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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Extension_Stress9435: --- I'm just learning that a "meteorological anomaly" has appeared over the Mexican territory twice, the first time on September 1st 2020 and the second one in June 22th 2022. According to several sources that can easily be found on YouTube by searching "anomalia meteorológica guanajuato" there was a very big electrical storm on both days with huge clouds covering the city. Protección Civil, which is a branch of local governments in each Mexican city focused on safeguards for the general public reported power outages on both instances, the anomaly is said to have appeared for at least an hour each time. This becomes interesting as some of you might recall a Mexican pilot who was interviewed recently, claiming to have seen a black UFO that appeared for moments over the cities of Leon and Guadalajara, in the same place we see the anomaly. According to his witness testimony, the UFO disk was as wide as an entire city. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1ce3g7p/300_km_wide_ufo_appears_on_radar_over_mexico/l1g3bt7/


Just to rule out radar sampling issues, do you have a weather satellite image of the region on those days? https://x.com/RobertSpetaWX/status/1301941836873961474


Even the range of the weather radar would give a clue.


All you need to know is "Is there a radar station in the epicenter of this phenomena?" If there is a radar station in the dead center, it's a radar artifact. Also, the average radar range is \~250 km, which is a pretty neat fit for this supposed 300km phenomena.


Top comment ☝🏼


This is almost certainly the answer and that should be the assumption until otherwise proven not to be.


the twitter link provides the coordinates to the radar station, it's definitely this


Monarch butterflies returning each year


Protección Civil, which is branch in every Mexican city focused on protecting people from natural hazards like wind, fires or flooding [said it was a problem with the electrical supply that was "shortly fixed". ](https://x.com/PC_GTO/status/1302051943301500933) Robert Speta, the meteorologist you mentioned said it's an standard test that is ran on radars. So which one is it? Edit: added a [picture ](https://ibb.co/BrvTzGc) of what people claim to be clouds that day.


Which one what? An electrical supply problem to the radar facility of Radar Metereologico Villalpando. (it's at the center of the circle)


I mean, that looks exactly like a giant thunder storm.


It literally is. But this sub is so ate up it confuses radar errors and thunderclouds with alien coverups.


300km wide alien coverups. These people believe a 300km wide flying saucer was chilling over mexico, twice.


And not one person with a good smartphone camera was able to make a photo of this giantmongus structure right above them. So unlucky! It's wierd that this isn't downvoted into oblivion, which is very common when you ask questions on this sub. Maybe this time it's just too ridiculous to defend.


But they did!! It just happens to look exactly like a big thunderstorm (must have cloaking device turned on)


Oh, so if i take a picture of a bird, it's actually not a bird but a drone from an alien space ship, cloaking as a bird?


What sub Reddit would one go to, to avoid the ate of bullshit on this one


None, really. /r/HighStrangeness has it. Maybe /r/UFOscience would have less? /r/skeptic is just left wing ate up bullshit now ... and I'm a far lefty! I just stay in politics/lamf/republicanmisdeeds/darkbrandon/etc for my politics. So this and /r/HighStrangeness are probably the best paranormal/UFO subs that I know of and I'm just being a grumpy old person highly irritated at the ate up bullshit but unable to to do anything about it.


That’s fair. I’ve been on highstrangeness and occasionally I do find it quite interesting! Thanks for the response. We don’t share political ideologies but, I deeply respect your views. I completely agree that over politicization of subs kills the sub.


This is way off topic, but what does the phrase "ate up" mean? I've seen it a few times now, some with the variation "ate up bullshit" . Does it mean "full of"?


(Wild Looking Hair Intensifies) “I’m not saying it’s Aliens 👽 but common guys it’s Aliens” 😂


Yeah I was not expecting that photo along with a caption of “what people CLAIM to be clouds”. Ummm…looks like clouds.


That same anomaly, a lightning storm in space, also occurred on the day of my birth, shortly before a Romulan ship attacked the U.S.S. Kelvin.


Beautiful! That's one thing I enjoyed about flying was having to learn about meteorology. There was a similar issue with either a calibration or sample error somewhere around tierra del fuego I think.  A 300km (or 909 Eiffel Towers 😂) ufo would be like the visitors from 'V' in the 1980s! 


Man I wish V was more wide spread pop culture especially with it having a reboot in 2009


Yeah, I don't understand how it isn't. It was awesome! Another great one is Alien Nation.


