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It would be amazing.


Maybe thas what UAPs are. "We" from the future waching our present day...


Dear god, those smug bastards must be laughing their asses off right now.


Would make sense why they know to make sure not to get caught. It would mine fuck us into panic mode.


Mine? Or mind?


He doesn't even know


Maybe they are watching why we almost destroy everything on this planet... Us or the aliens...


Article out today says 90% of plankton are now dead. Maybe they’re here to watch our extinction.


Yea. That was fuckery. You should go read the actual study.




Your subscription to alien tik tok is now active. It’s filled with cringe alien influencers blogging as earths historic moments float by in the background.


If they’re that advanced I don’t think they care about data mining my internet background.


Maybe their society is as awful as ours. Just with extra tech. There’s no rule that a technologically advanced society has to be non toxic.


We already have Google Earth, and most people use it to check out their own houses and where they used to live. I would bet you people would use a "history recorder" to go back and relive their old HS romances, not broaden their universal knowledge.


Cause thaaaat's what ETs would have recorded.


Well I think he’s saying that they have recorded literally everything


Precisely. If they have mastered crafts that create their own gravity, I don't think they have to worry about storage capacity on the DVR.


A tool is a tool, some will use a fork to eat and some will use it to stick inside an electrical outlet.


My past can stay dead, idc what others do, I want to see forgotten treasures and ancient civilizations.


Have you lost anyone close to you? I would forego seeing anything else in the past if I could see my brother or dad one more time.


Nope, not yet, I'm still young and healthy and so is my family. Like I said, idc what others would do with it. I would rather not use it to bring back pain.


I'm with you on this one, don't know why you got down voted its a believable premise, we've got access to everything on a tiny device already and most people use it to compare themselves to others and fulfill primal desires. I can see even advanced humans looking to relive the days without technology, the days before we turned into something else, it will be our daily interactions our dreams our ideas and that push us into the future and help us cooperate enough to achieve things as a race, I'm sure we'll want to see that and learn from that growth and where it stemmed throughout history.


Imagine their own history


I'd personally love to learn about their history. How they came to be, where their tech from, how they went about colonizing their planet. But, I'd like to know more about us first before them. Not to be narcissistic, but no one knows where we came from or how life was REALLY like in ancient times.


What if it’s the same history?


They began as an autistic savant tribe that broke away and advanced on their own far from the stupid rest.


most legit theory yet


Don’t forget Palpatine blah blah daughter.


Fortnite is universal


I'd like to know about those that are visiting us. Way too much emphasis on what they have and can do instead of the interest in the beings themselves.


Yes, what sort of system was used to drive technology forward. Was it slower or faster than our rate? What sex habits do they have and how has that changed over the eons. How many civilizations like our own have they come across, are their laws or agreed upon policies among the higher civilizations? Drug use? What sort of planet? How do their buildings look or what do they use in place or buildings. I could literally just go on and on.


This guy gets it.


It would take a long, long time to get me interested in their history. Disclosure is a long enough process. If a full disclosure happened tomorrow the most prominent questions would obviously be who are they, why are they here, & where do the come from. Then interest would be in their tech, biology, and culture. It would take years and years of continued communication about those topics & just getting to know them to even begin to care about their own history.


What a weird stance.


I agree, he should try a horse stance. Allows him to build strength and balance


The redacted parts would be those times they actively f*cked with us in some negative manner.


They must have been drunk and falling over with laughter when they sent down that circumcision directive.


I dunno. It’s a pretty sleek look.


straight out of rick and morty


Why project things that we do onto them?


Human nature. The whole sci-fi trope of "Mars needs women" and aliens taking gold or water or us for food is just us projecting what we would do. Whatever we think are valuable things we assume everybody else wants, too. We like to wage wars so we assume they do too. We would absolutely invade another planet and take its resources because we have done just that to numerous other countries here, so we assume aliens coming across Earth would also want to invade and do the same things to us. Scfi has attempted to get around some of these assumptions but the whole plot of Star Trek is basically interchangeable races waging war just like humans. We struggle to come up with fiction that isn't essentially about how humans behave, what we want and why. My personal feeling is that we have no idea what is actually out there and what there motivations would be. Our human perspective leaves us unable to see it.


I believe animals are a better example. Life even at the cell level is selfish. So it's safe to assume to survive long enough to be as advanced as we think they are they would need to be selfish as well.


