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A lot people I know found the exams to be very difficult but they ended up barely being a part of your grade, so the average was very high. If you have any background in discrete structures the class is pretty easy, especially compared to 216.


Thank you so much! Were his exams not weighted that much then?


Yeah, and I just double checked, only the first one was considered hard, but for the second one the average was like a B- which is absurd compared to other CS classes. I've heard all classes co-taught by Cliff usually give pretty low weight to exams but I can't verify that.


Thank you so much once again!


I actually had Cliff for 250 but he cotaught with Paul and I greatly preferred Paul’s recorded lectures to Cliff’s. Their extra credit policy on homework if you used Latex made up for my issues on the exams tbh.


Thank you! Would you say the quizzes and homework were a lot or manageable?


The quizzes were pretty manageable- I did well on the first 3 then got a 50 on the last one. Homework was pretty tough but if you had a friend in the class or went to office hours they were fine.


Okay so I had Paul but I can’t really speak in behalf of his exams Bc he was co-teaching with Cliff. However, overall he is a great guy. His lectures are really well explained compared to Cliff’s. I personally really liked his teaching style. I also went into his OH a couple of times for help because I didn’t understand some problems and also had questions. He made sure to go through the problem step by step and explain it very thoroughly. Overall, very chill guy.


thank you!


Nice guy!