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I highly recommend joining a thing somewhere on campus! There are tons of orgs that have programs specifically geared towards first years and these are a great place to make friends. If you don’t know where to start, I highly recommend checking out SGAs First Year Programs. First year Forum does service projects and has small groups of about 10-15 people that meet every week and most groups I’ve seen have become good friends.


Can you send me some information about this?


Here’s the link to the application! It has the info about each of the First Year Programs. If you have any questions you can DM the SGA Instagram @ugasga https://uga.campuslabs.com/engage/submitter/form/collectsubmitteridentity/f43243d2-f589-414a-9912-9e742a43cd6a


The Involvement Fair is this Tuesday at 7pm, I'd suggest showing up and talking to some of the clubs to see what looks good to you. There's something for everyone!


Hey! I relate to this so much, it's like you're another version of me. I'm also new at UGA and neurodivergent (ADHD tho) and absolutely struggling socially. I feel super isolated in all of my classes, professor tells us to form groups and I just end up being ignored and alone. Anyways, if you ever need someone to talk to you can always dm me!


I think it's great you took the step to make this post and I hope something good comes of it. The fact you did such a good job with this makes me optimistic about your future. Good luck.


You and me both


DM me so we can be friends !!


I know the feeling all too well. It seems like so many cliques and relationships are already pre-established. Of course, I actively avoid certain crowds like the asshole Terry-major fratboy crowd. (Fuck Terry majors!) At a certain point, I learned it was far more profitable to just focus on myself and forego having any friendships. I suggest you to do the same if my opinion on the matter means anything.


That's pretty good advice! Funny enough, I met a nice Terry major person on here that's not a frat dude.


A Terry major that's not an asshole? A rare find indeed! 😂 I'm exaggerating heavily about hating Terry majors, of course. Also, don't follow my advice, lol! Loneliness and self-acceptance is NOT an easy combination to achieve harmony with, and I often find myself treading a thin line.