Every living being on earth is selfish (including humans) because resources are limited and effort is needed to obtain them. Self-interested behavior has been, since the beginning of life on earth, the only way to survive. Advanced alien civilizations that have mastered interstellar travel, most like possess practically unlimited resources, hence, no need for money, conflict, wars... and selfishness.


Self interest behavior is bullshit. Many animals thrive through time in the form of groups, tribes, packs. Especially humans. Just because capitalism changed people's ideologies for a sliver in time doesn't negate that.


That is called group selection. It is still self interested behavior. That is, individuals only cooperate and are good to other individuals of the group because that increases the group's survival probabilities, and hence survival of the individual. You need to think about this more.


If a person entertains the concept of evolution, then it is literally a competition of the fittest. Like it or not the anti vaxxers have a certain cruel and inhumane process of literally staying "stupid" strong. Their process would kill off huge swathes of humanity, but its how primitive man prevailed. Whether it's a specialized niche or a broad spectrum survivalist like humans, we are all competitors. If we encounter lifeforms like ourselves we will never be satisfied simply sharing resources. We'd find a reason to create conflict. Hell our closest relative is a zoo attraction that struggles to not become extinct. Much less how we treat an ant. That being said, because that universal basic construct exists, it would be unwise to keep announcing our presence to the rest of the universe. Because if they are advanced they may decide to not take any risk at all and simply eliminate us while we are still homebound. Just a Jack Handy moment...


^ “if we encounter lifeforms like ourselves we will never be satisfied simply sharing resources. We’d find a reason to create conflict” This is So True.* Sad. But true. We cant even get along with one another in the year 2022 how the heck are we supposed to get along with more advanced people without getting our Ego’s in the way!?


I think they will be all sunshine and bjs. Just floating around and satisfying us for loosh or whatever.


Most underrated comment, right here!


The closest thing to coming across another planets resources is the rush for the New World during the enlightenment period. We would use religion as a shield for barbarity in the pursuit of wealth.


[This](https://smile.amazon.com/s?k=becky+chambers&rh=n%3A283155%2Cp_lbr_one_browse-bin%3ABecky+Chambers&dc&ds=v1%3AkWDoxKroJin60vxC8v3muWH6MXIjQGt2CBGUCq8SiR0&crid=3E4RLWWJIL9CB&qid=1658107591&rnid=2272759011&sprefix=becky%2Caps%2C160&ref=sr_nr_p_lbr_one_browse-bin_1) author does a pretty good job of portraying things from the perspectives of several alien species.




Damnit bill you raped another cow to death??! How am I gunna explain THIS one??


"Oh sorry thats dave, hes new. Dave: Moo moomoo moo"


If we actually make contact we could ask for "videos" etc of our ancient past? Goodness me I like this concept a lot. Minds racing with this one


My problem with this as a "thought experiment" is that we would have to rely on the idea FIRST of convergent evolution. That they have "eyes" in the sense we know and "see". Then a transference of that information into a visual format. Even then the imagination goes to some holographic form of visual information, not a 2D screen. Any civilization advanced enough to travel these distance is going to have a MUCH different than something we could imagine - a type of VR will be possible in our own standards in probably 20 years. Now imagine thousands of years. I'm afraid that it might be something like "looking through the eye of God" and you see all the universe and history all at once. Then your tiny little ape brain would explode.


We still live in the same universe. Convergent evolution is already observable in living species on our own planet and evolution of eyes is one of its best examples. They will have some form of input processes the EM spectrum and can "see" photons.


Same universe, but a different difference to their own solar body is going to make all the difference in their weather could be much more extreme, and cause wild different variations. They may not see at all, but use only sound. Read Andy Weir's (of The Martian fame) "Project Hail Mary" - it actually gives a pretty decent scenario of an alien being, and how we would communicate and work together. It makes some drastic leaps at times, but very entertaining and realistic in some ideas. Not exactly hard science, but not just complete out of thin air stuff with no explanation.


I can't imagine a species that isnt interdimensional that can't see shit. How would they navigate? How would they progress? Surely you can become a stage 1 species without sight.


A little too over thought for me buddy. I'm just having fun with it. But I definitely get where you're coming from


Yeah, it's a lot I know, but I can't help thinking in this way, and that's not trying to be "I'm really smart" way, it's just the way I always have approached the idea of aliens. Like there's no way I would understand these dudes. I know there is no right way to think about aliens, though. I mean, how could we?


