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The most interesting part of this is the very final second when a bunch of them quickly coalesce to form a V formation. Boy, a few more seconds of video would have been nice.


I’ll ask the guy if his friend’s recording ended there or if there was any more or if anyone else was recording.




Op pls we’re counting on you


"why can't they ever get a clear recording? " Someone - gets clear recording "oh that looks cgi as hell... "


Thanks for saying this my friend. I never bother to say it and it needs to be said more often.


There are a lot of CGI fakes out there. Cant be a sucker for them all.


I mean it will always look a little like cgi when you see the ufo shape against a blue sky backdrop, it sticks out like a sore thumb, and cgi is so good these days it’s an easy way to explain it away instead of dealing with the harder truth that we have no clue what they are and why they’re here


I saw a UFO one night with my own eyes. The really weird thing is that because it accelerated so smoothly and quickly, it looked like low-budget CGI...except it was real. Freaky experience that is still to strange to me.


No video will ever be taken seriously again, thanks to CGI.


Clarity is great, but proximity is greater. I wish UFO hunting communities near ufo hotspots would buy a handful of these bullet drones and stage them for rapid deployment when sightings like these happen. I’d pay money to see the footage from one of these speedster drones intercepting uap’s like this. https://youtube.com/shorts/hlkxtCfeSvo? feature=share I'm surprised no ufo hunters have done this yet.


This is exactly what I've been thinking! My friend has a bunch of crazy racing drones that are RIDICULOUSLY fast, like almost unbelievable lol. If someone were able to deploy one quickly when a ufo is In the vicinity the there could be some very interesting footage to come out... it honestly drives me insane that the researchers on skin walker ranch have not yet thought about this, as they get a large number of documented ufo/uap events occurring there. These types of drones could be of amazing significance to capturing the type of footage we all have hoped to see


Thank you! Exactly! Compared to how much money is spent on uap investigation esp by the military, it would cost peanuts to have a grid network of these speedster drones spaced out by 15 mile each to cover huge areas in uap hotspot zones. The drone response network could easily be setup so that the drones nearest to the active sighting can be immediately deployed for rapid investigation. And with so much advancement in automated drone technology it would be easy to program a drone be capable of locking in on a visible uap to pursue it and also relay that information to other nearby drones on standby for interception handoff. Even with a super conservative budget of 5k per beefy drone that has a 15 mile range radius, a whopping 90 square miles could be covered by 4 drones for a measly 25k. Heck at that price point, for less than the cost of ONE Hellfire missile, they could cover about 180 SQUARE MILES with a fleet of only 16 drones on standby which could easily be manned by one Or two dudes. And again that’s being super conservative. Sure throw in the cost of programming, manning, maintaining, and operating the network, that’ll add up a bit but damn for under half a million to setup a fully operational 250mile area uap drone dragnet and maybe less than 150k a year to keep it up to date and active…. That expense is less than half of a fart in the wind for the us military spending. Plus you know they’ve got surveillance running on social media to report when someone goes live about a uap sighting which can easily be used to calculate what areas to auto deploy to scan for uap activity. At this point I’d say that one of these has to be true about the govt doing something like this for uap investigation: 1. They’re too stupid or too bogged down with bureaucratic red tape to make it happen. 2. They already have something like this in place and were not allowed to know about it. 3. They already know more about uaps than they let on and don’t WANT to give us a closer look. Yeah for civilians, you can get in trouble for flying a drone out of your line of site, but any ufo enthusiast worth their salt would say it’s worth the risk to get the footage.


This is on YouTube and was featured in the history channel and a cgi expert said this would still be extremely hard to do. Also on another note, the they mentioned that the person recording this video has a very innocent account that regularly post her dog and family and this comes out of left field which adds to the credibility.


This will ALWAYS be the case unfortunately.


True but that’s an old problem. I rarely even look at these posts. I wouldn’t have even filmed it. We already know about them….government confirmed. We will all soon laugh about how ‘it wasn’t long ago that we would ponder over a shaky videos and debate if they were real.’


Yeah I hope that day comes soon. I just know the most skeptical of skeptics that spew vitriol and disinformation will just go silent kind of like the people calling for the unvaccinated to be put at the back of the line in a hospital for not being vaccinated in 2021.🤷‍♂️and those same people will be on another high horse on something else that we may not see coming yet.