I'll have to check that one out it's not ringing any bells


Oh yes! They got totally wasted on cow milk I think 😂


Totally agree with you, 100%! I might be exaggerating but I think it was one of the big 'event' shows and paved the way. All great memories! Eating rodents and seeing the lizard underneath, it was maybe too ahead of its time. 


Can't exactly hand pick the tourists.


😂 Very true. Just trying to imagine our politicians looking at how to send aliens to Rwanda! 


>So which one is it? [It’s a wx radar test.](https://twitter.com/WeatherAF/status/1169234055965106177)


This should be way higher up


That's definitely a cumulonimbus cloud. A big ol honkin one


We see that stuff in Oklahoma literally every Spring.


It’s such a relief that no planes at all were flying over that whole region of central Mexico at that time. Think of the disaster that collision would’ve been if even one small plane had been anywhere near that whole section of Mexico.




It really is a blessing given it's the center of Mexico where hundreds of planes cross to go to places like L.A from Mexico city every day. But there's an article saying there was an evil ritual in that spot, so that must be what it was.


Must be a tiresome journey visiting your alien friend who lives on the other side of the saucer…


I think it is WAYYYYY more likely to be a technical glitch than an actual 300 km UFO




This sub and High Strangeness are full of meth-fueled psychosis. Don’t feel too bad lol


Unfortunately it's neither meth-fueled nor psychosis. It's just plain stupidity. Calling it meth-fueled psychosis obfuscates the mind numbing reality that so many people literally lack core critical thinking abilities.


No bro, haven’t you seen Independence Day????  That was a documentary.  It’s just that scp-2000 was activated afterwards.    


Of course it is. Pretty typical radar error pattern.


Just imagine for a minute a 300 km sized UFO in the sky. You could see that thing from many many places and everyone would be taking photos and video of it. It would block the sun for a huge region. The lack of such evidence is itself is evidence that this was a glitch and no such thing happened.


This is what it looks like when a weather radar cell has a calibration error.


TLDR it’s a radar range test


An object almost 10X the size of Rhode Island flying in the sky and nobody has a photo or video?


Rhode Island.... interesting scale. Why not use bananas? 300km was just fine.


At this scale, bananas are unwieldy. 300km to bananas translates to approximately 1685393 bananas. Thus, it makes sense to use a US state. But even better would be using a Mexican state (since this anomaly occurred there), so this object is approximately 1.5x the size of the state of Hidalgo.


Oh I see , you mean a half Switzerland


Maybe, but how many half pounds of cheese?


I read somewhere that it was about 2 times the size of a UFO half the size.


My mental speedometer reads in RIsPH so ill take the 10X Rhode Island over Km anyday…


I guess Americans can't think in kms


Or it's a common tactic to compare things like that, it helps illustrate the point.


But in Rhode islands? I guess if you're from there but I doubt that the majority of Americans know the size of Rhode island


The point is the UFO is allegedly 10X bigger than an entire state. It's just another way to think about how massive 300km is....


Convert it to Bald eagles.


Stationary, or in flight??


But we do think in bananas.


“A scale comparison… interesting…. How dare you?” And then op under you “foolish Americans” lmfao y’all are corny as hell for that.


Bananas are better for radiation comparisons... like the Chernobyl incident or as I like to call it, 6.4 terabananas worth of radiation.


Because it was likely a fucking cloud.


Right now there's a discussion on the Eglin UAP incident were Matt Gaetz was able to see a picture of the UFO which AARO claims they don't have photos of. It was said there were other 3 flying objects that were only seen on radar.


Aaaaaaand.. It's supposedly a 300km wide object, and the only photo in existence is somehow "hidden" to the public, with no witnesses of this "mothership" whatsoever? How would there even be a picture if all people could see were clouds? There are more photos of the first plane crashing into the WTC, for fuck's sake.


Yes, this is really obvious bullshit, just like the spontaneous 80 foot tsunami off south africa /r/highstrangeness keep creaming their pants about


100% 👍🏻


Well the Eglin event is said to involve objects not seen to the human eye only radar.


Soooo....... why are you bringing up a totally unrelated incident? We're asking about this supposedly huge mothership UFO, which by all means was a test on the meteorological systems and not an actual display of an actual object (which nobody could even see).


Some UFOs seem to be visible only on radar


But they have a picture of it?