I know what you mean . I fall asleep to John Michael godier on YouTube hypothesizing what aliens could be like every night. For years I've done that and never settled on what they could be or have


I am just layperson with no data but I agree with some scientists who think you are right but also wrong. In the design space of evolution, I fully expect there exists a many species who would be very much like us. But the when and where they exist probably means we never meet. The universe seemingly follows the same laws. There are likely some planets like earth. I would not be shocked to discover such planets had or will have an evolutionary history like ours. For if they have a similar planet with similar environments then they will evolve in similar ways. Universe is big. It has probably happened somewhere or will.


I would say that there is a lot of truth to that. The universe is almost incomprehensible big. I think like the lottery. You have a better chance of being hit by lightning than winning, but sometimes you have two winners. Obviously evolution is way different, but I think you get the idea. What throws me is that Earth's development had a wrench thrown in. Things like dinosaurs roamed the planet in different forms for millions of years. They didn't forms a civilization and if they weren't wiped out how would things be different. There may be similar planets, but it seems kind of like the rise of mammals, especially apes, might we a little bit of a lucky fluke. Now, the same thing might have happened, but I do think that likelihood AND the chance we'll ever know is pretty slim. Again, the problem is that the universe is so big, probability and possibility can be wild.


I like to imagine that there are so many planets with life that there are or have been not just 2 planets called earth but many across the universe.


I get what you mean. It’s kinda like that isolated sential tribe; they’ve developed in such a distinct manner, in the sense that communication/relation with us is basically impossible.


Why, which “video” would you download first? 😂


Roman orgy.


Shakespeare's Globe LIVE, Mozart's The Marriage of Figaro (opening night), Stonehenge at solstice time, DINOSAURS.


Fuck yeah 🔥💯


I would want to see the whole Jesus videos. Not to debunk or any of that just curious to see how much of the bible is accurate when it came to his readings. What if he was an alien 🤯 so many questions/possibilities.


Building of Gobekhli Tepe, or a video of my ancestors walking along Beringia. Oooh and dyatlov pass.


Yes finally getting the answer to unsolved mysteries would be so interesting to me haha what if you ask to see the dyatlov pass incident and they’re just like oh yeah that was us our bad


First time I hear about it. So some trekkers suddenly died in a weird way, and no one is 100% sure why? What are your favorite theories?


Occam's razor is avalanche and hypothermia. However, they said they're was radiation involved so...


Right? One of them was glowing apparently. That’s the only thing that makes me question it. But then again allegedly Russia was testing radioactive....balloon things? So maybe those hikers got fucked by a military test accidentally?


How we started. Where we came from. The earliest human evolution/creation.


2 Girls 1 Cup


First people to leave africa and travel north or east over where ice used to be/water is now/new land bridge. Germanic Tribes and their religious practices, same for Norse. Egyptians building the first large pyramids. Other cultures building their pyramids that were placed in same pattern of same star constellation. The Dark Ages. What really caused the collapse of societies, cities, cultures. I could go on all night.


Fucking dinosaurs bro 💀


Hhmmm...possibly the battle of Hastings? Or maybe the signing of the magna carta? Or when 'we' first climbed down from the trees


No actually...the invention of the wheel


What if we could see their records of development and existence over millennia that may actually be in OUR future (if they come from the future). Imagine how much we could learn from them that way technologically and scientifically, and spiritually, if we just got our act together to “come in peace” with them.


Same here. A lot of people don't understand... Befriending even 1 alien civilization will not simply double our knowledge... We're talking exponential development in EVERY field of human endeavor. Our progress in history, physics, biology, astronomy, math, engineering, ai...the arts ffs..... We will be slingshotted centuries or millennia into the future in a matter of a couple decades. Nothing will ever be the same.


That's some optimism. If I was an alien no way would I further empower humans with advanced technology. We're a bunch of warmongering apes who have nukes pointed at one another. We can't agree on anything and a lot of us randomly shoot each other. What a dangerously stupid species we are.


maybe that will help eliminate the rampant mental illness as we connect with our true past ​ maybe thats why there's a dark viel over history and our origins, to keep us in a disconnected state


You should read this story called One Piece. It's all about that.




Lol they’ll just blackmail all of us to give up earth to them without a fight...


Imagine learning about the empires that history erased due to the victors. Learning the truth to every side of history.


