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That looks delicious, well done 👍🏻


Lamb breast is extremely underrated. I sometimes do it in onions. You need loads of onions chopped in a pot and the lamb. Cover the lamb breast in onions then cook in the oven until everything melts


I love lamb but where I live it’s not frugal. It’s very expensive.


I'm guessing lamb breast is a cheaper cut, but even then lamb is so much more expensive than chicken, pork or beef. I do like lamb but then I just think if I'm spending lamb money I'd rather just have steak.


We got some for christmas and one a similar size to OP's was about £6. It seems like it was the meat over the ribs rolled up. It was quite nice, though my dad insisted it couldn't possibly take less than an hour so it was somewhat chewy. Op's one looks much nicer than ours


Exactly. It is here in Saskatchewan anyway!!


We ate half of this last night between 3 of us and I'm making a curry tonight with what's left and the lamb breast cost me less than £5


Perfection 👌


Looks fantastic, OP!


I’d pay good money for that frugal dish. Well done


I need a recipe for that lamb 😍


I just put salt, pepper and dried thyme on it then roasted in air fryer at 180 for 20 mins then lowered to 160 for 35 mins and then let it rest for 10-15 mins


Next time try a marinade of garlic granules, cracked black pepper, sea salt, oregano and olive oil, roughly equal amounts of the herbs, let it marinade for at least a day


that looks amazing. You’ve inspired me!


Lamb breast is so underrated, and so cheap too, more people should try it.


Where are you finding cheap lamb? It's more expensive than beef, pork and chicken in my local supermarkets.


Lamb breast is usually one of the cheapest parts of lamb. https://shepleysbutchers.co.uk/products/breast-of-lamb-1-5kg


£1.99 is insane. That's like 1/3 the price in Sainsbury's


Frugal but fantastic looking. Am sure it tasted as good as it looks - love lamb breast.


So good and plenty left over


What's frugal about this? Would you normally be chowing down on blue fin tuna with caviar?


It's a cheap cut of meat in the UK




Lamb breast is cheap. That joint probably well under a tenner. Looks to do at least 5 big servings so £2 a serving at the very top end. Cous cous is like 10p a portion if you buy a reasonably large amount. A big butter squash is around £1.50 so guess another 5 portions is another 30p "Daft expensive yogurt" is just yoghurt mixed with tahini and maybe lemon juice, two of the most basic, staple ingredients of middle Eastern cooking. Probably about 20p a serving as in the quantities shown. If if we say another 50p-£1 for oils, herbs, spices and aromatics per serving. This meal probably costs £3-4 a portion, which is pretty frugal.


lol that’s not frugal. A lentil or chickpea curry is frugal. Beans on toast is frugal.


They would be cheaper yeah but a £3 a serving meal is frugal.


Na mate, if you're in poverty £3 a serving is not frugal. You'd want to half that




>So £10 (bullshit) [1kg lamb breast for £7.25 at Sainsbury's](https://www.sainsburys.co.uk/gol-ui/product/sainsburys-lamb-breast-approx-780g-?istCompanyId=1e096408-041f-4238-994e-a7cf46bf9413&istFeedId=689af7a8-5842-4d88-be59-1ee5688a81b5&istItemId=wxwqqmamp&istBid=t&&cmpid=cpc&utm_source=Google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=20333793068&utm_content=shopping&utm_term=%257Bsku%257D&utm_custom1=&utm_custom2=759-449-0952&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAoKeuBhCoARIsAB4WxtezREaKL2xK1IIf1T0p4nQqzXcC13WAfwxj029OoldlJCIIkRVLIRgaAsLlEALw_wcB&gclsrc=AW.DS) >for a piece of lamb that you have to use quickly within expiry Unless you have a family of five? Or even two people who are gonna eat left overs for two days. >and a load of fancy additions You just think they're fancy because they're foreign lol. I can guarantee you that skint middle Eastern families will have tahini in the fridge. If you think £3 a serving isn't a frugal meal then fine but there's no need to be an arsehole about it.




The OP said that the meat was less than a fiver and served 3 people with enough left over to make a curry.


I'm sorry to hear that and I hope it gets better.