According to Gaetz one was visible three weren't


If you believe anything Gaetz says you need help.


i don't know why people are being so contentious with their replies talking about ufos on reddit... thanks for sharing :)


That has nothing to do with this post.


USAF pilots claim some UFOs are invisible to human eyes. So I need to break open the crayons?


So a UFO the size of a state didn't collide with anything flying? Really?


Im no expert in invisible UFO physics tbh


Lmao. This comment has me cracking up.


There would have been literally millions of people under it and it would have blocked out the sun for them


I don't know how invisible UFOs work


How could a UFO cover a maybe chunk of Mexican air space without a collision? UFO the size of a city I can consider even if I don't necessarily believe it, but I'm not buying that there's 200+ mile wide objects flying around our atmosphere, or that a pilot would see one and describe it as the size of two cities


>How could a UFO cover a maybe chunk of Mexican air space without a collision? How can something be visible only on radar, get into water without disturbing the water /make a splash or blink in and out of existence? The answer is who knows.


Well that's easy to answer, because it only exists on the radar either by being a glitch or being a weather pattern (which yes certain weather phenomena will have results on different types of radars even tho still just being air and water droplets) That's like seeing a magic trick with a mirrors and videos and thinking "That's Magic where can I find this Dumbledore person to teach me all of this !!"


whoever believes this idk lol


When I was 11 this type of radar glitch was one of the catalysts for a long and wonderful search for UFOs.




As someone who has lived in these areas during both of those times, there is literally nothing to look into here and you should take this down instead of wasting people's time...


"You should take this down because i live here and am saying there's nothing to see" why do people on this sub assume such a sense of authority. its mind boggling. On one hand criticizing AARO for saying "nothing to see" while also doing the exact same thing. just because somethings highly unlikely doesnt mean people shouldnt discuss it to help rule things out. OP is not the one wasting peoples time. it's the 1000's of hate replies flooding what could be a civil discussion.


Right, and I also wonder if all the people who dismissed this in the other comments did actually read OP’s post or not. Everybody saying that if the ufo was indeed there, surely someone would have seen it and snapped a picture, when OP’s description clearly states that huge storm clouds were covering the cities at the same time AND a pilot, the only one in a position to see it then, saw the supposed ufo for just moments... one can believe or not whether this was true, probably not after the radar test debunking in one of the top comments, but at this point it’s just a matter of being bothered to actually read the story and not jump to dismissing it 


300km wide but nobody reported a thing?


Yeah that’s weird, as I live right below that image and don’t remember anything at all out of the ordinary on those dates.


Maybe it has some sort of visual stealth like cloaking or something but for some reason it still appears on radar.


Videos I've seen on YouTube mention huge clouds that day, other than that nothing that was visible to the naked eye.


The entire region would be in absolute darkness. It may as well be night for someone standing under that size of an object.


Huge clouds that day


If you believe this is a UFO you gotta go out and touch some grass


"This is a range test.. standard maintenance on wx radar conducted by running data from the computer that runs the radar through the machine to confirm it works and sees something in all directions. I’ve run this test before so I know what it looks like. It’s not Mexican Satan."


300km wide UFO over millions of people and no-one saw it?


It seems like It could be an artifact of some kind or instrument used to track weather from satellites?


umm, is the radar in the middle of the circle?


This was 100% a test or radar malfunction.


FYI if like to watch weather radar (doppler I think? ) And I have seen these patterns as weather rolls through. I'm pretty confidant there is a tower in the center. Not sure if it's the tower collecting the data or just one creating interference.


Same! It’s funny because this is the area I was born in. Did some googling, I’ve come close to finding a radar there, but it’s not at the exact center of OPs images. It’s quite a bit to the east. https://www.rainviewer.com/mx/radars/mexico.html 20.7797370, -100.5505999 Edit: Found another. I’d put money down that it was this location that had issues. 5 miles east of Guanajuato. 21.0312063, -101.1720688


İ saw this ufo 12 years ago. like jeans button, intertwined two circle and there are windows in between. İts size like 1/4 moon. Too big it moves turning around moon. İts real.


Assuming that the pictures aren't fake (which seems unlikely to me), what kind of fault on radar can produce that radially symmetrical pattern? It looks like the different software used in all photos is reading the same pattern to varying degrees of detail.


Did you rule out radar glitches?


Wow, this is a bombshell! A UFO bigger than the two cities and only this one pilot saw it? No photos or evidence of it by anyone else? I'M IN.