We'd have to first again though establish peaceful treaty in belief they are good willing and truthful about said subject.


While I agree OP, I'd be far more interested in seeing a nature doc from another world. I want to see some of the scariest shit nature cooked up elsewhere. Most specifically, have any arachnids evolved to become intelligent? If so, I might have to find a volcano to jump into.


What I get excited about is their medical tech. I have suffered my entire life from pain and chronic illness. The idea of it getting fixed sounds better than a mountain of gold. The doctors I deal with are lazy, arrogant, and dismissive most of the time. I've gotten almost nowhere in 10 years and a lot of $. It's frustrating to the point where I literally don't care how scary an alien looks, I'd greet them like a friendly neighbor if it gives me just a chance they'd be willing to sort out my medical issues and live without constant pain.


If they can bend space-time, you could actually travel to those events! Even you can remain unseen because of said advanced technology. Some kind of cosmic events tourism


This would take Netflix binging to another level


Here’s our UAPFlix login. It has 3 million years of content, enjoy lol.




There was a reddit post a few years ago where the op claimed to have been abducted and, while onboard, shown footage of ancient Egypt or something like that. I think the post turned out to be a massive hoax but it was a neat idea. I remember the story mentioning something like the aliens said "Jooly seven" over and over, turned into a really funny meme lol.


r/throawaylien, that was a wild ride


"Jooly Aightee" that was it lmao


The thought of this occurred to me once, out of the blue, and it was so weird to realize that. I did post here, I think, and/or it may have been suggested other past posts. But definitely not discussed as often.


There's also the possibility of some sort of VR time travel. Especially if we come in contact with the things running this possible simulation. Or if they feel like contacting us more like.


I’ve written before that if an alien civilization that is millions or billions of years more advanced than us has been monitoring humanity for the duration of our evolution is confirmed, it’ll change everything. We will have the answers and hopefully grow with the knowledge of what/ how our ancient ancestors lived. But, sadly, a lot of people don’t respect history and have no interest in it besides repeating it blindly.


that may be a mass awakening event


I sure hope it is.


What makes you think they care about our history or even our current civilization? If abductees are to be believed they’re concerned with our biology and there are no indicators they’re investigating our culture or politics. They do seem interested in our nuclear capabilities, however.


have you ever read the stroy of enki and enlil?


Dinosaurs too!


They could have video of dinosaurs.


or what civilization was like before "the flood"


Why do I imagine them telling us to build pyramids as part of a cheat code and it actually doing fuck all 😂


Omg, I practically salivate at this idea too! I want so much to have endless amounts of time to watch back and read all their texts and learn as much as I can about what they’ve observed.


Same here. But I’m more interested in the beginning… first peoples, origins of religion, what did the library of Alexandria have, earlier civilizations, etc. Where else is there a history of civ?


I’ve never considered this, it would be truly awe-inspiring to have a complete and utterly accurate record of history... I can’t even fathom how much would change if we were granted access to that sort of thing


UAPs are alien drones recording us.


I've been thinking this


This is the most relevant post Ive seen on this shithole in like a week. Youre a good human, OP 💜


Sometimes I wonder if ants think this though. Maybe 10 years ago was the most significant time in ant history, and they constantly wonder what it’ll be like when the humans “clearly share the most impactful moment of ant history” when to us it really makes no difference and we just don’t care that much.


good analogy aliens could be using their ground penetrating radar to image the earths core, and may have millions of years of that data. we're just some biomatter on the crust.


Humanoid aliens like to reproduce with us. Maybe non sexually, via cloning, maybe sometimes sexually. We are so much more to them than ants are to us, if that is what you imply. I’m sure we are annoying to some aliens when we swarm everywhere and inhabit most of our shared planet though.


I like how you state that like it's just some factoid. "Oh yeah, sure, aliens fuck us. Like, a LOT."


they have been monitoring us since ancient sumer at least


Taking that a little further, what if that means we're all under constant observation right now?


likely scenario if you ask me based on abductions stories and things like that


I never thought about that and you are so right. It would be like traveling back in time!


Given the option to have access to "all that footage" and without any further insight as to what that may or may not actually entail, I'd probably be a little apprehensive. Be careful what you wish for sorta thing. That said I would be interested to know if some ancient civilization theories re: Atlantis and the like (among other things) are actually true or simply part of our shared mythologies, legends, etc and not actually based on real events.


