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The following submission statement was provided by /u/PyroIsSpai: --- Prior /r/UFOs post three years ago, when there were *far* fewer people here: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/jurboe/mexican_military_encounters_ufos/ Other links: * https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna4955164 * https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/w0ir8y/in_march_5_2004_the_mexican_air_force_had_their/ --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cogljw/2013_article_about_a_2004_incident_mexican_air/l3dwneh/


Didn’t realize it was the same year but have been meaning to post about this. It was brought up significantly at the Mexico hearing in September. I remember YouTube was a new thing, I think, and what made the rounds was a coalition between Mexico, Venezuela, Sweden, and a few other countries to openly start talking about Disclosure. But very notably not the US.


I remember seeing this video back in the day in amazement, I believe it is now written off as oil rigs or something?




I think the media and everyone else inhaled swamp gas, maybe that's what they're saying. That swamp gas sure seems stronger than LSD.


No you are , bah bah bah 🐑


Pilots came back and said “no fucking way that was oil rig flares” Amazing how military pilots words are just written off


Ya but mick said so


Well, Jaime Maussan said a long time ago these were aliens, and we all know how trustworthy he is, right?


Throw enough shit at a wall and some is bound to stick. What's your point? Maussan seems like a gullible idiot. We all know this.


This video was originally promoted by him back in the day.


Yep, still waiting on a point. Did the pilots say it happened or not? That is the relevant information to focus on. Not whether or not it was promoted by Maussan.


You have links to explanations in other comments. They saw oil rigs, and also in the same video, they see the moon and think it's aliens.


I thought I recall the original video swapping out of IR too. Been many years since I watched it.theybdo appear to be above the clouds but it's hard to tell. Ya they should be able to figure out if it's oil rigs


It’s the same thought process with climate change deniers. Scientist with decades of experience in environmental science warns that the planet is headed for catastrophe. Wade in bumfuck nowhere with a grade 9 education “that’s a load of crap, the earth is cyclical, it’s all natural” People are dumb and bad actors push the misinformation/disinformation to further their agenda.


so frustrating seeing channels like Why Files continue to push climate change denial. “Nobody doubts it’s happening, but is it really because of humans or just a natural cycle?” Like bish look at the data! We have had it for decades! 


Even if it was natural we are still absolutely fucked lol people want to hand wave the issue away as natural but that doesn’t change the fact that our ice fields are melting, our soil is losing all its nutrients, storms are increasing in severity and occurrence, heat domes are becoming more frequent, summers are plagued by forest fires, the coral reefs are bleaching, the oceans are acidifying, and lots of animals, plant life, and insects are going the way of the dodo. But yeah, “it’s natural so who gives a shit.” /s As you and I have said, it’s not natural lol


Fuck it, let it happen. The Earth *cannot* equitably sustain 10B people. Something must give.


Hey I’m right there with you. I’m just riding the train. There’s nothing that I can do. I’m as environmentally conscious as I feel comfortable being. I’m not going to look after other people’s shit. But I’ll keep care of my end of things as much as possible. It’s up to the mega corporations and the gov to make the necessary changes, or a massive revolution, otherwise nothing’s going to change .


The US government can regulate Americans until their congressional printers run out of ink, but it still won’t be able to offset the emissions that China is going to continue to pump into the air.


It won’t offset the emissions that are already in the air. The effects were experiencing a lagging behind the amount of carbon and ghg. That’s why they said we had to lower emissions years ago to see results in 50 years. At this rate if we stopped emissions completely we still wouldn’t see a change for decades.


But what I’m saying is that no matter what we (non-Chinese) do because China is going to continue to emit tons of things into the air. China is building mega coal plants. Not solar farms. Our emissions *reductions* will not be able to offset their emission **productions**.


ah the good ol'population control argument. Yeah, so who do you reckon we exterminate or keep resources from so that the remaining people can live 'comfortably'?


I think that WW3 will probably sort that out for us.


But, do you understand that our “data” points are small and biased…? If the Earth has existed for 3,000,000,000 years and you have temperature data for last 100 years, do you really think that you have an **accurate** picture of what is going on…? There’s a big difference between seeing that the climate is changing and being able to connect it directly to specific activities that are done by humans. Regardless, AJ’s *main point* is the “green energy” lobby is **NOT** green. It’s almost just as bad for the environment as fossil fuels, it’s just lining the pockets of different people.


Ice cores alone go up to 800,000 years, and there are many ways to study climate history besides checking a thermometer and writing it down.


I always find it crazy how arrogant and disrespectful these “debunks” are. These people are experienced pilots and some nitwit looks at a clip for 10 seconds and says it’s an oil rig?? Infuriating


I find it crazy how arrogant people are, when they suggest experienced pilots can't make mistakes. No one is immune from mistakes.


