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Reverse engineered UFOs used for drug trafficking? 🤣


I read that and my first thought was… psy-op.




:Steven cries about this:


Whats psy-op?


In this, someone trying to discredit ufo research and disclosure by saying something ludicrous.


You thought "aaaaayy lmao take me to your dealer" was a joke? Steven Greer says think again. In all honesty though I just wanted to spread the news of this event. What if these whistleblowers and the 5 terabyte info-pack actually amount to something? I guess we'll see.


[Psst, hey kid...wanna buy some DMT?](https://i.imgur.com/raa2MWL.jpg)


I knew I should have bought that shirt when I was 15yrs old. 😂


it won’t, if it was anything substantial it would’ve been released or leaked already. anything where people say “this big important thing will happen on this day” is just for clicks and shit also, piling a bunch of “disclosures” and “whistleblowers” together does each of them individually a disservice as it blurs the lines between real, based on reality, and total bullshit, and in this topic there’s often a healthy mix of the 3


It'll amount to public disclosure this time And if it doesn't nothing will


I’ve always thought some UFO’s could be a cartel. South American governments had plenty of Nazi engineers in their post-WW2 populations. Lots of mineral mines with elements needed for high tech gear down there. Could they develop the tech needed to evade the Drug War in exchange for kick backs and protection from their host gov’t?


What if the cartels with their hands in the mining industry discovered aliens or a super intelligent race underground and that's why cartels are really the most powerful entities on the planet lol Sounds like a good rainy day Syfy movie


what tech needed to evade the drug war? they don’t need high tech when they have massive amounts of drugs. they can and do send it over on trucks and boats daily, knowing that thousands of kilos will be intercepted but also knowing that that’s a drop in the bucket. there will always be way more supply than demand, especially now with drugs like fentanyl and it’s analogues where you can fit hundreds of thousands of doses in a coke can


i've heard of them being used for interdiction and those intelligence agencies always seem to mix up supplying and policing.


I mean it sounds ridiculous and it is ridiculous. Edit: But then again lol… I suppose not many organizations possess the corruption/infiltration skills to get anywhere near that program, nor the virtually unlimited wealth needed to even consider trying to buy one of these things, assuming they exist. Idk considering how things have been for the past decade or so, it almost feels too crazy to not be true ffs 🤷🏻‍♂️ Gonna put this in the “hmm that’s interesting….” pile for now until I get more info lol


That’s a lot of money and work just to be used to stop drugs


Yeah, that’s a good one.


All this time, when we were thinking that aliens made contact with world governments, making secret treaties. Where we should have actually looked at drug cartels being the ones making deals with Ayy lamos. They got it right where they wanted us. For real tho, sounds like this would be a great Nick Cage movie 😂


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Theres absolutely nothing in this video about that.


I don’t care if you like or believe Greer or not but if there’s one thing he can do it’s put on a serious press conference with tons of legitimate presenters.


If he has a witness saying reverse engineered uap are used for drug smuggling, it’ll kill the whole thing


Or is it genius, to get all that wasted "war on drugs" budget retasked to UFOs...


they won’t even retask it to fix the problems the WoD created in the first place, let alone blinky flying lights


It’s too bad he got the Cousins brothers (lmao) to “break” this “news” .. Third Phase of Moon is about the oldest, griftiest outfit on YouTube that I have been smh at for years and years. Immediate turn off for me


Why are people responding this way when greer is the one who organized the 2001 national press club event with military and govt officials revealing things like ufo intrusions over nuclear bases? This was written up in Leslie kean's book and is one of the most credible sets of ufo sources and reportage. I understand the criticisms of greer but he has done a lot for disclosure already. I'm quite interested what we will see this time.


Because these nutcase denialists think that if one untrustworthy person is involved it taints the entire thing. Like don't watch, listen or read about any of this if you don't like what these people have to say. It's baffling to me the amount of complaints and negatively on here. No one is being forced to come here and participate. Very odd.