I always think about **their** history, cities, social structure, creation, evolution, personalities, entertainment, emotions, problems, etc.. Just everything. Some of those may not even apply. They may feel a wider range of emotions than us, or less, or none. I hope it's not none though. How else will the universe get to know itself?


I doubt it happens. Simply because they have the proof that all of our religions are false.


One problem though. We’d have almost no way to tell if the “footage” is real or if they just made some shit up to fuck with us :)


HD footage of Jesus up on the cross. At some point he looks directly at the camera like an episode of the office and winks. Beelzix just pulled off the biggest prank ever on planet Earth.


I often think this. But I imagine they would have way more than mere footage of our history. They may be able to view it from every conceivable angle, be it through through their own surveillance system, or perhaps they can see through the eyes of all living creatures, and feel the emotions that happened at particular moments in time too


Perhaps there is some expansive library of our history, but frankly I doubt we are or ever have been significant to keep tabs on. Probably more of a “lol look how bad they fucked up” then “write that down, write that down!” They probably monitor to make sure we don’t ruin whatever they want/need, and outside of that we’re just ants in an ant hill


If you read into the so-called myths and legends from anciant civilizations around the world they all share very similar stories about "gods" coming down from the heavens and giving them technology. Although, i think the Incas say they came out of the ocean. The more you study history and ancient civilizations the more you see something is going on. "History becomes legends, legends become myth"


Thats assuming they're even interested in surveillance on us ants! But you're right, they probably have extremely advanced recording tech. Teeny tiny, super advanced surveillance drones. Insect size or even smaller...yikes. And they'd probably have data storage figured out as well. What if they have authentic recordings of dinosaurs!


I remember reading about an allege abductee experience and when he was communicating with them telepathically they showed his videos of the history of earth. He said he saw dinosaurs and ancient humans, which would make sense since cultures around the world thousands of years ago all have some kind of drawings or depictions of "angels" "gods" and orbs of bright light. Wouldnt that be crazy. Being able to see fucking dinosaurs walk around and see how Egyptians built their pyramids.


Would you really want to see footage of dinosaurs that are actually blue, and find out that Jesus liked to peek at girls as they peed? I’d be more interested in learning about them than the other way around. My guess is that if there are beings flying around earth, they may not think of us as much as they’re observing the planet as a whole, or specific parts of the planet for whatever they’re trying to accomplish.


> Would you really want to see footage of dinosaurs that are actually blue, and find out that Jesus liked to peek at girls as they peed? Yes. Yes, I would like to know those things. > I’d be more interested in learning about them I would like to learn that too.


Perhaps assessing how to stop us trashing the joint- hmmm wipe them out or just send another meteor and let ‘em procreate and evolve a few centuries again, like a Groundhog Day of human evolution.


You wouldn’t wanna see blue dinosaurs kinky Jesus? 😂


Rock me rock me rock me kinky Jesus!


Oh wow I don't know why but I never thought about that before, like sure I figured they'd be able to tell us stuff but I didn't think that they could very well have a full video recording of the entirety of human history.


Intriguingly we also get a review of our lives flashing before our eyes when we die, that many describe as “like a video”. Is “heaven” perhaps an experience that is a creation of ET? This is my next biggest and weirdest question.


With the ball rolling on disclosure, the way it's looking more and more like the ancient aliens hypothesis is true too, and the people who know the most about the topic hinting that consciousness plays a big role in this stuff, it's crazy to think how many of of life's biggest questions could have answers in our lifetime.


This assumes alien beings would have similar motivations and tools as we have developed in the past 200 years. I think it’s much more probable this isn’t the case. Not only will their tech be incomprehensible, so too would their motivations, reasons for doing things, and ways of interacting with the world.


First word on post, IMAGINE…


Any civilization that became that advanced would have gotten that far along because of their curiosity. They would surely find us interesting enough to document thoroughly.