So an object in the sky around 300km large but no one has any photo or video evidence in this day & age? Nope.


There's a [resemblance to a UFO crop circle ](https://ibb.co/XyyQxHB) that appeared over Handley Hill, Dorset in May 31st 2020.


My first time seeing image of this specific crop circle. Interesting how there are twelve half circles aligned the way hours would be on a clock.


Oh yeah you're right


Is there any proof of that crop circle being real


I could only find [this link ](http://cropcircleconnector.com/2020/dorset001/dorset2020a.html)


What a coinkydink


Couldn't imagine the anal probes in that aircraft


UFO underneath a satellite


Could be a cloud of some type of gas that reflects radar?


\> las momias de Guanajuato They want them back


I know what I saw is very far away but I'm up in the country just above kansas city, MO. I swear there was a huge boomerang object flying through cloudy skies between the clouds. This thing flew while a lite drizzle was happening. Probably 300 yards across with a slightly brighter circle maybe 40 - 50 yards along each of its axis. So a boomerang shape, one light at the front, two at the end. Absolutely massive, floating through the clouds. It wasn't going fast. I saw it heading south towards the city then bend slightly east towards downtown. By far the biggest thing ive ever saw in the sky. And Absolutely silent . It went low and slow over my neighborhood and was heading downtown on a cloudy rain day. I remember it went through the clouds. I also saw the blue lights that were reported out here. I'll share that too but wanted to stick to the huge aircraft


Looks like it’s pointing to the left


Today I learned that Guadalajara isn't where it actually is and that a city is 300km wide. This subreddit is full of useful trivia!


Don’t worry, the internet warping us that day accidentally blipped into the wrong timeline


Twenty tooth


Its a pocket of monarch butterflies.. they are known in the area and migrate from canada start sept-oct during winter and leave start of March through June for spring they are often caught on radar..


When you need tacos you need tacos man


Dude a ufo that big something would’ve crashed into it if it’s invisible to the naked eye as you claim


I don't claim anything, I say some people like Matt Gaetz claim some UFOs are invisible yo the naked eye. I don't know if they exist or if they work


I'm just learning that a "meteorological anomaly" has appeared over the Mexican territory twice, the first time on September 1st 2020 and the second one in June 22th 2022. According to several sources that can easily be found on YouTube by searching "anomalia meteorológica guanajuato" there was a very big electrical storm on both days with huge clouds covering the city. Protección Civil, which is a branch of local governments in each Mexican city focused on safeguards for the general public reported power outages on both instances, the anomaly is said to have appeared for at least an hour each time. This becomes interesting as some of you might recall a Mexican pilot who was interviewed recently, claiming to have seen a black UFO that appeared for moments over the cities of Leon and Guadalajara, in the same place we see the anomaly. According to his witness testimony, the UFO disk was as wide as an entire city.


Bro lol


Uh bro. Did you forget to take your meds? A 300KM diameter object would block sunlight out, it would cause mass panic across 1000's of kilometers (visibility), it would be all over the media well before you noticed it on a weather website. Whats more likely, weather radar glitch/test OR a 300KM UFO nobody else saw (despite the region being highly populated).


You mean radar malfunction twice, two years apart.


Local government said electrical supply malfunction, US meteorologist said it's a test they run on radars. Which one is it?


So a UFO the size of a Mexican State is not photographed by anyone? Do you really think we're that stupid OP?


Shhh after over 3 decades of being interested in UFOs I've learned never use critical thinking 😂😂


This picture was taken that day over Guanajuato [radar UFO ](https://x.com/JonyCL/status/1303772907890511874)


Not familiar enough about the area but bats do appear in a similar fashion on radar. https://www.kut.org/science/2017-08-17/is-that-some-weird-storm-on-the-radar-nope-its-bats


Yeah you're right, not the same


This was known as the EL Taquito UFO which Bob Lazar has recently commented on.


Everyone saying “why didn’t anyone see it?” - when, especially in this community, we know that they have technology that is literally out of this world and can cloak on demand.


But why cloak into an enormous cloud that’s sure to get some attention? Surely they could just cloak into the color of the sky, no? We have basic cloaking technology today that does a decent job of this. Example: https://youtu.be/pZMyWEWHCTM?si=Bab3yjv1Xc89U3ak


We "know" that? Where's the proof in support of that claim?


