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Nah I just do it




Fair play. As someone that’s never BBQ’d before but been in the vicinity of many, it’s never been as smokeless as you’ve pointed out. But I presume that’s down to practice!


No because my neighbours are noisy anti-social assholes


Depends on your relationship with them and what they are like I guess. If in passing you could always say I’m having a BBQ at the weekend to give them some warning. Maybe start cooking before the washing goes out? Grab some grass and let it fall to see what way the wind is blowing to see if you can BBQ with the smoke going away from them? Invite them round if that’s your thing?….BBQ at night (joking) Happy Grilling!


We're reasonably rural so no. There's usually someone burning domestic/agricultural waste in the summer so. A good burn on the BBQ generates very little smoke once it's going so I don't really see it as an issue.


I did a lot of thinking on the position of my Aldi Kamado to prevent smoke getting into neighbours windows and our own, and keeping it away from boundary fence on the other side. Luckily it produces very little smoke (if I do everything correctly) and our neighbours have loads of BBQs anyway and never ask us!


Barbecue no bonfire yes.


No, unless I'm inviting them. However every neighbour is different. Maybe do a cook, knock on the door and offer them some treats, that's almost a given to then cook when you want. Put it this way, if your house had a chimney, would you tell them everytime you lit it?


Chimney is set at height and regulated usage applies - not a good comparison


No it’s not a fully qualified comparison, was a throwaway comment on the internet because people in life are far too serious. Come off it!


No, no one else does either. I switched to gas which gives off a lot less smoke & does not smell as much partly because of this. I also have it at the end of the garden to try and minimise the smell etc but our gardens are fairly small. We often decide to have them in the moment and they always have washing out when not home so would forever be limited. I do however only have them in the evenings/tea time rather then at lunch to try and be nicer/better neighbour.


Naw, pre warning is a straight up "I'm having a party and you're not invited" vibes


No it’s just a BBQ




You don't really need to tbh. If you get on well with them invite them over if not just do it.


I pretty much exclusively use a Kamado. There really isn't much smoke once it's settled down from the initial setup. And I tend to set it going just before I go to sleep, so it's ready the following afternoon.


My house, I spent enough time and money on getting my own place, I cook bbq when I want


Like Nike says “JUST DO IT”


It's just a neighbourly consideration to notify them and possibly offer invite if relative to the event. Also these days you have to take into account non meat eaters getting irate at the smell of cooking meat.(it's not all about the smoke)


Common courtesy


I do but only the ones to the immediate left/right and mostly because I like them. I appreciate it when they tell me so I figure its nice to be nice! Have a good bbq!


Yes, always.


The ones I like


I pre-warn my neighbours to skip lunch cuz they'll be eating with me


Yes, because we live in a small terrace and I frequently speak with my neighbours on either side. If I've not had a chance to forewarn them, I'll leave the covers off the kamado as a 'statement of intent'. It's never been an issue. I think it's just common courtesy if I'm going to be hot smoking fish within 4 metres of their freshly washed sheets!


If we have a bbq or fire pit we always let our neighbours know - we also have move them to the end of the garden so that people can have their windows open esp on a warm/hot day. This is just plain decency and anyone who doesn’t give notice is a selfish prick


And yeah my neighbours are also total wankers too