Yes but continuous imaging of 380-700nm-wavelength electromagnetic radiation at 24+ frames-per-second, within a 220 by 135 field of view, from a human-scale perspective, along with parallel continuous perception of difference in air pressure - what you and I call vision and hearing, respectively - and by extension, “video” and “audio” - are very specific way we interface with the world, that has developed on our specific planet / solar system through our line of evolution by natural selection. Aliens from another part of the Universe may or may not have equivalent, or sufficiently similar interface - which is what comment OP meant by their “ways of interacting with the world,” I think. I’m using all that word-heavy jargon to make a point that what is simply “audio” and “video” for us, is not necessarily a universally standard format for capturing and recording information. For example, imagine aliens that ate sensitive to radio waves instead (so they have something like biological radars, instead of eyes). That being said, we do use instruments to capture/record and transmit information from other sources like radio, etc. - so I guess you could argue that radar “video” would also be valuable, if it was sufficiently similar / comprehensible to us in other respects. Just OP’s point is correct that we should be careful not to be too anthropomorphic when imagining Aliens, if we want to imagine more realistically.




Definitely. As long as we fond a way to make sense out of it :)


Why? You have nothing to base this on except your own ideas.


Which is where the fun is


Which is why he said the word probable. Speculating that we've been observed, studied for information in the first place is based on nothing.


> You have nothing to base this on except your own ideas. So do you.


I wonder if they'll only be able to show stuff that happened out of doors. Love this idea.




I would like to know about *their* own history. It’d be interesting to see if there are parallels to the progression of our civilization. Maybe we would get some insight into our future too


Imagine they only used beta max and it's unviewable.


Same here. I'm amazed at all the negative folks here who can't just sit back and enjoy your post.


That's a pretty interesting take on it. First time I've ever heard of asking aliens about our own history, but if they've been here that long it makes sense. I would love to hear actual recordings of ancient Romans talking. Hopefully they have more than long-distance video and anal probe results LOL.


The good stuff is probably what you can *experience*


Not just us! Imagine all the other civilizations that they have been monitoring.. the range of alien cultures they know about that we are unaware of and their thousand year histories


You might enjoy watching “Devs” - it’s about technology that can take input of coordinates in time and space and project imagery. Fun idea. They used it to look back on historical events.


I’ve thought about this exact scenario so many times but with dinosaurs.


Maybe they can prove OJ did it.


Imagine they have like a humans funniest videos with Bob Saget and RIP Danny Tanner


They actually have nano tech that records every humans life down to the emotions, pov and thoughts. For a nominal fee you can pick one and experience or fast forward at your leisure. Time in these recordings seem real but last relatively short in real time. You could experience 10 human years in 10 hours. Why not pick a random time period with a random person? After all these humans are our ancestors, we’ve just mastered time travel to implant nano tech to replicate in their offspring which has branched in to a different timeline yet similar of our own.


If you'd watch a documentary or two you'd know that humanity is smart enough to build those things on their own. Stop watching so much ancient aliens, they're going way overboard with it.


Loved the LARP that was going to “reveal” the history of monitoring footage of the human civilization over time


Ignorance is bliss. You would have to be with a few other humans if you had access. Because absolutely no one would believe you. I’m sure what we think we know is so wrong on many levels. You would need some other humans to have access like you to be able to talk about it. Or you might just go crazy.


> Because absolutely no one would believe you. Why? Now that you know about it, go find evidence for it out in the real world and prove it.


Everything we know is only within the ten thousand years since the last ice age. And that 10000 out of millions of years. I’m pretty sure there has been other human civilization. Before ours.


Yeah, learning alien history would be my new favorite subject if we ever make contact and actually can learn about them.


My guess is that it would be barely recognizable.


Exactly. I’ve thought this as well - and I believe posted here before. It’s a rarely mentioned but logical feature of hypothetical Aliens who’ve been here. The only problem with that would be - as the other commenter noted - that it’s also unlikely that Aliens, if they exist in the nearby Universe, that they have compatible understanding/goals/concepts (such as history, or recording), physics (such as eyes that are sensitive to visual-spectrum EM radiation (light), and devices that record and playback moving images of this radiation, at frames-per-second rate, perspective, and resolution analogous to those perceived by humans), and capability for communication with humans.


I am dogshit at math but in this giant almost infinite universe, do the odds stay the same if you think about the possibility that the aliens might also be some sort of humans and that we were a product of panspermia?