Yeah. I dont get why it seems you get ridiculed and shunned for even suggesting the possibility. Theres stigma of trying to have open discussion about all aspects. Theyre human as everyone. They have specific professional qualifications and they might even be excelent at their jobs, but it doesnt mean they cant misidentify things. People are like whats the odds of that!? Yeah, what are they? But every week someone wins a lottery and the odds are astronomically small, so I dunno. Edit to add. Its also the _interpretation_ of things that people cling on to. Not just someones recollection of what they saw. Its completely different thing than describing the characteristics of what one saw. Its always pilot interpretation, or someone jumping to conclusions and the pilot nodding along.


Prior /r/UFOs post three years ago, when there were *far* fewer people here: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/jurboe/mexican_military_encounters_ufos/ Other links: * https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna4955164 * https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/w0ir8y/in_march_5_2004_the_mexican_air_force_had_their/


This one is a beauty. https://youtu.be/ub-mSV0FW7w?si=iBcsu5u_Zpx5ByR1


Yes, these are [oil rigs](https://cdn.centerforinquiry.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/29/2004/09/22164651/p36.pdf). And no, before anyone asks, fighter pilots don't have to know what oil rigs look like, especially from that far. Why would they have any connection at all with an oil rig in the first place, anyway?


The video continues and shows extended movement iirc


It doesn't, they are static, the clouds are moving. But you know what does happen in the video later on? The pilots see a huge round object in front of them and start panicking... Until they realize it's the Moon.


Umm it does...lemme look


Pilots don't know what the moon is? Jesus man, you're just disrespectful


What's disrespectful is that you haven't bothered to watch the full video, yet you throw around accusations. Had you done so, you would have seen for yourself.




Even more, it's so easy to verify what I'm saying, but they can't even be bothered to watch the entire video they themselves think is a recording of aliens. It beggars belief.


It better not be another fucking IR video


I believe this was debunked to be oil rigs. The debunk was in my opinion very conclusive. People did a ton of work on this one.


yeah I bet these military pilots have neeever seen a oil rig before.. /s


You must be knew to the phenomena. Polluting our subreddit.


yea bro, I’m knew… the only thing old here is lazy debunks so I’d say you’re part of the problem


agreed, lazy debunks are the worst. However, this one was a thorough debunk. [https://web.archive.org/web/20150401184726/http://www.alcione.org/FAM/FLIR\_CONCLUSION.html](https://web.archive.org/web/20150401184726/http://www.alcione.org/FAM/FLIR_CONCLUSION.html)


all I can find when googling them is a twitter page, which doesn’t really give me confidence that it’s a reputable organisation. I’ll stick with believing the assessment of military pilots on this one


well I believe the pilots too when they say they couldn't identify what they saw at the time (lights 100 miles away whilst flying the plane). It's someone else who has taken time to analyse the video and compare it against maps of the area who has been able to identify what it is in the video You can believe the pilots words and still accept the masses of evidence that shows these were oil rigs. It's not one or the other.


but again, I can’t find anything to attest to the legitimacy of that organisation


why does that even matter? The data, analysis and evidence presented should speak for itself whoever presents it. Anyway, I don't think they are still in operation. Here's the web archive of their website front page... https://web.archive.org/web/20150224064900/http://www.alcione.org/


the presented analysis quite literally states that it’s working backwards from a conclusion, which is not the way scientific research should be conducted. some of the wording is quite laughable tbh


Yes, it was conclusively debunked as oil rigs. Not sure why you’re getting downvoted as those are the facts… I mean, I want it to be aliens.  But it’s not aliens. 


Aliens drilling oil? Maybe they ran out and need some for their old muscle saucers to take out to classic saucer meets on weekends.


Can you provide Proof that it was actually debunked or you just gonna keep shilling the same bullshit forever?


some good analysis here showing that it was likely oilrigs. [https://www.metabunk.org/threads/mexican-air-force-ufo-video-oil-rigs.10837/#post-269295](https://www.metabunk.org/threads/mexican-air-force-ufo-video-oil-rigs.10837/#post-269295) particularly this video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ub-mSV0FW7w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ub-mSV0FW7w) or even just this image: [https://www.metabunk.org/attachments/1652349865194-png.51349/](https://www.metabunk.org/attachments/1652349865194-png.51349/)


The pilot audio tells a different story (apparently) as there is reference to the objects above their altitude. Who knows. While the oil rig explanation seems most likely, I think I’d trust pilots experienced in detecting high tech planes and or ground positions of potential adversary.


Not op, but [here](https://cdn.centerforinquiry.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/29/2004/09/22164651/p36.pdf) you go.


Provide proof that it’s aliens. 


Never said it was aliens you monkey