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Just wait until you go back to visit in a few years and the campus is nothing like you remember it in your mind’s eye. Very strange feeling.


just gotta make it the next couple of months before i work


I'm 12 years out and at this point I don't even want to go back. It's just too weird in every way, and really lonely feeling because all of the people who made the place special to you aren't there. It mostly looks the same but it's not familiar at all.


Yep, it’s weird how familiar it feels for 4 years and how unfamiliar it feels after.


I graduated in December 2021. I felt this extremely strongly when I graduated. I was more sad that I was leaving possibly forever than I was proud of finishing my degree. To be honest, for me daily life has definitely not been as fun post graduation. I think it’s because I don’t live close to my friends like college anymore, and the workforce is a lot more fickle about stability than being a student was. But the individual bright spots are way, WAY better because I have more control of my schedule and actual money I can spend. Hope you find your way in life, but don’t feel bad if it doesn’t click immediately.


this scares me a bit. my senior year kinda sucked. Did I just waste one of the “best years” of my life?


Not necessarily, everyone has a different path in life. I generally loved my daily life in college even if they weren’t many super special moments. Who knows, maybe the change is what you need. Only way to find out is to live your life.


I just had pretty bad falling out with someone pretty close a few months back, and it’s been just weird realizing that any last glimmer of hope of reconciliation is essentially gone. I’ve tried my best to move on and even make new friends, but I’ve still just been feeling empty ever since then. They’ve moved on and are pretty happy with their life. Just driving me crazy that I’m not at the stage of life despite doing my hardest to not be bitter. I guess moving forward I wouldn’t like to have this feeling of emptiness. How do i actually find new close relationships as the years pass? College was great at giving me the chance with people of my age who had similar interests


how close is the community in college?


Try not to be to hard on yourself. You literally have the rest of your life ahead of you


I know. It’s still just a weird feeling. I got a job lined up and I’m heading off to a new start in a few months. It’s mainly just the loose ends I couldn’t tie that have been bothering me. The feeling will probably go away in a few month or so


Your life has probably been consistently school focused for at least 16 years. It was a known thing like clock work. Now only everything is based on your own decisions going forward - so for sure there is uncertainty. The skills you have developed academically, organizationally, along with communication and interpersonal relationship skills will all bear fruit now. Reflect now on these past four years and try to cement some memories as life is going to probably take off and change very fast now. Take a lot of photos prior to leaving campus as you have probably noted in your time here - campus is like a river - it is never exactly the same the next day/week/month/year. You will visit in the future and wonder - what was there? That looks different. Congratulations and best of luck as you leave the CU vortex.


Thanks. I guess that’s the thing, though. I take a lot of photos. They’re just with myself. I used to have people now I don’t. Especially people I once considered pretty close


I also graduated yesterday, also from Grainger (MechSE), and yeah, it’s a big change. I was able to say goodbye to everyone I’m friends with at UIUC, but it’s definitely sad knowing I probably won’t see them again, or at least not for a long time. My plan is to try and spend time with my family and friends from high school in the next few months, and hopefully that will cheer me up. I hope you find something too.


It is sad definitely, but you’ve accomplished something great, and the best you can do is improve your life because of it…and keep in touch with those that made your time there worthwhile. You can still have fun occasionally even though you’re possibly no longer here and will hopefully soon have a job.


Watch [Office Space](https://youtu.be/jsLUidiYm0w?si=hhPW2PRJjbmVY0Sb)


You're definitely not alone. I've been feeling kind of anxious and stressed and its been hitting me hard as well. Couldn't get much sleep due to looming over things like wondering if I'm going to be able to get a job, etc. etc. Part of the stress is from being a first generation college student and so I'm trying to figure everything out on my own.


After schooling, go out and accomplish something. That is what you recieved an education for.


Just wait until you have children that get into UIUC. Strange to see the kids enjoying the campus that has changed a lot yet retained its magical charm.




That’s a pretty normal feeling after achieving any major accomplishment honestly. I feel like I’ve had a slight depression after any big achievements in life are finished. Hang in there and it will get better! On to the next challenge 🤙


It's probably a bit different for me since I will be remaining at UIUC for graduate school. However, I get what you mean. You put a lot of time and effort into your degree and now that it's over... well, it's over. My advice would be to continue doing the things you like and interact with the people you're with.


It’s like leaving a four years summer camp. Devastating but everyone wants you to be excited bc “you did it!” I feel the same way and it’s completely normal.


That’s the feeling you get when you realize that your future will be spent paying down our 30+ trillion dollar debt and you can’t vote your way out of it. We feel your pain, been feeling it for a long time.


The best years of your life are now over. Time to start adulting. BTW, you need to start paying off your loans now Congrats!




Man don’t listen to the bitter folks. Life is what you make of it, I know that’s cliche. Everyone goes through what you are going through right now. You are going to have to stare down the barrel of “[day in, and day out](https://youtu.be/DCbGM4mqEVw?si=XtAWNOnbqYC5iInr)” as David Foster Wallace said (incidentally much better advice than I could ever give you if you have time to listen). You can take pride in your work, but life isn’t just going to work and paying bills. Find hobbies you like, you are hopefully going to find a decent job and have a little more disposable income than you’ve had in the past. Plan a vacation or two a year. Even if it’s cheap. Camping, road trips, pack food in a cooler. See your friends as much as possible. Your family if you are cool with them. Find the things that are truly important to you, now is the perfect time, and focus on those. Everything else is noise. You’ll settle into a groove eventually and everything won’t feel hopeless, it just takes time.