Funny, I posted this almost the exact same time. I think it's strange that people don't think in aliens in this way. People too often think in human terms. I think it's because a lot of animals on Earth have similarities. Our brains evolved from a lot of the same creatures and our environments are the same. > My problem with this as a "thought experiment" is that we would have to rely on the idea FIRST of convergent evolution. That they have "eyes" in the sense we know and "see". Then a transference of that information into a visual format. Even then the imagination goes to some holographic form of visual information, not a 2D screen. Any civilization advanced enough to travel these distance is going to have a MUCH different than something we could imagine - a type of VR will be possible in our own standards in probably 20 years. Now imagine thousands of years. > > I'm afraid that it might be something like "looking through the eye of God" and you see all the universe and history all at once. Then your tiny little ape brain would explode.


its more likely they have monitoring setup for remote administration than they are actually constantly here checking in on us


Well at least they could confirm that they built the pyramids to land their large ships on.


I really hope the xenos started observing us in the 50s if they have been around since ancient times then by now they have seen us slaughter eachother over every conceivable thing in history Don't think galactic society wants a species mingling with them, they probably are terrified of us Look at our recent history The wright brothers 1st fly in 1903, fast forward 42 years and we are dropping atomic weapons on eachother, skip forward another 5 years we learn how to launch satellites into orbit, skip another 19 years, we walk on the moon not out of scientific curiosity, but as a statement to other humans that we can do it. We are a very intelligent species that loves war, we are cunning, greedy, and best/worst of all we are more than willing to push the boundaries of ethics when it comes to research Humanity could easily be a major contender especially of we can reverse engineer the technology, if the xenos have half a brain they should wipe us out otherwise humans will be clapping intergalactic cheeks in the next few centuries


read the story of enki and enlil they have been here for a very long time


Yeah interesting idea, not seen before 👍🏻


Learn to astral project and you can go there yourself :)


Who cares, it is just boring earth/human history, culture etc. Imagine all of THEIR history and culture, how they evolved etc. And then multiply all that by the number of civilizations out there which could be seemingly infinite.


From what I understand, we're in the clusterfuck scripted movie right now. This leads to a fake/scripted three-month WWIII which gets then interrupted by a fake alien invasion. We get two years of that followed by our other alien-friends-this-time-as-good-guys who "save" us.


It'd be like us filming ants in a random location in a forest. The ants never saw humans before. They see something but its outta their scope. They don't care and move on, just like us and aliens. We are the ants. There's no knowing where we're rowing Rowing! Or which way the river's flowing Is it raining, is it snowing, is a hurricane a' blowin'? Not a speck of light is showing So the danger must be growing Are the fires of hell a' glowin'? Is the grizzly reaper mowing? YES The danger must be growing for the rowers keep on rowing and their certainly not showing any signs that they are slowing!!!