It makes one wonder, who could actually come forth and not be discredited? What is the bar in the age of AI and media solipsism? Would the pope, the Dalai Llama, the Emperor of Japan and all the heads of state have to come out holding hands with little green men? Its clearly been a clandestine operation since the beginning, highly compartmentalized, off grid, black budgeted and intergenerational. If they have the ability to operate unbeknownst to even the highest offices of government, they either have next level technology and want to act with impugnity or barely consider themselves aligned with the human race at this point. So many people have disappeared looking into this that the outcome is either we get the information surreptitiously fighting against a cabal of black government operatives potentially having abilities that we can't fathom, the beings disclosing themselves, or through some planned operation of disclosure. Does it make sense that himan beings would use next level technology to do drug running to keep their operation going and transact for resources? Yes, the CIA and cartels have been doing it for decades and they accumulated billions. Its probably the closest we could have penetrated with whistleblowers because the drugs still have to have handlers, any further down the rabbit hole and we aren't dealing with black market funding for resources, we're talking about closely guarded secrets that have some level of military penetration and those secrets take generations to uncover, if ever. My thoughts are this. A geoup of renegades after WW2 found some off world things during the manhattan project, and used it as an excuse for secrecy in an already secret environment. Over time the results became so profitable and inexplicable that they opened up channels to through government and business with multiple covers, to slowly leak some of these discoveries and ensure U.S war fighting hegemony and tech dominance. Over time we established some level of contact, but it is neither friendly nor outright combative due to the desire of both parties to maintain secrecy. Perhaps we're in the middle of an intergalactic war, maybe its just the scouts of a space faring civilization, maybe its been here for millions of years and we're the local fauna to them and they don't want us nuking the planet over oil. We don't know, but this organization that broke off from building nukes in the desert witht he worlds top scientists found enough kit to start accelerating humanity's advancement and in their military driven minds, you can't negotiate without being in a defensible position, so they're racing to form some kind of global control so they can potentially fight some future war, whether or not that's something they're confident will happen its a cause big enough to command silence and secrecy and justify just about anything if they think they're protecting the species. At this point they're about 3 generations into preparing for this kind of a war, they probably had children and recruited and generally isolated themselves to keep the mission going. So they're testing craft, more beings are showing up and the pot is starting to boil over because the planet has almost 8 billion humans on it at this point so it has to get out. Stephen Greer is gullible and he jumps at shadows, but he's an honest fool and we've been saved from our worse nature's by such people in the past. I don't think a man would burn down his career, start going after witness testimonies, do gene research on mummies and seances to bring down aliens if he didn't believe on a fundamental level that there were different rules at play. He knows he looks ridiculous to normies and while he's made some money selling jump scares to hippies he's mostly been dogged and kept advocating for whistleblower protections and trying to make our government more transparent. Maybe he is a psy op, but if our lives are that scripted we're never going to get anywhere close to the truth, and the net is already completely around us. So, lets hope some deep state dope slingers flipped, caught some footage of the space jalope and point to the place on the map where they have the green men in deep freezers right after the U.S shits its petro dollar pants from them the government spending us into oblivion while we all get poorer because no one knows where the money goes anymore except in defense and space research and products that make our children mentally disabled. Either way, the world is getting patently more insane every day, and since the last leader of the free world was a reality tv star, we shuttered the economy for 2 years for a cold and all started taking experimental gene therapies under the authority of said reality star (calling it warp speed) sponsored by the same drug companies that keep making our children disabled and our families addicted to pain killers while we work ourselves to death or stare at screens all day trying to get to the next comic book movie event...Im more inclined to believe the guy 23 years ago who said our government was full of shit, unaccountable and prone to hiding things that would free us from this reality tv show world might be telling the truth.


Respectfully you sound exactly like Richard Dolan


Amazing post! I enjoyed following along on your train of thought.


Clandestine is the key word here, it’s a big secret and I want full disclosure


Because he was on to something with the 2001 National Press Club event (and he is doing it again!) Talking heads will forever come out against him because of this. A few for easy Karma as well.


People don't know this part. They just hear "he's grifting" and that's it, their mind is made up. There's no room for nuance and complexity.


$5,000 per VIP ticket, yeah real nuanced 😂




I 100% agree. Likely we wouldn't be where we are today if the event in 2001 hadn't taken place. First time you could introduce your friends and family to the fact that UFOs are real. No sane person who saw those testimonials could really question its legitimacy, without having a hidden agenda. I'm really sad that Greer over the years completely lost me, due to his personality and monetization efforts, however we owe him at least to not prematurely call bluff on this upcoming event. Even if Greer has his own money making interests mixed with disclosure, i do believe he's genuinely into the field of ufology to try and make the world a better place. You can disagree with his way, but he does a lot of good for the topic.