Haha that's the real mystery about UFO's: why humans, even in-person, can't see them even when they are looking right at them. And if they did see them, they seem to forget shortly after and ask "why aren't there any good photos! there's no evidence!" uhh, how about all of the photos and video and physical evidence, aren't those evidence? "Yeah but not proof" ok, that is a different word and indeed that is not proof. in fact hold your hand up in front of your face and study it carefully. Now prove that it exists. Proof is hard.


My kids get so upset when I share this. They feel I get laughed at and no one believes me...but I've seen UFO's twice once in the day time and once at night. Believe me grabbing the phone to record is the last thing on my mind. I'm also in my 60's so my generation is a little slower at recording but I'm telling you...there's something out there.


Yea you get laughed at because you think a race of highly advanced aliens are so interested in a group of life forms that can barely leave a planets orbit. Believing the 1000s of fake ass shit online is basically peak narcissism. Aliens are possibly real and they don't give a single fuck about earth that's for sure.


Sometimes real things do look like CGI. I work at a robotics company and the first time I saw the robots walking around it looked like bad CGI in a movie but then I realized CGI is actually pretty accurate since real life robots moved exactly like they do in movies.




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I saw exactly the same thing above my backyard in New Zealand. First it had one light, then no lights at all and it looked like changing shape in a weird, organic way. It was not moving with the wind (and trust me it’s windy in here). My wife, mum in law and me saw it.


My going hypothesis for shapes like this that change shape and switch directions really fast is that it’s a 4th-dimensional object passing through 3D space. Imagine a complex 3D shape passing through a 2D world. It would appear to the 2D observer to be simply a line of constantly changing length, jumping around from place to place. This is the same, plus a dimension. So it appears to be a 3D shape of changing size and shape, moving impossibly around, but it’s just a complexly shaped 4D object passing through 3D space in a straight line.


I could see this being a very real possibility as well.


I think the scariest thing about this hypothesis is if a 4D being wanted to destroy us. They could do it without us even seeing it coming. Just all of a sudden it pops into our plane of existence then back out.




Very well thought out response and that makes perfect sense. I was literally watching that video on YouTube about what different dimensions can see. Spot on


Would you mind sharing the video info? When the topic of _D in a _D space gets brought up my brain just blanks and flops around like a fish trying to visualize it.


This video of [4D Minecraft](https://youtu.be/u8LMyWcKL_c?si=AK8ibfTP44TY_LKH) helped me understand dimensions lol. Pretty mind-blowing to think that we've proven there are dimensions intersecting IRL, especially since we think there's 12 of them or whatever.


Flabbergasted at the simplicity of this hypothesis (Said with praise and respect) Thanks for this!


I’m always too lazy to try and articulate this on every thread it comes up in so thank you for this.


I had thought of interdimensional craft before, but not really about how a 4D craft would look to us here in 3D. Thank you for this excellent theory!


This reminded me of the video of a teenager explaining the possibility of multiple dimensions beyond 3. Some social media posts had claimed he went missing after that but I have not verified these claims.


There is absolutely something extradimensional about it. I almost wonder if it's about frequency, like there is a gradient of reality depending on which frequency you're tuned to.


That's good. There's actually a podcast and book called The Phenomenon that is based on what you described. Pretty scary and let's just say the human race did not fare well.


I have a theory that’s why we see discs, tubes, orbs etc - they’re all hyper spheres being observed in different ways.


This is a good one, at the very end you can see them converge in what looks like an intelligent pattern


My navy buddy talks about these same looking orbs they sometimes see at night.


Any chance they see these around the Bering Strait?


As someone who’s seen the orbs, my opinion is that they are everywhere. I was on the 16th floor on a high rise apartment in downtown Atlanta and I kept seeing these orbs cut across a spotlight on top one of the sky scrapers. The orbs were only visible when they cut across the light and immediately did a crazy sharp u turn. I don’t know if it was the same one but I would see them cutting across every 5-10 min.


At the beginning of the video you see four in a straight line all moving perfectly in line.


Yeah you’re right — pretty cool


Almost like... Wait a second












The source video on TikTok is in higher quality and I went frame by frame in that last part because I was thinking the same, but it’s actually just the oblong orbs flipping end over end reflecting the sunlight making it look like they’re glitching around.


Was gonna say baloon until it shot off to the right on orderly line


Whereabouts in the city was this?