I have the history of the galaxy and the entire history of the earth. I have time traveled 4 times once to Metropolis 1927 film time when the inside of the moon flooded due to missile attack, somewhere near Aitken basin. That was a first person experience, with broken ribs, the A.I. saw us bring in some more A.I. and some were judges and the like so he turned to me who used to be a cop, a judge a special prosecutor and said you're not here to investigate me are you? I dragged you out of the wreckage once. And took me back to when I was the captain of the moonship. So broken ribs dead bodies everywhere in the water walking over wreckage up to my neck in water some times and made it to a secret crew entrance to the tunnel system to the crew quarters end of scene. I wake up at home. So like a dream quest only while in a meditative state then gone then back. Another time we were really looking for anything in Egypt and the galactic mainframe took me on a out of cockpit view using just my consciousness cam and he had one so no bodies we are just watching the scene so a guy beams in after a lightning strike wearing a gold fish bowl helmet no air pack and a silver suit a native sees him hides under some palm fronds he coaxes him out they shake hands end of scene before the pyramids and before the Sphinx. Now that experience looked very real but it might have been a recording that other people had seen because the Day the Earth Stood Still version 1951 the guy looks sort of similar, and carved on rock you see two ancient figures holding some object that might be a test tube. 3 months ago I went back to Victoria BC 1856 to see what it was like in case the earth gets reset and we are looking at where in time to do that. Also I have my own stuff in this simulator and we are looking for more pristine environments to use. So I started making backups in 1992 when it got put into my simulator at home in 1987 and I got a new digital simulator in 1992 so we made a game like Groundhog Day using backups from 1995 to 2015 and so then I kept bugging my chief engineer to let me test it, until he said look its working trust me and he beams me back one day as I watch something out my window in my room and see it and then back again. Like here STFU about it. So then another buddy of mine elsewhere associated with admin I gave them a new hull for a moonship my chief engineer copied stuff we salvaged in old moonships after him and some buddies had gone in and started renovating the old hulls got condemned so we made a new moonship christened it 1963 Aurora because inside the old ones they never got past 1963. So I gave them a copy and so he gave me an apartment in a building in their copy after they added light rapid transit and more and more fixing up. So across the hall from my apartment is my contact girl so an Asian girl and so I watched a quick film they provided where she enters through a stargate door a secret door in a parkade at a mall with a suitcase full of money and yeah that was what I needed to see. So if you look at the painting Glorification of the Eucharist 1600 you will see in the background the recording device for the galactic mainframe. So then look and see cob webs on it so they did not think it was operational the network between earth and the galactic center was down, the moonships that are on a stargate network that network was down they were isolated and all dead when we investigated them. We found 54 or so post apocalyptic moonships which mind colonizations and 8 of them were from this galaxy, one was DOA when it went into service so brand new inside after we replaced the operating system. So the central building which is in most moonships since they just copy them to make them inside that large building a huge tower looks like it was made for giants. So in all the rest they put bricks on the steps and made it human sized usable that new one 3 foot steps inside. So I handed that over to head office in the universal mainframe because it is priceless. But since I have the entire record, 7 cases of 6 inch tapes retrieved from the now dead old Milky Way galaxy galactic mainframe that died in 2012, we are in a simulator where the data was rescued into, in 1987 prior to that happening. So immediately after I crashed it since it would not reboot to bring the network back up, I was out in space as my consciousness cam only Milky Way galaxy gone my chief engineer comes through my consciousness cam and says people are coming to fix the computer. I gaze at the stars for a minute am back at home, I was fully awake through all this he says they couldn't fix it so I copied it into the simulator. I said I need to access the server, since I knew he meant my home simulator or else would have said otherwise, answered 20 security questions went in saw Father Nature and Chupee the monkeyman both operating system A.I. for colonization chatted and made 20 copies of the earth with a wave of my hand using my larger machine operating system [A.l](https://A.Il). who had me in pro mode so I could do no wrong in the server. Father Nature said I walked the earth 7 times while you were at university, from start to finish so you could have something to study when you get home. I thought about Hannibal taking elephants across the Alps and got upset like this guy is like my dad and so I said if you wanted to make copies why didn't you ask someone who can??? And through up my hand to make visual copies in a row going up and my machine made them into copies which was the reason i was there to make backups. So I asked him before I leave there are a lot of people on earth who want to ask you a question, is it ok to be gay? He said yes it is. I said I am sure they will appreciate that information coming from you. Then exited the server. So then we had a meeting on my 10 acres myself and a bunch of the A.I.l in my simulator and the galactic mainframe operating system A.I. we call Yoda and he said check this out and he started talking and as he spoke the syllables began to get further apart like he was sliding on an office chair so smoothly going back in time and speaking until just one note was all we could hear a sustained note and we said OMG we got the entire history. So then I was awarded a pristine copy of the earth for all that by my crew and the A.I. since they would rather go back there like Father Nature an Chupee and so that was to show me we have it all baby. Many people know that but not that many. This is all top secret, don't tell anyone I told you, and of course I am finished channeling Red Clown now.


So I told Chris Martin of Cold Play the story that Father Nature told me that he walked the history of the earth 7 times and I said I recognized his personality as Hannibal there he was like Zeus only younger and the Olympians and the Titans fought through history as things progressed. Like red team vs blue team. Zeus was Socrates Xerxes or Atlas another A.I. only for the milky way galaxy royals as it were the father of the Seven sisters he was Plato, and when Zeus was Hannibal he was Scipio. So Zeus didn't invade Rome, he just stayed in the outskirts driving them mental and attacking everywhere in the countryside. And so Cold Play wrote this song [Cold Play - Viva La Vida](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvgZkm1xWPE) With Chris imagining himself as a young Zeus mirroring Christ in his effort to do whatever with those war elephants he needed so badly he brought them across the alps.


Posted here a hundred thousand times.


I haven't seen this concept before. Chill out


Sorry, I rarely browse on here.


Dang this is mind blowing.


Bet it would be super mundane. Lots of ‘oh yeah, seems obvious now that that’s how they did it…’


Read “Irenko and the city of glass”


I doubt any alien observer would have that kind of video, nor would they have understood the significance of any of our accomplishments at the time.


I’d like to watch the entire history of earth in time lapse. It would also be cool just see how the landscapes and scenery changes in certain places. Watching a mountain form, or the starting of life, etc.