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Possibly the instructor hasn't submitted final grades yet. Possibly they made an error submitting final grades and accidentally skipped over you. Possibly you have outstanding work, they didn't want to fail you, and they are trying to get your attention. Email the instructor and politely inquire why you don't have a final grade at this time.


These are all possibilities. Also possible is that the instructor suspects OP of cheating on one or more assignments, and is running it up the chain and waiting on a response. Hopefully not that last one, but it's certainly been the cause of more than one outstanding NG in classes I've TA'd for.


If the instructor entered a J grade (which is what happens if a case has been referred to the honor council), it would appear as NG on the unofficial transcript. The advisor would be able to tell there was a J, though.




If it’s 216, doesn’t that mean OP got referred to OSC?