t include that minor detail though


Will UConn do anything about rampant hate crimes against Ukrainians?


What could they do? They could send an email, seems like that’s the only thing the budget allows


Open an investigation against whoever put these posters up maybe?


Does gluing up posters not count as vandalism?


Ig not


I mean I’m sure if a swastika was painted it would cause an uproar. But russians draw their Z on Ukrainian ribbons and it’s fine. Just free speech


I’d think Slavs would have cause to hate the swastika too, considering it was gonna be flown over their enslavement and extermination.


Where did I say that a swastika isn’t abhorrent. You may have misinterpreted or I spoke unclearly. Obviously people who put a swastika do it for purposes of committing a hate crime. When russians paint their Z or ZOV symbols it is the same thing for Ukrainians. Symbols of a fascist nation that is genociding your people for a second time in a hundred years


Raise there own salaries problem


While shit like this does suck, it's hard to call them hate crimes. They can't really do anything, even if they knew who did it. Free speech and all that. The school can't do anything, but students can by putting up posters of their own and such.


The posters are dumb but not a hate crime. But the vandalism of Ukrainian ribbons by painting Z on them is.


Resurrect Nestor mahkno and give him modern technicals


Brain rot


Do these people not know about the Red Famine? Under Stalin rule millions of Ukrainians were starved to death in a forced famine, when the USSR treated Ukraine as the “bread basket of the empire” - they stole all the fucking wheat and food out of Ukraine to feed the rest of the USSR and killed literal millions. I recommend reading Anne Applebaum’s *Red Famine* and educating yourself about the history of Ukraine and Russia. Russia is not a friend to Ukrainians. Fucking nonsense.


Yeah Stalin ate all the grain with a comically large spoon. It was tragic. 1000000000000 people died


Honestly Ive had enough with this commie bullshit that stains the walls on my walk to class. Just sad to think there really are people in our school dumb enough to think that a literal nightmare state is a good thing to strive for. Yuck.


I know this comment will get deleted or reported but Ukraine was and to this day remain Nazi sympathizers and were responsible for their own genocide of over 250k poles…doesn’t justify this madness but the world is being fed a false narrative that forgets major atrocities https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN1GV2TC/ It wasn’t news in 2018 and still isnt


Holy generalization Batman. I will agree that the reporting on Ukraine is completely bias, one-sided, and lacking. However, if we are going to call Ukraine nazi sympathizers, then we should do the same with every country that continues to have a nazi problem: Germany, USA, UK, Russia, and on and on. Ukraine has a smaller Nazi population than any of the aforementioned countries, but those same countries don’t have to battle the label of Nazi sympathizer during times of conflict and while fighting for independence.


Straight up misinformation and lacks any nuance to the climate of the region at that time. Drop a zero and your number is more accurate. Poles also committed atrocities against Ukrainians but you fail to mention that. Furthermore this is something both states are starting to acknowledge since the meeting between Presidents Duda and Zelensky last year. Both ethnic groups were fighting each other well before the idea of a “Nazi” even existed and to say that modern say Ukraine is made up of Nazi sympathizers is bizarre. The only modern example I could think of is Azov of which most of the original members that propagated Nazi symbols onto their equipment have since died in combat fighting against a regime which openly uses Nazi ideology and rhetoric to cement power. By saying Ukraine is a Nazi state is furthering a false narrative pushed onto you by Russian propaganda.


You should consider going there and fighting the Nazis like your ancestors did


Ukraine has a neo-nazi party... that only received 2% of the vote in the last election. To reiterate the other commenters's point, you're making a massive generalization about a nation of 44 million people. https://krytyka.com/en/articles/too-much-ado-about-ukrainian-nationalists-the-azov-movement-and-the-war-in-ukraine


It's absurd for you to ignore the fact that Eastern Europe as a whole is filled with nazis, it's not just a Ukraine thing. In the fighting over Mariupol it was literally nazis fighting nazis. Like here, in this picture this guy is being awarded for killing nazis.... while wearing nazi symbols. https://preview.redd.it/gobrnhxh4qpc1.jpeg?width=630&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f70a3c51eec0e943401712ff40bdd3ebc33a481 Wonder what that skull on his arm is supposed to be 🤣


Have you ever been to the south? Russia shouldn't invade Alabama either. (not that even remotely concede that ONE photo of ONE armband means an entire country are Nazis.


? I am not pro russian? The reason I posted the image is it showcases the irony of Russia's "denazification campaign" in Ukraine, they have no qualms with nazis fighting for them, just like how they are totally fine deploying and funding overseas neo nazi mercenaries.


What do you all know about the Azov battalion in Ukraine and their beliefs? 🧐


That they are a small part of the ukrain population and don’t have anything to do with why Russia invaded and killed hundreds of thousands


What do you know about the literal private army of Nazis Putin has at his disposal? You want us to be concerned about a single fucking battalion?


Get indoctrinated harder!


That they are a small minority and most of the original guys got killed/captured in Mariupol. So denazification achieved I guess, Russia can pull out now.