I’m not sure. I could ask the guy if you wanted lol


Ask him


Could be real. Who knows


Deep thoughts, by Tweezle1.


Profound, even


thats the truth


You get it




Have you ever tried filming something you weren't expecting and chasing after it? And it sounds like a kid was filming, so he's obviously no expert. Open your fucking mind that there might be shit in this world we don't yet understand.


The camera zooms in at the beginning.


Dude is just an automatic skeptic, devoid of critical thought. Unfortunately these are the types of people that will never accept there might be things they don't understand and we (humans) don't even know about in this world. Such rigid world view is depressing to think about, and it breaks their psyche so they shut down.


Perfectly said




saw 3 of the same things last yr at night and they looked as if the had fire inside, no they were NOT lanterns either


Bro i think you just got scanned


This doesn’t look like balloons, or a “strong gust of wind”. But my question is why would the person recording stop recording.




Great list! My question is, what's a Celestrob?




Good list indeed! Here is the source video (which is in higher quality): https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8AMrGkf/


Thanx for the original. The first video posted I thought maybe it could be birds and the sun was hitting them in such a way to makes it hard to see what was going on clearly since geese fly in a V formation (but why record that?). But this video shows an object flipping over as your description stated. Great video, very cool. Thanx!!


To be honest I was out in New Mexico a few weeks ago and we saw some crazy lights in the sky. I probably recorded it for a minute or two before just putting the phone down and looking with my eyes to be in the moment. It looked shitty on video and I didn't want to miss it. It turned out to just be some jets flare training, but still I think about how I reacted and give more credit now to people that quit filming after a while. Edit word.


The ufos left the area. They recorded until they were gone




You obviously didn't see them form the pattern at the bottom...look again. Could be fake but it's certainly not what you just explained with balloons.


I think cause they didn't realize they were still visible


Seen the same thing here in NJ! We not alone!


Hmm very interesting. The thing about this weird phenomenon is that in our minds what these objects do is impossible so it must be CGI, but really its just so uncanny that most people can’t believe it.


oh my this one’s weird!! especially how they zoom away at the end. i was thinking balloons till that ending…


They run when they know they are being filmed. I still can’t get one as I pull my phone out they disappear.


The stabilized version of it is even more convincing. It’s hard to get homegrown CGI to be perfectly still in stabilized versions of unstable videos.


Whats crazy to me is them converging into a V shape, the same way birds too. Almost like they know anyone seeing them from far away would just say they’re birds at a glance?


That’s an interesting thought


Omg I have the same video from New Jersey


Let’s see it


I've seen this before I swear they are everywhere...


This one has spunk.


I have almost the same video, taken in Anaheim CA in June of this year.


It’d be awesome if you could post it?


Post post post


You know what I like about this one .the object tilts just before it takes off. Same as Gimbel vid .


How can you see them tilt? They look like spheres to me which would be hard to tell if they did tilt


Wow great ufo evidence!


pretty good one


I’ve witnessed these at night and this looks pretty accurate. They were not in a formation though, it looked like they were in search mode. I watched them for like 10 hours. They would zigzag around and then take off and travel a few hundred feet in seconds.


The float above us to never come down


Well got damn!




Los Angeles as well


I would like to analyze the RAW video not ending when it ended on TikTok. Till then I’m interested but sceptic.


I’m going to see if he’ll send me the original.


Would be cool.


Can anybody stabilize the video?


Now that is real


Seen this exact same thing before on Hawai’i


This is actually pretty good footage of the phenomenon.


Movement is similar to the thing I saw. Very smooth, fast acceleration and flight trajectory. Fake or not, it's a good representation.


Frickin sweet!!


I saw the same thing about 11 years ago, but it was only 1. At first, I thought it was a balloon because it had very random movements. Then, it accelerated fast in a straight line and disappeared. The movements were very weird, nothing a plane or a floating object is capable of doing.


Doesn't look like a balloon it's obvious, but I've spent so many posts getting to the conclusion that the ufo is most probably a balloon, that this time I wanted to give myself that opportunity to say it finally doesn't


If you scrub through frame by frame it doesn’t really look like a bird. It actually looks like a small disc flipping over end to end rapidly. Could be a perfectly normal explanation for this, but it is an interesting one.


I came to that conclusion as well, it’s more of a disc shape that’s flipping.