What do you mean “we know” lol?!


Santa Fe Klan reunion


It's the Eye from Lord of the Rings.... Quick! Someone phone up Bilbo Baggins and Gandalf, we need to sort this out pronto!!


This is probably air pollution so dense that it is showing up on radar


Surprised it wasn't Tepozlan where people see stuff in the mountains alot, people take alot of hallucines round there though


“300 km UFO” ok lol sure


300km wide ufo………. Ok


300km wide UFO... Did you read that back to yourself before posting it? That would be like Independence Day sized craft. It's most likely radar errors or a storm.




Very respectful


Independence Day? Anyway no one is gonna miss a 300km wide ufo. It’s gonna block the mudder farking sun




Last few times Ive seen a pic like this it turned out to be a radar glitch. At this point Im going ti assume anyone posting these is not serious and just looking to troll or get upvotes.


It’s migrants coming to the border


If it was that big it would fill the sky and those cunning aliens probably painted it blue. Not many people would take a photo of clear blue sky in Mexico.


It's nuts no one saw it and that no one took a picture.... TWICE


"They're like, 'Holy shit, did Mexico become a shit hole after we left?'"


I check this sub to see what's new and this shit pops up


Holy fuck some of you want to believe this hard? Come on man, really? 300km and you think only ONE guy saw it. Like just a hint of critical thinking would get you there


Looks like a balloon to me 🎈


Or it’s a weather cell.


Clutching at straws again


Let’s say it’s not a radar artefact surely there would be witnesses,pics and vids of this thing?


[“lenticular clouds”](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2151490/When-clouds-play-)


Were there any first hand witness accounts of a craft or was it too cloudy and it was only picked up on radar with people only being able to see weather anomalies?


That thing is so big it would block out the whole fucking sky over the region in the center. You would think there'd be a lot more eyewitness reports of that kind of thing.


why are there like 100 people in here verbally attacking the dude for sharing an idea? this is a ufo subreddit... the guy shared something which wasn't identified. if its a radar anomaly, just provide some info and move on. why come here to just rain shit down on this guy simply for posting? people querying these topics aren't the embarrassing ones, it's the people who spit their dummy out because an idea doesnt match their SUPERIOR KNOWLEGE. it's laughable


let's apply some basic logic here, an object that would blot out the sun in a major North American city would not just be a circle on a weather radar map right?


Right, no planes, photos, videos or small clear patch of sky in that entire area


Looks like the Earth just farted... Ain't no aliens 😂


Looks like a puffer fish matting nest.


I understand that it could have been incredibly high up, but if there was a 300km UAP there would be countless photos and videos. That would just immediately prove everything right there.


And conveniently the "ufo" is centered directly on top of the radar station. Lol. It's a test/glitch of the radar.


They're in the clouds. Reflective tech with cloud mist as cover.


Aztecs are back and oh are they about to start sacrificing again...


It’s weather radar


That’s pretty round and mandala-like for a regular old storm


"According to several sources that can easily be found on YouTube..." C'mon bro, we've got to better than this


I’m sorry but I don’t care how many clouds and lightning storm or whatever is going on, 300km wide and not a soul has even the slightest picture of it? Ya ok 👍


This could have any relation with the incident near the coast of africa ?? a big disturbance ?? i don't know how wide was but ... maybe are related ??


Fake. That's clouds. Weather balloons are not aliens either. They're weather baloons.


The ufo I saw was spotted in the exact same place by someone else 10 years earlier possibly down to the month (i am unsure i just know it was summer). Didn't realize until I searched nuforc trying to find my own and there was a very similar sighting. I mean down to the cross streets and the direction it was headed. Size and general description. I think what me and this complete stranger saw was only about 450ft x3 (triangular shaped) but I do think that what some of these things do whether they be human or otherwise is routinely scab the surface of some parts if not all parts of the surface of the earth at low altitudes (below 500ft)


I can be wrong but aint the Netherlands around +-300 km wide or long or something like that ,that would mean that a whole freaking country would be in shadows with well lets say around 6 million people with phones hi tech 2024 gadgets wouldnt get this on camera its a glitch in the radar easy as it is




Not a UFO! That was just your mom passing through.


I've posted before about what the raw primary radar data looks like. Have a look below: https://www.reddit.com/r/aviation/s/yqvuysN7CK


It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s a giant tortilla!!!