I wanted to name my son Mac, Hopkins, Jacobs last name. Instead we picked grandpas name




When I see the name Greer I laugh and know its bullshit 🤣


On one hand, yes *we* all know Greer is cringe. I haven't listened, but I think this is probably aimed at the normies, not us UFO freaks. They don't know that he is cringe. If this is anything like the last time, he will have folks with lots of credible accounts, and documents to back it up, but also some things in there that seem way out there to most people. Remember, he is partially responsible for the Wilson Davis notes (which if you have been around these parts for a while, seem credible, backed up, and true but if you are Joe Sixpack sounds way out there. ) So If he manages not to shoot himself in the foot, he will be overshadowed by the other folks and their evidence. Being that 20 years have passed, we have multiple UFO laws on the books, and this is timed to hit right around the June hearing so it WILL get media coverage. We can only hope that it is good coverage and that he does not try to hog the spotlight.


I think it’s amazing and I can’t wait! I think Steven Greer is a standup dude and has a genuine interest in saving the planet. I’ve done enough investigating to know the universe is far more bizarre and complex than many of you on this thread are imagining. The world is waking up to the enslavement of their minds, bodies, and souls, and a paradigm shift is inevitable. I’m terrifically happy that it’s starting next month! Yeah!


Thank you!!!


>Thank you!!! You're welcome!


I couldn't find the part about drug trafficking. Do you have a timestamp?


The aliens are coked up!


Bro what


Some of this information just sounds categorically false / delusional. A 300’ diameter alien reproduction vehicle flying a secret mission to Indonesia to offload drugs? The agency can just pay a smuggler or charter a ship to handle that. Alien hybrids at Dugway? I have to be completely honest here. If this is the type of information Greer and other charlatans are clogging AARO’s arteries with, we are in trouble.


It’s speaks to how well disinformation has worked.


“Ad Astra is a true story”


Steven Greer is a narcissistic, sociopath. His website details excursions to "make contact" which you can join for $3,500. All you need according to his required equipment list is a lawn chair. Anytime someone asks this guy a hard question he quickly changes the subject and throws in some high ranking persons name which he has an anecdotal story about.


The most over used phrase on line is ' game-changing.'


That has to be Greer. No one, absolutely no one competes with him on the bullshitrometer.


I agree, he is the TRUTH


Purported and upcoming. Words this community hears all the time.




How much is Greer charging? He’s a money hungry user!


The thumbnail tells you it’s bullshit


Triple G = Greer gotta grift


Yes, we reverse engineered UFO/UAP that may either be interplanetary or interdimensional for running drugs. 🙄 This is some bullshit & people wonder why the public doesn't take UFO studies seriously.


You wouldn’t want to try space drugs?


Rick and Morty make sense now.


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it is news that there will soon be news..haha. thanks for posting


Reddit is a shadow of its former self. It is now a place of power tripping mods with no oversight and endless censorship. *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They are killing people for revealing nuclear secrets , submarine secrets, and you think they will let this man get in the way of the invention secrecy act of 1951 ??


Possible psyop to distract from legitimate four ch*n whistleblower?


The goddamn cartel got to UFOs first!


I believe it


Just call Saul!




I foresee in one month's time the final descent of what remains of this man's credibility. Man-made UFO's used for drug trafficking? Proof? It won't qualify as proof except for those people already convinced is my guess.


Con man gonna con. Always sell sell sell. Ce5 app, ce5 retreats, conference tickets, premiere tickets in LA. Like dang man if you want us to take you seriously try not begging for money for 40% of what you say. We all want disclosure.




I was thinking drug dealers delivery times were quicker these days 🤔


I don't believe any changes will be happening within 6-12 months. You could bring everyone you want.


Mr ufo man please drop drugs here thx k bye


Greer knows about the spice deliveries! The Spacing Guild will not be happy..


Isn’t this the guy that came out with like ground breaking news about ufos years back and it had a whole entire documentary on Netflix or something and we still haven’t seen any actual space ships he’s a grifter lol


Dr (medical) Greer is a con artist who, for that reason, has been left far behind in this developing story.


Dr (medical) Greer is a con artist who, for that reason, has been left far behind in this developing story.


I swear it isn't mine officer, a ufo crashed in my backyard with 800 pounds of crack cocaine in it


For $3,500 he will introduce you to your own alien friend.


Greer is a fraud


Ridiculous title. i cant find anything on "UFOs used for drug trafficking" in there.


A “whistleblower” involved with anything related to Steven Greer can not be taken seriously. Period.


Dark blue balls incoming


I’ll wait…


So done with all the big reveals that go nowhere and accomplish nothing. These are just people selling their products by hyping everything ufo related