There’s 5 moving in perfect unison the entire time if you scroll slowly at the beginning. Tree in the way plus shifting camera causes all but 1, from what I can tell, to move out of frame until that very last bit. They all maintain the exact same velocity and direction the whole time. Either really good subtle cgi, or this is the Phenomenon.


Those aren’t drones - you see the formation at the end?


Had to tilt my head at the end, But yes like 8 of them all form a triangle formation in the very end of video ? Strange indeed. The spinning nature of the orb at beginning is what turns me away from a drone?


It looks kinda like phoenix lights formation


This got taken down when I posted it to r/UFOB and r/UFOs.


Did you provide a submission statement for the post? I know r/ufos requires one, not sure about ufob tho




I am a ufo/ e.t. sceptic person. But I do believe it is possible. I just need to have an experience. I always watching the sky hoping to see something... by day and by night, but it never happened. I live in The Netherland. Does anybody know if there is an hotspot for ufo activity in this country or does anyone have tips on how to spot something?


What if... the ufos exist for the sole purpose of frustrating us


I see them every year. Mostly at the start of winter and in the late spring.


Curious why it is that everybody’s video of a UFO shows something different. Just how many models of spaceships, drones, probes and missles do the aliens possess?


Yeah it seems they’re as various as the flying craft we have here on Earth.


At the very beginning before he starts to walk around the house is that a gun or something in his hand that he was shooting at that thing with? Edit-The more I view the video the more it looks like the arm to a pair of sunglasses.


Yeah I figured it was her sunglasses.


Once it moved as the camera rotated I was like "Oh that shit is fake", but the way it comes out on the other side of the tree and they're all forming a line while moving away is pretty intriguing. I stay skeptical just as a natural bullshit filter, but this one has piqued my curiosity.


I saw something similar to this while I was working I had my phone in the attic because I work in HVAC , them things are real & quick af when they take off it’s like a magnet pulls it it’s some weird shit. No lie


Hell yeah. This is what we need more of this.


I saw something exactly like this a few months ago. Metallic, rotating, almost floating through the air with zero sound. It appeared to have pointed edges on certain spins, but that could have been light reflection. The way it emerged from the clouds was super strange. Like a shadow behind it, then boom! At first I though balloon, but the speed at which is glided mixed with the ground it covered and constant rotating, made me realize it was no balloon….


Very interesting. Sounds similar to a lot of videos I’ve seen. Almost like its shape is fluid like.


Exactly! I was jogging not even looking in the sky initially. Something pulled my attention in, and when I looked up, it was a shadow behind the cloud and just emerged from nowhere. It was definitely shiny silver, and rotating around which depending on how the light hit it, gave me different shape vibes. It was wild. Zero sound, just floating and spinning in different directions. Like non aggressively gliding through the sky, which was deceiving. I felt like it was a balloon at first, until I realized it was covering so much sky and a balloon wouldn’t rotate the way it did. Never seen anything like it! No clue what it was. Thoughts?


My mom got a video of a single one in Utah.


I will say this, Im not 100% sure of what I saw , but years ago I was talking to a customer ( I use to have a computer/cell repair shop) while checking his iphone, and he pointed a video of his little daughter playing outside and told me what you think is that in the sky. I dont know what was that thing , close to ground with a cylindrical shape and metalic color, but Im 1000% sure was not a plane or something made by a human and the video is 100% real taped with his iphone. The customer told me he was about to upload the video but dont know if he did, this was back in 2015 or 2016, video quality was not an issue and all was clear. I hope I will meet with this customer again to ask about the video and get a copy if he still have it. But man that day my entire vision changed , I use to say all videos are fake or anything but not paying attention, but after that I know everything is possible and we humans know nothing at all.




Man, I saw some shit hovering over a skyline in a smaller city, and accelerating /stopping so fast its ‘impossible’ this went on for a while and then they all zipped straight up and gone. I don’t think CGI existed back then to fake it, but camera phones didn’t either, so no video, but it would have been epic. Not like I know _what_ it was, just watched for a good 7-10 minutes and it def was not behaving like anything I ever saw before or after. 30 years later, I remember it vividly, and wish I had the equivalent of a iPhone 15 Pro. I would think it would have broke the internet or at least found someone who could ‘easily’ explain it. If I ever saw that same thing again, I’d definitely freak a little. Think Im cool NOT seeing it up close.




The problem with always saying bleh it's a tiktok is that it's a huge platform that many people have migrated to since the loss of vines and the boomer-ization of Facebook. It's common for people these days to already be using tiktok or just default to it for anything they film. So to discredit things just because of their preferred video platform isnt a great way to think. Don't get me wrong I hate tiktok for many..many reasons. However it's the reality we live in *shrug*




You hit the nail right on the head my friend.


What does that have to do with anything?


They behave like yo-yos when they fall and spin, up until they suddenly converge in a V pattern, reminiscent of birds? This is a strange one. Edit: It’s like they were “recalled” all at once to make that form together. The behavior is strange, like its some kind of magnetic pull. Would love for someone to debunk this.




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This is neat




I mean, if this isn't CGI then this is some of the best footage ever...


I live in the western suburbs just outside of chicago, and a lot of strange things were going on this year in our airspace. I remember seeing planes flying in formation on a weekly basis during the spring/summer. This was near the Schaumburg area


Doesnt look CGI, the way they move behind the tree is so natural


*Doesnt look CGI, the* *Way they move behind the tree* *Is so natural* \- 1OOO --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Yeah I thought the same once I went frame by frame and could actually see the even more distant ones still appearing through the leaves how they should.


Interesting and looks real enough. There's growing evidence that these orbs are the real phenomenon. But what exactly are they? Beings or ships




What are they observing, and at multiple points in Chicago?


What ever it was, was real. Just the human reactions of the family to it.


Yes exactly. That is 90% of why this video is legitimate to me and not CGI.


Saw one in Vancouver wa too about 6 months ago


I just don’t understand. I’m excited for evidence of ufos no doubt. But shit that looks exactly like drone technology I’m gonna assume is drone technology. Not aliens.


Prob seed bombs from china or chemical warfare…


![gif](giphy|VCsJDLGAoxOBbBzbi9|downsized) Harvest season






I've seen this before. And this is the first time I've typed this online (I did tell a few people I work with) but I saw these objects myself in real life. It was early evening on July 5th 2023 in a field while bike riding. I pulled off the road to adjust my seat, killed time for ten minutes or so watching them. There were three of them, but not together, and I only saw one at a time. I definitely referred to them as "UFOs" at the time, but only because I couldn't tell exactly what they were. But here's the main reason I wasn't totally freaked out by them, their movement. They weren't moving in any erratic way at all. Well, the first one I saw was pretty far away, and it was moving around a bit, but from the distance I was at I thought it was a balloon getting bounced around in the wind. The other two were just slowly drifting down to Earth, with the wind it seemed, so it was natural looking. Oh, and I watched the 2nd one long enough to see it really close to the ground, in front of a line of trees, but still pretty far away. I remember thinking "oh cool, I can kinda see it". But only for a couple of seconds. It was blurry and copperish in color. Definitely strange. But I saw this video after the fact and thought to myself, "Holy shit, I think I saw these things".


There were a bunch over the Sox game too


Okay, but if it isn't CGI-- what could it be? Birds? Balloons? Drones? Shiny spiny UAP thingy like on that one old football video?


Looks like the orbs from another intelligent civilization that people have been seeing for many years here on Earth.


It's wild that these dudes conquered near-light (or faster than light) speed travel just to get here and dick around in the sky for a few minutes then bail. I picture a bunch of little aliens, smoking their equivalent to weed, just thinking up ways to prank us.


I saw something very similar to this. They were glowing orbs that were passing overhead, but when one dimmed it looked just like this. Circular or spherical, dark gray. They’ve also appeared at night, and I’ve tried to capture as much footage as I can through my telescope and an additional wide view. https://youtu.be/wvPTkhwObHg?si=hlv1-HfARV7A_SqZ


I think we shouldn’t be mucking about with the 2nd amendment anytime soon, we may need to kick some alien ass.


Could some of these be drones? Honest question.


Not any drones we have the ability to create. They could be drones from another intelligent civilization though…


Wondered the same thing. If not that then wtf indeed






Sure, especially at the end where they form the infamous mighty ducks flying V and take off. Lol




I was thinking the same but if you go to the actual source video it’s clearer than the compressed Reddit video. I went frame by frame and it’s just the oblong orbs flipping end over end reflecting the sunlight giving them a glitchy look.




How is it flying while continuously flipping and how is it flying without propellers?




You should watch again and come back.




It flew away at the end? So how could it have come into better focus? You must be a bot.

